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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Switch Witch Halloween 2020 help and Q&A

Hello, beloved Witch! I'm going to post q&a and any other helpful info for you here.

Wish lists
My wish list for perfume is on my ScentBase profile. By the time assignments go out, it should be up to date. Hopefully.
Etsy Sockdreams

Other favorite online shops (besides bath & beauty related, which I'm sure you know urls for):
Cat Coven
Poison Apple Print Shop

Q&A ====8/29/20====   Does anything from Paintbox Soapworks catch your eye (http://paintboxsoapworks.com/)? Always! I'm a huge fan of her sorbetto scrubs, and I would love to try her perfume/hair oils (I like her soaps too but I currently have a LOT of soap). Currently eyeing: Pumpkin Daddy, Cathedral of Pumpkins, G.O.A.T., Putney Road.   Does anything from the Trading Post's etsy page catch your eye (https://www.etsy.com/shop/bptradingpost)? Loving these: Honey Maple Hot Toddy hair gloss, Pecan Pie perfume, the Bat Woman pendant.
====8/30/20====   Is there anything you want from Japan? Current kit kat flavors are... Salty Lemon, Salty Lychee, Sweet Potato, Chestnut and possibly still some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream or Strawberry Ice Cream from summer. Other than that, anime goods, cute stationery, other Japanese snacks, lay it on me! Salty Lemon! I've always wanted to try those. The matcha ones sound great too. Other than that, I would love cooking toppers or additions that aren't common in US grocery stories, like furikake, togarashi, sauces, that sort of thing. I'm also open to whatever. I love spicy and salty/sweet or savory/sweet combos. Cute kawaii type stuff with cats, bats, or foxes would be fantastic too. (Hello Kitty wise, I like Chococat.)   What are your favorite self-care items or activities? I'm especially curious about things that you hesitate to do/get because they feel like frivolous luxuries. Bath bombs. I absolutely love Lush bath bombs. I'm also open to trying other bath bombs, especially black ones.
===9/1/20===   Are you familiar with https://www.a-natural-alternative.com/ ?  Take a peak & let me know if you might like to try something.  I always like flavored lip balms.
====9/2/20====   Would you like a face mask from one of my favorite artists? https://akumuink.com/collections/facemasks Yaaaassss! So cute. I like these: Bloody Little Secret, Sinister Smile, Plague Seeker   One of our fellow BPAL friends makes custom masks, Hakutaku Custom Masks on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HakutakuMasks/ ). Would anyone be interested in one of her masks?  Those are gorgeous! I like 40, 41, 43, and the Foxy fabrics.   ====9/3/20====   Would you like anything from here? https://www.etsy.com/shop/TaterRoundsBeauty The Black Phillip candle is awesome!
====9/5/20====   What are your feelings on home made/ home canned jams & pickles or syrups?  I even make things with berries I grow in my garden.  I make both brandied & bourbon cherries. Syrups good for cocktails, in lemonade or tea, flavors include Lavender, Lavender + Lemon, & Lavender + Vanilla. Interested? That sounds awesome! The only problem is I'm not a fan of lavender as a flavor, generally speaking. I do like lemon and vanilla. I currently have a couple bottles of good bourbon cherries or I'd be all over that. If you have strawberry jam, that would be awesome.   Is there something that you're especially hoping to receive for this round?  For example, a brand you've heard of that you're especially wanting to try, or a certain "thing" that you really want but just cant bring yourself to buy for yourself? Hmmm. Not that I can think of off the top of my head, but may come back to this if I think of one.   Would you rather receive supplies/tools for your own craft/hobby or receive something you can't make yourself?  Right now, receive something I can't make myself. I have supplies, just... haven't had the inspiration for awhile for jewelry making.   Is there anything you'd like from Penzeys (https://www.penzeys.com/)?  Sure! I'd love to try their curry powders (anything in this group https://www.penzeys.com/online-catalog/indian-curries-8-jar-gift-pack/c-24/p-1550/pd-gb), epazote, guajillo and tien tsin peppers, Fox Point, Raspberry Enlightenment, seafood soup base, or really anything you can recommend. (I've tried California and Russian.)   ====9/8/20====   Art and artists - anyone dig any of this? https://www.studiodesade.com/  (They also do masks, see here.)   That's cool AF. I love their masks too.   If you knit/crochet/weave, would you like custom dyed yarn?  And if so do you have preference on weight, fiber, colors? Not for me, thanks. I'm still occasionally trying to learn, so I'm not at the custom yarn stage yet.   What is one fun/frivolous thing for $20 or less that you’d enjoy?   If I sent you to a dollar store with $20, what would you walk out with? Beer   ====9/9/20====   Would anybody like a small cross stitch thing, like a patch or pin? or cross stitching notions like handmade needle minders? A patch or pin would be cool!   ====9/11/20====   Is there anything you'd like from the UK?  A pre-paid shipping container to smuggle me out of this dystopian hellscape?   Do you have a particular fandom you'd like stuff from? I can't think of any fandom-related stuff I need at the moment.   How do you feel about tea?  Preferences?  Would you want anything from David's Tea (https://www.davidstea.com/us_en/home/), Steepologie (https://www.steepologie.com/), Bird & Blend (https://birdandblendtea.com/us_en/), or do you have a favorite tea maker to suggest?  What about tea tools or cups?   I love tea but I'm pretty well fixed for tea now (read: out of storage space).   How do you feel about fragrant things for the home like incense, candles, atmosphere spray?  Yes.   Do you share your home with any loved ones (human, feline, canine, etc.) who might enjoy a tiny treat too?   One boyfriend, four cats, a doggo, and a danger noodle (sneks don't really do treats tho).
====9/12/20====   Does anyone like the prints or items from www.ElissaMarieCreative.com? I have a few of her prints and the notebooks and they are quality! I'd love to try the notebooks, and everything from the Halloween and Witchy collections looks awesome. The face coverings are also beautiful, particularly the one with the moth.   What about www.drawingsbynicole.com? Anything specific? Not really my thing.   Does anything from www.vapidlacquer.com stick out to you? The nail sauce and nail elixir look interesting. Color-wise, Nonsense and Pessimist.   I do pour painting/acrylic fluid art (with varying degrees of success, haha). Would you like a custom piece in colors of your choice (takes 3-4 weeks with curing, longer if you want it sealed, so it would arrive post-round if custom) or a piece already finished in my collection? I have mostly 12 x 12 and 10 x 10s  right now. Pics available upon request!  I have a ton of art that isn't hung up right now, so probably best to hold off on acquisitions for the moment.   After enjoying looking at the links several others have put in the questions, I decided to add some of my own favorite independent artists who I enjoy supporting - so, what do you think of the goodies from these people? And specific items you love? Enjoy! 1) https://www.catcoven.com/ 2) https://www.mineralgypsy.com 3) https://www.redbubble.com/people/thelatestkate/shop 4) https://www.marikapaz.com/shop/ 5) https://www.faunwood.com 6) https://www.shannatrumbly.com/ 7) https://fiddlersgreenzine.com 8 ) https://www.hedgespokenpress.com   I am obsessed with Cat Coven and The Latest Kate (I have her Thera-Pets deck).   One of the things I do is make nifty things from sweaters that I cut up & upcycle into things like super warm mittens, arm warmers, striped arm warmers, cowls, teapot cozies, & French press cozies.  I don't have a slipper I love yet, but I'm working on it.   So, which of these things might you like?  Give me some thoughts on colors you like & if for a teapot or press, I need to know a size. Mittens and arm warmers sound great. I don't really wear colors beyond black, so it would need to be dark. Black/greys/purples, that sort of thing.   I enjoy historical reproductions and am a fan of LBCC Historical Apothecary. Is there something in her store you might be interested in? Facial Powder of the Fairies and the rouges and lip balms look really pretty.   ====9/13/20====   Do you have a favorite art style/movement/artist? Art Nouveau   Who is your fashion icon(s)?  Siouxsie Sioux   What is your favorite mythological creature?  Cait Sidhe
is there anything you want from Lush? Bombs, bombs and more bombs! They are my love.   Do you need any astrological work done, since thats one of my professions? Any particular areas you could utilize a consultation? Nope. I can do my own.   How do you feel about the homemade fudge I sell in my etsy shop?  https://www.etsy.com/shop/HollysRainbow -particular preferences, flavors (consider I take special flavor requests all the time!)? Sadly, I'm trying to lose weight, so no fudge for me at this time.   How do you feel about keto or sugar-free, low carb baked goods or treats? Nah.   ====9/14/20====   Anything you'd like from Future Primitive: https://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk It looks like they're really low on stock right now, but I love scrubs and whipped soaps, and I've wanted to try theirs. Yes, I make an exception to my "I have enough soap" policy for whipped soap. Don't @ me.
Do you have an Etsy wishlist? Yes. Linked up top.   I wanted to share this link to a soapmaker I love and ask if y'all see anything you would like from them! https://www.herbneden.com/ Maybe a body butter?   Nui Cobalt Designs perfumes...(just got her latest email): How about the scents being discontinued? The Critters? https://nuicobaltdesigns.com/collections/critters-2020?page=1 or other ones? I love love love love Nui Cobalt. Critters! Cooper Fox, Grey Wolf, River Otter, Silver Fox   ====9/15/20====   I have a friend who does pet caricatures. He's done ones for all of my pets. Is this something you would be interested of for your pet(s)? Sure! That would be lovely.   Do you decorate seasonally/for holidays?  Is there anything in particular you would like to that end? I do, and honestly, I have nothing right now. When I moved a couple years ago, I purged a LOT of things from my old life.
  Would you like anything from House of Gloi, especially from their Autumn Update? (https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/fall-1)  All the things. I love the Haus, particularly their pumpkin butters and whipped soap. Ghost Puffs is one that I stock up on every year because I adore it. Others I'd love to have: Hex, Olde Cider Haus, Persephone's Descent.   I know the tea question has been asked, but what, specifically, about Adagio teas?  Argh! Don't tempt me. I do love their teas.   What about anything tempting from Dandelion Chocolate? Yes. I know what I said about fudge, but this is an entirely different affair.   ====9/16/20====   Would you, my dear Witchee, like anything from April Gloom?  https://www.etsy.com/shop/AprilGloom (this is our @spookygrrrly - switch witch code coming soon to a spreadsheet near you.) Those little skull pins are adorable!   How about from https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com ?  (This shop belongs to @twilighteyes - we can maybe crochet some of the unicorns that are sold out...)  (photos in spoilers.) I love the bats print and the cats & pumpkins print.   Are you a sock person?  If so what are your favourite kinds to wear?  Do you have a sockdreams wishlist? Yes. Sort of. We have a love/hate thing. Generally speaking, no. Except with boots. Which I wear all fall and winter. I love leg warms and tights tho. I will update my Sockdreams wishes today. Link added to top of this post.   If you're not near one, is there anything from Trader Joe's you'd like? There's one close enough for me to visit.   How do you feel about local items from my city, like spicy (think chili) things or local coffee? The coffee is not spicy lol. I love spicy things and coffee.   Do you have good feelings about Funko Pop?  Yes. I have a few on my Amazon wish list.   ===9/17/20===   Is there something from your fandom that popped up in another country you'd be particularly interested in?  What, and what store? Nope, not at the moment.   Would you be interested in some boozy chocolates (or anything else) from https://www.chocolatemoonshine.com/ ? No thanks   ===9/18/20===   Witchee, assuming you like home made/home canned condiment goodies, what is your spice level preference?   I like it hot!
  Would you be interested in anything from Cellar Door Bath Supply Co.?  Their Halloween candles look nice.   ===9/19/20===   Lilith are up! Is there anything from the release that you want? Decant or full bottles?   Aoede, Melete, Mneme; Arlecchina; Baby's First Chainsaw; Faster Kittycat?; Perfectly Normal Childhood — bottles of any   How would you feel about recipes?   Sure   Would anyone be interested in anything from Bucees?! It’s a magical giant beaver gas station/shop! It has spices, fudge,  Knick knacks, all things Texas, candy, beef jerky, roasted nuts, and of course beavers! Most things like the fudge and nuts are made in house.  I don't think so? Not familiar with it.   ===9/20/20===   How do you guys store your decants so they are not a confused mess?  If you've got a system, please share it.  Hahahahahaha. They are a confused mess.   ===9/21/20===   I'm a knitter.  I have some knitted washcloths done, and can knit up more.  Would you like some?  Also, if answered soon enough, I can maybe get a scarf done.  Would you like one?  What colors would you like?  Thin or thick?  With or without fringe?  Are you allergic to any fibers - wool, cashmere, angora, alpaca?  I love scarves. Something in blacks/greys/purples would be nice. I prefer natural fibers, though wool is a little itchy.   Witchee, darling, there's a *slight* chance I might be going on a trip next week and *might*, in the course of this trip, have access to Disneyworld goodies from Epcot and Magic Kingdom - any stuff you might desire?  No idea of anything specific, but the Artistocats is my favorite Disney movie.   ===9/22/20===   Would you like any of Snag Tights’ Halloween offerings and if so, what size? Ooh yes. Size D? Looks like.   Do you prefer getting one or two really nice/more expensive things or several smaller/less expensive little things? Or do you have no preferance? No preference   Witchee, do you like tea? If so, what kind? I do. I pretty much like all kinds.   Witchee, do you want anything?  Shirts, mugs, postcards from Anarchist Seattle, Portland, or New York.... https://www.redbubble.com/people/litlnemo/shop?artistUserName=litlfnemo Not really   Would you be interested in a gently-used tarot deck (or other oracle)? If so, toss out some styles you gravitate towards, cause I have SO MANY DECKS and I'd love to send one or more along! Sure, but I'll need to look up the list of what I already have for you.
Are you interested in receiving a burned CD of music? If so, name of genres, artists, styles that you are into or would like more of to explore. No thanks   Do you have an Amazon wishlist?  If you do and you're ok with getting stuff from it, please share the link! Linked up top   Pumpkin/pumpkin spice – yay or nay?  Yay in food/drinks but nay in other products (soaps, perfumes, etc.) or vice versa?  What are your thoughts? Yay-ish. I love those scents. Food and drink wise, I prefer pumpkin spice to 1. have actual pumpkin not just nutmeg and 2. for the spice to be more cinnamon. I'm not a big nutmeg fan, and I find too many "pumpkin spice" things are just "here's a bunch of nutmeg!"   Candy corn – love it or loathe it?  Or just don’t care much one way or another? I wouldn't say I loathe it, but it's not my fave.   ===9/23/20===   https://www.poesieperfume.com/loose-leaf-tea  <---- would you be interested in receiving tea and / or scents from Poesie? I actually have one of their scents that came in a Sihaya box, and I like it, so I'd definitely be up to try more. Intriguing scents: Black Cat Cuddles(!!!), Elemental Tea Party, Medusa, Persephone, Creature Comforts, Madchenland. I'd be up for trying the tea too. Not sure what flavors, so basically, recommend something without lavender.   I have been remiss--witchee (or anyone needing a minion), I am notorious for homemade caramels, shortbreads both savory and sweet, and catnip/catnip laced toys.  I've also started playing with homemade marshmallows and fruit candies.  Any interest? Yes please!   ===9/25/20===   I happen to live near this amazing place.  Do you have any interest is anything that I could pick up there?  The have hand made pottery, cookie molds, cookbooks with historical recipes all sorts of good stuff.  https://www.gcv.org/shop/ Parchment paper would be cool!   ===10/1/20===   Would you be interested in anything from KBShimmer's new Fall nail polish collection or their Falloween collection? Creep it Together looks really cool!   ===10/3/20===   Witchee, darlin', anything appeal from this goth-metal-Satanic Tea company, Pitch Black North? https://www.pitchblacknorth.com/category/all-tea OMG this is so up my alley! LOL. I love the Lucifer tea ball, and would love to try Antichrist Pumpkin Spiced, Breath Of Demons - Lapsang Souchong and Coconut Chai.   WITCHEE, WOULD YOU LIKE ANY OF THESE?  Don't just say "yes" -- please be specific about which ones you want the most!   Brown Sugar Plum Butter Pflaumenmus (also Plum Butter) Cardamom Plum Jam Star Anise Plum Jam Ginger Peach Butter Vanilla Peach Jam Sweet Green Tomato Relish Dill Green Tomato Relish Huckleberry Jam Apple Butter Candied Jalapenos (delicious with cream cheese on burgers or crackers) Lavender Vanilla Bean liqueur Rose Petal liqueur   Ooh yes! Brown Sugar Plum Butter, Cardamom Plum Jam, Ginger Peach Butter, Dill Green Tomato Relish, Huckleberry Jam, Candied Jalapeños and Rose Petal liquer.   ===10/4/20===   the other day I found the pattern I made for a small crocheted skull. I have made some before and included some herbs and oils and such, things that both smell good and are said to carry protective virtues, in the stuffing, and hooked them up to hang in a vehicle or such. Would any of y'all like one of those? Yes please!   ===10/5/20===   is anyone a Daredevil fan??  I'm going to be working with Christopher Brewster who is Daredevil in the suit (i.e. the stunt performer but not the FACE of the actor... but when the suit is on... its Brewster).  I worked with him on something else... and he was super cool... excited to get to work with him again... but if that's anyone's fandom... I wanna know LOL Not my top fandom, but yes, I love that show!  




