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BPAL Madness!


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About sammy

  • Rank
    evil enabler
  • Birthday 09/29/1974


  • Location
    Long Island, N.Y.
  • Country
    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    In no particular order: Hope and Fear Set Free, Om Gam Ganyapataye Namaha, Streets of Detroit, Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, Hellion, Eat Me, Urd, Paramatman, Snake Oil (preferably aged), Jingo Kogo v6, Snake Charmer, Mme. Moriarty, Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller, The Illustrated Woman, Bordello, Visions of Autumn III, Lilith Victoria, Luna Negra 2011, Hanerot Halalu, Nocturnus, Olibanum Single Note, Lacus Oblivionis, Eve, Scherezade,Insects... I love champaca/nag champa, patchouli, sandalwood, incense, frankincense/olibanum, berry (especially if it's blended with musk or incense), bourbon vanilla, red musk (love!), amber, black musk, myrrh, lavender. Lately I'm diggin' Beth's far out notes like motor oil (how does she do it?) and more herbaceous notes like sage and pine (not all but some. The really in your face pine I'm still working on learning to love, but I'm getting there). I'm discovering new favorite notes all the time...

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  • Interests
    My kiddos, my furbabies, Dr. Who, music, art, and last but not least...BPAL BPAL BPAL!


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  1. sammy

    Silky Bat

    Omggggg. I FINALLY got my hands on a bottle of Silkybat! Once upon a time I had a decant of the hair gloss, and it was long gone. I had missed it so, but always missed out since bottles flew so fast when bottles were stocked on the website. Thanks to a good friend and wonderful forumite, my Silkybat dream has come true and I now own a bottle. <3 It is SO FREAKING AMAZING. To my nose, it's an almost caramelized spun sugar with the most gorgeous patchouli underneath. I'm in Looooooove. This is going to get so much wear this Autumn and Winter. It's wonderfully cozy and unlike anything else I own. It ticks both the gourmand and earthy patchouli boxes, which is so unique. It's utterly huffable. Silkybat is full of major win.
  2. sammy


    I can't get enough of Insects. I was initially drawn to the notes in Black Moths and was going to blind buy a bottle of that when I got a decant of Insects in a swap. And Wow, how it wowed me instantly. I knew I had to purchase a bottle ASAP (and I did, along with Shadow in the Elevator). Insects is like no other patch blend I own. It isn't dirty patchouli (Shadow in the Elevator smells like Insects Black Patchouli sister to my nose, similar yet still very different), but it isn't clean or bright smelling, either. There's something here that I can't exactly identify which makes this all at once sexy, fierce, gorgeous, huffable, earthy, slightly sweet (the fruit probably lends a hand here) but not cloying. It isn't overtly fruity, for you fruity fearing friends o' mine. This scent has become my Crimson Peak Streets of Detroit (that is my most favorite of the OLLAs). Something dark, dangerous and deliciously amazing. A scent that I can't stop slathering. I love it so much so that I quickly purchased a backup bottle. ETA on 5/27 wearing it more and reading a bit about opoponax, it may be really one of the shining stars in this blend, the thing that gives it the sweet resin like quality which isn't coming from just the fruit. There's something else other than the patchouli that I couldn't put my finger on, I'd smelled it before but couldn't remember in which blends. It may very well be that and it is glorious. I haven't been able to stop wearing it. ETA one more thing...I just read neroli is also sweet and honeyed so that may also be lending a somewhat honeyed sort of vibe to the blend but ahhhh it's just so goooood. Get thee some!
  3. sammy


    This is all resin and sweet incense heaven. I don't get a lot of the florals at all, they're just faintly in the background once it completely dries down. I've tested this about three times now and decided I must have a big bottle. This was a surprise winner for me....I was frimped it in a package from a forumite and I tried it on a whim not knowing what to expect. What a wonderful, delightful surprise!
  4. sammy

    Lacus Oblivionis

    I just got this in the mail and couldn't wait to let it settle before I put some on, so this is reviewed right out of the mailbox. Holy WOW. This is THE most perfect lavender resin-y blend EVER. I'm ecstatic I have a second bottle on the way. I may need a third (possibly a fourth?!). Lacus Oblivionis is definitely going to be my most reached for sleep and relaxation blend and I will need to have it ALWAYS! Right out of the bottle it is all wonderful herbal lavender. As it dries down the frankincense, patch and amber become present and lend a wonderful warmth to the blend. I'm not getting a lot of sweetness from the fig right now, but some aging may change things up a bit. Spectacular. I can't find enough adjectives to express how much I love this... Beth has blown me away again. ETA- I keep huffing this and thinking that Beth created THE perfect lavender scent. It's the right balance of the wonderful herbal lavender I love and pretty much every other note I love. :huffhuffhuff:
  5. sammy


