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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Testing Notes: Boo 2010 (Halloweenie)

Eerie billows of spun sugar, fluttering white cotton, and sheets of cream.

This is decanted sample from a swap.

Wet: There's something instantly that I dislike about this, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I feel like I should like it - it's simple, creamy, slightly sweet. All the things I look for in this type of scent. But there's something strange and off-putting about this when it's first applied. I would be curious to try another version of Boo and see if it perhaps that the sample hasn't aged well.

Dry: I like it much better dry than wet, that funky note seems to have now disappeared. It's a soft milky scent with a hint of vanilla, but I don't really get the cotton/linen notes at all. While it's not earth-shatteringly unique, I enjoy how calm and comforting Boo is. It's the kind of scent I reach for when I'm having a day at home and I want something easy and pleasant. I find myself reaching for these types of scents often.

Overall: I'm keen to try another version of Boo and see if that weird opening note is present.




BPAL FB Collection - June 2016

Now that I have all my precious little bottles back, I'm going to log them here for safe-keeping. I'll update as I acquire more goodies. Angeronalia 2007 (Yule) - 1/2 full Black Lily (Rappaccini's Garden) - 1/2 full Black Rose (Rappaccini's Garden) - full Blossoms in the Springtime (Lupercalia) - full-ish Follow Me Boy (Bewitching Brews/Conjure Bag) - full Grindhouse (Carnivale Diabolique) - full Honey Mone (Limited Edition) - 1/2 full Hope and Fear set Free (Limited Edition) - full-ish La Befana 2007 (Yule) full-ish Love in Idleness (Rappaccini's Garden) - full Picture Books and Pleasure Toys (Lupercalia) full Rose Red 2007 (Yule) - full-ish Zarita The Doll Girl 2006 (Carnivale Diabolique) - full-ish

Bottles that have been used up: Snooty Rose (Alice in Wonderland)




Testing Notes: AEVAL

A raven-haired Fairy Queen of Ireland. A judicious yet powerfully sensual blend, a mingling of justice and sexuality: sage, sweet pea, bold pale musk and warm tonka.
I'm testing an imp of this, but I'm not sure where it came from. Might have been an extra in a swap. The notes really intrigued me, especially the sage and tonka combination.

Wet: Initially there's something a little 'fabric softener' about this, which I think might be the sweet pea note. It kind of screams 'fresh' at you. There's a hint of green behind the sweet flowers and musk, but it gets lost and I wouldn't have picked it to be sage without reading the description first. Definitely not my kind of floral on first impression.

Dry: I like it much better dry than wet, although still not enough that I would hunt a bottle down. In the dry down, the musk comes out. It's slightly powdery, slightly creamy. There's a soft nuttiness from the tonka and florals feel much more balanced and less soapy than in the opening. It's pretty, but it's not a scent that really sings to me.

Overall: I would play around with this imp again, but at this stage I won't be trying to track down a bottle or any further imps.




Long time no sniff & Black Rose

It's been a while since I've spent any time enjoying perfume. Over two years, in fact. Partially this is due to a huge life change - new career, new home in a new country. new life, essentially.

All good things.

But it has left little opportunity to do more than spritz on my old faithfuls before I fly out the door. Also, most of perfume has been sitting at my parent's house back in Australia. So when I finally got the chance to bring my box of perfumes to Canada with me, I felt all the old excitement coming back. It's a creative passion for me, and I'm not the type of have a signature scent. Why limit yourself when there are so many wonderful scents to explore?

My collection is an eclectic mix of higher-end and mainstream EDP/Ts, some treasured indies and a small-ish (but hopefully growing) stash of BPAL perfume oils. It's floral heavy, but with a few orientals, classics and warm amber/vanilla scents thrown in for good measure. Something for every mood and whim. I have a bag of imps that's like a lucky dip, since it's been so long since I looked up any of the descriptions or reviews.

I'm hopping a little blogging here will be a good way to keep track of what I try and of how the scents make me feel.

Since all the names of the imps are a bit lost on me, I picked a full bottle since that was sure to be a safe bet: Black Rose

Testing Notes: BPAL Black Rose (Rappaccini's Garden)

Exquisitely melancholy. The background scent to an ancient exequies. Heavy, dark and floral: a blend of roses, with a touch of amber and musk.

Black Rose smells exactly like I thought it would when I first tried it a few years back: deep, rich, musky with a hint of sweetness. It's a big, bold rose. Slightly old-fashioned (which I see as a compliment) but doesn't feel dusty or soap-like. It's juicy, ripe. Voluptuous. Like a rose that's almost past full bloom.

I don't really get the amber from the description, which is a shame. On my skin it's definitely heavier on the musk. But there's a hint of something darker, almost incense-y. It's definitely sexy in a red-lipstick and all-black outfit kind of way.

Wear notes: it's heavy, definitely not a summer scent. Dry down is more musk than rose, smells great right through.

Definitely worth my full bottle. I love this scent!

Edited to add: I saw quite a few people on the thread about this perfume mention incense, and when I wore this out of the house two separate people commented that they thought they could smell incense while standing close to me. So perhaps that's the 'darkness' I'm getting from it.




Virtual Vacation Summer 2016

Question for the audience! Makeup. Especially eyeshadow and lipstick. What's your stand on it? Color preferences? Formula/finish? (Yes, I have a specific reason for asking this.)
I'm a huge makeup fan and will use pretty much anything color and finish wise. Except black, because that's kind of expected of me, and I like to confuse people, especially when it comes to makeup.

This thursday I will go on holiday to two Asian countries. Would you like it when I'd shop (some of) your souvenirs over there? As in: do you like Asian stuff? Or would you prefer souvenirs from The Netherlands only?
Souvenirs from anywhere are neat! Asian stuff is awesome!

Ring sizes? Any kinds of metals you don't like?
I don't wear any jewelry.

What about general clothing sizes? Unisex shirts?
Unisex xxl! I have boobs *and* hips.

Shoe (sock ) size?
US women's 10/men's and UK 8.

Do you collect anything, or is there anything like a theme, animal, character etc. that you MUST HAVE when you see it?
I've kind of accidentally started a magnet collection! I dream of having a robot magnet army, but I think that I only have two so far. I have lots of other kinds of magnets, though, and I'm always on the lookout for the next one to be added to my collection. The kitschier the better!
ETA Black cats! How in the world did I forget them?

New Question: I come from Texas, where we love our spicy food! Do you like hot food? How do you feel about both salsa (like you dip tortilla chips in) and hot sauce (like Tabasco, only better)? Would you like to try a classic hot Texas treat like peach jalapeno jam? Is there any Texan or Southern food you've been interested in trying, like pecan pralines, or pecan brittle, etc?
I don't do spicy stuff. Like at all. Nacho Cheese Doritos are about as spicy as I can go. Even Taco Doritos are sometimes too much. Salsa is out of the question due to spice *and* cilantro (I'm allergic to that stuff). No hot sauce, ever. Basically, as far as spice goes, I'm an eighty-year-old man with a chronic ulcer. Anything nut-related is awesome, though (at least as long as it's not spicy)!

Being in DC and working at a semi-tourist attraction with gift shops I have relatively easy access to a wide variety of souvenir goodies, particularly related to the performing arts. Would you be interested in something like a flask with a costume design from the Washington National Opera Ring cycle? Or a mug that says "Diva" or a pretty cherry blossom print tee? (Just to name a few. ;-)
Yes! I love touristy trinkety things. Probably not something with "Diva" on it, though, because I have a coworker who will sulk and pout until I give whatever it is to her (she's too old to sulk and pout, but she does it anyway).

Would you say you were in any 'fandoms' or at least what are some of the popular books/tv shows/etc you are into?
Fandom-oriented programming is where I spend most of my leisure time, so my list is massive, but I'll try to narrow things down to just a few of the main ones: the Marvel movie/tv/Netflix universe (including Deadpool and the X-Men franchise in this even though Marvel didn't actually make them), Game of Thrones (show only), any tv show or movie based on a comic book or graphic novel (except the Snyder DC Murderverse. Yes, I know I also specified Marvel. That's because it's my biggest obsession!), Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Supernatural. Oh, and horror movies (not any particular one. I just love horror movies in general. The scarier and creepier, the better)

My locale is known for its cheese. Are you interested in receiving some cheese? If so, what kinds do you like?
Ugh, I LOVE CHEESE. Except for blue variants (Gorgonzola, Roquefort, etc.). I hate those due to migraine issues. I've been known to just cut off a chunk of cheddar or mozzarella and call that dinner. I'm trying to decide whether I like goat cheese, and I'm not a huge fan of brie, but I'm always up for trying new cheese (as long as it's not spicy or blue).

Another from me (Em) - Would you be interested in books from local authors or music from local bands and if so, any particular genres you particularly love or hate?
Those would be fun! For books, I'm a particular fan of thrillers, horror, science fiction, graphic novels, and cookbooks. I'm not big on romance or high fantasy (or whatever you would call things like Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones. I'm intrigued by the idea of urban fantasy, but I'm not sure I've actually read any, so I'm not sure). For music, yeesh, just about anything except contemporary country and opera, although I mostly listen to rock and rock variants (right now, iTunes is playing the Dead Kennedys while I load the Tragically Hip onto my phone before I take off to see Paul Simon). I'm a sucker for catchy tunes you can sing along to (summer jams are a particular weakness for me).

Dark or milk chocolate?
Yes! Oh. Wait. That's probably meant as either/or. Hmm. Dark.

My question: pickles? Here in the south everyone does their own pickles. And pickled pole beans! Bread and butter, sweet, and dill! Yes or no? Any you hate or love?
Hmm... I like dill pickles. Not sweet (I think bread and butter are sweet for me), not spicy. Garlicky stuff is awesome! And now that I think about it, I don't think I've had anything pickled aside from cucumbers.

Netherlands snacks?
Pretty much anything! I had a bag on Johnny Doodle salty fudge one time that tragically emptied far more quickly than I would have liked.




Review Format for Emphemeris


A comprehensive guide to the ERS including measurements for review: Grading Criteria, Review Categories, Review Format, etc.
It is a format that I created to provide consistency throughout my reviews from 2016 onwards.

Review Format
Reviews will follow specific review formatting and will be based on several grading criteria in using the following format and colour scheme:
Title: (Description)

| Initial Notes | Wet | Dry | Verdict | Other Recommendations |

Initial Notes : Otherwise known as "in the bottle/imp". This criterion notes initial thoughts about the scent in relation to listed notes and components; prior to contact with any skin chemistry reactions.
Wet: This criterion describes thoughts about the fragile top notes; mainly scent reactions upon active contact with skin chemistry when wet.
Dry : This criterion assesses the drydown, and comprise mostly the middle and base notes; the extent the scent has reacted to the author's skin chemistry.
Verdict : Grade class and Rank Listed in the following format: [several word summary] X (n )
Other Recommendations: Similar BPAL scents that may appeal to those who like components found in the reviewed scent will be suggested here, based on my own personal opinion.

Review Categories
To simplify the process, reviews have been limited to three categories:

| Limited Edition | Permanent Line | General Catalog |

Limited Edition (LE ) : Scents that are available for a sensitive period of time or offered as a limited run with numerically specific units.
Permanent Line (PL ) : Scents that are available under the extensive BPAL catalog alongside the GC range but are not offered in 1ml samples. They often do not have a fixed period of time they are available, but not part of the GC range
General Catalogue (GC) : Scents which appear as part of the general catalogue list.

Grading Criteria
The 2016 grading system for reviews takes advantage of the classical 1-10 scale and assigns a 'grade class' in the form of a letter.; the higher the number, the greater the overall rank and result.

| S+/S (10) A+ (9) A (8) A- (7) B+ (6) B (5) B- (4) C+ (3) C (2) C- (1) F (0) |

F-Class results are acquired by scents that do not appeal to me or react to my chemistry. It is important to note that this system is purely graded by the author's personal opinion and taken with half a grain of salt. As always, YMMV. Reviews will rarely procure S-Class results as they reflect scents that transcend beyond my control to grade them any less. They are reserved only for scents I find are elite scents that rise above the rest in my opinion.

BPAL signature icon
Collection of Impressions in image form.

Scents I have written under this review system will have an attached signature icon for rotational use on the BPAL forum. The signature icon will describe the overall theme and feel of the scent, summed up as a picture. This is an alternate form of describing and rating; instead of simply indicating a colour, suggesting the mood/emotion, or writing an anecdotal memory the scent reminds me of, all scents which I review under this system will sum up my collection of thoughts into a single BPAL signature icon to represent my general impression.




Vast Imp List of Doom

So many imps, so very many.

GC Imps - Keepers:
All Night Long
Antikythera Mechanism (travel imp)*
The Chicken-Legged Hut
Chimera (travel imp)*
The Deep Ones
Haunted (2)
Jezebel orange blossom honey & okay-ish rose on hair. Will trying it on skin produce bad!rose sorrow? ETA: No! Is also okay on skin.
Miskatonic University
No. 93 Engine (2)
Red Rider (2)
Redoul Honey*
Titus Andronicus

GC Imps - To Test
Anathema (tested - honeysuckle & vetiver take a while to play nice together)
Centzon Totochtin
Chokecherry Honey
Daphne Honey
Dragon's Milk (sweet & cloying, must re-test)
Hedylogos - alas, Hedylogos is the bad rose
Snake Oil (re-test after aging)

LE Imps - Keepers:
Mars Ultor
Two Old Men*
The Avenue*
Beanman and Beanwoman*
The Gift*
Hidden Pearls*
Priala the Human Phoenix
Saw-Scaled Viper
Boomslang (must test on wife)
Australian Copperhead
Western Diamondback
Death Adder (maybe will improve with age?)

LE Imps - Not keepers
Impressions of the Floating World
Faiza the Lady of Serpents

GC Imps - Not Keepers
Alice^ (gone)
Beer from the Marsh Woman's Brewery
Black Rider^ (aged)
Blood Rose
Bon Vivant
Brown Jenkins^
Calico Jack^
Cheshire Cat
The Coiled Serpent
A Countenance Forboding Evil
Dana O'Shee^ (gone)
Death Cap^
Deep in Earth^
Destroying Angel (aged)
Dragon's Heart^ (aged) (gone)
Dragon's Musk (aged)
Embalming Fluid (aged) (gone)
Fire for thy Stepmother's Daughters^
The Ghost
Mary Shelley (gone)
Mata Hari (2)
Neutral (2)
The Night-Raven
Queen Alice
Queen Gertrude
The Raven
Sherlock Holmes (gone)
Squirting Cucumber
Sybaris (gone)
Vial of Holy Water (aged) (gone)
Wicked (aged)

*Also have bottle




Masterlist of BPALS Owned/Tested/Still-to-Test

All bottles bought from the lab unless otherwise specified. Pink text for faves.

