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BPAL Madness!


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About Cali

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    Da ba dai
  • Birthday 09/28/1993


  • BPAL of the Day
    Pink moOOoOon

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  1. Cali


    Agree with the raw almond reviews on here. There's a sliiightly "hard-candy" element in this, but far in the background, but it's mostly pretty earthy and woodsy almond.
  2. Cali


    Sooo fresh and clean! Aquatic minty breath, fresh laundry in the background, lol? Citrus, possibly a white floral, and i'm also getting that embalming-fluid thingy. Also got a floor/al-purpose-cleaner element to it. Hm.
  3. Cali

    The Raptures and Roses of Vice

    'Was there coconut in there?' was my first thought after sniffing on application and not having looked at the notes for a while. Yes, ofcourse there is. and that's the thing that comes to the foreground for me. Pulpy coconut, with vague floral notes, a nice slightly animalistic musk and the tar that gives it a bit of grit/earthyness in the far background. Wasn't expecting the coconut to be so overpowering on me unfortunately.
  4. Cali

    A Twilight Where Virtues are Vice

    WHOAH hello jasmine! I think jasmine amped on me before and this on application SCREAMS all that. It's fresh though, and has that same sultry feel the other our lady of pain 'fumes has. The opium smoke is sexy af and the honeysuckle adds a much-needed, soft floral sweetness to the mix.
  5. Cali

    Fig Vulva

    A more fiery blend, with a deliciously sweet fig, almond cream and guava - where the sandalwood and patchouli smell like they're having a battle of who's the strongest. Dunno what my skin is doing here, but while it's not a particularly strong ampy one on me, these just shove the rest of the lovely notes aside and leave me wanting for more. Meh.
  6. Cali

    Just Before Penetration

    Mmm. Juicy guava backed by possibly the creamiest, softest cloud of vanilla i've smelled yet. The pink fig is i'm guessing the more tart scent in here - it's not like the other fig scents, but reminds me more of a grapefruit (just not as zesty). Super happy, summery, sweet goodness!
  7. Cali

    Chestnut Vulva

    Woww, chestnut chocolate vanilla filling!! Super realistic foody delight. Getting small flecks of caramel in the background. Dries down to something less strong and sweet (perhaps maybe for the best), and has a nice eathy grit from the cardamom and chestnuts. Really nice!!
  8. Cali

    Eat the Strawberries

    Strooonng gushy strawberries, touched by sappy greens. Super realistic in the imp, it does dry down to something much more greener and sharp on my skin unfortunately.
  9. Cali

    Tiefling Therapist

    This is suuuch a cute concept so happy to finally give it a try! Just coming off of my brimstone review, that's in there alright - but far in the background, while the red sandalwood is the strongest on me, mixing well with the champaca and frankincense. It's surprisingly not super in your face, but quite calm. There's almost a soapy quality to it in a strange way.
  10. Cali


    Whoof! The roof is on fire! This is directly triggering a migraine lol, but i don't hate this - looots of smoke, as if you're standing next to a building burning that's got thick walls of concrete; there's a sort of ozone-y quality to it (sky city before without the clean/floral qualities to it?), with throat-tingling grit of gray and black smoke.
  11. Cali


    i'm getting some kind of spices(?) at first. Kind of like a slap of clove, amps up the golden honey, then followed by whafts of that fig, patchouli and ylang ylang in waves. This doesn't really come together and stays kinda jumbled on my skin, as if the notes just don't want to connect on my skin. The honey with clove ends up taking this over which is unfortunately not my favourite, but it's very quiet and somehow not an edible-kinda honey?
  12. Cali


    It's like a well of fresh eucalyptus, flecks of white sparkly aldehyde and wayyy in the bottom, there drifts the labdanum and olibanum.
  13. Yup, that's sexy alright. A softer, more "grown up"-marshmallow and strong white rose and something skin-musky indeed, dare i say something... fluid-related in there. Hee.
  14. Cali

    Vintage Ghost Blow Mold

    Ooooo this is sooo interesting and i'm so happy to have tried this!! Once again Beth hit it on the head with a strangely nostalgic type scent, where you can just smell the plastic warmed by the glowing amber lights. The candy corn is there, almost as if mixed with milk or a creamy substance... A cozy 'lil october night lit by adorable spirits. The amber doesn't fully agree with me unfortunately as it sometimes does, but this is just SO intriguing and i can't stop sniffing my wrist everytime i have this on!
  15. Cali

    Pink Moon 2024

    The pinkiest scent i've tried so far that actually also works on me, woohoo! Notes are exactly as it reads on the tin - fluffy pink cream (thats'sliiightly tangy) and a hard candy strawberry to round it off. Simple, but delightful. Not too sweet, and has a pretty good throw and staying time. Really really like this!!