My Bpal collection

I thought it would be nice to actually make a list more for my own reference than anything really.   5ml Bottles CD Doc Constantine Theodosius, the Legerdemain The phantom Calliope l'heure verte Agrat-bat-mahlaht Jiaolong Arachnina the spider girl   RPG Elf Gnome   Bat day event Deathrock steamgoth cabaret goth vamp goth rivet goth romanti goth   GC Shub-niggorath Le serpent qui danse   Others   Yules the Chinese dance Snowflakes’09   weenies snake oil wax vampire teeth ‘19 Yipe’2016 Las Vegas '11   Others the last unicorn fire eater  lab rat Snow moon ‘12 moon of ice’08 usher wolf moon’11 Dalliance with an amorous bat demon the night Tombeur do you like clowns? les demons froids  cold moon midnight kiss vampire tears Hoggle  Circus bear tea time with Roswell  Sky typing with chemtrails Bunny Moon'08     Imps/decants   GC kabuki van van O Sin Chimera Water of Notre-Dam wrath The dodo Tushnamatay vasilissa inferno old demon of the first class vial of hold water artificer al-shiraan plunder All night long  the white rider euphorosyne miskatonic university Nyx pride venice othello kumiho rapture desire nocturne the black rider haunted spellbound lust azathoth love me somnus belladonna come to me Cheshire cat Wanda druid the deep ones kyoto Rose cross Delirium block buster windward passage
behemoth maenad absinthe rogue Cthulhu  snooty rose high strung daisies white rabbit the grave-pig harlot fae Fenris wolf Schrödinger’s cat Tis the voice of the lobster aglalea the mouses long and sad tale has no hanna namaste poisoned apple embalming fluid  ave Maria grata plena ogygia Thieves rosin galvanic goggles whip   LE midnight carnival lilac woods the ninth cage mommy fortuna the Arachne lydia the butterfly neptunite Phoenix  when all Colours to black are cast  Visiting the sumacha river with a geisha  Desert places The fire pig     Others the spectral courtesan hair gloss imp fae forest room spray imp              




2020 SW Answers

9/25/20   I happen to live near this amazing place.  Do you have any interest is anything that I could pick up there?  The have hand made pottery, cookie molds, cookbooks with historical recipes all sorts of good stuff.  https://www.gcv.org/shop/  The goat's milk soap bar looks interesting as do the pioneer cooking books.   9/23/20   https://www.poesieperfume.com/loose-leaf-tea  <---- would you be interested in receiving tea and / or scents from Poesie?  All the teas! Tudor Rose sounds exceptionally nice.   I have been remiss--witchee (or anyone needing a minion), I am notorious for homemade caramels, shortbreads both savory and sweet, and catnip/catnip laced toys.  I've also started playing with homemade marshmallows and fruit candies.  Any interest?  Yes, sweet, savory, and cat nips most welcome.   9/22/20   Would you like any of Snag Tights’ Halloween offerings and if so, what size? E in Disco Spider or Red Mock Garter.  The woolies would also be nice for cold PNW winters.   Do you prefer getting one or two really nice/more expensive things or several smaller/less expensive little things? Or do you have no preference?  I'm open to whatever my Witch desires to do.     Witchee, do you like tea? If so, what kind?  Yes, I adore tea.  I love it all, but I just can't have anything with kiwi or raisins.  Otherwise, any tea you send will be most happily used.    Witchee, do you want anything?  Shirts, mugs, postcards from Anarchist Seattle, Portland, or New York.... https://www.redbubble.com/people/litlnemo/shop?artistUserName=litlnemo No thank you.     Would you be interested in a gently-used tarot deck (or other oracle)? If so, toss out some styles you gravitate towards, cause I have SO MANY DECKS and I'd love to send one or more along! Yes!  I love intuitive decks, ones with interesting or beautiful art like Tarot of the Moon Garden or the  Ethereal Visions Tarot Deck but I'm also drawn to minimalistic ones along the lines of the Wild Moon Oracle deck or the Anima Mundi deck.  I went ahead and added a few decks to my Etsy wishlist along my preference lines. 
Are you interested in receiving a burned CD of music? If so, name of genres, artists, styles that you are into or would like more of to explore.  Sure!  I'm into darkwave, synthpop, goth, industrial, post-punk, horror punk, deathrock, dark wave, dark cabaret, new wave, synthwave, K-rap, J-rock (post 2008) and would love to explore more bands along those lines. Mind you, I am also open to bands along the lines of The Hu, Aurora, Eivør, A Tribe Called Red, Alestorm, Glory Hammer, T.O.P., Loreena McKennit, Tori Amos, Garbage, Metric, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Boy Harsher, and O.Children.   Do you have an Amazon wishlist?  If you do and you're ok with getting stuff from it, please share the link!  I do.  It's linked in my signature. You can get goodies from there if you like, but if there's another alternative selling the same item that supports local, women or POC-owned businesses, I would prefer that.   Pumpkin/pumpkin spice – yay or nay?  Yay in food/drinks but nay in other products (soaps, perfumes, etc.) or vice versa?  What are your thoughts? Not in my perfumes or on my body.  I like the spices just fine, just not with the pumpkin.  To eat, sure, pumpkin spice away.    Candy corn – love it or loathe it?  Or just don’t care much one way or another? Adore!!!!     9/21/20   I'm a knitter.  I have some knitted washcloths done, and can knit up more.  Would you like some?  Also, if answered soon enough, I can maybe get a scarf done.  Would you like one?  What colors would you like?  Thin or thick?  With or without fringe?  Are you allergic to any fibers - wool, cashmere, angora, alpaca?  I would love  washcloth or a scarf in black and jewel tones.  Thin Ursula. Thick or thin works and I don't mind fringe.  However, I can't do angora as I'm allergic to rabbits.   Witchee, darling, there's a *slight* chance I might be going on a trip next week and *might*, in the course of this trip, have access to Disneyworld goodies from Epcot and Magic Kingdom - any stuff you might desire?   Ooh, villain enamel pins, yes!  And anything from Haunted Mansion because that's my dream home right there.    9/20/20   How do you guys store your decants so they are not a confused mess?  If you've got a system, please share it. I have them in 99 vial boxes from some science supply company for my imps.  I organize them by the order I test them, and once I finish reviewing on my blog, I then organize by collection.  For my bottles, I use those 9x12/medium or so boxes that look like books by Ashalnd (from Michaels).  I store those bottles by collection type (LE, GC, Event Exclusive, Lunacies, Retail Exclusives).  I don't organize by name within those boxes, though.   9/19/20   Lilith are up! Is there anything from the release that you want? Decant or full bottles? Eee, Liliths!  I'm getting my must haves, but I'm really interested in trying (even testers or sniffies) Etienne, #2 pencil, A Little Piece of Eternity, Booboo Eyes, Faster Pussycat?, Life the Sculptor, Our Little Crypt Ghoul, Thunk, and You Are Not Alone.     How would you feel about recipes?  I would adore them.  I love trying out different family and individual recipes.    Would anyone be interested in anything from Bucees?! It’s a magical giant beaver gas station/shop! It has spices, fudge,  Knick knacks, all things Texas, candy, beef jerky, roasted nuts, and of course beavers! Most things like the fudge and nuts are made in house.   I'm sure there's beave hot sauce, so that and spices.  Fudge would be interesting and I'm totally down for beef jerky, beaver nuggets, roasted or candied nuts, and especially jalapeno brittle!     9/18/20   Witchee, assuming you like home made/home canned condiment goodies, what is your spice level preference?  Danger, danger Will Robinson levels.  I have been known to eat a dried ghost pepper right before a lecture and continue to teach with only minor impact.     As far as CellarDoor, I'd be interested in any of the wood soaps along with Dapper Dan, Rosemary Mint, Sanderson Spice, Satsuma Guava (yum!), and Zombie Repellant.   9/17/20   Is there something from your fandom that popped up in another country you'd be particularly interested in?  What, and what store?  Yes!  I don't know what stores would carry my fandom items specially, but I'm very open to anything from abroad.  Even those Japanese turn things that are similar to gumball machines (gashapon) or the special promotional items that come on Ito-en or other drinks from Japanese deli stores similar to 7-11.    Would you be interested in some boozy chocolates (or anything else) from https://www.chocolatemoonshine.com/ ? Yes, especially the moonshine ones.    09/16/20   Would you, my dear Witchee, like anything from April Gloom? https://www.etsy.com/shop/AprilGloom  (this is our @spookygrrrly - switch witch code coming soon to a spreadsheet near you.)  The enamel pins are cute.    How about from https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com ?  (This shop belongs to @twilighteyes - we can maybe crochet some of the unicorns that are sold out...)   Her catnip!!! I also adore her shawls. (I know, technically not on her Esty).  I would also be interested in  a bat project bag or even a galaxy one.    Would you enjoy anything from my friend Brian's Etsy shop? https://www.etsy.com/shop/BrianSerwayArt? Yes, I love any of his stickers, Black Omen, Crescent, the death moth and the circular "ember " one. 
Are you a sock person?  If so what are your favourite kinds to wear?  Do you have a sockdreams wishlist? I am totally a sock and tight person.  Foot Traffic knee highs tend to fit my thick calves best. I do have a list under my name.     If you're not near one, is there anything from Trader Joe's you'd like?  Those peanut butter chocolates, their mints, and any of those Dia planters.    How do you feel about local items from my city, like spicy (think chili) things or local coffee? The coffee is not spicy lol.  Anything except coffee, sure.   do you have good feelings about Funko Pop?  /yes!  Think anything spooky, campy horror like Elvira or Vampira, anything Burton, or any evil Disney characters.    Candles! Anything from these places catch your fancy?  No thank you.  I prefer Volupsa in the tins because my Maine Coon doesn't understand that solid bodies through glass means chaos.  https://cantripcandles.com/collections (restocks Friday 9/18 at 9:00 PST) https://miruscandles.com/collections https://briarwickcandles.com/collections   9/15/20   I have a friend who does pet caricatures. He's done ones for all of my pets. Is this something you would be interested of for your pet(s)? Yes!   Do you decorate seasonally/for holidays?  Is there anything in particular you would like to that end?  Yes!  Anything Dia de los Muertos, Beetlejuice or Petshop of Horrors adjacent would be adored!
  Would you like anything from House of Gloi, especially from their Autumn Update? (https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/fall-1) I think their witch dusting powder, Hex, or their Sweet Violet or Lemon Drop candy perfumes would be great.    I know the tea question has been asked, but what, specifically, about Adagio teas? Any of their chais, Earl Greys, or oolongs would be appreciated!    What about anything tempting from Dandelion Chocolate? (https://store.dandelionchocolate.com/pages/home)  Artisan and single origin chocolates?  Are you trying to woo me?  Yes!!!  Any bar 70% or up is most welcome.  These types of chocolates I savor like my scents and teas.     9/14/20   Anything you'd like from Future Primitive: https://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk  I'd be open to any of their perfumes. 
Do you have an Etsy wishlist? Oh yes.  The link should be in my signature.  Note that my Etsy WL has some big ticket items.  Please don't be intimidates.  Those are my dream pucahses, but I still like looking at them for pie-in-the-sky inspiration.    I wanted to share this link to a soapmaker I love and ask if y'all see anything you would like from them! https://www.herbneden.com/  Oh, any of their soaps, although the tumeric one specifically is calling my name.   Nui Cobalt Designs perfumes...(just got her latest email): How about the scents being discontinued? The Critters? https://nuicobaltdesigns.com/collections/critters-2020?page=1 or other ones? Any of the witchy ones, and I'm really open to the critters, Kelpie, Kitsune, Gargoyle, Gremlin, Sylph, Indie Mood, Indie Mood Guilia, the squirrel critters, cardinal.        9/13/20   Do you have a favorite art style/movement/artist?  I love Art Nouveau  / Arts and Crafts Movement but I'm also fond of graphic designs, woodblock prints, and paper cut art. As far as artists, I adore Mucha, Manet, The Jed Henry (woodblock artist), missmonstermel, and artwork along the lines of Black Veil Studio's.    Who is your fashion icon(s)? Threnody in Velvet, Dita von Teese, but I'm also fond of Yohji Yamamoto and Esther Perbandt.  Ooh, and Nadja from What We Do In Shadows.  I love Videnoir Couture and her decadent vampire high fantasy fashions.   What is your favorite mythological creature?  Hmm, Kelpies and anything relating to Cthulhu mythos (Cthulhu, The Hounds, etc.)
is there anything you want from Lush? The new Halloween items would be fantastic.    Do you need any astrological work done, since thats one of my professions? Any particular areas you could utilize a consultation?  Please, that would be phenomenal!  (4:24am, King City, CA)   How do you feel about the homemade fudge I sell in my etsy shop?  https://www.etsy.com/shop/HollysRainbow -particular preferences, flavors (consider I take special flavor requests all the time!)? Sounds delicious.  I might not eat too much of it, but my husband loves fudge. Berry, peanut butter, and praline anything sound great.   How do you feel about keto or sugar-free, low carb baked goods or treats?? Yes, please!   9/12/20   Does anyone like the prints or items from www.ElissaMarieCreative.com ? I have a few of her prints and the notebooks and they are quality!  I like the bird skull and the cuddle fish.   What about www.drawingsbynicole.com? Anything specific? No thanks.   Does anything from www.vapidlacquer.com stick out to you? I like Polarize nail polish, but it's sold out.   I do pour painting/acrylic fluid art (with varying degrees of success, haha). Would you like a custom piece in colors of your choice (takes 3-4 weeks with curing, longer if you want it sealed, so it would arrive post-round if custom) or a piece already finished in my collection? I have mostly 12 x 12 and 10 x 10s  right now. Pics available upon request!   Sure, that would be really neat.  Jewel tones (purple, cobalt, turquoise, black, and gold or silver would be lovely).   After enjoying looking at the links several others have put in the questions, I decided to add some of my own favorite independent artists who I enjoy supporting - so, what do you think of the goodies from these people? And specific items you love? Enjoy! 1) https://www.catcoven.com/  I like the Midgard slouchy XL, the bat with stars pin, the Nighttime reading book plate, the catnip pillow. 2) https://www.mineralgypsy.com  Ooh, I love the onyx kitties,  and the flourite window portals, smoky quartz palm stone, flourite vial necklace, spellbound suncatcher are interesting.  3) https://www.redbubble.com/people/thelatestkate/shop I like their bloomskull leggings (xl), the Great Retro Wave shirt in xl, I ADORE the Arakis Surf shirt (huge Dune fan), a quiet spot tea block, Cartyatid tea block, neighbors tea block. 4) https://www.marikapaz.com/shop/ 5) https://www.faunwood.com  I like the pins, but most are sold out.  6) https://www.shannatrumbly.com/ I like the Poppy King.  7) https://fiddlersgreenzine.com  Really interesting premise.  I'd take a look at any of their publications. 8 ) https://www.hedgespokenpress.com  No thanks.   One of the things I do is make nifty things from sweaters that I cut up & upcycle into things like super warm mittens, arm warmers, striped arm warmers, cowls, teapot cozies, & French press cozies.  I don't have a slipper I love yet, but I'm working on it.   So, which of these things might you like?  Give me some thoughts on colors you like & if for a teapot or press, I need to know a size. Cowls in blacks and jewel tones would be nice.     I enjoy historical reproductions and am a fan of LBCC Historical Apothecary. Is there something in her store you might be interested in? I added a bunch of items to my Etsy wishlist.  I would love to try her face creams or some of her vintage perfumes.    9/11/2020 Is there anything you'd like from the UK? Tea (Harrod's Twinnings, or small indie shops would be phenomenal).  I'm also down for anything Scottish heather or their nummy biscuit cookies.   Do you have a particular fandom you'd like stuff from?  Hello Kitty, vintage My Little Pony, Beetlejuice, Elvira, Labyrinth, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Dark Crystal, The Last Unicorn, The Addams Family, My Neighbor Totoro (anything Miyazaki, honestly), Dune!   Question:  How do you feel about tea?  Preferences?  Would you want anything from David's Tea (https://www.davidstea.com/us_en/home/), Steepologie (https://www.steepologie.com/), Bird & Blend (https://birdandblendtea.com/us_en/), or do you have a favorite tea maker to suggest?  What about tea tools or cups?   I adore teas.  You really can't go wrong aside from ones that are super, super sweet or include raisins or kiwi as ingredients (allergies).  From David's Tea, I would love the Salted Caramel Oolong, Maple Syrup Oolong, and Honey Lemon Drop.  From Steepologie, I would love any of their chai or Earl Grey teas, and their Milk Oolong.  From Bird & Blend, I would love to try AffogaTEA, Earl Grey Cream, and Coconut Milk Oolong.  As far as tea tools or cups, I would adore another matcha cup and could always use loose leaf filter bags.    How do you feel about fragrant things for the home like incense, candles, atmosphere spray?   Atmo sprays would be nice.  I tend to like woods and resins.  Think Japanese temple smells.    Do you share your home with any loved ones (human, feline, canine, etc.) who might enjoy a tiny treat too?  My 3 kitties would love a treat.  Twilighteyes grows some world class catnip that we have to hide because our kitties would binge it all if not.  They would go batty for more.    9/9/20   would anybody like a small cross stitch thing, like a patch or pin? or cross stitching notions like handmade needle minders? I've never cross-stitched before.  I'd be open to an easy beginner's kit.   9/8/20   Art and artists - anyone dig any of this?  https://www.studiodesade.com/  (They also do masks, see here.)  I like the Cthulhu face mask.    If you knit/crochet/weave, would you like custom dyed yarn?  And if so do you have preference on weight, fiber, colors? I'd like natural wool that I can use as a felting base.  I need more.    what is one fun/frivolous thing for $20 or less that you’d enjoy? Tokidoki blind Unicorno figure, especially the new Halloween one!   If I sent you to a dollar store with $20, what would you walk out with? If we are talking Daisho, those cool face masks, fake lashes, and some fake nails.  I haven't visited a regular dollar store in a bit, but probably craft supplies.      9/5/20   what are your feelings on home made/ home canned jams & pickles or syrups?  I even make things with berries I grow in my garden.  I make both brandied & bourbon cherries. Syrups good for cocktails, in lemonade or tea, flavors include Lavender, Lavender + Lemon, & Lavender + Vanilla. Interested?  Yes, absolutely!  All of that sounds delicious!   Is there something that you're especially hoping to receive for this round?  For example, a brand you've heard of that you're especially wanting to try, or a certain "thing" that you really want but just cant bring yourself to buy for yourself?? Books.  I've been on a book diet due to finances and I really would like some more.    Would you rather receive supplies/tools for your own craft/hobby or receive something you can't make yourself? I would be happy with either of those options.    Is there anything you'd like from Penzeys (https://www.penzeys.com/)? Curries!   9/3/20   Would you like anything from here? https://www.etsy.com/shop/TaterRoundsBeauty  I like the Death by Candy shadows, Fizzy Drink, along the Yule Cat lippie.  I would be open to her face items, too.    9/2/20   Would you like a face mask from one of my favorite artists? https://akumuink.com/collections/facemasks  The summon Cthulhu mask is cute!   one of our fellow BPAL friends makes custom masks, Hakutaku Custom Masks on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HakutakuMasks/ ). Would anyone be interested in one of her masks? Oh yeah!  I really link prints in #3, 14, and 17.    9/1/20   are you familiar with https://www.a-natural-alternative.com/ ?  Take a peak & let me know if you might like to try something. Anything from this store.  It all looks amazing and right up my alley.    8/30/20   Is there anything you want from Japan? Current kit kat flavors are... Salty Lemon, Salty Lychee, Sweet Potato, Chestnut and possibly still some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream or Strawberry Ice Cream from summer. Other than that, anime goods, cute stationery, other Japanese snacks, lay it on me!  All the snacks, please!  And stationary.  Anything JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Hello Kitty, Sailor Moon, washi paper, fine matcha, ume tea, ume anything, kimono fabric scraps, lacquered items, crafts like bowls from Japan would be a long shot but highly favored, too.    What are your favorite self-care items or activities? I'm especially curious about things that you hesitate to do/get because they feel like frivolous luxuries.  Putting on a nice of oolong or fine green or matcha tea in a fancy tea cup and reading or listening to a book. Decadent is spritzing some cedar or lavender spray on my pillow and then really meditating after doing said activities earlier.      8/29/20   Does anything from Paintbox Soapworks catch your eye (http://paintboxsoapworks.com/)? I'd love to try anything from their facial line or their scrubs.  I'm pretty open with scrub scents.    Does anything from the Trading Post's etsy page catch your eye (https://www.etsy.com/shop/bptradingpost)? A Violent Fit of Trembling, Snow Angel Atmosphere spray