    Ahhhh!!! I cannot stop smelling my arm. This stuff is AMAZING! I've had an imp lying around for awhile and decided to give it a test run. I'm so thrilled that I finally did because it knocked my socks off and I've already ordered a big bottle. It starts out slightly smoky and woodsy, all champaca and sandalwood. As it dries down the orange blossom comes into play and rounds the scent out, sweetening it up a bit. This will be a fabulous scent in the spring and summer when I want an incense-y, heady blend since it also has the exotic floral note which I feel lightens it up. This is a sexy, feminine feeling fragrance. I'm in love.
  6. sammy


    Recently I noticed that a couple of my favorite BPAL blends had frankincense in common...Hope and Fear Set Free and Om Gam Ganyapataye Namaha. I knew I had to track down a bottle of Olibanum Single Note and I got incredibly lucky when I was able to arrange a swap with a lovely forumite for one. Olibanum SN is very similar to the frankincense note in those blends. As a single note there is a slightly woody and a smoky characteristic that really stands out, as others have mentioned. It's resin-y and so spectacular. Someone else suggested wand capping this and that is exactly what I did because it does indeed have a sap-like consistency. I've worn it by itself and will continue to, it is really amazing by itself. I have used it to deepen the frankincense notes in Om Gam and Hope and Fear Set Free. It's wonderful for tweaking things when I want a bit more frankincense. It will be a lot of fun layering with this single note. I may eventually need to track down a backup!
  7. sammy

    A Lady Tall and White

    A Lady Tall and White starts out with a blast of the frost accord, as AEris and Bluestblood mention above. It's a chilly mint note that pretty much takes over the entire scent. Then, as soon as the scent hits my skin and begins to dry down the magic happens. The frost accord almost completely fades and I'm left with a beautiful sugared vanilla and the barest breath of sandalwood. This scent truly evokes winter. The sugared vanilla note lasted for quite a few hours, amazing considering my skin can eat scent. I did test this right out of the mailbox, so once it settles I may have some things to add. It's pretty damn amazing right now and if it gets even better than this, it's going to knock my socks off.
  8. An almost ridiculously adorable scent. I'm a little hesitant to write this review because I want to buy about elebenty more bottles and have a hoard of them for life! All mine! None for you! (Just kidding, I'll leave you a FEW bottles...teehee!) Sugar Plum and Vanilla Bean Atmosphere Spray is absolutely AMAZING. It's sweet, with an almost candy like quality, but not cloyingly sweet at all. It's got that creamy vanilla backing the candy-like sugar plum, so it has a soothing quality as well. I just spritzed my entire house before bedtime and it is sheer HEAVEN. I'm going to have visions of sugar plums dancing in my head tonight It is very slightly reminiscent to my nose of something. I'd say it is allllmost in the Candy Phoenix realm, but more purple if that makes sense? More plummy and vanillic than Candy Phoenix. This is just SO freaking good. It will be the perfect scent for my daughters room. I haven't spritzed it in there yet, but my girls are going to flip for it. Thank you for such a splendid holiday atmosphere spray, Puddin'! My home is going to smell so lovely and sweet all season long! Please bring this back every year? <3 ETA: I just spritzed this again and realized what that plummy note reminds me of. This is totally closer to Bordello than Candy Phoenix. I don't have any other scents with the sugar plum note, so that's the closest thing I can compare it to. I ADORE Bordello, so no wonder I'm madly in love with this!
  9. sammy

    Penny Dreadful

    This was a total surprise. I expected dirt and instead I got spice and incense. Maybe the barest hint of that "perfume-y" note but mostly all spices and warmth and yummmm! YES! Ginger, maybe some sandalwood, maybe a bit of clove? It's tough to pick out the exact notes. Penny Dreadful is a wonderful cozy cold weather scent, totally appropriate for snuggling up at home in your favorite blanket. It's also got that beautiful sexy exotic spicy vibe, so it would also totally rock for a night out with a sexy outfit. A total winner. I see a 5 ml. in my future! ETA: As it dries down even further, it has become a bit more sexy, mature perfume-y but still has the spice notes present. I really don't get loam or dirt at any point. I'll retest another day and change my review if it is any different.
  10. sammy

    Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

    I wasn't sure I was going to love this. Rose can be an iffy note which I amp,the sage also worried me just a bit, not sure why... My decant arrived and I fell head over heels in love. Mad love. I slathered this so often that my decant was quickly used and I had to order a bottle. I'm kicking myself for not ordering ten bottles. This is mostly wonderful frankincense with a bit of soft rose and a touch of the sage and sandalwood to my nose. It is the most fabulous grounding, aromatherapeutic scent. It's wonderful when I feel stressed or anxious. I sometimes wear it as a bedtime scent, it has that much of a calming effect. Beth has truly created something fabulous here. It is a true meditative, centering, calming blend. This blend is hoard worthy, in my opinion. I'm afraid to ever be without it. Lilith meditating on the label is a huge bonus ETA: I totally agree with joyfulgirl. This frankincense in Om Gam is totally a dead ringer for the one in Hope and Fear Set Free, which is probably why I adore this so much. H&FSF is one of my all time favorite BPALs. Om Gam is also becoming an all time favorite.
  11. sammy

    Visions of Autumn III

    I'm going to say it. This is Banshee Beat Lite. I get all patchouli, all the time, but it is slightly tempered by the sweetness of the vanilla and honey, which are not major players, they are just there in the background. The vanilla and honey just serve to take the "dirty" sort of edge off the patch for me, making this utterly amazing, perfect patchouli. I don't get the cinnamon at all. It's ok, because since I've slathered it my nose has not left my arm. I'm addicted. This is the good stuff.
  12. sammy

    Sweet Potato Musk

    I'm going to preface this review by saying I'm not a big foody scent gal. Sweet Potato Musk, on the other hand is a whole 'nother kind of foody! It's not butter-y, which I personally like. Buttery notes tend to turn cloying and get to be too much for me. Not this. The initial sweet potato pie/casserole scent dries down to a slightly sweet,spicy, warm scent that's TOTALLY wearable. Noone would smell it and think "where's that sweet potato casserole cooking?" Lol! This is your holiday-in-a-bottle, cozy, warm sweater type scent. So good and I'm thrilled I have a bottle! (Much love to my faery for picking this up for me! I'm so glad I was able to donate to such a good cause. Beth, Ted, Brian and the rest of the Lab...you rock for being so generous!) P.S. I keep thinking this is also slightly reminiscent of Peanut Musk which I have a tester of and need to test against each other. I'll edit once I do that.
  13. sammy

    Snake Oil Hair Gloss

    I am ECSTATIC that I went for it and grabbed a bottle of Snake Oil Hair Gloss while Snake Oil was out of stock at the Lab. This Snake Oil goes to 11. It is some seriously amazing stuff, folks. I *liked* Snake Oil perfume before, but the Hair gloss pushed me over the edge into major Snake Oil fandom. I get it now. It's like the aged stuff, but better. Potent. Just knocked my socks off. I am dead serious, it is absolutely money well spent. All of you Snake Oil fans out there NEED THIS NOW. Those of you who aren't Snake Oil fans yet, this will turn you into one. Trust me.
  14. sammy

    Eat Me Hair Gloss

    I recently fell head over heels for Eat Me and knew I had to have the gloss. I was a total jerk and didn't order elebenty bottles of it when it was in stock at the Post, so I've been hunting it down like a loony everywhere. This stuff is seriously amazing. It's so good, I'm considering begging Puddin' to see if he will make it a GC hair gloss. Huh, Puddin'? Whaddya say? Please? Pretty please?
  15. sammy

    A Moment in Time

    I have to say, before I ordered, the one note that I was the teensiest bit worried about was the Tiare since I can amp certain florals to high heaven. Not in this. I get the lavendar, some sandalwood, maybe the fig,with the sweetness of the bourbon vanilla. Ted blended this so beautifully that nothing stomps on anything else. It doesn't really do much morphing, maybe after an hour I'm getting a bit more of an earthiness, perhaps some of the patchouli coming into play? I'm not a huge patchouli-heavy scent wearer and this not heavy on the patchouli at all, so patchouli haters, never fear! In fact, I have it on as a bedtime scent, and purchased it hoping that it would be good for that purpose. It is, indeed. Beautiful job, Puddin'! This may be hoard worthy! ETA: It's 7+ hours after I put this on, and I have woken up with the scent still lingering. It is softer and close to the skin, but still there. I don't have very many oils that hang on that long, usually my skin eats things. This has some really good staying power.