Bottles Owned:
O (aged 4 years)
Tombstone (aged 3 years)
- Tombstone backup (aged 6 months, BNNU)
Velvet (aged 3 years, nearly empty) empty
Black Pearl (aged 2 years, nearly empty)
- Black Pearl backup (aged 6 months, full-to-shoulder)
Drink Me
Antikythera Mechanism (aged 1.5 years, 1/4 bottle)
Light of Men's Lives
- Light of Men's Lives (back-up)
Redoul Honey
Obatala (2016, full-to-shoulder)
Mouse Circus (2016, BNNU)

Pumpkin II 2014
She Perishes That She May Live (burns skin)
El Dia de Los Reyes 2014 (1/4 bottle left)
- El Dia de Los Reyes 2015 (backup, BNNU)
Lovers and a Fan ('15 Lupers)
Mars Ultor ('15 Lupers)
Clement I's Phoenix
Bartholomaeus Angelicus's Phoenix
Dead Leaves, Vanilla, and Myrrh (triggers asthma, must get rid of) Gone!
Frosted Pumpkin Spice Cookie ('15 Weenies)
Satan Summoning His Legions ('15 Pickman's Gallery)
Thirteen (13) November 2015 (TOL)
Channukiyh 2015
Giljagaur ('15 Yules, TOL)
- Giljagaur backup (BNNU)
Stekkjarstaur ('15 Yules, TOL)
Adrastea (Moons of Jupiter Jan '16, TOL)
- Adrastea backup (full, bought from forumite)
Love's Philosophy ('16 Lupers, TOL)
- Love's Philosophy backup (BNNU)
Dark Chocolate, Black Tobacco, and Vetiver ('16 Lupers, TOL)
- Dark Chocolate, Black Tobacco, and Vetiver backup (BNNU)
Beanman and Beanwoman Climb Genital Mountains ('16 Lupers, full-to-shoulder)
- Beanman and Beanwoman Climb Genital Mountains backup (full, bought from forumite)
Volcano in Springtime ('16 Lupers, full)
Blossoming Vulva ('16 Lupers, full-to-shoulder)
Hidden Pearls ('16 Lupers, full-to-shoulder)
The Avenue ('16 Lupers, TOL)
The Initiation ('16 Lupers, full-to-shoulder, like but don't love)
The Bride ('16 Lupers, full)
The Two Old Men ('16 Lupers, full)
Bunraku Theater ('16 Lupers, full-to-shoulder)
Pumpkin V (2012 Weenie, half bottle, bought from forumite)
Wooden Bullet (OLLA line, 1/3rd full, bought from forumite)
Mommy Fortuna (Last Unicorn, age unknown, just below top of label, bought from forumite)
Fresh and Blooming as a Rose (Trading Post 2015 Yule, full) - turns into soap on skin, swap/sell
The Strange Old Woman (Trading Post 2015 Yule, full)
Bulgarian Tobacco single note (full)
Thirteen (13) May 2016 (full)
Europa (Moons of Jupiter, May '16) BNNU
Ganymede (Moons of Jupiter, June '16) Full-to-shoulder
Guatemalan Coffee Bean single note BNNU
Amicitia (Liliths '14, bought from forumite)
Callisto (Moons of Jupiter, July '16) top-of-label
Meshkenet the Vulture Maiden (Carnival Diabolique '16, 1/4 bottle, from forumite) swapped
SN: Haitian Vetiver (1/2 bottle, bought from forumite)
The Malignant Dreams of Cthulhu in Love (1/4 bottle, from forumite)
Giant Vulva (2009 Lupers, TOL, from forumite) swapped
Priala the Human Phoenix (Carnival Diabolique '16, full-to-shoulder)
SN: French Vanilla
De Vos's Unicorn (Unicorns '16, BNNU)
St. Clare (Unicorns '16 BNNU) vanishes in minutes on me, need to swap swapped
Allegory of Chastity (Unicorns '16 BNNU)
Wulric the Wolfman (Carnival Diabolique '16, full-to-shoulder)
Lilith and the Four Sons of Horus (Liliths '16, full-to-shoulder)
Honeyed Apple ('16 Weenies, full-to-shoulder)
Caramel Apple Cookie ('16 Weenies, full-to-shoulder)
Samhain ('16 Weenies, full-to-shoulder)

Disc. GCs:
Tobacco Honey (partial, age unknown, bought from forumite - chemical/cleaning fluid smell, not the honeyed tobacco of my dreams)

GC Bottles Needed:
Antikythera Mechanism backup
Mouse's Long and Sad Tale? (Delicious vanilla & sandalwood)
Bow & Crown of Conquest (snuggly vanilla-leather) bought!

CD bottles Needed:
Wulric the Wolfman bought!

Unicorns Needed:
Allegory of Chastity bought!

GC Imps Needed:
Tested, need more, contemplating bottle-
- Moar Jack
- Moar Miskatonic University
- Moar Titus Andronicus
- Moar Paris (is fresh as good as 4-year-aged? Will it last longer than 1 hour? fresh not as good as aged, still short-lived)
- Moar Smokestack (do Black Tobacco & Vetiver, Priala, and the new 13 fill the smoky resin spot enough for me, or do I need more?)
-Moar The Lotus Tree
- Moar Bow & Crown of Conquest (delicious but do I need a bottle or do Tombstone & Blood & Judgement suffice?)
- Another Old Demons of the First Class(why did I give it away to my cousin before retesting?)
Never tested, want to try -
Brown Jenkins (coconut husk) No coconut on me, only musk
Shub-Niggurath ("evil gingerbread")
Shoggoth (coconut & lime) Too much lemongrass. Gave to my mother.
Robotic Scarab & Galvanic Goggles (because there seems to be no Steamworks blend that isn't amazing except Aeliopile)
Hellfire (tobacco & leather)
Hellcat (gourmand to end all gourmands, apparently) All almond, all the time
Bordello (plum, currant, wine) cherry musk and bakewell tarts, like but don't love
Intrigue (black palm, cocoa, wood) inexplicably smells like stale sweat
Athens (honey, wine, flowers)
Eden (honey, almond, fig, coconut) cloying - damn you, almond, you do this every time
Dragon's Milk (vanilla/milk,but will the dragon's blood ruin it?) tested unsure about
Bard (cousin scent to Antikythera Mech?)
Gnome (ginger ale/rootbeer, nutmeg, machine oil?) tested - mostly ginger ale, effervescent and crisp but not for me
Halfling (pastry) oatmeal raisin cookies!
Good (sugar/honey/vanilla, but reviews mention baby powder, also worrying mentions of lemon)
Faustus (frankincense & cinnamon - GC cousin to Priala?)
Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds (will it be the good rose, or the bad rose?) (good rose)
How Doth the Little Crocodile (chocolate and mint, for wife)
Mouse's Long and Sad Tale (vanilla) Delicious vanilla & sandalwood. Bottle-worthy?
Tlazolteotl (cacao, copal, maize)
Kurukulla (rose & lotus, is it the good rose or the bad rose?)
Lawful (fruity oak, tried at NYCC but need to get imp for full-day test)
Katarina (apricot)

GC Imps - To Test:
Eat Me(cake!)
Centzon Totochtin (chocolate & wine)
Perversion (rum/tobacco/leather/champagne/tonka) - tested, leather takes over
Penitence (frankincense & myrrh) - tested, starts off funky but becomes soft/powdery sweet and comforting (but similar to Clement I's Phoenix which I already have)
Baron Samedi (bay rum)

GC Imps Tested (Liked but don't need bottle):
Bengal (glorious but burns skin)
Kill-Devil (meh when fresh, improves with age)
Red Rider (leather single note)
Jezebel (good/okay-ish rose & orange-blossom honey, glorious on hair)
Fighter (harsh, new leather)
Halfling (delicious oatmeal raisin cookies)
Chicken Legged-Hut (horse feed/hay/sweet feed)
No. 93 Engine
Hunter (Neverwhere) half dry grass and dusty-warm cat in the sun, half lovechild of The Lion and Bow & Crown of Conquest

GC Imps Tested (Okay, but not *great*):
Queen Alice
Black Rider
The Lion
Dragon's Heart
Dragon's Milk
The Deep Ones - an aquatic I can actually wear!
Azathoth - weird combo of orange & vetiver. Not sure I like it but can't stop sniffing it.
Antony - amazing when wet, vanishes within half-hour
Bordello - half sexy leather-tinged berry wine, half bakewell tart
Penitence - morphs from weird stale/funkiness through decent church incense and into cozy soft/warm powder
Perversion - leather with hints of rum and tonka, dry-down is entirely leather
Door (Neverwhere) - gentle honey-chamomile-scented LUSH bathmelt

GC Imps tested (Disliked)
Aeliopile (orange-scented dish detergant/floor cleaner)
Dana O'Shee (too cloyingly sweet even for me)
Spellbound (the bad rose)
Defututa (jasmine ruins everything)
Dragon's Bone
Calico Jack (aquatics = not for me)
skekNa the Slave Master (harsh leather)
Sudha Segara (raw, fresh-sliced ginger, no milk)
Fire for thy Stepmother's Daughters (starts out lovely fruity white musk, ends up dryer sheets)
Intrigue (smells weirdly like sweat)
Shoggoth (lemongrass too strong))
Y'ha-nthlei (soap and dryer sheets)
Great Sword of War (citrus and red musk take over everything, avoids floor-cleaner effect but still not great)

LE Imps Tested - liked:
My Baby and a Baby Goat (wonderful! Snuggly fur musk and honey!)
The Vine (smells like fresh, juicy pear when wet, turns into delicious sweet/sticky BPAl honey as it dries)
Boo (vanilla cream and clean laundry)
Mother Shub's Spiced Lait de Chevre (goes on tangy yogurt, dries to warm milk with clove syrup, gentle and soft)
A King Pursued By a Unicorn
Good Morning London (lavender & amber)
My Little Grotesque (sweet/creamy cardamom SN)
O the Joy of My Spirit (hazelnut/tonka/pine)
First Cry of the Warbler on the Plum (wisteria, plum, and honeyed green tea, lovely spring floral)
Poor Monkey (pleasant creamy fig/lotus/ylang-ylang that almost smells like there's coconut in it, but bad during shark week)

LE Imps Tested - (Okay, but not *great*):
Joyful Dalliance in the Underworld - dead ringer for pit barbecue
Faiza - surprisingly pleasant for a white floral-type scent but burns my skin
Australian Copperhead (all acia-berry, all the time)
Leda (like a less complex De Vos with strawberry instead of apricot & more white musk)
St. Clare (too faint & fades too quickly, not as sweet as I'd hoped)
Himalia (like a less-sweet Chicken-Legged Hut)
Spiced Apple Cider ('16 Weenie)
A Commentary (apricot and vetiver and red musk, like a less-barbecue-ish Joyful Dalliance)

LEs Tested - Disaster:
Delight and Consternation - horrible floor cleaner/cleaning solvent scent
The Unicorn Rushing... - Lovely in the imp, turned feces-like on my skin (first jasmine to do so)
LEs and Discontinueds I'm Curious About:
Blood and Judgement so Well Commedled (really nice and pleasant)
Apple I
In the Time of Plague (buy before it's out of stock or be strong?)
All That I Possess (buy before it's out of stock or be strong?)
Amicita (everything sounds good except the carnation) - glorious!
Tarantula Fascinator
Captain Cully
The Lilac Wood
The Last Unicorn
Mommy Fortuna (The sexiest BPAL I've ever worn. Sticky honey & salty gunpowder)
Aristocratic Couple
Haloes (as a Dark Delicacies blend, might as well be a disc./LE for me) (like the lighter, spring/summer version of Antikythera Mechanism!)
Adante con Fantasia (why did I not order a decant when I could?)
Ivory Vulva/Glowing Vulva (haha, good luck!)
Katrina van Tassel (yeah, like that's gonna happen)
Question Mark
Atlas Moth
Gypsy Moth
Grievous Swarm - wonderful gritty vetiver/myrrh, my holy grail vetiver scent
Perilous Parlor

Notes that ruin things:
Jasmine (star jasmine is apparently a different plant)
Dead Leaves note/accord
Carnation (except in Bow & Crown of Conquest)
Ozone/aquatic notes
Narcissus (the most cloying white floral of them all)
Lily of the Valley (except in Audumla)
Patchouli (very occasionally okay if the other notes drown it out/you can't smell it in the blend)
Nag Champa (bad "headshop" associations)
Hemp accord/Weed (reeeeaally bad associations)
Lemon verbena (horrible lemon cleaning solvent of doom)

Notes that are iffy:
Rose (wonderful in Adrastea and Lush's Rose Jam, okay in Jezebel, Roses, Pearls & Diamonds, and Allegory of Chastity, awful in Hedylogos, Harlot, The Rose, and some other rose blends)
Ylang-Ylang (sometimes okay, sometime too white floral-y)
Orange Blossom (same as Ylang-Ylang)
Champaca (will it be too reminiscent of Nag Champa?)
Lily (high risk of soap)
Lavender (will it remind me too much of my mother's bath products?)
Dragon's Blood (was this the note that rendered Dragon's Heart too perfume-y?)
Red Musk (or was it this one?)
White Musk (high risk of dryer sheets)
Black Musk (possibly what turned Black Rider into baby powder?)
Basically all musks except "skin musk" nope, all musks
White sandalwood (similar effect to white musk)
Most florals
"Dirt"/"Loam" etc.
All citrus notes
Oude/oud (can smell sour/fecal)

Notes of Win:
Amber (black, golden)
Goats Milk

Notes of Like:
Leather (like but amp)
Vetiver (would be under "love" if Joyful Dalliances in the Underworld hadn't smelled like pit barbecue and Death Adder hadn't been... weirdly and inexplicably unpleasant)
Cocoa (love but can vanish or be cloying)
Almond (like but can be cloying)
Cinnamon (love but amp liek woah)
Clove (love but amp)
Peach (like but skin eats it)
Pear (hard to find, often paired with icky florals)
Frankincense (like but skin eats it)
Orris/orris root + coconut
Lotus (possibly the glorious crisp, fruity note in the wet phase of Paris, possibly also what caused Paris to vanish off my skin in under an hour) - confirmed, Lotus is the wonderful crisp/juicy sweet fruit note from wet/freshly applied Paris.

Notes I Amp:
Possibly Rose
Possibly Clove
Possibly Honey?
Possibly Jasmine (or maybe I just hate it enough that any jasmine is too much jasmine)




BPAL Collection

Updated: 7/26/2016

Scent Name (Year)
# of Bottles / Imps
Preference - Highest, High, Medium, Low
Lab Description



#: 1
Preference: Medium
Lab Description: "A veil of smoked patchouli, sweet oak, and opoponax sweetened by bourbon vanilla."
Thoughts: Sweet woodiness, just slightly smoky/dry, very deep vanilla darkened by opoponax. Sits close to the skin, very sensuous, but excellent throw.

Aristocratic Couple
#: 2.5
Preference: High
Lab Description: "Bourbon vanilla, preserved apricot, and cardamom"
Thoughts: Beautiful vanilla and apricot, with just a little dry spiciness from the cardamom. Very warm and comforting scent. Not overly foody.

Boomslang - (2016)
#: 1
Preference: Medium
Lab Description: "Snake Oil with cocoa, teakwood, and rice milk."
Thoughts: Warm, creamy vanilla-heavy Snake Oil is prominent. Teakwood and just a breath of deep, dark, dry cocoa ground the scent and keep it from going too powdery or sweet. It's a very dark, warm, gentle scent.

Chaos Theory: Gourmand #8
#: 1
Preference: Medium
Lab Description: None given
Thoughts: Melted milk chocolate and cream, macadamia nut, vanilla. Very warm, gently sweet, buttery macadamia, extremely creamy. Subtle foody scent with low throw that sticks close to skin.

#: 2
Preference: High
Lab Description: "A Victorian fougere with three pale musks and dark, sugared vanilla tea."
Thoughts: Black tea, sugar, a little musk. Beautiful, dark, delicate, sweet, not at all foody. Very calming. This is my go-to "chill out" scent.

Eat Me
#: 1
Preference: Medium
Lab Description: "Three white cakes, vanilla, and red and black currants."
Thoughts: Buttery, sweet cakes and just a ribbon of juicy redness. Extremely foody.

Edith (Crimson Peak 2015)
#: 4
Preference: Highest
Lab Description: "Pearlescent vanilla musk with white sandalwood, grey amber, white patchouli, ambrette seed, and oudh."
Thoughts: This is my ideal vanilla scent. I could wear this all the time. It's a very delicate, white vanilla. Just a little touch of airiness from the ambrette seed and white sandalwood, and a little warmth from the grey amber and oudh - reminiscent of the scent of sleep-warmed skin. Ultimately, it's a white, delicate, almost fragile vanilla.

#: 1
Preference: Medium
Lab Description: "Coconut cream, sheep’s milk accord, and a drop of Ceylon cinnamon."
Thoughts: Creamy, warm, just a little sweet, and just a little touch of cinnamon to really enhance the coziness. This is what the "a hug from your mom wearing a warm sweater on a cold day"-feeling smells like.