Extra Questions Catch Up - updated 10/5

10/5 And something I meant to ask--the other day I found the pattern I made for a small crocheted skull. I have made some before and included some herbs and oils and such, things that both smell good and are said to carry protective virtues, in the stuffing, and hooked them up to hang in a vehicle or such. Would any of y'all like one of those?  I wouldn't mind one. Probably not my normal thing but sounds cute.    10/4 I never asked who wants any of MY homemade yummy goodness!!! So this year we have canned or made: Brown Sugar Plum Butter Pflaumenmus (also Plum Butter) Cardamom Plum Jam Star Anise Plum Jam Ginger Peach Butter Vanilla Peach Jam Sweet Green Tomato Relish Dill Green Tomato Relish Huckleberry Jam Apple Butter Catnip (well, it grew and we dried it...) Candied Jalapenos (delicious with cream cheese on burgers or crackers) Lavender Vanilla Bean liqueur Rose Petal liqueur WITCHEE, WOULD YOU LIKE ANY OF THESE?  Don't just say "yes" -- please be specific about which ones you want the most!     I LOVE a dill pickle so the Dill green tomato relish sounds scrummy, also Huckleberry jam, or cardamom plum jam.    Witchee, darlin', anything appeal from this goth-metal-Satanic Tea company, Pitch Black North? https://www.pitchblacknorth.com/category/all-tea Any of the tea balls and the coconut chai or pumpkin spice tea   10/2 would anyone be interested in anything from the Colourpop Hocus Pocus collection that just came out, since I know lots of people are fans of the film.   I would love pretty much any of it, I am a giant Hocus Pocus nerd. I particularly like the  gather round shadow palette, Sistas and Black Fame gel liners, and the I am Beautiful lipstick   10/1 Would you be interested in anything from KBShimmer's new Fall nail polish collection or their Falloween collection?  (Or anything else from them?) Take it or Leaf It and Bugs & Kisses are cute but as I said earlier I rarely wear nail polish.    9/27  Do you have any interest is anything that I could pick up there?  The have hand made pottery, cookie molds, cookbooks with historical recipes all sorts of good stuff.  https://www.gcv.org/shop/ I love historic sites! My family is from the East coast so I've been to lots of historic sites like Mystic Seaport, Sturbridge Village, Williamsburg & Jamestown, I know of Genessee but haven't been to it. In the Midwest we have a lot more temporary weekend events than permanent living history sites.  Pottery - esp. mugs/bowls/jars are always useful, the cookie molds look neat and I always love a historical cookbook, esp. if it has local variations I'm not familiar with. I can also always use a nice fan because I have a terrible habit of sitting on/squashing mine. 😂     9/23 I am notorious for homemade caramels, shortbreads both savory and sweet, and catnip/catnip laced toys.  I've also started playing with homemade marshmallows and fruit candies.  Any interest? Absolutely - homemade soft caramels are a favorite as well as sweet shortbread (if it can be GF, if not it would still be appreciated & loved by my partner - its her favorite 😉). I do enjoy a homemade marshmallow as well, particularly if it's been friendly with some vanilla beans.    https://www.poesieperfume.com/loose-leaf-tea  <---- would you be interested in receiving tea and / or scents from Poesie? Fancy a Cuppa, Victoria & Albert and S'more Tea all sound good. For scents Blanket,  Emmeline Pankhurst, Cybele, Sucre Vanille sound interesting.    Pumpkin/pumpkin spice – yay or nay?  Yay in food/drinks but nay in other products (soaps, perfumes, etc.) or vice versa?  What are your thoughts? Since Pumpkin Spice is just cinnamon, clove and nutmeg, I'm very much in the YAY camp for all things food related. I haven't tried many non-food products but as I enjoy the smell of those things I'd be game as long they don't have that fake cinnamon smell thing happening.   Candy corn – love it or loathe it?  Or just don’t care much one way or another? I'm pretty meh on candy corn - could take it or leave it. I find it aesthetically pleasing in a bowl but don't really like it eating it. I prefer the little sugar pumpkin things instead but even those are too sickly sweet for me anymore.    9/22 Would you be interested in a gently-used tarot deck (or other oracle)? If so, toss out some styles you gravitate towards, cause I have SO MANY DECKS and I'd love to send one or more along! I'm not super into Tarot - if I'm going for divination I typically go for Runestones so a runic based tarot/divination cards would be neat. 
2. Are you interested in receiving a burned CD of music? If so, name of genres, artists, styles that you are into or would like more of to explore. Sure! I like a bit of everything so learning about new bands is always fun. I like punk like the Ramones or Gogol Bordello, classic rock like Buddy Holly, Elvis, The Stones as well as things like the Katamari soundtrack, sea shanties, bluegrass, gilbert and sullivan and Mozart.    Witchee, do you like tea? If so, what kind? This has been covered at length already below so I'll skip this one.   Do you prefer getting one or two really nice/more expensive things or several smaller/less expensive little things? Or do you have no preferance? Hmm....no preference really. Both are fun. Surprise me!    Would you like any of Snag Tights’ Halloween offerings and if so, what size? I was introduced to them by a friend and bought some gift cards when they had they're buy one get one free special earlier in the pandemic but I can't use them til November so I've been stalking their page. I've been eyeing the woolies since I can wear them everyday and for costuming and plus size wool tights are nonexistent elsewhere,  but the Halloween collection is SUPER cute. I like all of them except the fishnets which I don't wear often. I think for sizing I'm an F ? I'm 5'2 and wear a 22/24 in US sizes.   Witchee, darling, there's a *slight* chance I might be going on a trip next week and *might*, in the course of this trip, have access to Disneyworld goodies from Epcot and Magic Kingdom - any stuff you might desire?  Whenever family go to Disney I usually request Nightmare Before Xmas stuff.  Other favorite Disney properties: Sword in the Stone, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast and Tangled. I'm also a huge Muppets fan which is now a Disney property, and like the Mandolorian and Rebels as well.    I'm a knitter.  I have some knitted washcloths done, and can knit up more.  Would you like some?  Also, if answered soon enough, I can maybe get a scarf done.  Would you like one?  What colors would you like?  Thin or thick?  With or without fringe?  Are you allergic to any fibers - wool, cashmere, angora, alpaca? I'd love a scarf - lightweight/thin is better because I like to wear them at work to stop the draft down the back of my neck. Fall colors or bright/rainbow, no fringe -in fact an infinity or shorter scarf is better. I always tuck in the ends so I don't accidentally sew myself into a customer's clothes. I'm not allergic to any fibers except cat  and I love natural fibers so any of the ones mentioned would be lovely.    9/19 How Would you Feel about recipes? Sure! Especially if you included a key ingredient or seasoning.    Aaaaaah Lilith are up! Is there anything from the release that you want? Decant or full bottles? Well first of all, I do not recommend reading the Lilith preamble is you have pms, because you will cry. Secondly, I'd go for imps of A Demon and Her Basketball, Aoede Melete Mneme, Arlecchina, Cannibal Lady, Interlude, Peanut, Perfectly Normal Childhood or Solved Mysteries. I usually stick to imps since it normally takes me years to finish one. If I love it enough to go back and buy a bottle then its definitely a keeper.     9/18 Witchee, assuming you like home made/home canned condiment goodies, what is your spice level preference?   Milder is better but Tomato Jam/compote sounds amazing. I am a grilled cheese fan so......   New question: Would you be interested in anything from Cellar Door Bath Supply Co.?  Feel free to include things that are showing as sold out on their website; they may still be in stock at local stores. most of the Halloween candle scents sound good  - Once Bitten, Sanderson Spice, Samhain Hard Cider, October Road, Black Magic   9/17 Is there something from your fandom that popped up in another country you'd be particularly interested in?  What, and what store? Nothing specific comes to mind outside of things I've mentioned previously. I'm a big Taskmaster fan and you cant get the boardgame or book in the states, and I'm sure there's some UK only doctor who stuff or Halloween special releases of things from Japan - I'm not super big into Sanrio but I do like it and I'd definitely go for some Halloween Hello Kitty or Aggretsuko merch.   Candles! Anything from these places catch your fancy? https://cantripcandles.com/collections (restocks Friday 9/18 at 9:00 PST) - I'm always wary of buying scents without notes listed because there's a good chance I'll be allergic, so these are a pass for me. https://miruscandles.com/collections  - Newt and Hagrids Hut look nice.  https://briarwickcandles.com/collections - Goblin Fruit, Jareth and Faerie Wine.    Would you be interested in some boozy chocolates (or anything else) from https://www.chocolatemoonshine.com/ ? Any of the Truffle Bars look scrumptious.    9/16 If you're not near one, is there anything from Trader Joe's you'd like? Do they still have those dark chocolate covered raspberry jelly rings? Those (really any raspberry gummy/jelly) are a fav.   How do you feel about local items from my city, like spicy (think chili) things or local coffee? The coffee is not spicy lol. Local items are always great. I can't do anything too spicy - mild is as hot as it gets in my house and I don't drink much coffee but I'm sure there's something awesome that only your town has that I'd love.    They're not my jam, but do you have good feelings about Funko Pop? I'm asking because I realize many people like them. We have a couple but they're very specific - my partner has a special twin peaks set and I was gifted a Smaug. I wouldn't mind receiving one pertinent to my interests.    Would you, my dear Witchee, like anything from April Gloom?  https://www.etsy.com/shop/AprilGloom  or www.aprilgloom.com The devil skulls aren't really my jam but I adore the little tea cup ghosts on her website. too cute!   How about from https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com  The kitteh and bat project bags are cute. I wouldn't use them for knit8ting but I do tend to keep in-process projects in bags. I normally use those reusable grocery store bags or trick or treat bags, but sometimes having a zip would be handy.    Are you a sock person?  If so what are your favourite kinds to wear?  Do you have a sockdreams wishlist? YES! I LOVE socks! Sockdreams is a big fave but I didn't even know they had a wishlist feature!  I usually shop via the plus size category because of my monster calves (22"). I wear crews or no shows in summer but love their fun knee highs in fall/winter, esp. stripes, fun textures like cables and bright prints. I can usually wear sockdreams brand, but most of my most recent faves have been sock-it-to-me brand (they have a wide calf size). I also use knee highs in my historical costuming, but tend to go for more muted (for me) tones like olive, mustard, wine, or pastels like mint.    Would you enjoy anything from my friend Brian's Etsy shop? The holo stickers are neat. Anything lord of the rings is a sure bet but dread king and i am no man stand out. I also liked spellbound, heresy, sling,  and grave constellate.   9/15 Herb'n Eden...anything look good? any of the deodorants. I usually use Tom's Apricot but I'd love to try a new kind, and a sissal washcloth would be super handy.    Would you like anything from House of Gloi, especially from their Autumn Update?  I love a good body powder - fancy witch and pumpkin peach sound nice. I also liked the sound of  Hex and pumpkin eater either in hair or perfume oil . The Lemon drops candy scent would be good too.    I know the tea question has been asked, but what, specifically, about Adagio teas? I mean, the homepage opened on Kentucky Bourbon and I would very definitely be interested in drinking that. The other autumn blends look good too, but that one sounds like it might be a new favorite.   You can probably guess any other teas I might like from my other tea based answers.    What about anything tempting from Dandelion Chocolate?  I always like chocolate. Darker is better. Of their bars, I'd probably favor the Ben Tre or Wampu. Hot chocolate mix is always a staple in the winter, and it would be nice to have something quality instead of Hershey's powder. The black sesame toffee brittle sound yummy too.    Do you decorate seasonally/for holidays?  Is there anything in particular you would like to that end? I don't really. Our house is a bit cluttered so there's no real place to put decorations. We do put up a small xmas tree every year that my MIL gifts us ornaments for. I do always love Halloween stuff (surprise) and use it year round - bats, witches and vampires are pretty common motifs as well as snakes. I've been eyeing some Bat candlesticks at Joanns that I can't quite bring myself to purchase but would love. A lot of the deco halloween stuff at Joanns is really great this year. There was a snake hourglass that caught my eye as well, because whimsical me loves the idea of having an hourglass, but practical me isn't sure that's a reasonable thing to own because when will I ever use it. 🤔   Nui Cobalt Designs perfumes...(just got her latest email): How about the scents being discontinued? The Critters? https://nuicobaltdesigns.com/collections/critters-2020?page=1 or other ones? Copper Fox, little brown rabbit and red squirrel sound interesting. From the scent list Hekate Endonia, Ginger Cat, cauldron cider and ominous orchard.   I have a friend who does pet caricatures. He's done ones for all of my pets. Is this something you would be interested of for your pet(s)? As I am petless this doesn't apply to me, but that said my sister has a little black kitten named Dr.Crash who would make for a very adorable and halloweeny portrait. Pictures available on request     9/14   Anything you'd like from Future Primitive: https://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk whipped soap sounds interesting. Pumpkin Chai is the one in stock atm that I'd be interested but from their scent catalog Cordwainer, sparklebox, witch cake and pumpkin 'ead all sound good. 
Do you have an Etsy wishlist? I do! Its linked in my elfster list and I think on the spreadsheet too, but for ease of use, I'll link it here: https://www.etsy.com/people/crescentwench?ref=hdr-fav&amp;tab=items     9/13   Do you need any astrological work done, since thats one of my professions? Any particular areas you could utilize a consultation? Hmm....I don't usually go for this sort of thing except as a fun entertainment, but I feel like I've hit a bit of a roadblock career wise, so maybe some new insight would be helpful.     How do you feel about the homemade fudge I sell in my etsy shop? (See link to my shop in my signature) -particular preferences, flavors (consider I take special flavor requests all the time!)? Weirdly, I'm not a fudge fan. It usually too sweet for me. I love chocolate but I typically go for dark chocolate that's 70% or more cocoa.    How do you feel about keto or sugar-free, low carb baked goods or treats?? Its how I live, so Im pretty damn good at it. Sounds good to me!    is there anything you want from Lush? i love their bath bombs but rarely take a bath. These might make me actually take one 😂. Art Bat and Lord of Misrule in particular.  The Ghost soap and boo shower slime also look fun and I'd definitely get lots of use out of them.    Do you have a favorite art style/movement/artist? Art Nouveau and the Pre-Raphealites. John william waterhouse is probably my favorite.    Who is your fashion icon(s)?  Betsy Johnson and Minori. I'm also a fan of Oscar Wilde and the Aesthetic movement.    What is your favorite mythological creature? It's got to be Dragons, but its not an easy choice. Vampires and mermaids are probably second and third.    I do pour painting/acrylic fluid art (with varying degrees of success, haha). Would you like a custom piece in colors of your choice (takes 3-4 weeks with curing, longer if you want it sealed, so it would arrive post-round if custom) or a piece already finished in my collection? I have mostly 12 x 12 and 10 x 10s  right now. Pics available upon request!  I'd be interested to see pictures but I'd probably love it. I love bright colors, esp. oranges and greens together, or bright rainbows.    After enjoying looking at the links several others have put in the questions, I decided to add some of my own favorite independent artists who I enjoy supporting - so, what do you think of the goodies from these people? And specific items you love? Enjoy! 1) https://www.catcoven.com/ - the creature of the night, queer as hell and forget-me-not patches, the medieval mosters, bat witch, creature of the night and turnip jack o lantern pins.  2)  https://www.mineralgypsy.com - the poison bottle necklaces are neat, but mostly not my thing.  3) https://www.redbubble.com/people/thelatestkate/shop  I really like the artwork - the ones that jumped out the most to me are the "even if my best sucks" Bat,  "I don't exist only to be attractive" manatee,  "home in a good book" dragon, 4) https://www.marikapaz.com/shop/  so cute! stand outs were the Corgi Adventure and moon children prints, the magic student pin and the forest witch and badger fairie stickers 5) https://www.faunwood.com - I liked pretty much all of this. Standouts are Lil Stabby, trench siren, moss dragon and  reef. The ink beasts stickers look cool too.  6) https://www.shannatrumbly.com/ - nothing much jumping out at me here.  7) https://fiddlersgreenzine.com - I'm not sure I really understand what this is, but I'm definitely intrigued.  8 ) https://www.hedgespokenpress.com -nothing much jumping out here.      One of the things I do is make nifty things from sweaters that I cut up & upcycle into things like super warm mittens, arm warmers, striped arm warmers, cowls, teapot cozies, & French press cozies.  I don't have a slipper I love yet, but I'm working on it. So, which of these things might you like?  Give me some thoughts on colors you like & if for a teapot or press, I need to know a size. I'm a seamstress with poor circulation - mitts/fingerless gloves are a lifesaver for me in the winter. I wear them all the time once the weather turns. A cowl/hood would be great too. My back faces towards the door at work and I'm always catching the draft on my neck in the winter.    I enjoy historical reproductions and am a fan of LBCC Historical Apothecary. Is there something in her store you might be interested in? I already included LBCC in my questionnaire since I'm a huge fan but I'll list some specific products I've been eyeing but haven't bought yet. I've been dying to try her cake mascara, the 1880s hairpins would be amazing now that my hair is long, I have a sample of her orange blossom toner that I like but haven't ordered a full size of yet, I've had her burn cream on my wishlist forever (clumsy seamstress 😉), as well as her lemon scrub, I'd love a historical comb, her 1811 red rouge cream pomatum, and I can always use more hair powder and lemon or clove pomade. I'd love to try her curling fluid but they're all rose/floral scented. I'm sure there's other things on my Etsy wishlist too. I stalk her page WAY too much.    9/12   Does anyone like the prints or items from www.ElissaMarieCreative.com ? I have a few of her prints and the notebooks and they are quality! I LOVE these! Just on the homepage there's 5 or 6 designs I really like  - book witch, cancer babe, blossoming, looking sharp, crafty & crafty. In her shop I really like the moon phases with cats series, the make magic  print, and all the stickers are pretty cute too. I like the notebooks too but realistically it will get put on a shelf and never used.    What about www.drawingsbynicole.com? Anything specific? I dig the art style but I'm not a mom so I'm not into the "weird mother" stuff. I do like the strawberry print and the bag that says "books and comics"   Does anything from www.vapidlacquer.com stick out to you? I'd be interested to try body mist since I'm not a big lotion fan. Continuity and Grapefruit Bellini sound yummy. A glass nail file would be super handy too. I'm always filing my nails at work so I don't snag fabric and I get through so many emery boards it's ridiculous.    How do you feel about fragrant things for the home like incense, candles, atmosphere spray?   I'm super picky about them, to be honest and tend not to use them at all. I avoid florals at all costs (lavender is the one exception here but it has to be fairly mild) and often the scents I do like tend to be really awful fake smells as incense/candles. If you can find citrus, vanilla or cinnamon/clove/spice scented things that actually smell like vanilla or spices and not "hobby lobby at xmas time" I would ADORE it.    Do you share your home with any loved ones (human, feline, canine, etc.) who might enjoy a tiny treat too?   My partner, Taryn - you might notice her on my Bpal wishlisht, as she often likes smells I'm not enjoying and I've made a few notes on there of what she likes for my own reference when buying. She always enjoys a treat, particularly candy.    Question:  How do you feel about tea?  Preferences?  Would you want anything from David's Tea (https://www.davidstea.com/us_en/home/), Steepologie (https://www.steepologie.com/), Bird & Blend (https://birdandblendtea.com/us_en/), or do you have a favorite tea maker to suggest?  What about tea tools or cups?   This is a big one! I LOVE TEA! I typically go for a strong black tea - english or irish breakfast plain or with a sweet flavor like caramel or vanilla, or a green tea. I love a matcha latte but I drink regular green tea as well. One caveat is I'm not a fan of Earl Grey. Just don't like bergamot in my tea 🤷‍♀️ From Davids - Baked apple chai sounds AMAZING, as does salted caramel oolong, and I've never tried flavored Matchas before - honey, vanilla, mango and mojito all sound interesting.  From Steepologie - The have lots of flavored black teas that look yummy - I spotted and almond, a caramel and a vanilla bean. I've also never seen scottish breakfast tea or a loose thai tea blend so I'd be interested to try those.  From birdandblend - the british and builder's blends look nice, the Matcha teas are wacky as hell and I love it - Mermaid, Black Magic, Salted Caramel and Gingernut are all right up my alley.  My favorite US based tea maker is BIngley's Teas - they do Austen inspired blends that are so yummy. My top favs are Captain Wentworth and The Patience of Miss Price.  One can never have too many tea cups or loose leaf brewing tools! I typically use a honking big mug in the morning but I love having a true tea cup and saucer for tea later in the day.    Is there anything you'd like from the UK?  I think a better question would be "is there anything you don't want from the UK?"  😁 I'm a HUGE Britophile and have been since I was a kid and I'd LOVE to visit one day. I'm particularly fond of a good British or Irish Breakfast tea and Lipton makes a caramel black tea that you can't get in the US but that is available in Europe and I think the UK as well. I love Jelly Babies and trying crazy flavored crisps and I heard a rumor that gluten free jaffa cakes might be a thing that exists across the pond....   Do you have a particular fandom you'd like stuff from? My biggest fandoms are probably What We Do in the Shadows and The Hobbit/LOTR but I also like Doctor Who (fav combo is Ten/Donna) and I'm really into fantasy movies from the 80s like Labyrinth and Princess Bride.    would anybody like a small cross stitch thing, like a patch or pin? or cross stitching notions like handmade needle minders?  I would love something like that! Patches and pins are always fun, and you can never have enough places to keep your needles. I'm always leaving them in weird places 😂   9/8/20   Art and artists - anyone dig any of this?  https://www.studiodesade.com/  (They also do masks, see here.)   These are objectively good but not quite my thing. I tend to like stuff that's a bit darker (Brom comes to mind) or cuter/more whimsical - Jiji Knight is an absolute favorite of mine.    If you knit/crochet/weave, would you like custom dyed yarn?  And if so do you have preference on weight, fiber, colors? I sadly can't do any of those things anymore due to tendonitis issues. I love dye-work though! Batik, ice-dye, shibori, tie-dye - so pretty! Custom dyed other things would be lovely.   what is one fun/frivolous thing for $20 or less that you’d enjoy? It'd probably be some kind of food treat - GF cake, Macarons, sushi, fancy tea drinks.    If I sent you to a dollar store with $20, what would you walk out with? Good lord - I haven't been in a dollar store in ages. I don't even know what would be in there! Probably some silly toy/game, maybe a new mug or candy/snacks?    what are your feelings on home made/ home canned jams & pickles or syrups?  I even make things with berries I grow in my garden.  I make both brandied & bourbon cherries. Syrups good for cocktails, in lemonade or tea, flavors include Lavender, Lavender + Lemon, & Lavender + Vanilla. Interested? I LOVE homemade treats - jams and pickles are top of the list for sure. I love homemade flavor syrups as well, but I'm not a fan of flowers in my food.    Is there something that you're especially hoping to receive for this round?  For example, a brand you've heard of that you're especially wanting to try, or a certain "thing" that you really want but just cant bring yourself to buy for yourself??   There are things on my wishlists like that but honestly my favorite part of these swaps is when I get things that I wouldn't have picked for myself but love or things that aren't even on my radar.    Would you rather receive supplies/tools for your own craft/hobby or receive something you can't make yourself?  I know my non-bpal wishlists are mostly supplies but that's mostly for family who are baffled by my hobbies during the holidays.😂  I actually love getting things from other artists since I often can afford to buy those types of things, and I always feel like its extra special when someone has taken the time to make something just for you.   Is there anything you'd like from Penzeys (https://www.penzeys.com/)?  I bake and cook a lot and you can never have enough spices or enough vanilla. We don't do much heat in our food at home but love trying new things and new types of cuisine.    9/3/20   Would you like anything from here? https://www.etsy.com/shop/TaterRoundsBeauty So I rarely wear makeup since I can't wear any at work but that said, I'm working on a cosplay of Persephone from Lore Olympus and some good bright pink shades of makeup would be really helpful for that.    9/2/20   Would you like a face mask from one of my favorite artists? https://akumuink.com/collections/facemasks I love all of these! They're so neat!    one of our fellow BPAL friends makes custom masks, Hakutaku Custom Masks on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HakutakuMasks/ ). Would anyone be interested in one of her masks?  These are really pretty, but most of them aren't my style. The brighter colors and the witchy ladies stand out to me.  I should probably also add that I'm a seamstress and don't have any shortage of masks at the moment, but its always fun to have a new one to add to the mix.    9/1/20   are you familiar with https://www.a-natural-alternative.com/ ?  Take a peak & let me know if you might like to try something.  I have really sensitive skin so I'm always cautious with new types of soap/lotions. As long as its all natural I'm game but odds are my partner will end up using it rather than me.    8/30/20   Is there anything you want from Japan? Current kit kat flavors are... Salty Lemon, Salty Lychee, Sweet Potato, Chestnut and possibly still some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream or Strawberry Ice Cream from summer. Other than that, anime goods, cute stationery, other Japanese snacks, lay it on me! I LOVE Japanese snacks! Sadly I can't eat kit-kats or pocky anymore because I stay away from wheat (not allergic just causes inflammmation in an old injury) but anything Matcha or mango flavored is a safe bet. I also like red bean and milk/boba tea. Well, tea in general. My fav snack other than pocky used to be Curry flavored pretz so if there's some potato or rice snack thats curry flavored I'd love to try it! Also Katamari stuff. Its impossible to find stateside these days, but I'm a big fan.    What are your favorite self-care items or activities? I'm especially curious about things that you hesitate to do/get because they feel like frivolous luxuries. For me, self care is the time and money I spend on my hobby or treating myself to dinner out so I don't have to cook. I'd love to do things like get a manicure but since it'd be ruined in 5 minutes at work it just seems like a waste most of the time and I never go for it even though I really enjoy having it done.    8/29/20   Does anything from Paintbox Soapworks catch your eye (http://paintboxsoapworks.com/)? Same as above as far as soaps but some of the hair oils looked interesting. Putney Road, pumpkin daddy and a few others.    Does anything from the Trading Post's etsy page catch your eye (https://www.etsy.com/shop/bptradingpost)? Not gonna lie, I've been ogling the Crimson Peak necklaces since they listed them. I'm a huge fan of the film but I missed out on the scents during my bpal gap and most of them were too flowery for me anyway.




