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    obsessive precious hoarder

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  1. Deek

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    I want to try... 1. Candy Phoenix 2. Snow, Glass, Apples 3. Blood Phoenix 4. Red Moon 2004 (I'll be nice and list another more well known... Red! From Fraggle Rock) 5. Velvet Pink Kitty Honorable Mentions: Crumpet Rebellion, Liz
  2. Deek

    Newbie Lunacy Full Moon BPAL FAQs

    The descriptions for all the Beaver Moon.. things: Beaver'versary: Cheesecake and cupcakes, yo! This is Beaver Moon 2005 resurrected! Beaver Moon 2005: Traditionally, Beaver Moon is named thus for a very obvious reason: during this time of year, beavers are hard at work building their dams and preparing for the onset of winter. Because it was too hard to resist, BPAL’s Beaver Moon is sillier, sleazier, and full of camp. This scent is of cheesecake and cupcakes, more in line with it’s cheekier connotations, and really hasn’t a damn thing to do with Luna at all! Beaver Moon 2007: However, we at BPAL rarely let an opportunity for sleazy campiness pass us by! For your pleasure and amusement, we present this year’s incarnation of Beaver Moon: wild cherry with vanilla cream accord, and a hint of strawberry Beaver Moon 2010: Strawberry and peach cheesecake, heavy on the sticky glaze Beaver Moon 2011: Lavender honey cheesecake Beaver Moon 2012: Traditionally, Beaver Moon is named thus for a very obvious reason: during this time of year, beavers are hard at work building their dams and preparing for the onset of winter. However, we at BPAL rarely let an opportunity for sleazy campiness pass us by! For your pleasure and amusement, we present this year's incarnation of Beaver Moon: gooey apple cheesecake! Beaver Moon I 2013: Thick, creamy cheesecake with thyme, lemon zest, and sugared pear Beaver Moon II 2013: This is the scent of thick branches of maple, quaking aspen, and willow held together by river mud, a feast of sedge and water lilies, and the first quiet breath of winter's night flowing over warm brown fur Essentially? Beaver'versary and 05? Yes. The rest? No.
  3. Deek

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    I think I'm in love. They are basically GC. I mean, in theory they could come down at any point, but given how long the NG ones have been up, it seems unlikely. I'm sure they would announce them going dark. If they had been intended to be LE they probably would have been sold on someone else's site (ie: Amanda Palmer) or been posted like the comic wrestler ones with an end date. Alright thanks so much! Also if you mean you're in love because of the spreadsheet thanks so much! I'm currently working on the "Other LE" tab along with the "Discontinued Series" tab and those seem to be taking longer than the others, especially putting everything in order by release date! Yes, that is why I'm in love. The only thing I'd say is that a few of the GCs that are DCed weren't marked as such, but I don't remember what right now. If I see any again I'll point them out!
  4. Deek

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    I think I'm in love. They are basically GC. I mean, in theory they could come down at any point, but given how long the NG ones have been up, it seems unlikely. I'm sure they would announce them going dark. If they had been intended to be LE they probably would have been sold on someone else's site (ie: Amanda Palmer) or been posted like the comic wrestler ones with an end date.
  5. Deek

    The Arbor

    Bottle: A lovely floral that's slightly spicier than usual, but the patchouli does not seem to be very strong. Wet on Skin: Oh man, I love the red musk with gardenia combo. Dry: Definitely gets a little more spicey, more patchouli... Not as a wet as before, more of a woody scent. Overall: 4/5. High on my bottle list for sure.
  6. Deek

    Dancing Koi

    Bottle: I don't normally go for leathers, but this smells like toasted leather goodness. Excited to try it. Wet on Skin: A lot more sandalwood, some leather. Dry: Stays pretty much the same for me. Overall: 4/5. A very well blended scent, and I usually don't go for ones that are less than sweet. I think I will be picking up a bottle of this.
  7. Deek