Gingerbread Snake
#: 1
Preference: UNTESTED
Lab Description: "Gingerbread and exotic Indonesian oils sugared with vanilla."
Thoughts: UNTESTED

Gingerbread Sin
#: 1
Preference: High (during Christmas!)
Lab Description: "Gingerbread with amber, sandalwood, black patchouli and cinnamon."
Thoughts: Gingerbread, brought dark and sensual with amber, sandalwood, and patchouli. This is somehow both very sexy and very festive at the same time.

#: 3.5 (plus one almost empty bottle)
Preference: Highest
Lab Description: "Bourbon vanilla, Egyptian musk, tonka, white sugar, and cardamom."
Thoughts: Sugar, vanilla, and cardamom are the notes most obvious on me. I can smell the delicate sugar crystals infused with vanilla bean, and the cardamom keeps it a little spicy and a little dry.

Harp of Cnoc I'Choisgar
#: 2
Preference: High
Lab Description: "Gilded amber, tiare, golden sandalwood, vanilla, cardamom, and tagetes."
Thoughts: Amber heavy, spicy-sweet tagetes, dry and hot cardamom, warm and creamy vanilla, golden warm sandalwood. Beautiful scent, long lasting, excellent close to the skin.

Harvesters, The
#: 2
Preference: High
Lab Description: "Pear trees, boiled oats, and wine beside a ripe field of wheat."
Thoughts: Smells exactly like a warm, carmelized pear crumble with oatmeal streusel.

Hesiod's Phoenix
#: 1
Preference: High
Lab Description: "Golden amber, bourbon vanilla, and sweet oudh."
Thoughts: The three notes blend seamlessly and change very little, just warming up and encompassing me in a cozy cocoon of amber, dark vanilla, and oudh.

Hymn to Proserpine
#: 1
Preference: Medium
Lab Description: "The darkening amber of faith’s sunset, deepened by the dark fruits of Proserpine."
Thoughts: Deep, dark, smoldering amber that's sweet and warm. Fruits that bring to mind midnight purple and black juciness without being tart.

#: 1
Preference: Medium
Lab Description: "White peach, amber, golden musk and patchouli."
Thoughts: Juicy warm peach (not fresh peach so much as roasted/warmed peach), darkened a little by spicy woodiness, gilded with the musk and amber.

Ivory Vulva
#: 1
Preference: Medium
Lab Description: "Marshmallow root, coconut, macadamia milk, cream accord, and a drop of golden amber."
Thoughts: Buttery cream and coconut with just a little sweetness from the marshmallow and warmth from the amber. Just pushing the line of gourmand.

Mouse's Long and Sad Tale
#: 1
Preference: Medium
Lab Description: "Vanilla, two ambers, sweet pea and white sandalwood."
Thoughts: Woody, warm, sweet - amber and vanilla heavy, sweet pea for a little softness and gentleness.

Peach V (2016 Dragon*Con)
Preference: High
Lab Description: "Peach caramel with blackened vanilla, patchouli, and teakwood."
Thoughts: Overall, this is a beautifully balanced blend. It's warm and sweet, not foody, not particularly "fresh peachy" - but the peach is still a solid foundation for the scent. The vanilla makes it a darker scent, the patch is very subtle (just lending a little earthiness and spiciness), and the teakwood is woody and dry in the background, but not too strong. It reminds me a lot of a blend between Aradia and Imp.

Phantom Queen
#: 3 + 1 10ml
Preference: Highest (SIGNATURE SCENT)
Lab Description: "Black orchid, apple blossom, meadowsweet, and rue over Irish moss, hawthorn and red clover."
Thoughts: Wet, hot, warm, sweet, sensual, sexy. This DEFIES description. This is the smell of my wedding, of the beginning of my career, of meeting my best friend, of moving into my own home. This is the scent of my Irish heritage, and of Ireland, which can bring me to tears even from just listening to the music or seeing photos of the magical greens and purples and greys and blues. This is the way my soul - my life - would smell. This is MY scent.

Pleasant Embrace
#: 1.5
Preference: Medium
Lab Description: "Lemon-silvered musk and white pear."
Thoughts: Crispy, sweet, juicy pear with no greenness. Perfectly ripe. Just a little bit of crystalline lemon-musk to add some shimmer. Very gentle scent, low throw.

Pumpkin Latte
#: 2
Preference: High
Lab Description: "Espresso, pumpkin syrup, smoky vanilla bean, milk, raw sugar, and a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg."
Thoughts: Warm milk, caramelized pumpkin, dark and smoky vanilla bean, sweet dark sugar, spices - and holding it all up, DEAD RINGER for espresso oil. This fades so beautifully into a perfect representation of espresso oil. I love this.

Reapers Gonna Reap
#: 1
Preference: High
Lab Description: "Musky vanilla sandalwood."
Thoughts: Cool, dry sandalwood with light musk and white, not-sweet, not-warm vanilla. This is probably the least sweet vanilla I've ever smelled from the lab.

Serving Fish
#: 2
Preference: Highest
Lab Description: "Gilded sweet pea, pink musk, and vanilla sugar."
Thoughts: LOVE this. Sweet, not too floral, sugary, pink, girly.

Smut (2015)
#: 2
Preference: High
Lab Description: "Three swarthy, smutty musks sweetened with sugar and woozy with dark booze notes."
Thoughts: Dark sugar (think raw sugar), smooth deep musks, and sweet, sexy booze with none of the acrid or sharp alcohol notes - like if rum and vanilla and sugar was all cooked down into a syrup with the alcohol burned off.

Snake Oil (2009)
#: 2
Preference: Highest
Lab Description: "A blend of exotic Indonesian oils sugared with vanilla."
Thoughts: Spicy, warm, deep, dark vanilla!

Some Strangeness in the Proportion
#: 2
Preference: Highest
Lab Description: "Rich vanilla sandalwood elegantly distorted by oudh, labdanum, scarlet saffron, and pink pepper."
Thoughts: Deep, dark, sweet vanilla. Pink pepper and oudh give the scent a top note that is heady and intriguing. The perfect dark and sensual vanilla, in contrast to my perfect crystalline vanilla (Edith).

#: 1
Preference: High
Lab Description: "Woolly sugared marshmallow root."
Thoughts: Marshmallow and sugar - but somehow, not foody. It's very organic. Very soft and cozy and delicate.




The reason I have a ton of BNNU aged stuff...

This is BPAL. We love long, rambling stories as long as we get to sniff lovely things at the end, right? So, buckle in.   (This isn't either too long or too rambling, but be forewarned that I do tend to trend towards both of those things.)   About 8 years ago, my husband and daughter both tried to die on the same day - she swallowed a quarter which got stuck in her clavicle and that also needed to be surgically removed under full anesthesia, and his tonsillectomy scab fell off while we were in the Children's Hospital ER. Both of them were gushing blood from their noses and/or throats within mere hours of each other, and I'm a useless fainter in the presence of gore. Luckily, we were in a hospital and the surgeon who did husband's tonsillectomy was in residence. They both lived (yay!)...   ... but I started having anxiety attacks the very next month due to a combination of preexisting mental instability and worsening physical health problems, which somehow combined with the PTSD from that day to give me agoraphobia (Monty Python and the Unenthusiastic yay). I overcompensated for some time after that by attempting to use perfume, makeup, and bath and body products as a sort of "shield" to give me confidence against the outside world. It backfired spectacularly, and those products actually ended up triggering more attacks just by using them as my brain eventually made the links from "using products" to "going outside" and finally to "melting down". I gradually stopped buying anything other than what I could use up quickly, my "holy grail" products (basically the ones that didn't cause attacks), and the occasional little present with scent notes I already knew that I liked here and there; birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, tax return splurges. I stopped frequenting the websites and forums related to those products to prevent impulse buys. I stopped hanging out with people I genuinely care for because I associated them with those products.   (If you're one of my old BPAL friends, first of all, my most sincere apologies for shutting you out. I did it to everyone outside of the literally inescapable immediate family members. So, shoot me a message! I'd love to know how you're doing lately!)   That's the long and boring tale of my hoard. I'm trying to reclaim my life recently, as much as I can. Little by little, day by day, let's make some progress together!




Vanilla for remembrance

Today I'm testing a decant of Love's Philosophy. I ate an entire tube of mini M&M's in the morning around 9:30, alas. However, at lunch time I made much better choices, focussing on protein (hummus) and vegetables (celery & cukes,) to feel full & satisfied. I've enjoyed the vanilla creaminess of LP and Boo HG all day. I think it helped me to be mindful after dinner, because I caught a vanilla whiff as I was preparing to put away leftovers. I felt my stomach, and noticed that I felt satisfied. As a result, I did not pick at the leftovers and mindlessly overstuff myself.




Day at home with laundry, minestrone and a windstorm

Today is turning out to be pretty sedentary, except for some laundry. After my shower, I put on Snake Oil, Revenant Rhythm HG, and a cozy sweater and jeans. Since we're likely to lose power some time today due to high winds, we made minestrone.

I'm knitting, drinking black tea, and haven't felt a need to supplement the tea with goodies. A couple of times while watching my family eat nibbles, I've thought about making popcorn. Each time, I've had a little more water or tea, and felt my belly. Since I'm not getting hunger signals, I've waited for the impulse to pass, and each time it has.

Of course now that I've written about popcorn, my mouth is watering a little. I'll see if water makes it pass, and if not, I'll have a little bit .




The Experiment

I have decided that I'm going to use BPAL as an incentive to make healthier choices. My weight has gone up and up and up over the last several years. I do not like what's happening to my endurance, strength, agility, blood pressure, or my risk for developing diabetes!   My plan is:   1. Associate the pleasure I take in smelling great with healthy behavior. (I'm wearing a different BPAL to my Weight Watchers meetings each week, so I can tie what I'm learning to scent.)
2. Reward myself with BPAL purchases for healthy behaviors (like increased fresh fruit & vegetable intake, exercise, drinking more water, increased flexibility & strength, reduced body measurements, etc.)   I haven't yet figured out what the criteria for rewards will be, and would love wisdom from the room :-).   Ideas:
Walk 1000 steps farther each week for X weeks = a bottle?
My resting heart rate goes down?
Accomplish a physical activity without huffing and puffing?
Low blood pressure number goal?  
My hope is that by using BPAL to say "atta girl!", I'll train myself to feel rewarded without involving caloric overload.




Switch Witch 2016 Version

Last updated: 9th March

Amazon: http://www.amazon.co...t/388AMHU9X80YL
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com...ef=favs_index_1
SockDreams: http://www.sockdream...00c60af6506718d
Crocus: http://www.crocus.co...9f1e770b612b092

BPTP: https://blackphoenixtradingpost.com/my-lists/view-wishlists/?wlid=1963 - this doesnt seem to be working properly as its only showing one thing - have asked Puddin to have a look at the website, but if you need a real wishlist, just ask

I keep all my wishlists up to date, but ignore the 'shops' bit on Etsy as sometimes those are things for other people.

Do you like colouring? yes but dont really have the time right now

Crochet goodies yes or no? If yes, what kind of goodies? socks!

Do you have any allergies to animals/smoke/food etc? no

Graphic novels: we have a huge collection, only really want the ones in my wishlist or something local I couldn't get over here

Nail Polish: I only wear it on my toes (because gardening) and I only wear BPTP stuff these days. I have Moth Shadow, Dream Awake, Titan Toadstools, Oneiroi and Temple of Dreams

BPTP: yes, love the bath oils, like some atmos, can't use hair gloss. Would kill to try some Floof if it becomes available

Nail Wraps: not for me, they would die too quickly

Teas/Spices/Spice Rubs/Specialty Ingredients from a local tea & spice shop? yes to all

In Regards to loose/bagged tea: bags preferred because I'm lazy most of the time

Speaking of spices - where's your spicy/heat threshold? (scale of 1 - 10 - 1 being nothing more than black pepper, 10 being ghost pepper+) 7

Preferred book format? Physical, PDF, Kindle, etc? Kindle preferred except for graphic novels, gardening and art books - but no problem with real books

Would you be interested in any handmade critters? Stuffed animals, knit or crochet beasties, or anything remotely similar? Yes, especially if amiguri type. I'd love one (only one, I'd have to lock it away from Luna) Geeky things related to my fandoms, Studio Ghibli creatures, cats, lizards, dragons would all be good Or cat toys!

Since this is the Spring Fools' round, is there anything that goes with the theme of April Fool's Day or spring that might be fun to add to your package? Garden related stuff

Pet owners - would you like any kind of toy or supply for your pet? Cat toys without cat nip

Geek paraphernalia! Almost everyone here has SOME sort of geek-love, whether it is Harry potter, Horror movies, graphic novels, science, etc. So would you be interested in any kind of items related to your geek-ish interests? Always

Any yarn, plastic, metal, or fabric sensitivities? I have to have sterling silver earring wires

would you like pretty stationery/note cards, etc, for writing snail mail? I don't write snail mail but I'd love a pad of cute paper for putting notes in swap packages

If you could have any BPALs right now (GC, LE, HTF) what would they be? Give examples of at least a few of each category
HTF: Tea, Trick (no. 2)
LE: Snow at Midnight, Needlework, Alias, Blue Carbuncle
GC: Fairy Bites, Machu Piccu, Gomorrah

Any places you would like gift cards from? Sock Dreams, Crocus

Do you wear make-up? Any brands you like? Color preferences? I only wear eyeliner of the self sharpening kind, mostly Clinique. I like black, grey, brown & green

Junk food and candy? Trying to lose some weight, so not very much of this please! I like the tea and coffee candies and tortilla chips

Witchee, regarding your fave TV shows, would you be interested in the associated DVDs? Fan books? I pretty much have all of the DVDs and books

Do you need any items for your kitchen (linens, gadgets, cooking supplies, etc.)? I always need more spatulas, tea towels are also useful

Gardens/plants: I am dreaming of spring, dear witch: Do you like plants? Do you have any? Indoor potted plants? A balcony bed? A yard? Do you want/need anything? I have an entire allotment and always want stuff BUT I don't think you can send seeds here from the US/Canada If someone ever found geeky gardening gloves I'd love them!

If I were to make you something based on one or more interests mentioned in your Q'aire/blog, would you prefer something you could wear, something that hangs on a wall, or something that sits on a shelf (or couch or wherever)? Wearable is favourite, with wall hanging second. Killer kitten destroys things left on shelves :(

Are you in need of BPAL storage? Nope.

Do you like candles? Incense? Wax melts? I like candles but am short of room for them now

BAGS! Do you like/want/need any kind of bags? I would be happy to get tote bags that I could use for gardening stuff, especially the type made from reused feed bags that someone switchywitchy makes/has family that makes, or other ones that can stand up to dirt. Plus in answering another question lower down I found at least one messenger bag I love!

I make handmade journals/albums/smashbooks/junk journals. Would you be interested in anything like that? I love them but end up never using them

What's your favorite animal/totem? Would you be interested in a small figurine of said animal from this etsy user? cat, dragon, lizard ... I wouldn't like a figurine due to Killer Kitten, but those Toothless bags are adorable <3

Anything exciting to you in PBSW's Spring Collection? Bath streusel or sorbetto in Lemony Biscuit or April Fools

Witchee, are you interested in this kind of music (it's one of my favorites)[Tartanic - uncivilized]? I can take it or leave it

Oh dead Witchee, how do you feel about Sakura Matsuri? Do you like Green Tea and Sakura flavored desserts/treats? Decorations or jewelry with a cherry blossom theme? I like cherry blossom as decoration but can't stand the taste, and dont really like green tea either

Hey, witchee! If I were to send you a garment, what size would I send? Difficult, as I'm busy dropping a load of weight. It's really best, outside of XXL crew t-shirts, to ask me specifically

It's Hottie Friday, witches and witchees! Name a famous crush or five Tom Hiddlestone, Alan Rickman, David Mitchell, Tom Ellis, Morena Baccarin

Also - what are the last 5 songs that appeared on your random or shuffle music list

Jethro Tull -Heavy Horses
Slayer - Angel of Death
REM - Losing My Religion
The The - This Is The Day
Inequality Street - Skyclad

If you should happen to be my witchee, are there any items in my store that you would like? Nut-Made by LisaNut
I like the look of the cowls

Oh Witchee, have you seen the kimono tops that are all the rage right now? Would you like one? I will sew you one if you do, just tell me if you're a fringe or lace edge or plain edge type of person- I have your color picks from your questionnaire, unless you'd like it in something different than those? Plain edge please

I was thinking about busting out the sculpy clay - I sometimes like to make cute little fantasy miniature sculpture, like fairy doors, or miniature garden gnomes for potted plants, or I've even made a couple of tiny smaug's based on this cartoon. If you were my witchee, how would you feel about receiving some tiny fantasy art for your home? Any preference between a fairy door, or a garden gnome, a tiny fairy box, or something like smaug? All the Smaugs!