2020 Halloweenie Switch Witch Answers

9/17/20 Is there something from your fandom that popped up in another country you'd be particularly interested in?  What, and what store? The only thing I know of is the Aldi UK Harry Potter stuff. 9/16/20 Would you, my dear Witchee, like anything from April Gloom? https://www.etsy.com/shop/AprilGloom  (this is our @spookygrrrly - switch witch code coming soon to a spreadsheet near you.) It's in my wishlist if so How about from https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com ?  (This shop belongs to @twilighteyes - we can maybe crochet some of the unicorns that are sold out...) It's in my wishlist if so Would you enjoy anything from my friend Brian's Etsy shop? https://www.etsy.com/shop/BrianSerwayArt? It's in my wishlist if so
Are you a sock person?  If so what are your favourite kinds to wear?  Do you have a sockdreams wishlist? I mostly wear white cotton athletic socks.  I try to get into fun, cute ones, but then eventually one gets lost.  That said!  I love the fun ones so much. If you're not near one, is there anything from Trader Joe's you'd like? I'm near one, but my favorite things are the gingersnaps in the plastic tub, cookie butter stuff, and the elote corn chips. How do you feel about local items from my city, like spicy (think chili) things or local coffee? The coffee is not spicy lol. Not sure where your city is, but I love local stuff that I don't have here. do you have good feelings about Funko Pop?  Not obsessive, but there are a few I'd like - mostly 80s/90s based. Golden Girls, Fraggles, Rainbow Brite, etc. Candles! Anything from these places catch your fancy? https://cantripcandles.com/collections (restocks Friday 9/18 at 9:00 PST) https://miruscandles.com/collections https://briarwickcandles.com/collections No thanks, candles bother my asthmatic housemates. 9/15/20 I have a friend who does pet caricatures. He's done ones for all of my pets. Is this something you would be interested of for your pet(s)? No thanks! Do you decorate seasonally/for holidays?  Is there anything in particular you would like to that end?
Some, but I would a lot more if I had the space for it.  Not at this time, alas. Would you like anything from House of Gloi, especially from their Autumn Update? (https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/fall-1)  I have a universal wishlist on amazon I know the tea question has been asked, but what, specifically, about Adagio teas?  I have a universal wishlist on amazon What about anything tempting from Dandelion Chocolate? (https://store.dandelionchocolate.com/pages/home) I have a universal wishlist on amazon 9/14/20 Anything you'd like from Future Primitive: https://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk Universal wishlist on amazon if so
Do you have an Etsy wishlist? Yes - https://www.etsy.com/people/CourtCat?ref=hdr-fav&amp;tab=items I wanted to share this link to a soapmaker I love and ask if y'all see anything you would like from them! https://www.herbneden.com/ Universal wishlist on amazon if so Nui Cobalt Designs perfumes...(just got her latest email): How about the scents being discontinued? The Critters? https://nuicobaltdesigns.com/collections/critters-2020?page=1 or other ones? Universal wishlist on amazon if so 9/13/20 Do you have a favorite art style/movement/artist?  Can't say I do. Who is your fashion icon(s)?  Fashion . . . I don't really do that.  I'm a suburban mom. What is your favorite mythological creature?  Dragon, or griffin.
is there anything you want from Lush? Meh, not particularly. Do you need any astrological work done, since thats one of my professions? Any particular areas you could utilize a consultation? I woudn't know where to start. How do you feel about the homemade fudge I sell in my etsy shop?  https://www.etsy.com/shop/HollysRainbow -particular preferences, flavors (consider I take special flavor requests all the time!)? If so, it's in my wishlist there. How do you feel about keto or sugar-free, low carb baked goods or treats?? Fine, I suppose?  But no artificial sweeteners, please, because they give me migraines. 9/12/20 Does anyone like the prints or items from www.ElissaMarieCreative.com ? I have a few of her prints and the notebooks and they are quality! If so, it's in my universal list on amazon. What about www.drawingsbynicole.com? Anything specific? If so, it's in my universal list on amazon. Does anything from www.vapidlacquer.com stick out to you? If so, it's in my universal list on amazon. I do pour painting/acrylic fluid art (with varying degrees of success, haha). Would you like a custom piece in colors of your choice (takes 3-4 weeks with curing, longer if you want it sealed, so it would arrive post-round if custom) or a piece already finished in my collection? I have mostly 12 x 12 and 10 x 10s  right now. Pics available upon request!  I wish I had more space for things!  But ... I could use a pencil/paintbrush holder or three. After enjoying looking at the links several others have put in the questions, I decided to add some of my own favorite independent artists who I enjoy supporting - so, what do you think of the goodies from these people? And specific items you love? Enjoy! 1) https://www.catcoven.com/ 2) https://www.mineralgypsy.com 3) https://www.redbubble.com/people/thelatestkate/shop 4) https://www.marikapaz.com/shop/ 5) https://www.faunwood.com 6) https://www.shannatrumbly.com/ 7) https://fiddlersgreenzine.com 8 ) https://www.hedgespokenpress.com Anything I found interesting at any of these, I added to my universal wishlist on amazon. One of the things I do is make nifty things from sweaters that I cut up & upcycle into things like super warm mittens, arm warmers, striped arm warmers, cowls, teapot cozies, & French press cozies.  I don't have a slipper I love yet, but I'm working on it.   So, which of these things might you like?  Give me some thoughts on colors you like & if for a teapot or press, I need to know a size. Yes!  I would love elbow-length arm warmers with the thumb hole, or a scarf/cowl. I enjoy historical reproductions and am a fan of LBCC Historical Apothecary. Is there something in her store you might be interested in? Anything I found interesting was added to my etsy list 9/11/20 Is there anything you'd like from the UK?  Aldi HP stuff, um ... IDK what else. Do you have a particular fandom you'd like stuff from? I like a lot of fandoms, but don't really collect things from them. How do you feel about tea?  Preferences?  Would you want anything from David's Tea (https://www.davidstea.com/us_en/home/), Steepologie (https://www.steepologie.com/), Bird & Blend (https://birdandblendtea.com/us_en/), or do you have a favorite tea maker to suggest?  What about tea tools or cups?   I add these things to my universal wish list on amazon as they come up if I find hem interesting - will do that with these sites, too! How do you feel about fragrant things for the home like incense, candles, atmosphere spray?   Incense and atmosphere spray, sure, but for some reason candles bother the two asthmatics in my house.  Also, diffuser oils. Do you share your home with any loved ones (human, feline, canine, etc.) who might enjoy a tiny treat too?   Yes - a husband and three kids (18, 15, 11, all girls) 9/9/20 would anybody like a small cross stitch thing, like a patch or pin? or cross stitching notions like handmade needle minders? Sure!  A local friend started making little embroidered cameo things (very Victorian looking flowers, etc) and I think they're super cool.  I'd love a cameo skeleton on black.   9/8/20 Art and artists - anyone dig any of this? https://www.studiodesade.com/  (They also do masks, see here.)   Sure!  But mostly masks as my living space is small and I have nowhere to put prints. If you knit/crochet/weave, would you like custom dyed yarn?  And if so do you have preference on weight, fiber, colors?   Yes!  I prefer medium weight, for the most part - big fan of cotton and bamboo, but as I'm ballin' on a budget I mostly only buy acryllics unless I'm making dishcloths. what is one fun/frivolous thing for $20 or less that you’d enjoy?  Books?  IDK, I'm usually looking at fun, frivolous things for my husband or kids. If I sent you to a dollar store with $20, what would you walk out with?  Posterboard (we always need those here), containers, gift packaging   9/5/20 what are your feelings on home made/ home canned jams & pickles or syrups?  I even make things with berries I grow in my garden.  I make both brandied & bourbon cherries. Syrups good for cocktails, in lemonade or tea, flavors include Lavender, Lavender + Lemon, & Lavender + Vanilla. Interested? Yes please!  In all but the bourbon cherries. Is there something that you're especially hoping to receive for this round?  For example, a brand you've heard of that you're especially wanting to try, or a certain "thing" that you really want but just cant bring yourself to buy for yourself?? Not particularly, no. Would you rather receive supplies/tools for your own craft/hobby or receive something you can't make yourself? Either/both!  I’ve started a collection of Lykke knitting needles ... Is there anything you'd like from Penzeys (https://www.penzeys.com/)? I added a few gift sets to my universal wish list via Amazon.   9/3/20 Would you like anything from here? https://www.etsy.com/shop/TaterRoundsBeauty I’ll poke around and add some things to my etsy list if so, but while I would enjoy it I didn’t see anything that particularly called to me.   9/2/20 Would you like a face mask from one of my favorite artists? https://akumuink.com/collections/facemasks I added it to my amazon universal list, but I ADORE the plague doctor one. one of our fellow BPAL friends makes custom masks, Hakutaku Custom Masks on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HakutakuMasks/ ). Would anyone be interested in one of her masks? So many pretty fabrics!  Yes, please.   9/1/20 are you familiar with https://www.a-natural-alternative.com/ ?  Take a peak & let me know if you might like to try something. Any of the lotion sticks or lip balms   8/30/20 Is there anything you want from Japan? Current kit kat flavors are... Salty Lemon, Salty Lychee, Sweet Potato, Chestnut and possibly still some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream or Strawberry Ice Cream from summer. Other than that, anime goods, cute stationery, other Japanese snacks, lay it on me! Yes to all the Japanese kitkats and potato chip flavors!  Also, all the cute stationary and stickers. What are your favorite self-care items or activities? I'm especially curious about things that you hesitate to do/get because they feel like frivolous luxuries. I don’t really do self care.   8/29/20 Does anything from Paintbox Soapworks catch your eye (http://paintboxsoapworks.com/)? I’m intrigued by the facial products, and the Buttercup scent sounds amazing.  All of the Weenie hair/perfume oils sound amazing, and also Kattegat, Halcyon, and GTFO ... some of the summer LEs ... Does anything from the Trading Post's etsy page catch your eye (https://www.etsy.com/shop/bptradingpost)? Will check and add it to the etsy list if so!




