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Loup Garou

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The wild, untamed essence of lycanthropy. Primeval in its raw power and insatiable hunger: juniper, cypress and galangal with the barest touch of eucalyptus.


Nice! Exactly what I was expecting - very fresh, green, and I really like the supporting equalyptus in there - it's usually something I avoid in everything but it really makes it work. I'd call this a bit more of a masculine scent, woodsy and a werewolf's fur might just smell like this...

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This is so nice. I love eucalyptus, and it takes the edge off of the juniper which can sometimes be too over powering for me. It softens on dry down but still remains strongly medicinal and woodsy (in a good way). I'll keep the imp, it'll be great as a tiger balm alternative or to cozy up with when I feel crappy.

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Smells like Vick's to me. Soothing. I can only see wanting to wear it if I was sick though, not as a perfume. Glad to have tried it!

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I liked the pine and juniper smell I got out of the imp. Once I put it on my skin, the eucalyptus got steadily stronger. It's not bad at all, though it does smell rather a lot like a cough drop. Not my favorite, but worth keeping.

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Starts with a a powerful punch of eucalyptus and quickly softens to something vaguely sweet and green. I figured out I didn't like wood notes many years ago and somehow I forgot? Or maybe I thought my chemistry would change. But nope, wood notes are still a solid pass for me!

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Very reminiscent of Golden Priapus and Theoi Nomioi -- very nice "wow, forest" blend. The eucalyptus is super California and the ginger is less a note and more a foundation for the others. It adds to the scent, but doesn't stand out.

Where I'd wear this: Camping, full moon

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Starts out with nothing but juniper, but in a few minutes it's got a nice ginger and woods backing it. Very green and natural smelling, I really like it at this stage!

Towards the end... soap. Not unpleasant soap, it actually smells a lot like a bar of sandalwood soap i've got stashed in my bathroom cupboard. Still, this is disappointing after all the wonderful green, and not what I was hoping for/want to wear as a perfume. Also not what I'd expect a werewolf to smell like (perhaps a werewolf after a very soapy bath LOL).

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It's like a walk through the woods. It's a smidge chilly from the eucalyptus, but I get a lot of juniper and cypress, too. I can see where it could smell medicinal for some, but I think it stays on the side of woodsiness rather than the side of Vicks. I do wish it were a little stronger on me, but it's a minor issue.

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In the imp: Nice and forest-y! I am not sure what galangal smells like, but I can detect the juniper, cypress, and eucalyptus.


Wet: A cold forest featuring evergreens, juniper, and cool eucalyptus. It's refreshing. Although it's not listed, I swear there is pine in this.


Dry: The juniper note reigns, followed by the cypress. I think this shares the same juniper note as Golden Priapus. The eucalyptus is still present, but it's a lot lighter than before.


Verdict: This is a nice, refreshing forest scent. I think I'd prefer it as a room scent than on me, but I like it, nonetheless! I don't think I need a bottle, but I'll hang onto my imp.

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In the bottle: very wet forest scent- pines and other vegetation.

On my skin wet: evens out into a more manageable pine scent. It reminds me a little of wet pines, the way they smell in the winter/right before winter. I use peppermint body wash, and peppermint and tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner: this blends really nicely with that. As in, I barely notice it on me at all. It’s a very nice, subtle, close to the skin scent that works in harmony with my soaps to create an overall nice scent (instead of stealing the show.)


Drydown: Sadly, by the end of the day, this has almost completely vanished on me.

After a few attempts to make this one work, I finally gave up. Whatever evergreen scent is in it starting hitting too strong, and mildly triggered my allergies. :( I ended up passing it on to my roommate; it stayed slightly longer on him, but it hits more 'dollar store car air freshener in the woods' on him. So now it's it my re-gift for Christmas pile.

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It's certainly a nice woodsy scent, piney (or pine-adjacent, I suppose) but not in an overwhelming way. I've tried to wear this a few times and have been a little underwhelmed, but there's nothing to this that I dislike, per se.


The problem I'm having is that this is so faint on me--even smelling it in the imp feels a little like I'm doing so from a distance. Wearing it reminds me of being in the gift shop of a national park: you're in the woods, kind of, but a step removed. (And it does come across just a touch musty to me.)


I do read this scent as being pretty dry and warm, so it's nice and comforting, but I think there are other wood scents that accomplish that a little better. Perhaps my skin just swallows whatever notes are supposed to be the most prominent and leaves the rest of the scent without a firm foundation. Or I'm just not used to subtle notes!

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In the imp: Very eucalyptus -- seriously, my sinus allergies are loving this sniff! -- backed by juniper.


On my skin:


Wet, it's eucalyptus first, juniper next, and finally cypress as a backing note. As it dries, the cypress becomes more prominent though the juniper remains detectable. This cypress-heaviness is where the scent remains on me. It's very evergreeny, with the juniper and eucalyptus serving to lighten and brighten it a bit.


I'm not a fan of pine-type scents (received this as a Lab frimp), so I'll leave this as it is. 

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Loup Garou starts out as all evergreen  forest.  I usually avoid eucalyptus, but it is definitely playing backup here, though there is a sinus-clearing property when wet.  Lots of juniper and cypress, so much that I can't make out the galangal.  This would be a terrific atmo.  On my skin it softens in drydown as evergreens always do, and then it disappears.  Only a couple hours of wear length before my skin ate it up; I was death matching with Burial which lasted much longer.  

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Sampling out of a (very aged) imp:


On the wand and wet on the skin, this is a piney, sharp, evergreen-needles scent with a dirt patchouli undertone.


As it dries down on skin, it warms and grows a more expansively fragrant.


I'd like to someday sample a fresher imp and see how it compares; it's nice.

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This reminds me of walking through an evergreen forest in the warmth of the afternoon after a morning's rain. There is fresh bright cypress and juniper, and in the understory there's some wild ginger (that's got to be the galangal), the eucalyptus is bringing that fresh steam in the forest note I suspect, but it doesn't smell like eucalyptus specifically. It's fresh and forest on my skin, and I very much enjoy it!

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Overwhelmingly juniper and cypress at first, drying down to mostly galangal supported by the remnants of the juniper and a hint of eucalyptus. I tend to shy away from evergreen scents because of how strong they are, but the way this calmed down and turned mostly to galangal has me intrigued. This is more cabin-in-the-woods than actual trees.

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