If you won a gift certificate for $100 (Or similar amount in your country) that could be used ANYWHERE what would you get? either clothes from Nomads or BPTP, or garden stuff from Crocus

Something that you look forward to each spring, or that when you see it (hear it/smell it/taste it, etc) you think "Yes! Spring is here!" or something along those lines! seeing catkins appear




[masterlist] Tested & Reviewed Scents

LATEST UPDATE: Jan 6, 2022.   Alphabetical by category, then name (hierarchy = LE - GC - BPTP). Use ctrl+ F to find a specific review. Discontinued general catalogue scents are listed under their original categories and indicated by a [*D] notation (some remain listed under the subheading 'discontinued' and will be moved to the correct group eventually). Scents preceded by a double asterisk [**] are ISO's to be migrated to my wishlist when I have the time.

Most of my reviews use a five star rating system (★ - ★★★★★), which incorporates half stars where necessary (½). A general - but not always exact - guide to my ratings is as follows:
  ★★★★★: Beloved favourite, will always keep 1 or more bottles where possible ★★★★½: Love, will always keep an imp where possible ★★★★: Like a lot, would recommend, will rotate with other regular scents ★★★½: Like, would recommend, would consider repurchase ★★★: Like, but do not find original or imaginative, probably wouldn't repurchase ★★½: Ambivalent, would not recommend or repurchase ★★: Dislike, would not recommend or repurchase ★½: Strongly dislike, would not recommend or repurchase ★: Unwearable, washed off immediately  

☆ Limited Editions ☆

A Little Lunacy: 13 (Sept 2019) Black Bear Moon (2012) Blauer Mond (2012) Cold Moon (2019) Harvest Moon (2019, 2021) Hyrrokkin (2018) Mare Crisium (2015) Milk Moon (2020) Sinus Amoris (2015) Sprouting Grass Moon (2020) Whirling Wind Moon (2012) Wood Horse (2014)   Activism: Impeachment  Waltzing Matilda   Anniversary: Bagpipe Dog Alchemy Lab (2018) Bellicose Clam Alchemy Lab (2018) Fishtail Beaver Alchemy Lab (2018) Jupiterian Phoenix (2012) Leather Phoenix (2011) Lunar Phoenix (2012) Martian Phoenix (2012) Mercurian Phoenix (2012) Saturnian Phoenix (2012) Smug Yale Alchemy Lab (2018) Solar Phoenix (2012) The Phoenix at Dawn (2011) The Phoenix at Dusk (2011) The Phoenix at Midday (2011) The Phoenix at Midnight (2011) Venusian Phoenix (2012) Yellow Metal with Mingled Purple Blushes (2014)
Art of the Unicorn: Bestiare du Moyen Age Crucifixion De Vos' Unicorn  The Virgin and the Unicorn 
Bards of Ireland: Fairy Thorn
Chaos Theory: Fougere #31 Fougere #45 Fougere #52 Woods #70 Woods #71 Woods #72
Crimson Peak: Between Your Heart and Mine Firethorn Berry Tea Lullaby The First Time I Saw a Ghost   Dum Spiro Spero: Every Day You Play with the Light of the Universe   Duets / Menage a Trois: Champa & Myrrh Darjeeling Tea, Cocoa Dust, & Incense Elderberry Flower and Sandhill Plum Gardenia, Tobacco Leaf, & Oakmoss Lavender, Sea Salt, & Rain White Sandalwood, Sage, & Bourbon Vanilla   Good Omens: He'd Been An Angel Once Old Fashioned Satanists   Fatherhood (formerly BPTP):  A Winter's Walk in the Cemetery (2021) Blood and Judgement So Well Comeddled (2015) Catch Me, Dad (2015) Lavender Lightning (2021) Meus Amor Aeternus (2015) Playing Tag in a Garden Full of Gods (2014)   Halloweenies: A World Where There Are Octobers (2013) A Young Woman Appealing to a Witch (2015) An Open Grave Underneath the Heavy Leaves (2020) Apple IV (2015) Apple VI (2016) Apple X (2016) Autumn Cider (2011) Autumn Fancies (2013) Autumn Overlooked My Knitting (2014) Candy Apple Smut (2020) Creaking Floorboards (2020) Dead Leaves and Lavender Buds (2016) Dead Leaves, Bourbon Vanilla, and Myrrh (2015) Dead Leaves, Chamomile, Red Roses, and White Tea (2016) Dead Leaves, Red Currant, and Tuberose (2020) From Sunset to Star Rise (2020) Ghost Faced Bat (2018) Ghost House (2012) La Calavera Catarina (2020) Lambs-Wool (2018) Liquid Gold is in the Air (2020) October (2011, 2015, 2020) Pile of Fallen Leaves (2014) Pomona (2012) Portrait of an Unidentified Man as Mephistopheles (2015) Pumpkin Latte (2011) Pumpkin Princess (2011) Punkie Night (2012) Rickety Staircase (2020) Samhain (2013) Second Spring (2015) The Dead Can Hear and the Dead Have Sight (2016) The Dead Can Yearn and the Dead Can Smite (2016) The Goat and the Vine (2018) The Unquiet Grave (2015) The Witch Bride (2014) Witch Dance (2016)   Hellboy: Ganeida  Liz   Hexennacht Hexennacht (2019)   Ligeia: Blacker Than the Raven Wings of Midnight   Lilith: 8th Grade (2021) A Place of Seeing (2021) All While Dreaming, Shakes Her Head (2021) And Sing, And Sing (2019) Bits of Birnam Wood (2019) Go, Hawks! (2019) Good Morning, London (2016) Heavenly Spark (2016) Holy Trinity (2016) Lazy Daisy (2019) Lights, Camera, Something (2021) O Hushed October Morning Mild (2021) Philopannyx (2021) Στοργή (2019) The Empress and the Chariot (2021) The Hierophant and the Empress (2014) The Serpentine (2016)
Lupercalia: A Note from Propertius (2013) Alleviate the Frenzy (2020) Black Fig and Cherry (2020) Bloodlust Bonbon (2015) Box of Chocolates: Milk Chocolate with Macadamia, Coconut, Button Mushroom, and Marshmallow (2012) Elizabeth of Bohemia (2020) From You I Have Been Absent in the Spring (2014) Love and Sleep (2014) Luperci (2014) The Mark (2016) Mars Alator (2015) Mars Ultor (2015) MIchiyuki Koi No Futusao (2020) Mount Fuji Reflected in Lake Misaica (2015) Night Scene (2016) Quaeris Quot Mihi Basiationes (2013) Saint Foutin de Varailles (2010, 2014) Signor Dildo (2015) The Expiration (2014) The Instructional Manual (2016) The Sick Rose (2014) The Voice (2014) There is a Garden in Her Face (2014) Thrice Toss These Oaken Ashes (2014) To His Mistress Going to Bed (2016) Valentine of Rome (2014) Venus Caelestis (2015) Venus Cloacina (2015) Venus Genetrix (2015) Venus Murcia (2015) Venus Obsequens (2015) Venus Verticordia (2015) Venus Victrix (2015) Womb Furie (2014)   Lux Brumalis: Winter Scene in Little Russia   Metamorphosis: Passion Butterfly
Neil Gaiman: Miss Spink Snow, Glass, Apples
Only Lovers Left Alive: Adam Eve (2013, 2018) Hal Kit June 23, 1868 The Diamond's Gong The Hourglass This is Your Wilderness
Pickman Gallery: ** Arana My Happy Day Rapunzel in Ballpoint Summoning Stone Play Structure The Goat and the Vine   Suspiciendo Despicio: Capricorn (2007)   The Fool's Journey: The Forest of the Empress The Stream and the Waterfall
The Last Unicorn: Lady Una Yvaine   The Singularity: Demon Goggles Foolish Wooden Cucumber Harlequin Milk Rapture Pig   The Snakes of Spring: Snake Eyes Gleaming in Spring's First Twilight   Twilight Alchemy Lab: White Rose   Walpurgisnacht: Hilf, Ach, Hilf Mir, Kriegsgeselle Verteilt Euch, Wackre Manner, Hier Wer Opfer Heut Ze Bringen Scheut   Yules: Faunalia (2014) Joulumuori (2020) Knecht Ruprecht (2012) Like Brooms of Steel (2013) Mari Lwyd (2014) Midnight Mass (2012) Peacock Queen (2020) Rose Red (2020) Skadi (2013) Stardust (2013) Sugar Cookie (2005) The Cherry-Tree Carol (2020) The Mahogany Tree (2013) The Poinsettia Gown (2020) The Visionary (2013) Winter-Time (2014) Yuletide (2014)

☆ Collaborations, Retail & Event Exclusives ☆

Collaborations: Black Ice Sleeper (Darla Teagarden: Altars 2022)   Retail: Anaxagoras (San Diego Comic Con 2014) Black Heart (Dark Delicacies: Valentine's Day 2010) Conservatory Tableaux (Post War Trade: Who Killed Amanda Palmer? 2009) Lucifer (Dark Delicacies (The Salon, Travelling Exhibition 2007) Who In the World Am I? (Century Guild: Fragmented Alice 2014)
Events: At the Mid Hour of Night (Bat's Day 2014) Fuzzy Peach Sweater and a Mug of London Fog (DragonCon 2021) Georgia Peach, Oakmoss, Sage, and Vetiver (DragonCon 2021) Revisiting the Scents of Past Delight (Bat's Day 2014) Sing the Wild Song (Bat's Day 2014) Tis Thy Voice from the Kingdom of Souls (Bat's Day 2014) When Life Shone Warm in Thine Eyes (Bat's Day 2014) When Stars are Weeping (Bat's Day 2014)
Other: In Omnibus Caritas (BFCM gift 2019) Incolumitas (BFCM gift 2018) Server Gremlins (Lab Gift 2018)

☆ General Catalogue ☆

Ars Amatoria: Bathsheba (2011, 2018) Bordello Brisingamen Carnal Desire Follow Me Boy Golden Priapus Hunger Kabuki La Belle Au Bois Dormant Le Serpent Qui Danse Rapture Siren Snake Oil Spellbound The Lady of Shalott Whoso List to Hunt [*D]
Ars Draconis: Dragon's Blood Ladon
Ars Moriendi: Deep in Earth Embalming Fluid Haunted Les Fleurs du Mal (2013, 2021) Zombi
Bewitching Brews: Anne Bonny Arcana (2011, 2018) Bewitched Black Forest (2009, 2016) Blood Blood Amber Blood Kiss Blood Pearl Brimstone Calico Jack Debauchery Dee Eclipse Fire of Love Follow Me Boy (2009) Grog Horn of Plenty Khubla Khan (2009, 2021) La Bella Donna Mia Mente Masquerade Mata Hari Ode on Melancholy Red Devil Swank ** The Hesperides [*D] The Jersey Devil Tushnamatay Undertow Van Van Veil Wolf's Heart Yggdrasil
Carnaval Diabolique: Banded Sea Snake Faith & Hope, The Siamese Twins Green Tree Viper
Conjure Bag: Fire of Love French Love
Diabolus: Akuma Baobhan Sith Black Annis Black Phoenix Djinn Dracul Ekhidna [*D] Horreur Sympathetique Kitsune-Tsuki Malice Wicked
Discontinued: Ehecatl House of Night Iambe Moon Rose Szepasszony The Unicorn
Excolo: Anteros Baron Samedi Hades Hedylogos Nyx Old Scratch Persephone Qandisa Sjöfn (2014, 2021) Skuld Tezcatlipoca Thanatos Tlazolteotl
Illyria: Helena Katharina (2014, 2021) Juliet Robin Goodfellow (2014, 2021) The Apothecary
Inspiration: Bram Stoker
Mad Tea Party: Alice Alice's Evidence Cheshire Cat Croquet King of Hearts Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Queen Alice Queen of Hearts The Dormouse The Red Queen Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat Two, Five, and Seven
Marchen: Baba Yaga Fire for thy Stepmother's Daughter's Prunella Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds The Black Rider (2012, 2021) The Night Raven The Red Rider The Sea Foams Milk Vasilissa (2009, 2021) Veritas
A Picnic in Arkham: Al-Azif Azathoth (2012, 2022) Y'Ha-Nthlei
Pharmacopaeia: TKO
Phoenix Steamworks: The Antikythera Mechanism The Robotic Scarab
Rappaccini's Garden: Black Hellebore Honey [*D] Blood Lotus Blood Rose Chokecherry Honey Love Lies Bleeding Redoul Honey Strangler Fig The Zieba Tree
RPG Series: Bard Druid Dwarf Elf Fighter Lawful (2014, 2021) Neutral Orc Paladin Ranger Vial of Holy Water
The Salon: The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil [*D]
Sin and Salvation: Cathedral Death on a Pale Horse (2018, 2022) Dorian Paramatman The Bow and Crown of Conquest The Great Sword of War Wrath   The Unemployed Philosopher's Guild: Hypatia   Wanderlust: 51 Athens Bayou Bengal Cairo Eden Jezirat al Tennyn [*D] Kyoto Morocco Paris Pontarlier Prague Sybaris Versailles Whitechapel

☆ Black Phoenix Trading Post ☆

Atmosphere: Villa Diodati (prototype) Alchemical Laboratory
Lupercalia: Gold and Tears (2015) Ruined Roses (2015)
Yules: A Lady Tall and White (2014) Neither Peace Nor Rest (2014)




SW Spring Fool's 2016

Would you be interested in any handmade critters? Stuffed animals, knit or crochet beasties, or anything remotely similar? If so, please give an example or five sure. i love dogs, cats, groundhogs, hedgehogs, sloths, dragons, gargoyles

Since this is the Spring Fools' round, is there anything that goes with the theme of April Fool's Day or spring that might be fun to add to your package? Flowers (seeds, real, or handmade) prank-related items, a court jester's cap? Something spring related. A stuffed bunny. I have no idea. lol

Pet owners - would you like any kind of toy or supply for your pet? no thanks

Geek paraphernalia! Almost everyone here has SOME sort of geek-love, whether it is Harry potter, Horror movies, graphic novels, science, etc. So would you be interested in any kind of items related to your geek-ish interests? i love steampunk, creating jewelry or books/albums, boxes and things in the steampunk/victorian style. I like a lot of geeky things but not any one specific thing. And I always blank out when I have to ask questions. Feel free to drop me a note

Any yarn, plastic, metal, or fabric sensitivities? none

would you like pretty stationery/note cards, etc, for writing snail mail? no thanks

If you could have any BPALs right now (GC, LE, HTF) what would they be? none at this time

Any places you would like gift cards from?Amazon, sock dreams, BPAl, LUSH, any craft store

Do you wear make-up? Any brands you like? Color preferences? not really. thanks.

Junk food and candy? not really. As a diabetic, I need to stay away

Witchee, regarding your fave TV shows, would you be interested in the associated DVDs? Fan books? sure. that could be fun!

Do you need any items for your kitchen (linens, gadgets, cooking supplies, etc.)? not now

Gardens/plants: I am dreaming of spring, dear witch: Do you like plants? Do you have any? Indoor potted plants? A balcony bed? A yard? Do you want/need anything? i have a black thumb, so plants would be lost to me




EML298's 2016 Spring Fool Switch Witch Help Questionnaire Addenda

Do you like colouring?
I like the idea of coloring, but I am not sure I'd actually DO the coloring. Maybe I would?