Catch-up 2020 SW

9/25/20   I happen to live near this amazing place.  Do you have any interest is anything that I could pick up there?  The have hand made pottery, cookie molds, cookbooks with historical recipes all sorts of good stuff.  https://www.gcv.org/shop/
No thank you!    10/1/20   Would you be interested in anything from KBShimmer's new Fall nail polish collection or their Falloween collection? Smashed, Fully Booked, Slay Cozy, Glazed and Confused, Best Witches  10/3/20   Witchee, darlin', anything appeal from this goth-metal-Satanic Tea company, Pitch Black North? https://www.pitchblacknorth.com/category/all-tea No thanks.    WITCHEE, WOULD YOU LIKE ANY OF THESE?  Don't just say "yes" -- please be specific about which ones you want the most!   Brown Sugar Plum Butter  sure Pflaumenmus (also Plum Butter) Cardamom Plum Jam Star Anise Plum Jam Ginger Peach Butter sure Vanilla Peach Jam sure Sweet Green Tomato Relish Dill Green Tomato Relish Huckleberry Jam Apple Butter Candied Jalapenos (delicious with cream cheese on burgers or crackers) sure Lavender Vanilla Bean liqueur  Rose Petal liqueur   10/4/20   the other day I found the pattern I made for a small crocheted skull. I have made some before and included some herbs and oils and such, things that both smell good and are said to carry protective virtues, in the stuffing, and hooked them up to hang in a vehicle or such. Would any of y'all like one of those? Maybe!    10/5/20   is anyone a Daredevil fan??  I'm going to be working with Christopher Brewster who is Daredevil in the suit (i.e. the stunt performer but not the FACE of the actor... but when the suit is on... its Brewster).  I worked with him on something else... and he was super cool... excited to get to work with him again... but if that's anyone's fandom... I wanna know LOL No thanks!        9/19/20   Lilith are up! Is there anything from the release that you want? Decant or full bottles? NGL I just bought myself everything I wanted.    How would you feel about recipes?   Love em so long as they don't require being followed to a 't'    Would anyone be interested in anything from Bucees?! It’s a magical giant beaver gas station/shop! It has spices, fudge,  Knick knacks, all things Texas, candy, beef jerky, roasted nuts, and of course beavers! Most things like the fudge and nuts are made in house.  I...think I'm good?   9/20/20   How do you guys store your decants so they are not a confused mess?  If you've got a system, please share it. 
I have no idea. Help me.    9/21/20   I'm a knitter.  I have some knitted washcloths done, and can knit up more.  Would you like some?  Also, if answered soon enough, I can maybe get a scarf done.  Would you like one?  What colors would you like?  Thin or thick?  With or without fringe?  Are you allergic to any fibers - wool, cashmere, angora, alpaca?  No fiber allergies, would love a scarf or washcloths. Love me some purples and teals and the like.    Witchee, darling, there's a *slight* chance I might be going on a trip next week and *might*, in the course of this trip, have access to Disneyworld goodies from Epcot and Magic Kingdom - any stuff you might desire?  OH MY GOD I'M SO JEALOUS. I'm supposed to be at WDW next week but Covid took it from me
Literally anything, but I collect Epcot World Showcase pint glasses and my Norway glass shattered this week. Would love any pint glasses (I only have Germany's pint glass, I have event-specific ones otherwise).    9/22/20   Would you like any of Snag Tights’ Halloween offerings and if so, what size? Um, yes but I don't wear skirts much I do wear a size E there.    Do you prefer getting one or two really nice/more expensive things or several smaller/less expensive little things? Or do you have no preferance? No preference!    Witchee, do you like tea? If so, what kind? I feel like this gets asked a lot! Yes! Mate. Fruity tea is good too. Chocolately-coffeeish tea also.    Witchee, do you want anything?  Shirts, mugs, postcards from Anarchist Seattle, Portland, or New York.... https://www.redbubble.com/people/litlnemo/shop?artistUserName=litlnemo No thanks!   Would you be interested in a gently-used tarot deck (or other oracle)? If so, toss out some styles you gravitate towards, cause I have SO MANY DECKS and I'd love to send one or more along! Sure! Whichever one calls to you. 
Are you interested in receiving a burned CD of music? If so, name of genres, artists, styles that you are into or would like more of to explore. Eh, my car won't play discs. Maybe a Spotify playlist?    Do you have an Amazon wishlist?  If you do and you're ok with getting stuff from it, please share the link!
I do but I share them with my husband. Maybe I can work on it... Have a nacho ask me to if you want me to.    Pumpkin/pumpkin spice – yay or nay?  Yay in food/drinks but nay in other products (soaps, perfumes, etc.) or vice versa?  What are your thoughts?
YAY ALL THE THINGS.    Candy corn – love it or loathe it?  Or just don’t care much one way or another? I am indifferent.    9/23/20   https://www.poesieperfume.com/loose-leaf-tea  <---- would you be interested in receiving tea and / or scents from Poesie? Smores Tea, Union tea    I have been remiss--witchee (or anyone needing a minion), I am notorious for homemade caramels, shortbreads both savory and sweet, and catnip/catnip laced toys.  I've also started playing with homemade marshmallows and fruit candies.  Any interest? Catnip is beloved by my babies. Esp. in crinkly delivery devices. But yes to the above. Caramels mmm.          9/12/20   Does anyone like the prints or items from www.ElissaMarieCreative.com ? I have a few of her prints and the notebooks and they are quality!
Phases of the Mewn!  The Make Magic notebooks! Love me some notebooks!    What about www.drawingsbynicole.com? Anything specific?
This seems themed towards moms, and I am happily childfree. No thanks!    Does anything from www.vapidlacquer.com stick out to you?
I love nail polish, but rarely buy it for myself. I'm a neutral/metals/mauvey/purple sort of person.    I do pour painting/acrylic fluid art (with varying degrees of success, haha). Would you like a custom piece in colors of your choice (takes 3-4 weeks with curing, longer if you want it sealed, so it would arrive post-round if custom) or a piece already finished in my collection? I have mostly 12 x 12 and 10 x 10s  right now. Pics available upon request! 
This was my question! I am good on these   After enjoying looking at the links several others have put in the questions, I decided to add some of my own favorite independent artists who I enjoy supporting - so, what do you think of the goodies from these people? And specific items you love? Enjoy! 1) https://www.catcoven.com/ 2) https://www.mineralgypsy.com 3) https://www.redbubble.com/people/thelatestkate/shop 4) https://www.marikapaz.com/shop/ 5) https://www.faunwood.com 6) https://www.shannatrumbly.com/ 7) https://fiddlersgreenzine.com 8 ) https://www.hedgespokenpress.com   This is a bit much to go through! If you suggest one of these to me, I will look but honestly you can't go wrong with cats, owls, foxes, or raccoons?    One of the things I do is make nifty things from sweaters that I cut up & upcycle into things like super warm mittens, arm warmers, striped arm warmers, cowls, teapot cozies, & French press cozies.  I don't have a slipper I love yet, but I'm working on it.   So, which of these things might you like?  Give me some thoughts on colors you like & if for a teapot or press, I need to know a size.
Look it gets cooooold in the office in winter (assuming I go in?), so hand warmers/fingerless would be my jam. I love purple, but jewel tones in general.    I enjoy historical reproductions and am a fan of LBCC Historical Apothecary. Is there something in her store you might be interested in?
That wooden cat comb! Otherwise, surprise me.    9/13/20   Do you have a favorite art style/movement/artist? 
I really like art deco, but I am not the most artsy.    Who is your fashion icon(s)?  Bold of you to assume I have one!    What is your favorite mythological creature? 
is there anything you want from Lush?
Bath Bombs: Goddess, Floating Flower, Deep Sleep, Butterball, Marshmallow World, The Comforter, Twilight
Bubble Bars:   Nana, Lucky Cat, Big Bottle of Calm, Sleepy
Twilight Shower Jelly, Almond Blossom shower gel
The new hand kits look interesting!    Do you need any astrological work done, since thats one of my professions? Any particular areas you could utilize a consultation?
I think I'm good! I had some done a couple rounds ago. I wouldn't mind an in-depth tarot reading but I've had my charts done.    How do you feel about the homemade fudge I sell in my etsy shop?  https://www.etsy.com/shop/HollysRainbow -particular preferences, flavors (consider I take special flavor requests all the time!)?
I like fudge. I like chocolate. Go from there   How do you feel about keto or sugar-free, low carb baked goods or treats??
No thank you!    9/14/20   Anything you'd like from Future Primitive: https://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk Ooooh yes, I received some a couple rounds ago and OMG. So nice. Cracked coconut, cold pillow soap. That Lavender Ice Cream and Pumpkin Chai whipped soap looks DIVINE. 
Do you have an Etsy wishlist? I do not, but I can make one?    9/15/20   I have a friend who does pet caricatures. He's done ones for all of my pets. Is this something you would be interested of for your pet(s)?
Um, yes.    Do you decorate seasonally/for holidays?  Is there anything in particular you would like to that end? A little, but I'm rather chaotic in my decorative skills and forget some years, haha. 
  Would you like anything from House of Gloi, especially from their Autumn Update? (https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/fall-1)  Most of their fall scents look interesting! Something moisturizing, please!    I know the tea question has been asked, but what, specifically, about Adagio teas?  No specifics, but I like mate tea and caffeinated teas. Homegirl has a caffeine problem.    What about anything tempting from Dandelion Chocolate? (https://store.dandelionchocolate.com/pages/home) Y'all have a lot of retailers! I mean, I love dark chocolate.    9/16/20   Would you, my dear Witchee, like anything from April Gloom? https://www.etsy.com/shop/AprilGloom  (this is our @spookygrrrly - switch witch code coming soon to a spreadsheet near you.) No thanks!    How about from https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com ?  (This shop belongs to @twilighteyes - we can maybe crochet some of the unicorns that are sold out...) No thanks! I have a project bag from her and I love it but I only need the one!   Would you enjoy anything from my friend Brian's Etsy shop? https://www.etsy.com/shop/BrianSerwayArt? Very talented, but perhaps not my aesthetic. 
Are you a sock person?  If so what are your favourite kinds to wear?  Do you have a sockdreams wishlist? Lbr, I don't love wearing socks but it gets cold in Indiana. So, when I do wear them I like funny ones. I prefer blueq but I would def. spend a sock dreams giftcard.    If you're not near one, is there anything from Trader Joe's you'd like?
Dark chocolate pb cups! Chocolate covered jojos.   How do you feel about local items from my city, like spicy (think chili) things or local coffee? The coffee is not spicy lol.
Love coffee. Love spicy - not overly HOT - seasonings. Like, don't put me on Hot Ones, but I like hatch, cayenne, other flavors with some depth.    do you have good feelings about Funko Pop?  I do, for the fandoms I follow. I could use a couple more Overwatch Pops (Widowmaker, Pharah, Tracer, Moira) . My Firefly collection just needs Wash 😭   Candles! Anything from these places catch your fancy? https://cantripcandles.com/collections (restocks Friday 9/18 at 9:00 PST) https://miruscandles.com/collections https://briarwickcandles.com/collections I like em, husband and cats don't like scented candles.   9/17/20   Is there something from your fandom that popped up in another country you'd be particularly interested in?  What, and what store? I have no idea.    Would you be interested in some boozy chocolates (or anything else) from https://www.chocolatemoonshine.com/ ? Uh, yes. Love me some booze. Love me some dark chocolate.  9/18/20   Witchee, assuming you like home made/home canned condiment goodies, what is your spice level preference?  
Medium to the low end of hot
  Would you be interested in anything from Cellar Door Bath Supply Co.?  Sure! My bar soap collection is depleted. 
Almond Vanilla
Ginger Fizz Lavender Fields Lavender Pumpkin
Oatmeal, Milk, Honey Morning Dew Pumpkin Chai Latte Samhain Hard Cider Sanderson Spice Tupelo Honey Sex Machine
      9/11/20   Is there anything you'd like from the UK? 
Tottenham Hotspur googaws (I'd love a mask if they're making them there!), CANDY (esp. chocolate), clotted cream, golden syrup, tea.    Do you have a particular fandom you'd like stuff from?
Oh do I. I love everything Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Parks and Rec, Schitt's Creek, Friends.   How do you feel about tea?  Preferences?  Would you want anything from David's Tea (https://www.davidstea.com/us_en/home/), Steepologie (https://www.steepologie.com/), Bird & Blend (https://birdandblendtea.com/us_en/), or do you have a favorite tea maker to suggest?  What about tea tools or cups?   Love me funny mugs or teacups (the kind with curse words at the bottom? Killer.) I like mate tea blends, chai, and will try a lil of everything    How do you feel about fragrant things for the home like incense, candles, atmosphere spray?   I would probably pass on this. Love em', but I have a very sensitive kitty.    Do you share your home with any loved ones (human, feline, canine, etc.) who might enjoy a tiny treat too?   Husband! Don't worry he'll help me with anything edible that comes my way.    9/9/20   would anybody like a small cross stitch thing, like a patch or pin? or cross stitching notions like handmade needle minders?
If you want to cross-stitch me a curse word, or something funny to hang in my bedroom or bathroom or wherever, I am *down* for it. I am not crafty myself.      9/8/20   Art and artists - anyone dig any of this?  https://www.studiodesade.com/  (They also do masks, see here.)     If you knit/crochet/weave, would you like custom dyed yarn?  And if so do you have preference on weight, fiber, colors?
Alas I am not crafty like that.   what is one fun/frivolous thing for $20 or less that you’d enjoy?
Hmmmmm. Makeup, probably.    If I sent you to a dollar store with $20, what would you walk out with?
Candy, spooky stuff, energy drinks, maybe some pens and crafty stuff   9/5/20   what are your feelings on home made/ home canned jams & pickles or syrups?  I even make things with berries I grow in my garden.  I make both brandied & bourbon cherries. Syrups good for cocktails, in lemonade or tea, flavors include Lavender, Lavender + Lemon, & Lavender + Vanilla. Interested? Generally, yes! I am being a bit more cautious on baked goods, but I would love canned jams, pickles, or syrups! I've gotten really into craft cocktails and flavoring my coffee. Bourbon or brandied cherries sound so f'in amazing! I would love those. I'm not super huge on floral syrups, but fruity, vanilla, or herbaceous can be delicious. Also love me some pickles.    Is there something that you're especially hoping to receive for this round?  For example, a brand you've heard of that you're especially wanting to try, or a certain "thing" that you really want but just cant bring yourself to buy for yourself??  Not off the top of my head?    Would you rather receive supplies/tools for your own craft/hobby or receive something you can't make yourself?  I am not the most crafty. I'd say I'd prefer something already crafted vs. to-be-crafted by me.    Is there anything you'd like from Penzeys (https://www.penzeys.com/)?  Listen, when I die please cremate me and mix in some Smoked Spanish Paprika from Penzeys. Love me some Penzeys. I have most of my cabinet staples from there. I've never convinced myself to buy some of the baking spices and would love to try the vanilla sugar. Some spice mixes from there could be fun too, I just stick to the single blends mostly.    9/3/20   Would you like anything from here? https://www.etsy.com/shop/TaterRoundsBeauty OOOH hmm. Crazy Jack soap, El Cucuy candle, The Pale Moon and the Sun soap   9/2/20   Would you like a face mask from one of my favorite artists? https://akumuink.com/collections/facemasks
No thank you!    one of our fellow BPAL friends makes custom masks, Hakutaku Custom Masks on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HakutakuMasks/ ). Would anyone be interested in one of her masks?  Oh wow! These are lovely! Just off the bat, that silver cranes one is beautiful, as is Let Them Eat Cake, Honey Cats, and Fox. You really can't go too wrong with owls, cats, foxes (or animals) for me!    9/1/20   are you familiar with https://www.a-natural-alternative.com/ ?  Take a peak & let me know if you might like to try something.  I am not! But nearly every scent of the soap looks good to me! Would try it!    8/30/20   Is there anything you want from Japan? Current kit kat flavors are... Salty Lemon, Salty Lychee, Sweet Potato, Chestnut and possibly still some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream or Strawberry Ice Cream from summer. Other than that, anime goods, cute stationery, other Japanese snacks, lay it on me! Japanese kit kats are the bomb. I love the green tea ones, but of these flavors I think I'd try sweet potato or salty lychee.    What are your favorite self-care items or activities? I'm especially curious about things that you hesitate to do/get because they feel like frivolous luxuries. I love to get my hair done which is trickier during covid, but possible with masks. At home I do a lot of baths for self-care, and also play video games to keep my mind distracted. I like pedicures but haven't had one in a while, I've been eyeing those foot spas for at home, like the Homedics ones?    8/29/20   Does anything from Paintbox Soapworks catch your eye (http://paintboxsoapworks.com/)? Um, yes! Rice pudding soap, Second Breakfast soap, Whiskers soap, Mandinka soap   Does anything from the Trading Post's etsy page catch your eye (https://www.etsy.com/shop/bptradingpost)? Amber Pumpkin HG, Luna Negra 