    Bottle: Ooh! Very sweet and orange, kind of loving it. Wet on Skin: Orange and honey, lovely. Dry: Goes kind of powdery.. Tangeriney with tagetes. Overall: 2.5/5. Meh, not for me. Wish it was sweeter / didn't have the powder to it.
  8. Bottle: Minty lemongrass frankincese. Where's the mild fruity? Wet on Skin: Teaky, lemongrass... Not really getting the plum. Dry: Oooh the honeysuckle comes out much more. This is much more a delicate warm scent than fruity. Overall: 2.5/5. Was really hoping for plumy, plumness. I dunno. Completely undecided about this.
  9. Deek

    Burning Vulva

    Bottle: Ginger and something gross. I have been putting off trying this scent because in the bottle it has been very offputting to me. Wet on Skin: The bitter sharpness in the back (pepper?) is not nearly as strong for me. There's tons of ginger.. finding it really hard to pinpoint this one. Dry: Powdery amber ginger. Bleh. Overall: 1/5. Definitely not my cup of tea.
  10. Deek

    Springtime Playfulness

    Bottle: Very bright and juicy, however there's like... Crayon in the background or something. I think it might be the coconut husk. Wet on Skin: Way more powdery on the skin than expected, seems like the drier scents come out. The cranberry cuts through all of that, though. Dry: A lot of the juicyness disappears, reminds me of kind of a light Tiki King, but less buttery. Overall: 3/5. I wish it had less of the dryness in the blend. It's kind of odd... Still considering a bottle though to see if it ages.
  11. Deek

    Parlement of Foules

    Parlemount of Foules 2011 Bottle Soft white florals, ROSE, and a little bit of resin. Wet on Skin: It's a little softer, basically can't smell any resin. The rose comes out and plays more. Really love it. Dry: Very light, very soft, very rose... It's nice and warm and I love it. Overall 4.5/5 I like this more than 2008's version, I think. Definitely getting a bottle. If you're a friend of florals, but don't want to smell old ladylike, try this.
  12. Deek

    Sleeping Nymph and Satyrs

    Bottle: Woodsy pinesy.The balsam is very over powering for me. Wet on Skin: Much softer on the skin, definitely get more of the ambergris/honey/vanilla. There's still a bit of a sharp pine note that I don't like, though. Dry: I wish I was getting the rose, but I'm just not really getting it. It's more dry woods for me. Overall: 2/5. Definitely not for me, which makes me sad because of the name. I'm going to try it on my boyfriend though, I think.
  13. Deek


    This is one that I ended up buying a bottle for at Will Call. Absolutely in love with it. Bottle: Sweet, sweet mango and a little tomato. Wet on Skin: I want to eat myself. The mango dies down a little, and the red deliciousness of the musk comes out. I haven't smelt any fig at all. Dry: Juicy fruity fab! I love it. I wish it had a bit more throw, and lasted longer, but it's toooooo good and if I put in my hair it lasts all day and is awesome. Overall: 5/5! Wins for being a very unusual, but about fruit scent. If you love juicy/red scents, I would highly consider this. I am probably going to buy a backup bottle.
  14. Deek

    Couple Engaged in Lovemaking

    Bottle: A lemon scone! The grain was VERY strong for me, followed by the lemongrass and honey. Wet on Skin: Sweet, lemony, grains.. I don't get any bitterness. This is surprisingly foody to me. Dry: I get tea, grains, and lemon. This is super foody for me and I don't really like foody scents, but I kind of dig this. Overall: 3/5. I might buy a bottle just because it's so interesting.
  15. Deek

    Gods of Intercourse

    Bottle: Without a doubt, peach. It reminds me of my mother's house, which always smells exceedingly clean. It kind of creeped me out, honestly lol. Wet on Skin: The peaches and flowers are much more even on the skin. I definitely get gardenia. I don't get much red currant or pink musk, which makes me a little sad. Dry: I think this might go powdery on me, I'd want to test it some more. It's far more floral dry on me, with the rose geranium and gardenia being very prominent. Overall: 3/5. Very nice floral/fruit scent if you love them. Undecided about bottle, definitely going to keep decant around for further testing.