Can you list your wishlists please?
Mine are linked in my sig. They are not up to date. I'll work on that. I have an Amazon w/l under my real name.

If you like Lush, are there any UK-only things you're desperate to get?
I don't know of anything currently. However, I do not keep up with the LUSH Kitchen over there. If they've ever released anything in the Blue Skies or French Kiss scents (or if they ever do), then I need that. I also recognize I'd probably know if they had. This is more of a pipe dream comment than one based in reality. (But WHY haven't they made a French Kiss perfume??? OR Blue Skies? )

Crochet goodies yes or no? If yes, what kind of goodies?
I have seen some amazingly beautiful crocheted scarves, gloves, fingerless gloves, etc., that I would love! On the other hand, I have received (from my MIL) some more traditional/country-styled items that I am completely not compelled by. So, I guess I'd say YES - and assume it's likely the case that BPALista style is quite likely to coincide with my own. (Most of the pics I've seen of pieces I love are actually in the SW threads and on BPALista FB pages.)

Do you have any allergies to animals/smoke/food etc?
I don't have any actual medical allergies to these things. I say this because my doc told me people can't actually be allergic to cigarette/cigar smoke. So, whatever people CAN be to that stimulus, I am. (I *hate* it, and it makes my nose run/stuffs me up.)

Graphic novels:
I *want* to be into graphic novels. That said, I'm a huge Buffy fan, and have had a few of those waiting for me to read for a couple years, and they're yet to be cracked. This is an unclear answer only because I am unclear. The interest is there. It's the motivation that's questionable.

Nail Polish:
I go through phases where I keep my nails painted, and then don't do it for months. I recently purged the CND gel nail system/lamp/hoard I had due to nail damage (well, before my last move seven months ago). I have some new Zoyas, and am quite intrigued with the BPTP claw polishes, though I have yet to pick up any.

I say, yes, please! I am a huge fan. I have found that, although I purchase atmos, I just don't seem to use them. I am more of a candle or essential oil person. Otherwise, I think I use pretty much all the categories of Puddin's treats. Favorites have been Blueberry Peppermint bath oil, UGH massage oil, Patchouli Clove massage oil, Lick It! candle, but there are a ton of others I've enjoyed greatly.

Nail Wraps:
Probably not.

Teas/Spices/Spice Rubs/Specialty Ingredients from a local tea & spice shop?
Yum! No rubs for meat other than fish, please. I need to educate myself about decaffeinated teas. I like fruity ones, I think, but know very little about them. I think I've covered tea in either the questionnaire and/or a prior blog entry (those are still up if you want to see my prior answers!). I have equipment for loose tea and also love bags!

In Regards to loose/bagged tea:
I got ahead of myself! Both are good. For a bit there (possibly with the last SW answers), I was leaning more towards bags. I have since procured a Manatea infuser, so given how cute he is, I would enjoy loose tea. (We also found our other infuser while KMing our home.) Bags are great, too.

Speaking of spices - where's your spicy/heat threshold? (scale of 1 - 10 - 1 being nothing more than black pepper, 10 being ghost pepper+)
Hmmmm...I think I'd be a 5, but Mr. EML298 says I'd be a 3.5-4. To clarify, I enjoy spice, to include a typical "medium" salsa. That said, at some ethnic restaurants (i.e. truly ethnic and not bastardized American versions), I have to take mild because their version of medium blows my mouth out. Does that make sense? Clear as mud, probably.

Preferred book format? Physical, PDF, Kindle, etc?
Great question. Given our recent KMimg (KonMari - Marie Kondo's tidying process), I'm not extremely keen on more physical possessions I'd likely use once. However, this isn't written in stone. Anyway, digital is probably better for me. I have an iPad, which reads ePub, PDF, etc. I can also grab the Kindle app for kindle formatting. I suppose I prefer digital.

<pasted in questions for following days to be answered>

Would you be interested in any handmade critters? Stuffed animals, knit or crochet beasties, or anything remotely similar? If so, please give an example or five
Sure! I like unicorns, octopus, elephants, BPTP-type beasties - are some called yip-yips?

Since this is the Spring Fools' round, is there anything that goes with the theme of April Fool's Day or spring that might be fun to add to your package? Flowers (seeds, real, or handmade) prank-related items, a court jester's cap? Feel free to be creative and crazy with this one!
I'm obsessed with learning more about air plants. I got some stuff to make a terrarium but have no little plants and am unsure how to go about getting them.

Pet owners - would you like any kind of toy or supply for your pet?

Geek paraphernalia! Almost everyone here has SOME sort of geek-love, whether it is Harry potter, Horror movies, graphic novels, science, etc. So would you be interested in any kind of items related to your geek-ish interests?
I saw a little Groot dancing Popko (or something) figurine once that I know is geek-ish, but I am not even a fan of that geekhood! I think I take things item by item!

Any yarn, plastic, metal, or fabric sensitivities?

would you like pretty stationery/note cards, etc, for writing snail mail?
I wish I thought I'd actually write snail mail, but I don't seem to do it. I'm trying to get myself to be more organized with a paper planner, so stickers for that are somewhat intriguing, as well as some cute decorated paperclips I've seen people use for that purpose.

If you could have any BPALs right now (GC, LE, HTF) what would they be? Give examples of at least a few of each category
I still haven't really updated the BPAL w/l in a while. I don't know that I need that much.

Any places you would like gift cards from?
Amazon, LUSH, Torrid, and Target are places I shop fairly frequently. I also really enjoy Starbucks.

Do you wear make-up? Any brands you like? Color preferences?
Occasionally - mostly Urban Decay, Too Faced, and some NYX.

Junk food and candy?
I like these things, unfortunately.

Witchee, regarding your fave TV shows, would you be interested in the associated DVDs? Fan books?
Hmmm...probably not at this point.

Do you need any items for your kitchen (linens, gadgets, cooking supplies, etc.)?
I can't think of anything specific, but if my witch found something s/he thought I could use, I'm open to that!

Gardens/plants: I am dreaming of spring, dear witch: Do you like plants? Do you have any? Indoor potted plants? A balcony bed? A yard? Do you want/need anything?
Yes! Many are poisonous to cats, so I've had to edit. I'm now obsessed with getting into airplants that can be inside terrariums that my can cannot get into, thus removing the cat problem and allowing my love of plants to resume!

As of Thursday, March 3 8:30 PM

If I were to make you something based on one or more interests mentioned in your Q'aire/blog, would you prefer something you could wear, something that hangs on a wall, or something that sits on a shelf (or couch or wherever) ?
Hmmm - this is hard! I don't mean to be indecisive, but all of these sound nice! Maybe something on a wall, if I have to pick? But, I don't feel very strongly in any direction.

Are you in need of BPAL storage?
Not really, but when I see cool options, I always think I'd like them! So, I could incorporate them! BPAL is the one area of my life I'm continuing to feel comfortable with collecting.

Hi, witchee! Do you like candles? Incense? Wax melts?
Love candles, but not paraffin wax. So, I use soy, beeswax, other types of wax, etc. I love the ideas of incense and melts, but find that I don't use them too much.

BAGS! Do you like/want/need any kind of bags? Purses (big, small, medium), storage type bags, totes, re-usable grocery bags, make up or craft supply bags . . . anything? And if so, please give as much info as possible about type, color, use, fabric, etc
I don't really *need* any more bags, but I would enjoy small bags for things like cosmetics in my purse, etc. Other than not being a huge fan of leather, I'm pretty open to fabrics (and ignorant about types). In terms of colors, this would probably be consistent with all my regular color preferences.

Here's a question. I make handmade journals/albums/smashbooks/junk journals. Would you be interested in anything like that?
I tend to be a pretty digital person these days.

If you like Harry Potter stuff, what house do you belong in? If you like Game of Thrones, what family?
I do like HP, but haven't seen but the first movie. I don't know the answer to this question. I meant to get to GoT, but haven't yet.

What's your favorite animal/totem? Would you be interested in a small figurine of said animal from this etsy user?
Unicorn, elephant. Sure!

Anything exciting to you in PBSW's Spring Collection?
I haven't seen it, but I'm not opposed to my witch selecting something if s/he was so inclined.

Witchee, are you interested in this kind of music (it's one of my favorites)[Tartanic - uncivilized]?
I'm not very informed about this, but it is interesting.

Oh dead Witchee, how do you feel about Sakura Matsuri? Do you like Green Tea and Sakura flavored desserts/treats? Decorations or jewelry with a cherry blossom theme?
Not sure about this - maybe not a huge amount?

Hey, witchee! If I were to send you a garment, what size would I send?
I tend to be 24/3x in tops or 26/3-4x in pants.

3/4/16 Missed this question a few days ago:

What style of bag from here (if any) would you like? You can easily narrow down the choices on the side menu - but I only want to know the style, not the pattern!
The clutch looks cute - seems like something I could use for cosmetics and small tools in my purse.

It's Hottie Friday, witches and witchees! Name a famous crush or five
Hmmm... Derek Morgan on Criminal Minds; Mitch Pileggi/Skinner on X Files; Alyssa Milano's character on Charmed; Spike from Angel/Buffy

Also - what are the last 5 songs that appeared on your random or shuffle music list
Harold Budd, Lisa Gerrard, Brian Eno, Robert Rich are constantly on shuffle here.




Spring Switch Witch 2016

Do you like colouring?

Yes! I love coloring!

Can you list your wishlists please?

Amazon: http://amzn.com/w/2IRNSZ9E8V6O8

If you like Lush, are there any UK-only things you're desperate to get?

I haven't tried much Lush. I would be open to it though!

Crochet goodies yes or no? If yes, what kind of goodies?

Yes! I love homemade stuff.

Do you have any allergies to animals/smoke/food etc?

Lilac scented stuff, cigarette smoke

Graphic novels:

I like them. I haven't read many beyond Sandman.

Nail Polish:

I don't use it much.


Yes, I don't use much bath oil but I like everything else.

Nail Wraps:

I've never tried them, but I have silly tiny finger nails so I'm not sure how well they would work.

Teas/Spices/Spice Rubs/Specialty Ingredients from a local tea & spice shop?

Tea is always okay. I'm not a big fan of red or herbal tea. Spices and rubs sound fun. I do a lot of cooking.

In Regards to loose/bagged tea:

I prefer loose, but will drink either.

Speaking of spices - where's your spicy/heat threshold? (scale of 1 - 10 - 1 being nothing more than black pepper, 10 being ghost pepper+)

Like a 7. I like spicy, but I also have bad acid reflux so I try to not take things overboard.
Preferred book format? Physical, PDF, Kindle, etc?

I can use any format. I like physical books, but I also like using my Nook/ipad to read with as well.

Would you be interested in any handmade critters? Stuffed animals, knit or crochet beasties, or anything remotely similar? If so, please give an example or five

Corgis or turtles!

Since this is the Spring Fools' round, is there anything that goes with the theme of April Fool's Day or spring that might be fun to add to your package? Flowers (seeds, real, or handmade) prank-related items, a court jester's cap? Feel free to be creative and crazy with this one!

We're moving into a brand new house in the suburbs. I've always been a country girl and I've never lived in the suburbs, but I really would still like to plant a small garden and some flowers. If you are a gardeny witch I would love tips on getting things started.

Pet owners - would you like any kind of toy or supply for your pet?

Corgi kid is still young enough that she is a intense chewer. Toys for her would be great!
Geek paraphernalia! Almost everyone here has SOME sort of geek-love, whether it is Harry potter, Horror movies, graphic novels, science, etc. So would you be interested in any kind of items related to your geek-ish interests?

I'm a shameless Harry Potter lover. Hufflepuff!
Any yarn, plastic, metal, or fabric sensitivities?


would you like pretty stationery/note cards, etc, for writing snail mail?

I love collecting this kind of stuff but I rarely get a chance to use it.

If you could have any BPALs right now (GC, LE, HTF) what would they be? Give examples of at least a few of each category

Any places you would like gift cards from?

Honestly, Target. I'm going to need a lot of stuff for the new house.

Do you wear make-up? Any brands you like? Color preferences?

I don't wear make-up.

Junk food and candy?

Chocolate, Haribo gummy candies, pretzels

Witchee, regarding your fave TV shows, would you be interested in the associated DVDs? Fan books?

I like Dr. Who, though I'm not nearly up to date on watching it. I have a major crush on 10.

Do you need any items for your kitchen (linens, gadgets, cooking supplies, etc.)?

A microplane, more measuring cups (bonus points for fun colors!).

Gardens/plants: I am dreaming of spring, dear witch: Do you like plants? Do you have any? Indoor potted plants? A balcony bed? A yard? Do you want/need anything?

I do like plants, but I haven't learned much about gardening. I want to plant tomatoes for my oldest this year.

As of Thursday, March 3 8:30 PM

If I were to make you something based on one or more interests mentioned in your Q'aire/blog, would you prefer something you could wear, something that hangs on a wall, or something that sits on a shelf (or couch or wherever) ?

Wall would be great.

Are you in need of BPAL storage?

Hi, witchee! Do you like candles? Incense? Wax melts?

Candles can be iffy for me due to allergies. Soy candles seem to work best. No incense please.

BAGS! Do you like/want/need any kind of bags? Purses (big, small, medium), storage type bags, totes, re-usable grocery bags, make up or craft supply bags . . . anything? And if so, please give as much info as possible about type, color, use, fabric, etc

I don't really use bags much.

Here's a question. I make handmade journals/albums/smashbooks/junk journals. Would you be interested in anything like that?


If you like Harry Potter stuff, what house do you belong in? If you like Game of Thrones, what family?

Hufflepuff! I do not like Game of Thrones.

What's your favorite animal/totem? Would you be interested in a small figurine of said animal from this etsy user?

Corgis and turtles

Anything exciting to you in PBSW's Spring Collection?

I need to replenish my lotions big time. Crickhallow Cottage, Blackbird, Potting Shed in a Deluge

Witchee, are you interested in this kind of music (it's one of my favorites)[Tartanic - uncivilized]?

Oh dead Witchee, how do you feel about Sakura Matsuri? Do you like Green Tea and Sakura flavored desserts/treats? Decorations or jewelry with a cherry blossom theme?

Hey, witchee! If I were to send you a garment, what size would I send?

I'm a plus sized lady. 2 or 3 X depending on how the garment runs.

What style of bag from here (if any) would you like? You can easily narrow down the choices on the side menu - but I only want to know the style, not the pattern!   http://eu.baba-store...bags-and-purses   It's Hottie Friday, witches and witchees! Name a famous crush or five
Also - what are the last 5 songs that appeared on your random or shuffle music list.
  Updated 3/7   If you should happen to be my witchee, are there any items in my store that you would like? Nut-Made by LisaNut   Oh Witchee, have you seen the kimono tops that are all the rage right now? Would you like one? I will sew you one if you do, just tell me if you're a fringe or lace edge or plain edge type of person- I have your color picks from your questionnaire, unless you'd like it in something different than those?
  I was thinking about busting out the sculpy clay - I sometimes like to make cute little fantasy miniature sculpture, like fairy doors, or miniature garden gnomes for potted plants, or I've even made a couple of tiny smaug's based on this cartoon. If you were my witchee, how would you feel about receiving some tiny fantasy art for your home? Any preference between a fairy door, or a garden gnome, a tiny fairy box, or something like smaug?   If you won a gift certificate for $100 (Or similar amount in your country) that could be used ANYWHERE what would you get?   Something that you look forward to each spring, or that when you see it (hear it/smell it/taste it, etc) you think "Yes! Spring is here!" or something along those lines!

I always know that it isn't going to snow anymore when the magnolia trees start to bloom. I feel like I hold my breath every spring waiting for one more snow storm until I come across a magnolia in bloom.   Witchee, how do you feel about this type of garment? What color & size would you like? (keep in-mind it does say it runs one size big!)

Are there any mythical creatures that you're really into and that you would enjoy gifts relating to?




SW 16 Hooray!

Colouring? It was never my favorite activity when I was young, but I’m mildly amused by the adult coloring fad that’s going around. It could be a fun, low key hobby. I’d try it if you’re in to it, but don’t go out of your way.