Switch Witch 2020

Last updated 28th September   Wishlists

Etsy: https://www.etsy.com...ef=favs_index_1 Please note that this wishlist includes a load of "if I win the lottery" things that I will buy when I'm rich!
Amazon: http://amzn.eu/h0TE0yP - please ignore all the Pandora charms on there!
SockDreams: https://www.sockdrea...hlist_id/96472/
BPAL/BPTP: in my signature   9/19/20   Lilith are up! Is there anything from the release that you want? Decant or full bottles? 2020 Aesthetic and A Vigilant Eye both sound awesome   How would you feel about recipes?  probably not   Would anyone be interested in anything from Bucees?! It’s a magical giant beaver gas station/shop! It has spices, fudge,  Knick knacks, all things Texas, candy, beef jerky, roasted nuts, and of course beavers! Most things like the fudge and nuts are made in house. Always like fudge   9/20/20   How do you guys store your decants so they are not a confused mess?  If you've got a system, please share it. Mine are a confused mess 😉   9/21/20   I'm a knitter.  I have some knitted washcloths done, and can knit up more.  Would you like some?  Also, if answered soon enough, I can maybe get a scarf done.  Would you like one?  What colors would you like?  Thin or thick?  With or without fringe?  Are you allergic to any fibers - wool, cashmere, angora, alpaca? no thank you   Witchee, darling, there's a *slight* chance I might be going on a trip next week and *might*, in the course of this trip, have access to Disneyworld goodies from Epcot and Magic Kingdom - any stuff you might desire? I don't know what kind of things they have but my only Disney favourites are Captain Marvel and Black Panther   9/22/20   Would you like any of Snag Tights’ Halloween offerings and if so, what size? This is my question -  I've bought loads   Do you prefer getting one or two really nice/more expensive things or several smaller/less expensive little things? Or do you have no preferance? No preference   Witchee, do you like tea? If so, what kind? Black tea, chai and smoky flavours, earl grey type things   Witchee, do you want anything?  Shirts, mugs, postcards from Anarchist Seattle, Portland, or New York.... https://www.redbubble.com/people/litlnemo/shop?artistUserName=litlnemo no thank you   Would you be interested in a gently-used tarot deck (or other oracle)? If so, toss out some styles you gravitate towards, cause I have SO MANY DECKS and I'd love to send one or more along! no thank you
Are you interested in receiving a burned CD of music? If so, name of genres, artists, styles that you are into or would like more of to explore. No thanks   Do you have an Amazon wishlist?  If you do and you're ok with getting stuff from it, please share the link! Link above   Pumpkin/pumpkin spice – yay or nay?  Yay in food/drinks but nay in other products (soaps, perfumes, etc.) or vice versa?  What are your thoughts? I like Future Primitive's Pumpkin Chai, but often find perfumes and candles are overpowering. Food is ok though.   Candy corn – love it or loathe it?  Or just don’t care much one way or another? loathe it   9/23/20   https://www.poesieperfume.com/loose-leaf-tea  <---- would you be interested in receiving tea and / or scents from Poesie? Tea - London Smoke & Fog sounds awesome, as does S'More Tea   I have been remiss--witchee (or anyone needing a minion), I am notorious for homemade caramels, shortbreads both savory and sweet, and catnip/catnip laced toys.  I've also started playing with homemade marshmallows and fruit candies.  Any interest? marshmallows and sweet shortbreads   9/25/20   I happen to live near this amazing place.  Do you have any interest is anything that I could pick up there?  The have hand made pottery, cookie molds, cookbooks with historical recipes all sorts of good stuff.  https://www.gcv.org/shop/ I love the pie plates, crocks and jars, but I think you'd have issues with shipping!   9/17/20   Is there something from your fandom that popped up in another country you'd be particularly interested in?  What, and what store?    Would you be interested in some boozy chocolates (or anything else) from https://www.chocolatemoonshine.com/ ? Absolutely everything!   9/18/20   Witchee, assuming you like home made/home canned condiment goodies, what is your spice level preference?  mild to medium
  Would you be interested in anything from Cellar Door Bath Supply Co.? Once Bitten candle (I have the soap), Raspberry Beret candle, Sex Machine candle. Bath salts look good but are all sold out   9/16/20   Would you, my dear Witchee, like anything from April Gloom? https://www.etsy.com/shop/AprilGloom  (this is our @spookygrrrly - switch witch code coming soon to a spreadsheet near you.) I do love the ghost in a cup pins   How about from https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com ?  (This shop belongs to @twilighteyes - we can maybe crochet some of the unicorns that are sold out...) I have no real need for a bag right now but love the Big Black Kitteh print!   Are you a sock person?  If so what are your favourite kinds to wear?  Do you have a sockdreams wishlist? I do, and I love ankle & crew styles   If you're not near one, is there anything from Trader Joe's you'd like? No idea what they sell!   How do you feel about local items from my city, like spicy (think chili) things or local coffee? The coffee is not spicy lol. Local coffee   do you have good feelings about Funko Pop? yes, I have quite a big collection but looking for Kamala Khan, Ms Marvel, Black Panther and any Firefly ones   Candles! Anything from these places catch your fancy? https://cantripcandles.com/collections (restocks Friday 9/18 at 9:00 PST) Library Scriptorum candle, Stonemoss Chapel candle, Sanctuary candle https://miruscandles.com/collectionsn Arya candle, Sansa candle https://briarwickcandles.com/collections nothing grabs me   Would you enjoy anything from my friend Brian's Etsy shop? The We Float Like Drifting Embers print   9/15/20   I have a friend who does pet caricatures. He's done ones for all of my pets. Is this something you would be interested of for your pet(s)? Maybe, but would want to see the style   Do you decorate seasonally/for holidays?  Is there anything in particular you would like to that end? I don't decorate
  Would you like anything from House of Gloi, especially from their Autumn Update? (https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/fall-1) No thank you   I know the tea question has been asked, but what, specifically, about Adagio teas? Earl Grey Moonlight, Earl Grey Bella Luna, Thai Chai   What about anything tempting from Dandelion Chocolate? (https://store.dandelionchocolate.com/pages/home) the salted caramels (and all the cake!)   9/14/20   Anything you'd like from Future Primitive: https://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk Even though its my question - whipped soap, conditioner, bath grains in Blackberry Sage, Lugnasadh, Tombstone, Warrior, Sparklebox, The Orangery, Pandemonium, Toffee Moon Face   I wanted to share this link to a soapmaker I love and ask if y'all see anything you would like from them! https://www.herbneden.com/ Lemongrass and patch body wash   Nui Cobalt Designs perfumes...(just got her latest email): How about the scents being discontinued? The Critters? https://nuicobaltdesigns.com/collections/critters-2020?page=1 or other ones? Blue Jay, Northern Cardinal and Mourning Dove sound like what I need right now, but I don't do the magic thing so not sure if I should?   9/13/20 part 2   is there anything you want from Lush? No thank you, I have a shop just down the road   Do you need any astrological work done, since thats one of my professions? Any particular areas you could utilize a consultation? no thank you   How do you feel about the homemade fudge I sell in my etsy shop? (See link to my shop in my signature) -particular preferences, flavors (consider I take special flavor requests all the time!)? Yes! yes! Yes! Flavours like apple pie, butterscotch, penuche, orange choc   How do you feel about keto or sugar-free, low carb baked goods or treats?? low carb cheesy or spicy crisps would be good (ok, chips if you're in the US)   9/13/20   Do you have a favorite art style/movement/artist? Pre Raphaelites   Who is your fashion icon(s)? I do not have one   What is your favorite mythological creature? probably a dragon   9/12/20 part ii   After enjoying looking at the links several others have put in the questions, I decided to add some of my own favorite independent artists who I enjoy supporting - so, what do you think of the goodies from these people? And specific items you love? Enjoy! 1) https://www.catcoven.com/ any of the 2XL leggings or Dream cat slouchy tee if they weren't sold out,  2) https://www.mineralgypsy.com no thank you 3) https://www.redbubble.com/people/thelatestkate/shop a gazillion of the cat prints made me cry. If you needed me to pick one get someone to prod me. Notebooks, prints, acrylic blocks 4) https://www.marikapaz.com/shop/ no thank you 5) https://www.faunwood.com Took A Wrong Turn notebook 6) https://www.shannatrumbly.com/ Beautiful but not for me 7) https://fiddlersgreenzine.com no thank you 8 ) https://www.hedgespokenpress.com no thank you   One of the things I do is make nifty things from sweaters that I cut up & upcycle into things like super warm mittens, arm warmers, striped arm warmers, cowls, teapot cozies, & French press cozies.  I don't have a slipper I love yet, but I'm working on it.   So, which of these things might you like?  Give me some thoughts on colors you like & if for a teapot or press, I need to know a size. The only thing I would want is a weird creation of my own devising - arm warmers that go from shoulder to elbow only (quite wide for large arms) and joined across the back to hold them in place. Colours - purple/blue/green/black but honestly anything other than pink or yellow. I have tons of fingerless gloves, mostly made by Twi!   I enjoy historical reproductions and am a fan of LBCC Historical Apothecary. Is there something in her store you might be interested in? Oh yes!  Enchanted Woodland powder & a puff or Cucumber Cold Cream   9/12/20   Does anyone like the prints or items from www.ElissaMarieCreative.com ? I have a few of her prints and the notebooks and they are quality! The Mewl prints are fun   What about www.drawingsbynicole.com? Anything specific? no thank you   Does anything from www.vapidlacquer.com stick out to you? Nonsense polish, nail elixir in Continuity or Dulcet   I do pour painting/acrylic fluid art (with varying degrees of success, haha). Would you like a custom piece in colors of your choice (takes 3-4 weeks with curing, longer if you want it sealed, so it would arrive post-round if custom) or a piece already finished in my collection? I have mostly 12 x 12 and 10 x 10s  right now. Pics available upon request!  Probably not     9/11/20   Do you have a particular fandom you'd like stuff from? Firefly, Captain Marvel, Ms Marvel, Studio Ghibli, Babylon 5   How do you feel about tea?  Preferences?  Would you want anything from David's Tea (https://www.davidstea.com/us_en/home/), Steepologie (https://www.steepologie.com/), Bird & Blend (https://birdandblendtea.com/us_en/), or do you have a favorite tea maker to suggest?  What about tea tools or cups?  I like black teas, chai or smoky flavours   How do you feel about fragrant things for the home like incense, candles, atmosphere spray?  Atmo sprays are good, as are candles with a safe holder/container rather than things that go in a candlestick. Incense gets too messy.   Do you share your home with any loved ones (human, feline, canine, etc.) who might enjoy a tiny treat too?  3 cats who like toys, but no catnip please as one is allergic   9/9/20   would anybody like a small cross stitch thing, like a patch or pin? or cross stitching notions like handmade needle minders?  not my sort of thing   9/8/20   Art and artists - anyone dig any of this?  https://www.studiodesade.com/  (They also do masks, see here.)  Not really my sort of thing   If you knit/crochet/weave, would you like custom dyed yarn?  And if so do you have preference on weight, fiber, colors? I don't do that sort of craft   what is one fun/frivolous thing for $20 or less that you’d enjoy? USB or battery halloween string lights, fancy garden stakes   If I sent you to a dollar store with $20, what would you walk out with? Plant pots, wooden plant labels,  medium sized food storage boxes   9/5/20   what are your feelings on home made/ home canned jams & pickles or syrups?  I even make things with berries I grow in my garden.  I make both brandied & bourbon cherries. Syrups good for cocktails, in lemonade or tea, flavors include Lavender, Lavender + Lemon, & Lavender + Vanilla. Interested? Cherries sound lovely but probably quite heavy to ship. I wouldn't eat lavender anything.   Is there something that you're especially hoping to receive for this round?  For example, a brand you've heard of that you're especially wanting to try, or a certain "thing" that you really want but just cant bring yourself to buy for yourself??    Would you rather receive supplies/tools for your own craft/hobby or receive something you can't make yourself? Something I can't make myself   Is there anything you'd like from Penzeys (https://www.penzeys.com/)?  Pico Fruta and Arizona Dreaming look interesting   9/3/20   Would you like anything from here? https://www.etsy.com/shop/TaterRoundsBeauty No thank you   9/2/20   Would you like a face mask from one of my favorite artists? https://akumuink.com/collections/facemasks No thank you   one of our fellow BPAL friends makes custom masks, Hakutaku Custom Masks on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HakutakuMasks/ ). Would anyone be interested in one of her masks? I love these - 15, 17 & of course 40 are the best   9/1/20   are you familiar with https://www.a-natural-alternative.com/ ?  Take a peak & let me know if you might like to try something.    8/30/20   Is there anything you want from Japan?  Other than that, anime goods, cute stationery, other Japanese snacks, lay it on me! Rice crackers and teriyaki chips, cute stationery, ground white sesame seeds, a secondhand large haori   What are your favorite self-care items or activities? I'm especially curious about things that you hesitate to do/get because they feel like frivolous luxuries. My self care was always lovely meals out, so failing at an answer right now. I garden to relax     8/29/20   Does anything from Paintbox Soapworks catch your eye (http://paintboxsoapworks.com/)? GOAT or Pick-a-Duck candles   Does anything from the Trading Post's etsy page catch your eye (https://www.etsy.com/shop/bptradingpost)? Atmos - Sanjuana Rokkasen and Manao Tupapau