Wishlists? My etsy favorites and pinterest boards are linked in my signature. If you’d like a more traditional wishlist, I can set up a pinterest board or an amazon list. If you want me to look at a specific store, I’m also happy to just list things that interest me in my SW blog.

Lush? Lush is how I initially found BPAL, but I stopped using them as my product tastes moved towards more natural things. I don’t shop there anymore, but there are things that I wouldn’t mind getting if you do. Specifically, I’m a sucker for bubble bars and I’m always on the lookout for solid products that I can use to avoid the whole 3-1-1 thing with TSA (e.g. Tooth Tabs and Shampoo Bars – never tried the tooth tabs; for hair stuff I liked Jungle, New, and Reincarnate. Looks like they may have a new dark hair one called Copperhead or some such). I’m not sure which things in particular are UK exclusives.

Crochet? I live in the deep south, so most crocheted items aren’t great for me because they don’t play well with our weather. If you crochet and have an idea for something you think I’d like and that would be appropriate for warm temps, I’m always thrilled with handmade stuff.

Allergies? I'm allergic to cigarette smoke.

Comics/Graphic Novels? I have two shelves of unreads, but I’d still be thrilled to get Transmet, Sandman, Love & Rockets, or something you find personally exciting. I am also a huge webcomic fan (I have 20 “daily reads” plus assorted others that I read when I’m bored). Queen of Wands, Something Positive, & Templar, AZ are/were faves.

Nail Polish? I am drowning in nail polish, so I’ll skip it unless it’s something awesome

Crafty? Hello, my name is Vanesa, and I am the anti-craft. My perfectionism and lack of hand eye coordination don’t lead to particular skillfulness in the craft department.

BPTP Products? Sure, but I tend to stick to decants because I never get through them all. Bath products, scrubs, atmo sprays, and hair glosses would all be cool. I once got a tissue tee as a gift that was very comfy. I’ve never tried their nail polish or jewelry, but I could be persuaded. Heh.

Nail Wraps? No thanks. More trouble than they’re worth for me.

Teas/Spices/Spice Rubs/Specialty Ingredients from a local tea & spice shop?
I’m pretty overloaded on spices these days, so it would have to be something special. Tea would have to be ok for breastfeeding moms to drink (so many tea ingredients mess with supply L ). I can do loose or bagged. I love unusual ingredients of all sorts, so feel free to send specialty ingredients. Stuff for baking is usually good. I’m also trying to experiment with more whole grains (no rice or quinoa please). Local stuff is always a winner. Hmm, let’s see, related items: For other hot beverages, no coffee since I have access to insane amounts (my grandparents own a coffee farm). We drink a lot of hot chocolate. Anything in single serve packs is usually good.

Speaking of spices - where's your spicy/heat threshold? (scale of 1 - 10 - 1 being nothing more than black pepper, 10 being ghost pepper+) I can handle 8-10, but I’m really happier in the 5-7 realm. It’s important to me that it be spicy and flavorful. I really hate foods that substitute heat when the flavor is boring. Also, I hate spicy chocolate. I can’t handle anything that would transfer the heat to my fingers right now because it causes trouble when I’m breastfeeding (spicy nipple anyone?)

Preferred book format? Physical, PDF, Kindle, etc? I like physical books. I spend so much time in front of a screen that books are a necessary escape. I do read Meilin’s Intimate History, but that’s pretty much it for long-form fiction in an electronic format.

Handmade critters? Not really my bag, but it might be fun if you could make something baby safe for the kiddo. It would have to be something that could stand up to being chewed ‘cause he’s entering the stick everything in his mouth phase. He’s too young to have favorite animals or creatures, but he’s already been given a lot of fox, dinosaur, lion, hedgehog, and elephant themed items, so those critters would certainly fit in.

Since this is the Spring Fools' round, is there anything that goes with the theme of April Fool's Day or spring that might be fun to add to your package? Not in to April Fool’s at all (I get serious vicarious embarrassment when watching other people get subjected to pranks. It’s super anxiety inducing). I do love spring because it means we’re one step closer to summer, which is my favorite season. I’m sort of a plant murderer, so seeds may not be a great idea. A plant that can stand up to some abuse would be fine. Cut flowers are always nice (no lilies, please, I’m allergic). What I could really use is solar powered string lights or garden lights (the kind that are just a light on a stake that sticks in the ground). Our new place doesn’t seem to have an outdoor plug.

Pet owners - would you like any kind of toy or supply for your pet? Maybe. Toys wouldn’t be a good idea, but a consumable treat very early in the round would be fine. He’s not projected to be with us for much longer L

Geek paraphernalia! Hmm, this is a hard one. On the one hand, I’m totally geeky. On the other hand, I tend not to like the type of items that seem to be available to show geeky interests. I don’t like knick knacks, home décor wouldn’t be a good choice because most of our stuff is more formal, I don’t carry bags/purses, I don’t generally wear t-shirts that have things on them (although I have a BPAL shirt that was gifted that I love, so who knows), and geeky jewelry tends to be more cutesy than I generally go for. The best bet for geekiness would be kid’s stuff (e.g. clothes, toys, or science and computer programming baby books – they do exist!) or maybe practical geekery (I can always use durable cell phone charging cables, innovative methods for cleaning the computer, solar chargers for portable electronics, or emergency preparedness items). As far as geeky interests/fandoms, hubby and I are both into Star Trek, I read a lot of sci-fi/fantasy (my fav authors should be listed in one of these answers somewhere), and we’re both fans of nifty astronomy, women in STEM, and internet/computer themed stuff. Does Reading Rainbow count as geeky? I’d break my t-shirt rules for Reading Rainbow.

Any yarn, plastic, metal, or fabric sensitivities? Nothing specific, but I do struggle with finding some yarn scratchy.

Pretty stationery/note cards Cards that I could use for swaps like this would be very useful. Pretty paper is gorgeous, but I never really have anything to do with it.

If you could have any BPALs right now (GC, LE, HTF) what would they be? To be honest, I’m sort of drowning in perfume. If you could find Needle in a Haystack, I’d be thrilled. Otherwise, there’s nothing I’m really dying for.

Any places you would like gift cards from? Amazon, PaintBox SoapWorks, Thriftbooks.com, Trader Joes, Williams Sonoma, Pottery Barn, Ureshii, local spas (Bumblelane or Paris Parker in Baton Rouge, Woodhouse or Lux in New Orleans), any stores that you think “wow, she’d love this!”

Do you wear make-up? Any brands you like? Color preferences? I’ve never quite figured out how to use make up well.

Junk food and candy? It certainly won’t be wasted, but I just did a candy swap so it’s not something I’m hankering for.

Witchee, regarding your fave TV shows, would you be interested in the associated DVDs? Fan books? Only one I can think of would be Myth Busters. We’ve got the 10th Anniversary Collection, but I’d love any of the other DVD collections.

Kitchen Stuff I’ve got a pretty well stocked kitchen, but there are some random items I’d enjoy if you happen to bump in to them: a nice pastry brush, a butter dish that would be ok in a hot climate, a 2+ cup anchor hocking measuring cup (one of the classic ones with the red numbers), one of those Alton Brown style plunger measuring cups, a nice apron that is fairly full coverage, and pretty/practical table linens (napkins, tablecloths, placemats, etc). Tiny juice glasses or a set of zombie glasses would also be winners at our house. Black, silver, grey, or blue are usually the best choices for kitchen stuff.

Garden/Plants I think I addressed this pretty well above. Unkillable, child/dog safe plants would be ok. I definitely need some solar powered lights. Mosquito killing/repelling items are also a pro for us.

If I were to make you something based on one or more interests mentioned in your Q'aire/blog, would you prefer something you could wear, something that hangs on a wall, or something that sits on a shelf (or couch or wherever) ? Huh, hard question. I’d say something that I could wear or use would be best. I need throw pillows if that’s your skill set (grey, black, or red). That said, I’m all for paintings or other hangable art work if that’s what you do best. I love other people’s talents.

Are you in need of BPAL storage? Nope. I’ve got my BPAL storage sorted. Other types of attractive storage might be useful, though. I’ve been looking for pretty apothecary type jars for cotton balls and bath goodies in my bathroom (relatively short cause they have to fit on the shelf). I’m also looking for something attractive to hold non-refrigerated produce like onions, potatoes, and bananas.

Do you like candles? Incense? Wax melts? No thanks. I don’t use incense or wax melts, and I may be guilty of having an entire shelf of candles I haven’t used yet

BAGS! Do you like/want/need any kind of bags? I don’t use purses, and I’m pretty stocked up on totes. The only kind of bags I could really use are bags for travel. I’m dying for a weekender bag in canvas or leather if you happen to have one lying around (ha!) and little zip pouches or dopp kits could be useful. I tend to like the type of travel bags that you could imagine Don Draper using – classic, leather or dark canvas, tailored, masculine.

What style of bag from here (if any) would you like? You can easily narrow down the choices on the side menu - but I only want to know the style, not the pattern! Neat store, but see above. With that in mind, the clutches are probably the only thing that would see use.

Here's a question. I make handmade journals/albums/smashbooks/junk journals. Would you be interested in anything like that? Sure. I don’t have any immediate use for such a thing, but I do love handmade stuff.

If you like Harry Potter stuff, what house do you belong in? If you like Game of Thrones, what family? Not my fandom. Sorry.

What's your favorite animal/totem? Would you be interested in a small figurine of said animal from this etsy user? Pretty stuff, but probably not for me.

Anything exciting to you in PBSW's Spring Collection? April Fool and Bramble & Apple both sound lovely. I like bath streusel and her sample size sorbettos.

Witchee, are you interested in this kind of music (it's one of my favorites)[Tartanic - uncivilized]? I do enjoy Tartanic. I’m a ren faire fan and my hubby’s ancestry is half Scottish, so we enjoy that sort of thing. If you’re familiar with a lot of ren faire musicians, we’re also big on Rambling Sailors.

Oh dear Witchee, how do you feel about Sakura Matsuri? Do you like Green Tea and Sakura flavored desserts/treats? Decorations or jewelry with a cherry blossom theme? Indifferent? It’s not something I’m excited by, but I also haven’t had much exposure

Hey, witchee! If I were to send you a garment, what size would I send?
Usually an 18/20, but I’m a petite plus size hour glass, so standard sizes can be funky. Happy to look at a size chart if you want me to

It's Hottie Friday, witches and witchees! Name a famous crush or five Oh gosh, this is something I always struggle with. Um, let’s see:
1. Gina Torres
2. George Clooney (didn’t like him before, but he’s aged well)
3. Idris Elba
4. Paul Newman
5. Angelina Jolie

Also - what are the last 5 songs that appeared on your random or shuffle music list.
I only stream during the day, so I’ll have to come back to this. I’m pretty eclectic, though.

If you should happen to be my witchee, are there any items in my store that you would like? Nut-Made by LisaNut Hmm, looks like most of them would really be suited to colder places than here, so probably not.

Oh Witchee, have you seen the kimono tops that are all the rage right now? Would you like one? I will sew you one if you do, just tell me if you're a fringe or lace edge or plain edge type of person- I have your color picks from your questionnaire, unless you'd like it in something different than those? Kimono and dolman sleeves are usually a no for me. I could probably pull it off as a robe, in which case lace would be nice but not necessary.

I was thinking about busting out the sculpy clay - I sometimes like to make cute little fantasy miniature sculpture, like fairy doors, or miniature garden gnomes for potted plants, or I've even made a couple of tiny smaug's based on this cartoon. If you were my witchee, how would you feel about receiving some tiny fantasy art for your home? Any preference between a fairy door, or a garden gnome, a tiny fairy box, or something like smaug? Smaug is pretty cute. A fairy door would probably be my second choice.

If you won a gift certificate for $100 (Or similar amount in your country) that could be used ANYWHERE what would you get? Massage and a pedicure.

Something that you look forward to each spring, or that when you see it (hear it/smell it/taste it, etc) you think "Yes! Spring is here!" or something along those lines! Mardi Gras. When I first moved to Louisiana it was one of my favorite things about the season. I lived in a neighborhood (the one we just moved back to actually) with a parade, so a few weeks before the parade people would start cleaning up their yards, decorating for the parade, and generally coming out of their winter cocoon. The neighborhood is one where people spend a lot of time on their porches, and it seems like the parade prep often marked the return to porch sitting.

Witchee, how do you feel about this type of garment? What color & size would you like? (keep in-mind it does say it runs one size big!) Huh, not my usual jam, but it looks super comfy. Based on the reviews, I think a large in black should work.

Are there any mythical creatures that you're really into and that you would enjoy gifts relating to? Hmm, not really. Although, I do have a random soft-spot for recipes based on fantasy novels, so if you have hobbit inspired food related stuff why not?

Returning to the music question I skipped, here are the last five songs played by the streaming radio station I listen to:
1. Chanson d'Acadie - Beausoleil
2. Love Me or Leave Me - Nina Simone
3. Extraordinary Machine - Fiona Apple
4. How Can You Mend a Broken Heart - Al Green
5. Life by the Drop - Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble




SW Master List of Q's Spring Fools 2016 Round

Q's as of 7:20 EST 2/26/16

Do you like colouring?

Can you list your wishlists please?

If you like Lush, are there any UK-only things you're desperate to get?

Crochet goodies yes or no? If yes, what kind of goodies?

Do you have any allergies to animals/smoke/food etc?

Graphic novels:

Nail Polish:


Nail Wraps:

Teas/Spices/Spice Rubs/Specialty Ingredients from a local tea & spice shop?

In Regards to loose/bagged tea:

Speaking of spices - where's your spicy/heat threshold? (scale of 1 - 10 - 1 being nothing more than black pepper, 10 being ghost pepper+)

Preferred book format? Physical, PDF, Kindle, etc?

As of Monday, 2/29 1:30 PM EST

Would you be interested in any handmade critters? Stuffed animals, knit or crochet beasties, or anything remotely similar? If so, please give an example or five

Since this is the Spring Fools' round, is there anything that goes with the theme of April Fool's Day or spring that might be fun to add to your package? Flowers (seeds, real, or handmade) prank-related items, a court jester's cap? Feel free to be creative and crazy with this one!

Pet owners - would you like any kind of toy or supply for your pet?

Geek paraphernalia! Almost everyone here has SOME sort of geek-love, whether it is Harry potter, Horror movies, graphic novels, science, etc. So would you be interested in any kind of items related to your geek-ish interests?

Any yarn, plastic, metal, or fabric sensitivities?

would you like pretty stationery/note cards, etc, for writing snail mail?

If you could have any BPALs right now (GC, LE, HTF) what would they be? Give examples of at least a few of each category

Any places you would like gift cards from?

Do you wear make-up? Any brands you like? Color preferences?

Junk food and candy?

Witchee, regarding your fave TV shows, would you be interested in the associated DVDs? Fan books?

Do you need any items for your kitchen (linens, gadgets, cooking supplies, etc.)?

Gardens/plants: I am dreaming of spring, dear witch: Do you like plants? Do you have any? Indoor potted plants? A balcony bed? A yard? Do you want/need anything?

As of Thursday, March 3 8:30 PM

If I were to make you something based on one or more interests mentioned in your Q'aire/blog, would you prefer something you could wear, something that hangs on a wall, or something that sits on a shelf (or couch or wherever) ?

Are you in need of BPAL storage?

Hi, witchee! Do you like candles? Incense? Wax melts?

BAGS! Do you like/want/need any kind of bags? Purses (big, small, medium), storage type bags, totes, re-usable grocery bags, make up or craft supply bags . . . anything? And if so, please give as much info as possible about type, color, use, fabric, etc

Here's a question. I make handmade journals/albums/smashbooks/junk journals. Would you be interested in anything like that?

If you like Harry Potter stuff, what house do you belong in? If you like Game of Thrones, what family?

What's your favorite animal/totem? Would you be interested in a small figurine of said animal from this etsy user?

Anything exciting to you in PBSW's Spring Collection?

Witchee, are you interested in this kind of music (it's one of my favorites)[Tartanic - uncivilized]?

Oh dead Witchee, how do you feel about Sakura Matsuri? Do you like Green Tea and Sakura flavored desserts/treats? Decorations or jewelry with a cherry blossom theme?

Hey, witchee! If I were to send you a garment, what size would I send?

3/4/16 Missed this question a few days ago:

What style of bag from here (if any) would you like? You can easily narrow down the choices on the side menu - but I only want to know the style, not the pattern!

It's Hottie Friday, witches and witchees! Name a famous crush or five

Also - what are the last 5 songs that appeared on your random or shuffle music list.

Updated 3/7

If you should happen to be my witchee, are there any items in my store that you would like? Nut-Made by LisaNut

Oh Witchee, have you seen the kimono tops that are all the rage right now? Would you like one? I will sew you one if you do, just tell me if you're a fringe or lace edge or plain edge type of person- I have your color picks from your questionnaire, unless you'd like it in something different than those?

I was thinking about busting out the sculpy clay - I sometimes like to make cute little fantasy miniature sculpture, like fairy doors, or miniature garden gnomes for potted plants, or I've even made a couple of tiny smaug's based on this cartoon. If you were my witchee, how would you feel about receiving some tiny fantasy art for your home? Any preference between a fairy door, or a garden gnome, a tiny fairy box, or something like smaug?

If you won a gift certificate for $100 (Or similar amount in your country) that could be used ANYWHERE what would you get?

Something that you look forward to each spring, or that when you see it (hear it/smell it/taste it, etc) you think "Yes! Spring is here!" or something along those lines!

Witchee, how do you feel about this type of garment? What color & size would you like? (keep in-mind it does say it runs one size big!)

Are there any mythical creatures that you're really into and that you would enjoy gifts relating to?


Do you have a green thumb? Any seeds, plants or related items that you would like?




SW 2016!

Do you like colouring?
no, I'm more of a sketcher

Can you list your wishlists please?
down below! I sent my etsy one with the questionnaire

If you like Lush, are there any UK-only things you're desperate to get?
I'm not that familiar with lush, I'd love anything!

Crochet goodies yes or no? If yes, what kind of goodies?
hmmm, idk if this is knitting or crocheting but I have been wanting one of those jumbo yarn scarves. that's about it though

Do you have any allergies to animals/smoke/food etc?
nope! just sensitive to gluten, not allergic

Nail Polish! Do you have a specific brand you like? Do you like/want to try Indie brands? What colors of nail polish do you wear?
no please! I used to hoard it and now have tons I never use.

do you use BPTP products? If so, which do you like, not like, want to try? And if not, are you interested in trying some, and which ones (scents or item types or both) most appeal?
Yes! I have enough HG, but I would love some bath oil and atmos! For the bath oil anything rich like snake oil or RR (which I don't have) and pretty much anything for atmos (I don't have any)!

Nail Wraps??
Actually I would love to try some out

Teas/Spices/Spice Rubs/Specialty Ingredients from a local tea & spice shop?
Yes! I'm open to anything! nothing spicy though

In Regards to loose/bagged tea:
I like loose better but either is great!

Speaking of spices - where's your spicy/heat threshold? (scale of 1 - 10 - 1 being nothing more than black pepper, 10 being ghost pepper+)

Preferred book format? Physical, PDF, Kindle, etc?
No books unless it's a physical Crystal Healing book with lot's of pictures that's the only type of book I want right now

Would you be interested in any handmade critters? Stuffed animals, knit or crochet beasties, or anything remotely similar? If so, please give an example or five
Not really, my dog would end up stalking it and tearing it up

Since this is the Spring Fools' round, is there anything that goes with the theme of April Fool's Day or spring that might be fun to add to your package? Flowers (seeds, real, or handmade) prank-related items, a court jester's cap? Feel free to be creative and crazy with this one!
I can't think of anything! I don't like prank items because they get thrown away after one use, and although in my best life I plant seeds, in my current one I do not

Pet owners - would you like any kind of toy or supply for your pet?
Yes! Edible things for a larger dog that a LONG LASTING would be amazing!

Geek paraphernalia! Almost everyone here has SOME sort of geek-love, whether it is Harry potter, Horror movies, graphic novels, science, etc. So would you be interested in any kind of items related to your geek-ish interests?
Yes! the labyrinth and the last unicorn

Any yarn, plastic, metal, or fabric sensitivities?
not that I know of, I remember a wool hat giving me a rash on my forehead years ago but scarves and sweaters seem fine. Probably stay away from wool headgear.

would you like pretty stationery/note cards, etc, for writing snail mail?
no thanks

Any places you would like gift cards from?
etsy! Amazon, sephora, express, urban outfitters, nasty gal, free people

Do you wear make-up? Any brands you like? Color preferences?
yes! I'm open to all brands, I'm SUPER into highlighters (like everyone else right now) but I'm VERY PALE so the color must be pretty light. I've been wanting some nice matte jewel-tone eyeshadows and fine color shift glitters. Those metallic liquid lipsticks from the LAsplash dia de los muertos collection have also caught my eye

Junk food and candy?
YES any and all

Witchee, regarding your fave TV shows, would you be interested in the associated DVDs? Fan books?
no thank you

Do you need any items for your kitchen (linens, gadgets, cooking supplies, etc.)?
not that I can think of right now

Gardens/plants: I am dreaming of spring, dear witch: Do you like plants? Do you have any? Indoor potted plants? A balcony bed? A yard? Do you want/need anything?
I know I'd neglect it, sorry!

If I were to make you something based on one or more interests mentioned in your Q'aire/blog, would you prefer something you could wear, something that hangs on a wall, or something that sits on a shelf (or couch or wherever) ?
probably any, the only think is I'm pretty picky about jewelry, but you shoudl eb able to get an idea of what I like from my etsy wishlist

Are you in need of BPAL storage?

Do you like candles? Incense? Wax melts?
yes, yes & yes!

BAGS! Do you like/want/need any kind of bags? Purses (big, small, medium), storage type bags, totes, re-usable grocery bags, make up or craft supply bags . . . anything? And if so, please give as much info as possible about type, color, use, fabric, etc
medium purses, pretty much any fabric you'd see as a Urban Outfitters tapestry I'm down with

I make handmade journals/albums/smashbooks/junk journals. Would you be interested in anything like that?
I'd love a journal! I'm running out of space in my affirmations journal

What style of bag from here (if any) would you like? You can easily narrow down the choices on the side menu - but I only want to know the style, not the pattern!
I like the shoulder bag style!

If you like Harry Potter stuff, what house do you belong in? If you like Game of Thrones, what family?
I like both of those but not like super into them kwim? anyway according to very accuate internet quizes, gryffindor and Arryn. whoops.

What's your favorite animal/totem? Would you be interested in a small figurine of said animal from this etsy user?
unicorn. I'm not really into the style of the small figurines, the pendants are cool though

Anything exciting to you in PBSW's Spring Collection?
oooo, the april fools lotion and bath streusel look interesting

Witchee, are you interested in this kind of music (it's one of my favorites)?
not particularly

How do you feel about Sakura Matsuri? Do you like Green Tea and Sakura flavored desserts/treats? Decorations or jewelry with a cherry blossom theme?
Would LOVE to go to the street festival! I love those flavors. Decorations are fine but no jewelry with cherry blossom please

Clothing size

It's Hottie Friday, witches and witchees! Name a famous crush or five
ooooo, loving Matt McGorry

Also - what are the last 5 songs that appeared on your random or shuffle music list
maybe I don't get the question but I never do random shuffle, I played The Cardigan's Super Extra Gravity album today

Oh Witchee, have you seen the kimono tops that are all the rage right now? Would you like one? I will sew you one if you do, just tell me if you're a fringe or lace edge or plain edge type of person- I have your color picks from your questionnaire, unless you'd like it in something different than those?
YES I AM OBSESSED WITH KIMONO'S! I wear them all weekend! I love frige, fringe all the things! no such thing as too much!

I was thinking about busting out the sculpy clay - I sometimes like to make cute little fantasy miniature sculpture, like fairy doors, or miniature garden gnomes for potted plants, or I've even made a couple of tiny smaug's based onthis cartoon. If you were my witchee, how would you feel about receiving some tiny fantasy art for your home? Any preference between a fairy door, or a garden gnome, a tiny fairy box, or something like smaug?
fairy door, garden gnome, fairy box, yes to all three!

If you won a gift certificate for $100 (Or similar amount in your country) that could be used ANYWHERE what would you get?
jewelry and crystals from etsy!!!

Something that you look forward to each spring, or that when you see it (hear it/smell it/taste it, etc) you think "Yes! Spring is here!" or something along those lines!
easter candy! lindt milk chocolate bunnies, cadberry mini eggs, hollow milk chocolate bunnies! all the candy!

Witchee, how do you feel about this type of garment? What color & size would you like? (keep in-mind it does say it runs one size big!)
Omg I love it but I'm pretty sure my husband would actually divorce me

Are there any mythical creatures that you're really into and that you would enjoy gifts relating to?
YAAAAAS unicorns and mermaids

Laura S. Taylor

Laura S. Taylor


SwitchWitch Spring 2016 Q&A!

Do you like colouring? Yes, but I don't really do it very often. I've got a mandala coloring book and a pack of colored pencils, so I'm probably set.

If you like Lush, are there any UK-only things you're desperate to get? I'm not sure what's UK-only, but I loooooove Lush. I'm a fiend for the Charity Pot fragrance and most of the bath bombs, bath melts, ets.

Crochet goodies yes or no? If yes, what kind of goodies? Absolutely yes! I'm down for anything, especially bags.

Do you have any allergies to animals/smoke/food etc? Nope.

Graphic novels: I'm not really familiar with any in particular.

Nail Polish? I have an enormous collection back home in NC. None here in CT.

Crafty? Very. Mostly all about the painting right now; I do also like free-hand embroidery.

BPTP Products? I have not tried any.

Nail Wraps? No thank you. They don't seem to work with my fingernail shape, really.

Teas/Spices/Spice Rubs/Specialty Ingredients from a local tea & spice shop?
Yes. 100% yes. Especially if there's a good ginger tea. I'm digging ginger teas lately.

In Regards to loose/bagged tea:
I have means of doing loose tea, though I would actually really love to get more of those cheesecloth sachet bag things. I'm almost out of my disposable teabags.

Would you be interested in any handmade critters? Stuffed animals, knit or crochet beasties, or anything remotely similar? If so, please give an example or five: sure! I got a little crocheted goose a few years ago that I love dearly. Any bird-related critters are great. Others would be like...a seal. I like seals.

Since this is the Spring Fools' round, is there anything that goes with the theme of April Fool's Day or spring that might be fun to add to your package? Flowers (seeds, real, or handmade) prank-related items, a court jester's cap? Feel free to be creative and crazy with this one! I love the idea of flowers. I've been obsessing over flower headbands and crowns lately. I want to swoosh and dance my way through spring.

Pet owners - would you like any kind of toy or supply for your pet? I don't have any pets here.

Geek paraphernalia! Almost everyone here has SOME sort of geek-love, whether it is Harry potter, Horror movies, graphic novels, science, etc. So would you be interested in any kind of items related to your geek-ish interests? Of course.

Any yarn, plastic, metal, or fabric sensitivities? Pure wool seems to make me itch a bit. Wool blends are fine.

would you like pretty stationery/note cards, etc, for writing snail mail? Oh yessssss. Pay no mind to my overflowing box of the stuff. A girl is allowed to collect, damn it.

If you could have any BPALs right now (GC, LE, HTF) what would they be? Give examples of at least a few of each category: Titania, Alice, Snake Oil. I can't think of any LEs I'm really craving. HTF--Chaste Moon '05. Always Chaste Moon.

Any places you would like gift cards from? Torrid, Ulta, Amazon, any magical/witchy stores would be great. Not necessary at all, mind you.

Do you wear make-up? Any brands you like? Color preferences? I do! I am actually looking for new eyeshadow since a lot of mine...broke? Traveling is hard. I like a lot of shimmery stuff, mostly purples/bronzes/golds, but also greens. I don't wear a ton of blue because I can never seem to pull it off unless it's like a bold turquoise. No major brand loyalty except to certain Urban Decay products.

Junk food and candy? Yes.

Witchee, regarding your fave TV shows, would you be interested in the associated DVDs? Fan books? Ehhh...no thank you on DVDs and fan books. I just don't have a lot of room for them.

Do you need any items for your kitchen (linens, gadgets, cooking supplies, etc.)? You know, I could do with some shot glasses and a good Nikki-flavored coffee mug. Preferably one that doesn't break easily.

Gardens/plants: I am dreaming of spring, dear witch: Do you like plants? Do you have any? Indoor potted plants? A balcony bed? A yard? Do you want/need anything? Housemate and I spent like 4 hours discussing gardening plans the other night. We've got some boxes outside our cabin and are planning some guerrilla gardening elsewhere on our site. By all means, dear Witch. By all means.

If I were to make you something based on one or more interests mentioned in your Q'aire/blog, would you prefer something you could wear, something that hangs on a wall, or something that sits on a shelf (or couch or wherever) ?

I would need more information on what kind of interests you're targeting.
Are you in need of BPAL storage?

Kind of, but I don't actually have any of my BPAL with me right now. I had no room in my luggage.

Hi, witchee! Do you like candles? Incense? Wax melts?

Oh my Lord, yes. I generally don't burn candles in the house except on my altar, but I have this adorable owl tart warmer that the housemates also love and we always have a tart burning in that. Actually, we're currently really running low on tarty goodness, so if you see any you think I'd like, go for it! I just ask...please, nothing that smells like baked goods. I live with humans who will get grumpy if they're tricked by fakery scents.
BAGS! Do you like/want/need any kind of bags? Purses (big, small, medium), storage type bags, totes, re-usable grocery bags, make up or craft supply bags . . . anything? And if so, please give as much info as possible about type, color, use, fabric, etc.

You have no idea how much I love bags. I generally prefer cross-body style bags and tote bags, but look, bags are great no matter what species they are. As far as specifics...I like bright colors, funky patterns, generally prefer fabric over leather (I'm not opposed to leather, I'm just more attracted to funky, brightly-colored bags than like, respectable adult purses made from leather). My current purse is this deep eggplant purple cross-body hobo bag with an embroidered tree of life on it that I got at the Greater Good store in Minneapolis-St. Paul...Jesus, I sound like a goddamn hippie right now, don't I? (I am.)
Here's a question. I make handmade journals/albums/smashbooks/junk journals. Would you be interested in anything like that?
OMG YES PLEASE. I really love journalling about my work with kids and basically doing a hybrid between a scrapbook and a diary. I'd prefer a smaller book--I had a full 8x11 journal last season and it was uncomfortably large. Like those journals that are, what, 6x8? That's a perfect size. Oh man.
If you like Harry Potter stuff, what house do you belong in? If you like Game of Thrones, what family?
Ravenclaw, and according to the Buzzfeed post, I'm House Arryn, and Buzzfeed says "You’re out of your damn mind, but no one wants to be the one to tell you. Sorry." Was it because I chose "COME AT ME BRO" as my motto? Or was it the falcon? Look, I just like birds, okay?
What's your favorite animal/totem? Would you be interested in a small figurine of said animal from this etsy user?
I am a goose. And those figurines are truly beautiful.
Anything exciting to you in PBSW's Spring Collection?
Why, yes, yes it does. The Afternoons and Eiderdowns sounds lovely, as does April Fool, Crickhollow Cottage, Sky Blue Sky. Really, anything. I have no PBSW products these days. I used all my Sweetcheeks stuff and then forgot to buy more?
Witchee, are you interested in this kind of music (it's one of my favorites)[Tartanic - uncivilized]?
Um, YES.
Oh dead Witchee, how do you feel about Sakura Matsuri? Do you like Green Tea and Sakura flavored desserts/treats? Decorations or jewelry with a cherry blossom theme?
I think cherry blossoms are lovely. I also like green tea.
Hey, witchee! If I were to send you a garment, what size would I send?
Depends on the garment.