SW 2020 Q&A

9/3/20   Would you like anything from here? https://www.etsy.com/shop/TaterRoundsBeauty El Cucuy Candle Black Phillip Candle Dame Ultra Hydrating Body Lotion Mercy or Tart Lip Gloss Gensing and Chamomile Gel Mask or really any of the skin care things... they all look awesome... Tater Tot Face Cream Whipped Shea Body Butter Whipped Lavender Body Butter   9/2/20   Would you like a face mask from one of my favorite artists? https://akumuink.com/collections/facemasks   one of our fellow BPAL friends makes custom masks, Hakutaku Custom Masks on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HakutakuMasks/ ). Would anyone be interested in one of her masks?    All of those are cute but I don't NEED more masks... which isn't to say I wouldn't appreciate another one...   9/1/20   are you familiar with https://www.a-natural-alternative.com/ ?  Take a peak & let me know if you might like to try something.  was not familiar but am now quite interested in their lotion bars...   8/30/20   Is there anything you want from Japan? Current kit kat flavors are... Salty Lemon, Salty Lychee, Sweet Potato, Chestnut and possibly still some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream or Strawberry Ice Cream from summer. Other than that, anime goods, cute stationery, other Japanese snacks, lay it on me! I want all the kit kats LOLZ I'm not terribly into anime and I feel like I never use cute stationary (although I HAVE been meaning to take up letter writing so... perhaps I should say send me some LOL)... I don't know what "other snacks" to ask for... but I'm always down for fun beauty tools and I feel like Japan has such a great bathing culture that there are fun beauty things we don't have in the US...    What are your favorite self-care items or activities? I'm especially curious about things that you hesitate to do/get because they feel like frivolous luxuries. Honestly... sleeping and reading are my current favorites...  I really want a silk pillowcase (supposed to be good for the hair and mine is stupid crazy long) and I always hesitate to buy myself kindle books... I don't know why LOL   8/29/20   Does anything from Paintbox Soapworks catch your eye (http://paintboxsoapworks.com/)? Shaving Soaps in Blackbird, Hex on the Beach, or Whiskers Bookkeeper's Butter The Nihilist Goat Milk Cream any of the lotions, really, or the scrubs... I received some Abnoba Sorbetto a few years ago and loved it...  most of their scents look good to me, honestly.   Does anything from the Trading Post's etsy page catch your eye (https://www.etsy.com/shop/bptradingpost)? Nothing is jumping out at me but I haven't thoroughly looked    What are your favorite self-care items or activities? I'm especially curious about things that you hesitate to do/get because they feel like frivolous luxuries.  So... I love foot masks because I stopped going to salons to get pedicures because of COVID and haven't returned because a) Texas is scary outside of my house because its very peopley and not always so masky and b) because I've really utterly stopped giving a fuck because I don't go anywhere or see anyone unless I book a gig and my gigs require close-toed shoes LOL but I bought the Ampoe Pedi Perfect on Amazon back when this all started... and it came with these amazing foot masks which I loved... but I somehow wont bring myself to buy more of them... even though they are totally NOT expensive.
9/5/20   what are your feelings on home made/ home canned jams & pickles or syrups?  I even make things with berries I grow in my garden.  I make both brandied & bourbon cherries. Syrups good for cocktails, in lemonade or tea, flavors include Lavender, Lavender + Lemon, & Lavender + Vanilla. Interested? I would definitely be interested in any of the above... just no tomatoes LOL   Is there something that you're especially hoping to receive for this round?  For example, a brand you've heard of that you're especially wanting to try, or a certain "thing" that you really want but just cant bring yourself to buy for yourself?? I already covered this when I asked... but I need a good lotion.   Would you rather receive supplies/tools for your own craft/hobby or receive something you can't make yourself? I don't really HAVE hobbys... but...I'm down to receive crafty stuff or things I can't make myself... things I can't make are probably better because if you send me craft stuff I'll probably never craft it LOL   Is there anything you'd like from Penzeys (https://www.penzeys.com/)? not specifically but am also unfamiliar with their stuff so...I'm down to try   9/8/20   Art and artists - anyone dig any of this? https://www.studiodesade.com/  (They also do masks, see here.)     If you knit/crochet/weave, would you like custom dyed yarn?  And if so do you have preference on weight, fiber, colors? not applicable as I don't knit or crochet...   what is one fun/frivolous thing for $20 or less that you’d enjoy? a kindle gift card... I'm trying to read more books and watch less netflix and I LOVE my kindle   If I sent you to a dollar store with $20, what would you walk out with? not a clue... depends on what I needed at the time... candles maybe, or organizational things for my house??  IDK   9/9/20   would anybody like a small cross stitch thing, like a patch or pin? or cross stitching notions like handmade needle minders? I'm always down for pins and patches... I don't actually cross stitch (although I really want to learn)   9/11/20   Is there anything you'd like from the UK? health care??? citizenship so I don't have to worry so much about the upcoming election?? beyond that I don't know what to ask for    Do you have a particular fandom you'd like stuff from? nothing comes to mind   How do you feel about tea?  Preferences?  Would you want anything from David's Tea (https://www.davidstea.com/us_en/home/), Steepologie (https://www.steepologie.com/), Bird & Blend (https://birdandblendtea.com/us_en/), or do you have a favorite tea maker to suggest?  What about tea tools or cups?  I am not a tea person.  I do occasionally drink it/enjoy it but I'm not really into tea like a lot of folks here are   How do you feel about fragrant things for the home like incense, candles, atmosphere spray?  LOVE!!!!!  yes please!!!!!   Do you share your home with any loved ones (human, feline, canine, etc.) who might enjoy a tiny treat too?  2 human boy roommates (one of whom is my Hoochie Coochie Man, the other is just a long time roommate who is now like family) a fluffy white Biscuits (please go follow her on Instagram @fluffywhitebiscuits) a Maia chat, and two snakes named Fluffy and Kai.  They all like treats... except the snakes... they mostly just eat their rats and like it that way.
9/12/20   Does anyone like the prints or items from www.ElissaMarieCreative.com ?    What about www.drawingsbynicole.com? Anything specific?   Does anything from www.vapidlacquer.com stick out to you?   I do pour painting/acrylic fluid art (with varying degrees of success, haha). Would you like a custom piece in colors of your choice (takes 3-4 weeks with curing, longer if you want it sealed, so it would arrive post-round if custom) or a piece already finished in my collection? I have mostly 12 x 12 and 10 x 10s  right now. Pics available upon request!    After enjoying looking at the links several others have put in the questions, I decided to add some of my own favorite independent artists who I enjoy supporting - so, what do you think of the goodies from these people? And specific items you love? Enjoy! 1) https://www.catcoven.com/ 2) https://www.mineralgypsy.com 3) https://www.redbubble.com/people/thelatestkate/shop 4) https://www.marikapaz.com/shop/ 5) https://www.faunwood.com 6) https://www.shannatrumbly.com/ 7) https://fiddlersgreenzine.com 8 ) https://www.hedgespokenpress.com   One of the things I do is make nifty things from sweaters that I cut up & upcycle into things like super warm mittens, arm warmers, striped arm warmers, cowls, teapot cozies, & French press cozies.  I don't have a slipper I love yet, but I'm working on it.   So, which of these things might you like?  Give me some thoughts on colors you like & if for a teapot or press, I need to know a size.   I enjoy historical reproductions and am a fan of LBCC Historical Apothecary. Is there something in her store you might be interested in?   9/13/20   Do you have a favorite art style/movement/artist?    Who is your fashion icon(s)?    What is your favorite mythological creature? jackalope or maybe the chupacabra...
is there anything you want from Lush?   Do you need any astrological work done, since thats one of my professions? Any particular areas you could utilize a consultation?   How do you feel about the homemade fudge I sell in my etsy shop?  https://www.etsy.com/shop/HollysRainbow -particular preferences, flavors (consider I take special flavor requests all the time!)? have never tried it but it looks amazing... anything that is caramel-esque in flavor (I know she doesn't make caramel exactly but there is one that I think is of a similar flavor profile)... or really anything but peanut butter... I'm not allergic to it I just mostly only like it in reese's/justin's PB cups   How do you feel about keto or sugar-free, low carb baked goods or treats?? fine but not necessary    9/14/20   Anything you'd like from Future Primitive: https://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk
Do you have an Etsy wishlist? yes...https://www.etsy.com/people/robynleepowell?ref=hdr-fav&amp;tab=items not super up to date and I bought a bunch of pins for myself recently so thats WHY there are a million pins on there not because I'm like send me 1000 pins LOL but it should give you an idea of my "style"   I wanted to share this link to a soapmaker I love and ask if y'all see anything you would like from them! https://www.herbneden.com/   Nui Cobalt Designs perfumes...(just got her latest email): How about the scents being discontinued? The Critters? https://nuicobaltdesigns.com/collections/critters-2020?page=1 or other ones?   9/15/20   I have a friend who does pet caricatures. He's done ones for all of my pets. Is this something you would be interested of for your pet(s)? OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have a dog with her own instagram... 1000x yes   Do you decorate seasonally/for holidays?  Is there anything in particular you would like to that end? I have a very strict no decoration policy in my house.  That said... Halloween-y things that can stay up all year because my place looks like a cheerful mausoleum are most welcome 
  Would you like anything from House of Gloi, especially from their Autumn Update? (https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/fall-1)    I know the tea question has been asked, but what, specifically, about Adagio teas? meh on tea in general   What about anything tempting from Dandelion Chocolate? (https://store.dandelionchocolate.com/pages/home)   9/16/20   Would you, my dear Witchee, like anything from April Gloom? https://www.etsy.com/shop/AprilGloom  (this is our @spookygrrrly - switch witch code coming soon to a spreadsheet near you.)   How about from https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com ?  (This shop belongs to @twilighteyes - we can maybe crochet some of the unicorns that are sold out...)   Would you enjoy anything from my friend Brian's Etsy shop? https://www.etsy.com/shop/BrianSerwayArt?
Are you a sock person?  If so what are your favourite kinds to wear?  Do you have a sockdreams wishlist? I love my pride socks (preferably the black ones) and sock dreams boot socks... I pretty much exclusively wear cowboy boots so socks are functional more than fun   If you're not near one, is there anything from Trader Joe's you'd like?   How do you feel about local items from my city, like spicy (think chili) things or local coffee? The coffee is not spicy lol.   do you have good feelings about Funko Pop? I like them and think they are cute but I don't collect them   Candles! Anything from these places catch your fancy? https://cantripcandles.com/collections (restocks Friday 9/18 at 9:00 PST) https://miruscandles.com/collections https://briarwickcandles.com/collections   9/17/20   Is there something from your fandom that popped up in another country you'd be particularly interested in?  What, and what store?   Would you be interested in some boozy chocolates (or anything else) from https://www.chocolatemoonshine.com/ ?   9/18/20   Witchee, assuming you like home made/home canned condiment goodies, what is your spice level preference?  due to my recent surgery and recovery I have to stay on the mild side for a bit
  Would you be interested in anything from Cellar Door Bath Supply Co.?    9/19/20   Lilith are up! Is there anything from the release that you want? Decant or full bottles?   How would you feel about recipes?     Would anyone be interested in anything from Bucees?! It’s a magical giant beaver gas station/shop! It has spices, fudge,  Knick knacks, all things Texas, candy, beef jerky, roasted nuts, and of course beavers! Most things like the fudge and nuts are made in house.  as a native texan I love me some Bucees... but I can also get it myself so... super not necessary   9/20/20   How do you guys store your decants so they are not a confused mess?  If you've got a system, please share it. I don't do imps/decants so I don't have that problem   9/21/20   I'm a knitter.  I have some knitted washcloths done, and can knit up more.  Would you like some?  Also, if answered soon enough, I can maybe get a scarf done.  Would you like one?  What colors would you like?  Thin or thick?  With or without fringe?  Are you allergic to any fibers - wool, cashmere, angora, alpaca?  not allergic... don't really use traditional washclothes and scarves aren't something my texan girl self knows HOW to wear but I also don't OWN any so...    Witchee, darling, there's a *slight* chance I might be going on a trip next week and *might*, in the course of this trip, have access to Disneyworld goodies from Epcot and Magic Kingdom - any stuff you might desire?  I'm not super into disney   9/22/20   Would you like any of Snag Tights’ Halloween offerings and if so, what size?   Do you prefer getting one or two really nice/more expensive things or several smaller/less expensive little things? Or do you have no preference? no preference   Witchee, do you like tea? If so, what kind? southern sweet... lipton usually LOL   Witchee, do you want anything?  Shirts, mugs, postcards from Anarchist Seattle, Portland, or New York.... https://www.redbubble.com/people/litlnemo/shop?artistUserName=litlnemo   Would you be interested in a gently-used tarot deck (or other oracle)? If so, toss out some styles you gravitate towards, cause I have SO MANY DECKS and I'd love to send one or more along!
Are you interested in receiving a burned CD of music? If so, name of genres, artists, styles that you are into or would like more of to explore.   Do you have an Amazon wishlist?  yes but I'm having amazon issues at the moment... long story... but my computer doesn't want to let me log in... to get it for you   Pumpkin/pumpkin spice – yay or nay?  Yay in food/drinks but nay in other products (soaps, perfumes, etc.) or vice versa?  What are your thoughts? PS: nay in general.  I don't hate it but its definitely not my favorite.  straight pumpkin is pretty yummy...   Candy corn – love it or loathe it?  Or just don’t care much one way or another? not a fan but not hostile towards it... I don't eat it... but I don't condemn those that do    9/23/20   https://www.poesieperfume.com/loose-leaf-tea  <---- would you be interested in receiving tea and / or scents from Poesie?   I have been remiss--witchee (or anyone needing a minion), I am notorious for homemade caramels, shortbreads both savory and sweet, and catnip/catnip laced toys.  I've also started playing with homemade marshmallows and fruit candies.  Any interest? I LOVE Caramel ... like way more than chocolate... I LOOOOOOVE caramel.... and I love old fashioned sugar cookies and shortbread