What style of bag from here (if any) would you like? You can easily narrow down the choices on the side menu - but I only want to know the style, not the pattern!

a messenger bag or tote bag. But I'd also take smaller bags. I just. I love the artists there--I actually own the Fairytale Tarot, although it's currently MIA.




Spring Fool's Switch Witch 2016 Questions & Answers!

First & Foremost: LINKS!
I figured I'd put these up top, to make them easier to find. Amazon.com Etsy.com (anything that's not in the "Items I Love" folder) BPAL ThinkGeek Goodreads (may or may not work - these are books I already own) Pinterest Tumblr

Basic Info
Birthday: 9 April (5 days after SW ends!)
Pets: 1 cat
Children: A mopey teenager
Religious orientation: Agnostic
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Occupation/Major in school: Order support - I sit at a computer and track down lost packages
Living arrangement (by yourself, with roommates, etc): by myself - daughter lives w/her dad, but she's also 18, so ... Oh, and 1 12-year-old cat who thinks she's (a) a dog and ( still a kitten
Livejournal/Blog/Website: (see the above links section)
Organizations/Causes/Activities (Things you belong to or causes you believe in):

Favorite BPAL oils: Snake Oil, Spanked revisited, Bright Red Dildo, Sin, Vixen

Favorite notes: red musk, champaca, some patchoulis, leather, resiny scents

Favorite non-BPAL perfumes: I've had some fairly good luck with Nocturne Alchemy, but that's about it

Least favorite notes: rose, carnation, violet, banana, aquatics, coconut

Least favorite non-BPAL perfumes: No luck with House of Gloi or Moonalisa

If Beth made a custom blend for you, what would the notes be, and what would you want the label art to look like? So I'm taking this from the 2015 answer, and then realized that Bright Red Dildo is pretty much it! : I never know how to answer this question. Some red musk, maybe a little champaca, honey, vanilla

Style/home decoration style: simple, clean(ish ... okay, I really need to vacuum, and most things are covered in more cat hair than I will ever be able to get rid of)

Favorite decorating colors: black, white, jewel tones

Things you collect: Funko pop dolls, graphic novels, BPAL

Favorite music: a little of everything. If I had to stick to 1 genre, it'd be classic rock, but I'm really digging on the Hamilton soundtrack right now (and I'm not a huge R&B or Rap fan)

Least favorite music: rap, religious, twangy-country

Vegetarian/Vegan?: (Please be as specific as possible to reduce confusion!) Neither!

Other food restrictions: slightly allergic to banana, aversion to coconut, beans & black licorice

Favorite flavors: dark chocolate, caramel, somewhat salty, vanilla

Favorite foods/drinks: sushi, pizza, tim tams

Favorite authors/genres: Neil Gaiman, Sarah Douglass, Jacqueline Carey, science fiction, fantasy, historical fantasy

Least favorite authors/genres: Stephanie Meyer, Cassandra Clare, Laurell K Hamilton, Charlaine Harris

Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet: See my Amazon Wish list above

How do you feel about receiving gently used books as gifts? Sounds good to me!

Favorite stores (including clothing stores): target, walmart (evil, I know), local comic shops, hot topic (for Pop dolls)

Favorite online stores (including B&B stores): paintbox soapworks, bpal, nocture alchemy, bptp, Elements & Artifacts

Magazines you subscribe to: none

Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: none

Favorite movies: way too long to list - favourite movie of all time is The Court Jester, Harvey, The Artist, Let the Right one In (the Danish version), The Conjuring, Marvel movies (except for the Hulk movies), some of the DC movies

Favorite TV show(s): NCIS, Arrow, Flash, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Agent Carter, Game of Thrones, Agents of Shield,

Hobbies/crafts done: photography, jewelry making, counted cross stitch

Clothing & Jewelry
Hair type: shorter, thin

Skin Type: break-out prone ... everywhere. I have to avoid bath oils, bath bombs & most bath salts because I break out.

Allergies (specifically B&B related): see above - also, some cinnamons & cardamom also cause me to break out/burn like crazy

Other things to avoid:

Tub, shower or both? both

Favorite bath & beauty products: TGI Catwalk's Oatmeal & Honey shampoo, Paintbox Soapworks Clean Slate soap.

Clothing Style/Fave garments: pjs & sweat pants! I have no style

Favorite clothing colors/colors to wear: dark jewel tones - blues, greens, reds - black

Type(s) of jewelry worn: earrings, pendants, necklaces

Ring/wrist/collar size: no rings, and I haven't worn bracelets in a while; 15"+ necklaces

Jewelry - gold or silver? silver

Do you have any allergies to metal? yellow gold

Favorite gemstones: labradorite, and precious stones too expensive to list *lol*

Sock/Shoe Size: 8 - keep in mind: I have thick calves, so I have trouble with knee-high socks not fitting quite right

Random Questions:
- On a scale of 1-5, how organized are you? 4

- Where, outside of the U.S. would you love to visit? (if you're international, this can be anywhere) ANYWHERE. I never go anywhere.

-Where, inside of the U.S. would you love to visit? see above!

-Favorite City in the US/World? New Orleans

- Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age? at this point? my age.

-If I gave you a toy gun with flashing lights, would you hide and start shooting people from around corners OR would you thank me on the IGI thread and then quietly donate it (a niece, Oxfam, Goodwill, wherever)? (there are no wrong answers for this, so don't be afraid to answer honestly) I probably wouldn't use it. I'd thank you, but then donate it.

- What animal do you feel like the most? right now? A sloth

- Your favorite feature about yourself: I don't have one these days

- Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere? neighbourhood - condo complex

-Have you ever thought, "oh, I'm going to get myself one of those one of these days" but then never do? List 1 under $10 and 1 over $10. Wandcaps. I can always use more wandcaps

- How do you feel about boi witches? I'm fine with them

- Do you like garage sales (boot sales)? sure, but I never seem to find the great deals everyone else does
- I like to slather my food in : cheese

- State fairs or carnivals? Both

- You throw caution to the wind and runaway to join a traveling circus. What job would you want ( a main performer, a side show, a behind the scenes spot, etc) and why? I'd be the person pulling the strings from behind the stage - not so much a main performer, but I'd likely keep things running. It's just who I am.

- What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with? I can never pick just one!

- Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items can be may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. What do you choose?

- Do you need storage boxes/bottles/containers? Decorated or Plain? I'm starting to run out of space in my BPAL box, so I could probably use another one. Either decorate or plain is fine with me.

- The world has given you the day off. You hear that, no chores, responsibilities, or budget you have to follow. What would you do in those 24 hours? Disneyworld!

- Do you like steampunk & if so what kind of steampunk item would you most like to receive? I like the aesthetic of steampunk, but I don't own anything that's steampunk-ish, so I don't really know what I'd like to receive.

- Do you have an etsy shop? Not anymore. I only ever sold like 2 things, so ...

- Would you like to receive baked goods, if so what kind? I'll pass. I don't even eat the baked goods I make for myself, these days

- What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions?

Questions from 25 Feb 2016:
Colouring? So confession time. I coloured *a lot* when I was in college (far more years ago than I want to consider), for the same reason it's become more visible now: stress relief. That said, I don't do it so much anymore these days. No books, no crayons. Too many other things to do!

Wishlists? Check out my signature - there's a Switch Witch (and many other) blog posts that should help you out. And I promise, I will update with the answers that were blank. I kinda sneaked in at the last minute.

Lush? There are a few shampoos I like, but everything pretty much smells the same to me. Let me see ... Big Shampoo. I'd like to try out the Fairly Traded Honey shampoo, and specifically from the UK? Jersey Bounce (holy heck, why do we not have this in the US?)

Crochet? Sure! Hats & scarves, although it's too warm to wear anything

Allergies? I listed them in my questionnaire, but I don't think I listed this one: I'm allergic to cigarette smoke.

Comics/Graphic Novels? I wish I could show you my bookshelf of "to read" books, because it's mostly graphic novels I think I have a link to my Goodreads bookshelves, so check that out to see what I already have, and I have a separate list on Amazon just for graphic novels.

Nail Polish? I'm tempted to buy the ... um ... Bright Red Dildo polish from BPTP, but that's the only one I've considered of late; I really don't do anything with my nails, so polish really wouldn't get used.

Crafty? I take pictures, and I occasionally make jewelry - simple jewelry, but still jewelry.

BPTP Products? Perfume oils, hair gloss & soap. I don't use Atmos & I can't use the bath oils (skin allergy - I break out)

Nail Wraps: I won't use them, sorry.

Teas/Spices/Spice Rubs/Specialty Ingredients from a local tea & spice shop? I'm good here, thank you. I'm swimming in tea & spices!

Questions from 26 February 2016
Speaking of spices - where's your spicy/heat threshold? (scale of 1 - 10 - 1 being nothing more than black pepper, 10 being ghost pepper+): I'd say maybe 3-4, but it really depends on the spice.

Preferred book format? Physical, PDF, Kindle, etc? For me, it depends on the kind of book. For graphic novels, I want physical books. For everything else, Kindle

Questions from 27 February 2016
Would you be interested in any handmade critters? Sure! I adore hand-made beasties (crocheted, knitted, sewn together fabric, etc), and have no preference as to what kind of beastie. It could be a bat, an octopus, a dragon ... anything is wonderful

Since this is the Spring Fools' round, is there anything that goes with the theme of April Fool's Day or spring that might be fun to add to your package? Sure (I say that a lot)! Have fun with it! No glitter or confetti, though - my cat gets into *everything* and tries to eat everything.

Pet owners - would you like any kind of toy or supply for your pet? My cat loves catnip. She's still going nuts over the catnip baggies I received during the 12-days-of-Christmas swap!

Geek paraphernalia! Almost everyone here has SOME sort of geek-love, whether it is Harry potter, Horror movies, graphic novels, science, etc. So would you be interested in any kind of items related to your geek-ish interests? Sounds good to me!

Any yarn, plastic, metal, or fabric sensitivities? None that I'm aware ...

Would you like pretty stationery/note cards, etc, for writing snail mail? I'm always looking for some inexpensive blank cards to use as "Thank You" cards when sending swap & sales packages, but otherwise, they wouldn't really get used.

If you could have any BPALs right now (GC, LE, HTF) what would they be? Give examples of at least a few of each category: From my Wishlist, these are the ones I'd love bottles of:
GC: Fenris Wolf, Anteros, Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo, Lust
LE: Ice (Kabuki), Krampus (2014 Yules)
HTF: Pallas Athene, Egyptian Amber SN, Boomslang (original), Black Lace (non Apple), Orange Blossom SN, Red Musk SN

Any places you would like gift cards from? Starbucks, PB Soapworks, BPAL/BPTP, Target

Do you wear make-up? Any brands you like? Color preferences? I don't wear makeup at all.

Junk food and candy? Dark chocolate, salted caramels, and a fondness for Cherry/Strawberry/Watermelon Blow Pops

Witchee, regarding your fave TV shows, would you be interested in the associated DVDs? Fan books? Not so much with Fan Books, and I own DVDs for most of the shows I watch (except Agent Carter ... that's still on my Amazon Wishlist).

Questions from 28 Feb 2016
Do you need any items for your kitchen (linens, gadgets, cooking supplies, etc.)? I can never think of anything to answer this; I'm sure there are, but I can't think of anything right now.

Gardens/plants: I am dreaming of spring, dear witch: Do you like plants? Do you have any? Indoor potted plants? A balcony bed? A yard? Do you want/need anything? I love plants, and I love to garden. Unfortunately, I don't have a balcony or patio, and my cat eats everything. Last time I tried to grow grass for my cat to eat, I ended up with a ton of bugs.

Questions from 29 Feb 2016
If I were to make you something based on one or more interests mentioned in your Q'aire/blog, would you prefer something you could wear, something that hangs on a wall, or something that sits on a shelf (or couch or wherever) ? Yes, to all of the questions.
Are you in need of BPAL storage? More BPTP storage - my Hairgloss box is full.

Questions from 1 March 2016
Hi, witchee! Do you like candles? Incense? Wax melts? Candles yes. Incense so-so. Not so much melts.

BAGS! Do you like/want/need any kind of bags? Purses (big, small, medium), storage type bags, totes, re-usable grocery bags, make up or craft supply bags . . . anything? And if so, please give as much info as possible about type, color, use, fabric, etc I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I always seem to be looking for more bags - cross-body style purses, occasional re-usable grocery bags w/out store logos across them

I make handmade journals/albums/smashbooks/junk journals. Would you be interested in anything like that? I wish. I love them, but they never get used

Questions from 2 March 2016
What style of bag from here (if any) would you like? You can easily narrow down the choices on the side menu - but I only want to know the style, not the pattern! http://eu.baba-store...bags-and-purses
Oh my goodness, these are gorgeous. I kind of like the small messenger bags.

If you like Harry Potter stuff, what house do you belong in? If you like Game of Thrones, what family? Old Pottermore: Ravenclaw. New Pottermore: Gryffindor. Game of Thrones? That's a tough one. I'm not sure I'd belong to any house.

What's your favorite animal/totem? Would you be interested in a small figurine of said animal from this etsy user? I have a difficult time narrowing things down to just 1! I love dolphins, foxes, birds of prey, dragons, owls, wolves ...

Anything exciting to you in PBSW's Spring Collection? Lemony Biscuit is always a favourite - soaps or sugar scrub. I'd love to try Potting Shed

Questions from 3 March 2016
Witchee, are you interested in this kind of music (it's one of my favorites)? Mm ... not really my thing.

Oh dead Witchee, how do you feel about Sakura Matsuri? Do you like Green Tea and Sakura flavored desserts/treats? Decorations or jewelry with a cherry blossom theme? Sure!

Hey, witchee! If I were to send you a garment, what size would I send? That's a difficult one, since sizes vary so much. Even sizes I think fit, don't

Questions from 4 March 2016
It's Hottie Friday, witches and witchees! Name a famous crush or five Ooooh ... Chris Evans, Shemar Moore, Jason Mamoa ...

Also - what are the last 5 songs that appeared on your random or shuffle music list Not so much random - It's the Hamilton soundtrack! But if I put it on Random, I get: The Look (Roxette), Moves Like Jagger (Maroon 5), Heavy is the Head (Zac Brown Band w/Chris Cornell), Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Queen), Feel Again (One Republic). My library also includes some Lorena McKennitt, Lindsey Stirling, Gershwin, and a variety of other things.

Questions from 5 March 2016
No questions for today

Questions from 6 March 2016
No questions for today

Questions from 7 March 2016
Oh Witchee, have you seen the kimono tops that are all the rage right now? Would you like one? I will sew you one if you do, just tell me if you're a fringe or lace edge or plain edge type of person- I have your color picks from your questionnaire, unless you'd like it in something different than those? Plain edge

I sometimes like to make cute little fantasy miniature sculpture, like fairy doors, or miniature garden gnomes for potted plants, or I've even made a couple of tiny smaug's based on this cartoon. If you were my witchee, how would you feel about receiving some tiny fantasy art for your home? Any preference between a fairy door, or a garden gnome, a tiny fairy box, or something like smaug? The Fairy box is beautiful, and Smaug is adorable

If you won a gift certificate for $100 (Or similar amount in your country) that could be used ANYWHERE what would you get? BPAL, always Amazon & iTunes also work well.

Something that you look forward to each spring, or that when you see it (hear it/smell it/taste it, etc) you think "Yes! Spring is here!" or something along those lines Not really sure - I live in Texas, and we don't really get "Spring" here, so much as we get "hotter"

Questions from 8 March 2016
Witchee, how do you feel about this type of garment? What color & size would you like? (keep in-mind it does say it runs one size big!) Not really my thing

Are there any mythical creatures that you're really into and that you would enjoy gifts relating to? The Phoenix, dragons, faeries, um ... I know there are others.

Questions from 10 March 2016
Do you have a green thumb, my Witchee? Would you be interested in bulbs, seeds or other gardening paraphernalia? Do you have a favorite flower? I wouldn't have anywhere to plant them, Witch I'm sorry.