Switch Witch 2020 Questions

Would you like a face mask from one of my favorite artists? https://akumuink.com/collections/facemasks omg I love the mermaid and pirate ones.   one of our fellow BPAL friends makes custom masks, Hakutaku Custom Masks on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HakutakuMasks/ ). Would anyone be interested in one of her masks?  Omg I love them, especially the kimono print ones. I have two kimono print masks right now and they're like my favorite (I have a lot of masks)   are you familiar with https://www.a-natural-alternative.com/ ?  Take a peak & let me know if you might like to try something.  I was not familiar with them but omg sooooooap. I'd love any of the soaps that fit my scent preferences and to lotion bars look really cool!   Is there anything you want from Japan? Current kit kat flavors are... Salty Lemon, Salty Lychee, Sweet Potato, Chestnut and possibly still some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream or Strawberry Ice Cream from summer. Other than that, anime goods, cute stationery, other Japanese snacks, lay it on me! The salty lemon kit kats are my favorite! I got a bag last year from a friend and I'm obsessed. Also I'll say it again. Daiso. Send me an entire Daiso store's worth of stuff. I love it all. Also love anything Tamamo from Fate.    What are your favorite self-care items or activities? I'm especially curious about things that you hesitate to do/get because they feel like frivolous luxuries. I love taking baths but unfortunately when I moved I downgraded from my parents jacuzzi to a normal shower/tub combo and I'm fat so not much room for water OTL Still take them but gotta be careful I don't overflow the tub.    Does anything from Paintbox Soapworks catch your eye (http://paintboxsoapworks.com/)? Hahahahaha oh man yes. I've been having to hold myself back from ordering everything lol. I'd love the Hex on a Beach lotion and scrub to go with my soap bar. Also the G.O.A.T. lotion, scrub, and candle. Oh and the Putney Road scrub!    Does anything from the Trading Post's etsy page catch your eye (https://www.etsy.com/shop/bptradingpost)? Deff interested in Snow Angel Atmo and The Froth of the Serpents of Pleasure BO   Would you like anything from here? https://www.etsy.com/shop/TaterRoundsBeauty  Um that metallic gold Osiris lip gloss is EVERYTHING. I love a good bold statement lip color. Also Ice Apparition. Ooooh and the Spider web whipped soap and the vampire tonic toner.   what are your feelings on home made/ home canned jams & pickles or syrups?  I even make things with berries I grow in my garden.  I make both brandied & bourbon cherries. Syrups good for cocktails, in lemonade or tea, flavors include Lavender, Lavender + Lemon, & Lavender + Vanilla. Interested? Omg that sounds amazing! Pickles aren't my jam but everything else sounds wonderful.   Is there something that you're especially hoping to receive for this round?  For example, a brand you've heard of that you're especially wanting to try, or a certain "thing" that you really want but just can't bring yourself to buy for yourself??  As of right now I can't think of anything.   Would you rather receive supplies/tools for your own craft/hobby or receive something you can't make yourself?  I'd love resin making supplies as they can add up quickly and I'm always running out lol, also I've been interested in soap making but don't have anything for it yet   Is there anything you'd like from Penzeys (https://www.penzeys.com/)?  more like what DON'T I want lol. I definitely would love some vanilla. Also peppercorns, my pepper mill is almost out, shallots, orange peel, lemon peel, and any of the dressing bases.   would anybody like a small cross stitch thing, like a patch or pin? or cross stitching notions like handmade needle minders? I would love something cross stitched!   Art and artists - anyone dig any of this?  https://www.studiodesade.com/  (They also do masks, see here.)   I'm not particularly interested in this   If you knit/crochet/weave, would you like custom dyed yarn?  And if so do you have preference on weight, fiber, colors? I do not do any fiber work   what is one fun/frivolous thing for $20 or less that you’d enjoy? fun colored pens for journaling! Oooo or stamps   If I sent you to a dollar store with $20, what would you walk out with? Cards, stickers, and some snacks   Does anyone like the prints or items from www.ElissaMarieCreative.com ? I have a few of her prints and the notebooks and they are quality! I'm not particularly interested in anything    What about www.drawingsbynicole.com? Anything specific? no again    Does anything from www.vapidlacquer.com stick out to you? I always love more bar soap and scrubs! the lotion bar looks nice too. As long as the scent matches my preferences I'd love it.   I do pour painting/acrylic fluid art (with varying degrees of success, haha). Would you like a custom piece in colors of your choice (takes 3-4 weeks with curing, longer if you want it sealed, so it would arrive post-round if custom) or a piece already finished in my collection? I have mostly 12 x 12 and 10 x 10s  right now. Pics available upon request!  That sounds awesome! I love fluid art.   Is there anything you'd like from the UK?  Jelly Babies. Omg please send me all the jelly babies. Then I can taunt my dad on social media since I don't live with him anymore so he can't steal them from me.   Do you have a particular fandom you'd like stuff from? I collect all the Tamamo from Fate merch.    How do you feel about tea?  Preferences?  Would you want anything from David's Tea (https://www.davidstea.com/us_en/home/), Steepologie (https://www.steepologie.com/), Bird & Blend (https://birdandblendtea.com/us_en/), or do you have a favorite tea maker to suggest?  What about tea tools or cups?   I love tea but I'm kind of starting over since my mom kept all the tea stuff haha. So I need a loose leaf infuser. I'd also love a personal sized teapot with a strainer for when I want more than one cup at a time. I mostly drink black or herbal tea, I'm not big on white, rooibos, or green tea. One of my favorite places for tea is https://www.teabox.com/ They are based in india but they ship via DHL and I've ordered for my mom (she can't figure out the website for some reason) since the pandemic started and they're still pretty fast. Oh and I only have one tea cup/saucer.   How do you feel about fragrant things for the home like incense, candles, atmosphere spray?   As long as they're pet friendly! I only burn cone incense and I love candles but prefer ones in jars/containers. I LOVE Sihaya Co candles.   Do you share your home with any loved ones (human, feline, canine, etc.) who might enjoy a tiny treat too?   Yes! My roommate has the fluffiest, cutest, most best little ball of chocolate fluff Pom named Lando. He can't have treats because he has a sensitive stomach but he loves his plush toys. I'm also in the process of looking to adopt a dog so I will need to get him/her all the stuff but I'm still looking for the right one. They will be around pom size though so they can use the doggy door.    After enjoying looking at the links several others have put in the questions, I decided to add some of my own favorite independent artists who I enjoy supporting - so, what do you think of the goodies from these people? And specific items you love? Enjoy! 1) https://www.catcoven.com/ 2) https://www.mineralgypsy.com 3) https://www.redbubble.com/people/thelatestkate/shop 4) https://www.marikapaz.com/shop/ 5) https://www.faunwood.com 6) https://www.shannatrumbly.com/ 7) https://fiddlersgreenzine.com 8 ) https://www.hedgespokenpress.com Oooooh 1, 2, 3, and 6 are all right up my alley!   One of the things I do is make nifty things from sweaters that I cut up & upcycle into things like super warm mittens, arm warmers, striped arm warmers, cowls, teapot cozies, & French press cozies.  I don't have a slipper I love yet, but I'm working on it.   So, which of these things might you like?  Give me some thoughts on colors you like & if for a teapot or press, I need to know a size. Oh I'd love arm warmers! Any dark colors are great.    I enjoy historical reproductions and am a fan of LBCC Historical Apothecary. Is there something in her store you might be interested in? Oh I'd never heard of them but everything looks very interesting!   Do you have a favorite art style/movement/artist?  Hmmmm, I mostly enjoy anime/manga style art. Most of the artists I follow are fanartists.   Who is your fashion icon(s)?  Another tough one! I don't really follow many specific people but I always love seeing what's up on the Tokyo Fashion twitter.   What is your favorite mythological creature?  Kitsune!!!! Also mermaids.
is there anything you want from Lush? I haven't really shopped from LUSH much recently but I am starting to run low on my Veganese conditioner   Do you need any astrological work done, since thats one of my professions? Any particular areas you could utilize a consultation? I would LOVE a detailed read of my chart. I know the basics but that's about it.   How do you feel about the homemade fudge I sell in my etsy shop?  https://www.etsy.com/shop/HollysRainbow -particular preferences, flavors (consider I take special flavor requests all the time!)? Um I LOVE it. I've had it before and it's to die for good. My dad still raves about the matcha fudge. Also wow, pumpkin pie fudge? PLEASE   How do you feel about keto or sugar-free, low carb baked goods or treats?? While I don't follow any special diets I will eat anything yummy haha. I made some vegan baked goods a few years back for switch with and they were delicious.   Anything you'd like from Future Primitive: https://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk omg yes, I've wanted stuff from them forever. The Orangery Handmade Soap Sparklebox Handmade Soap Elijah's Comfort Handmade Soap Sparklebox Bubbling Bathing Grains Pumpkin Chai Whipped Soap
Do you have an Etsy wishlist? Yes! It's linked in my signature under wishlist   I wanted to share this link to a soapmaker I love and ask if y'all see anything you would like from them! https://www.herbneden.com/ You're all killing me with all these new soap shops! Ok here goes a list lol (I'd like these as bar soaps and if scent available body wash, scrub, or butter) Lemongrass & Patchouli 4/20 Citrus Hemp Grapefruit & Himalayan Pink Salt Rosemary & Lavender South African Lavender Rosewater Kefir & Lavender Cedarwood & Sea Clay Botanical Bath Soak   Nui Cobalt Designs perfumes...(just got her latest email): How about the scents being discontinued? The Critters? https://nuicobaltdesigns.com/collections/critters-2020?page=1 or other ones? I don't really use perfumes other than BPAL.    Do you decorate seasonally/for holidays?  Is there anything in particular you would like to that end? Honestly I've just moved so not sure what we're doing decoration wise. Probably nothing this year.
  Would you like anything from House of Gloi, especially from their Autumn Update? (https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/fall-1)  Oooooh I'd love the Fall Bubbling Scrub in Olde Cider Haus or Persephone's Descent The Fall Butterbomb in Leaf Pile The Enchanted Forest Handmade Soap   I know the tea question has been asked, but what, specifically, about Adagio teas?  earl grey bravo
earl grey lavender ceylon sonata tangerine tuxedo darjeeling spring tip pumpkin spice peach summer rose apricot strawberry lemon soleil orange hibiscus Blood Orange Peppermint Lavender Lemon bella luna blue Blood Orange Iced Tea earl grey iced tea   What about anything tempting from Dandelion Chocolate? (https://store.dandelionchocolate.com/pages/home) Oh no you're tempting me with fancy chocolate!? Literally every single item sounds absolutely divine and I would love it all.   Would you, my dear Witchee, like anything from April Gloom? https://www.etsy.com/shop/AprilGloom  (this is our @spookygrrrly - switch witch code coming soon to a spreadsheet near you.) nothing really catches my eye   How about from https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com ?  (This shop belongs to @twilighteyes - we can maybe crochet some of the unicorns that are sold out...) I don't knoit or crochet but I could see the bags working really well for carrying my journaling stuff. I love the Big Black Kitteh project bag for knitting or crochet   Would you enjoy anything from my friend Brian's Etsy shop? https://www.etsy.com/shop/BrianSerwayArt? Omg that art is GORGEOUS. I love Dusk Mother, Black Omen, and The Fox & The Crow
Are you a sock person?  If so what are your favourite kinds to wear?  Do you have a sockdreams wishlist? Yes! My socks are always disappearing and wearing out so every fall I have to buy all new socks lol. I only wear ankle and crew socks. Though I am VERY interested in the thigh highs from this company: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ThundaThighsShop?fbclid=IwAR3q-WK31oGZJHMX68mREt6QCd4ztItXYmeCrlz07lZ8LsMQZ9qFcTRoa5o a friend with similar sized legs to me bought a pair and loves them.   If you're not near one, is there anything from Trader Joe's you'd like? I've honestly never been to a Trader Joe's so I have no idea what exclusive items they have.   How do you feel about local items from my city, like spicy (think chili) things or local coffee? The coffee is not spicy lol. I'd love local coffees! Ground or kcup. For spicy things I describe my heat tolerance as being able to handle medium level JAPANESE spice. Which is milder than Indian medium spice. However my roommate has white girl spice tolerance (we're working on it) so anything spicy would have to be something I could eat by myself like a snack or dessert, or be something I could add to just my food after cooking lol   do you have good feelings about Funko Pop?  I hate them. Ugly little abominations that are an insult to figures everywhere lol   Candles! Anything from these places catch your fancy? https://cantripcandles.com/collections (restocks Friday 9/18 at 9:00 PST): A Walk in the Woods 6oz, Brinewater Tides 6oz https://miruscandles.com/collections https://briarwickcandles.com/collections: Sorcery- Autumn Limited Edition, Cider and Stories- Autumn Limited Edition, Harvest- Autumn Limited Edition   Is there something from your fandom that popped up in another country you'd be particularly interested in?  What, and what store? Literally everything LOL. Considering my fandom is Fate/Nasuverse and is hence Japanese lol. But seriously any and all merch of Tamamo. There's also an art print of her on my etsy wishlist that I really want. Another thing I am desperately iso for is the Tamamo Gift plush. I know of a guy who has like three and I'm SO jealous.    Would you be interested in some boozy chocolates (or anything else) from https://www.chocolatemoonshine.com/ ? My question! And the answer is yes. I want all of it lol   Witchee, assuming you like home made/home canned condiment goodies, what is your spice level preference?   I answered this before on another question but my spice tolerance is right around a japanese medium hot. So a bit more than Indian Mild? My roommate however has no spice tolerance and I cook all our meals so I have to keep that in mind. I'm working on increasing her tolerance though since two years ago I had no spice tolerance either.
  Would you be interested in anything from Cellar Door Bath Supply Co.?  Oh no not another soap shop to lust after! BLACK NO. 1 BAR SOAP
BLOOD MAGICK BAR SOAP CANNON BEACH DAISY BAR SOAP COASTAL MIST BAR SOAP EUCALYPTUS SPEARMINT BAR SOAP GAIA BAR SOAP GOOD VIBRATIONS BAR SOAP LAVENDER FIELDS BAR SOAP LEMON VERBENA BAR SOAP OCTOBER ROAD BAR SOAP PATCHOULI BERGAMOT BAR SOAP SATSUMA GUAVA BAR SOAP SEA SALT & CITRON BAR SOAP AUTUMN APPLE FEST SOY CANDLE BEACH GLASS SOY CANDLE MANISTEE SANDS SOY CANDLE SEA SALT & CITRON SOY CANDLE ROSEWOOD + FRANKINCENSE BATH SALTS PATCHOULI BERGAMOT BATH SALTS GREEN TEA LEMONGRASS BATH SALTS   Lilith are up! Is there anything from the release that you want? Decant or full bottles? I am VERY interested in Booboo Eyes, Cannibal Lady Macbeth, Solved Mysteries, and Walking My Daughter to Class. I don't do decants personally (I get to sniff everything anyway since I decant) but any amount in bottle would be great.   How would you feel about recipes?   I love recipes! I've just started cooking on my own and while I'm mostly just doing Hello Fresh and easy pasta/frozen stuff in between right now I can't wait until I can grocery shop on my own and put together my own menu so I'd love recipes whether books or handwritten.   Would anyone be interested in anything from Bucees?! It’s a magical giant beaver gas station/shop! It has spices, fudge,  Knick knacks, all things Texas, candy, beef jerky, roasted nuts, and of course beavers! Most things like the fudge and nuts are made in house.  Um fudge and nuts sound great.   How do you guys store your decants so they are not a confused mess?  If you've got a system, please share it.  I don't personally keep decants. Any I receive get tossed in my cup of frimping (it's a large plastic cup from the kalahari from my days of mass alcohol consumption at cons lol). GC Imps however are stored alphabetically in ammo boxes and I have a corresponding spreadsheet.    I'm a knitter.  I have some knitted washcloths done, and can knit up more.  Would you like some?  Also, if answered soon enough, I can maybe get a scarf done.  Would you like one?  What colors would you like?  Thin or thick?  With or without fringe?  Are you allergic to any fibers - wool, cashmere, angora, alpaca?  No washcloths please, I have a ton of knitted ones already that I alternate through. A scarf would be very appreciated though. Thick without fringe. No fiber allergies. Colors, maybe somethin g to match my new awesome sunset wig that wear out when it's cold. (reds, oranges, purple)   Witchee, darling, there's a *slight* chance I might be going on a trip next week and *might*, in the course of this trip, have access to Disneyworld goodies from Epcot and Magic Kingdom - any stuff you might desire?  I've actually never been to any of the Disneys so I have no idea what sort of exclusive merch there is nor am I an overly huge Disney fan   Would you like any of Snag Tights’ Halloween offerings and if so, what size? Oh I like the red opaque mock garters and the sparkle skulls! I would be a size G   Do you prefer getting one or two really nice/more expensive things or several smaller/less expensive little things? Or do you have no preference? No preference here!    Witchee, do you like tea? If so, what kind? I think I've answered this fairly thoroughly already in previous questions!   Witchee, do you want anything?  Shirts, mugs, postcards from Anarchist Seattle, Portland, or New York.... https://www.redbubble.com/people/litlnemo/shop?artistUserName=litlnemo No thank you   Would you be interested in a gently-used tarot deck (or other oracle)? If so, toss out some styles you gravitate towards, cause I have SO MANY DECKS and I'd love to send one or more along! YES YES YES!!! I like stuff that's either more anime-esque art style (not very fond of the harsh angles and lines in a lot of western art), watercolor stuff, or really abstract stuff. Oh and anything with foxes regardless of art style.
Are you interested in receiving a burned CD of music? If so, name of genres, artists, styles that you are into or would like more of to explore. No thanks, my laptop makes scary noises when I put cds in it and I'm convinced it's going to destroy discs.    Do you have an Amazon wishlist?  If you do and you're ok with getting stuff from it, please share the link! Yes! Link is in my signature under wishlist which links to a doc with all my wishlists   Pumpkin/pumpkin spice – yay or nay?  Yay in food/drinks but nay in other products (soaps, perfumes, etc.) or vice versa?  What are your thoughts? I like pumpkin spice flavored things and candles but not anything I'd put on my skin.   Candy corn – love it or loathe it?  Or just don’t care much one way or another? I'm pretty indifferent to it.   https://www.poesieperfume.com/loose-leaf-tea  <---- would you be interested in receiving tea and / or scents from Poesie? Ooooh I'll list ones I like out. Fancy a Cuppa Twice to Tea London Smoke + Fog Union   I have been remiss--witchee (or anyone needing a minion), I am notorious for homemade caramels, shortbreads both savory and sweet, and catnip/catnip laced toys.  I've also started playing with homemade marshmallows and fruit candies.  Any interest? SHORTBREAD YES PLEASE!!!!!!!! Savory and sweet, I love all shortbread. It was also my Mimi's favorite cookie so eating them always makes me think of her.   I happen to live near this amazing place.  Do you have any interest is anything that I could pick up there?  The have hand made pottery, cookie molds, cookbooks with historical recipes all sorts of good stuff.  https://www.gcv.org/shop/ Nothing really catches my eye   Would you be interested in anything from KBShimmer's new Fall nail polish collection or their Falloween collection? I'm not interested in any nailpolish right now   Witchee, darlin', anything appeal from this goth-metal-Satanic Tea company, Pitch Black North? https://www.pitchblacknorth.com/category/all-tea   WITCHEE, WOULD YOU LIKE ANY OF THESE?  Don't just say "yes" -- please be specific about which ones you want the most!   Brown Sugar Plum Butter - sounds interesting! Pflaumenmus (also Plum Butter) - sounds interesting! Cardamom Plum Jam - sounds interesting! Star Anise Plum Jam - no thanks Ginger Peach Butter - no thanks Vanilla Peach Jam - yes Sweet Green Tomato Relish - no thanks Dill Green Tomato Relish - no thanks Huckleberry Jam - sounds interesting! Apple Butter - omg yes Candied Jalapenos (delicious with cream cheese on burgers or crackers) - no thanks Lavender Vanilla Bean liqueur - BIG YES Rose Petal liqueur - BIG YES   the other day I found the pattern I made for a small crocheted skull. I have made some before and included some herbs and oils and such, things that both smell good and are said to carry protective virtues, in the stuffing, and hooked them up to hang in a vehicle or such. Would any of y'all like one of those? Oh that sounds really awesome!   is anyone a Daredevil fan??  I'm going to be working with Christopher Brewster who is Daredevil in the suit (i.e. the stunt performer but not the FACE of the actor... but when the suit is on... its Brewster).  I worked with him on something else... and he was super cool... excited to get to work with him again... but if that's anyone's fandom... I wanna know LOL Not particularly. I mean I liked the movie but that's the extent of it.   Darling witchee, would you like a candle or other goodies from Last Craft? https://lastcraftdesigns.com/ Oh I LOVE their face masks (pink witch and blank and white cat) I also like the Pop Culture Altar Candle: "Our Lady of Garbage” 




Switch Witching 2020

Hello All, especially my Witch for SW2020   I thought it would be easiest to put some links & info here that might be of use.  Yes, I’m a crazy crafting fool that loves to make stuff & play dress-up.   Equilter.com – My wish list is public & under email addy lawardrop@comcast.net Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/il-en/people/lawardrop    Sure there are a few things sold out, but they give you some ideas.   Books – used books are always fine as long as they don’t smell of cigarette smoke (allergies – no fun to read while sneezing).  My current format for novels is mostly audio book.  I’m kind of late to the party but I am really enjoying them this way & can multitask while working on fiber projects.  I have an Audible account & other apps that let me listen to other types. I love Urban Fantasy, especially series that I can follow.  I prefer the ones that are more mysteries as opposed to “paranormal romance”.  (Some sex is fine if it makes sense for the characters, but the mystery & adventure is more what the story is based on). I’m current on Charles DeLint, Kevin Hearne, Kim Harrison & Faith Hunter (unless there’s a brand new Jane Yellowrock).  I love Seanan McQuire’s October Day series & believe I’m current – but have not read any other series she has.  I’m in the middle of Patricia Briggs Mercy Thompson series but have not read any of her other series.  I’ve read the Kate Daniels series by Illona Andrews, but not any other series (some of which I hear are straight up romance novels – no to those please). I’m open to other writers & other series if there is open you can recommend.  Please start me with book 1.  




SW 2020 - Good Year for a Good Distraction

Hello dear witch!  I'm sorry for going radio silent.  I have an issue with joint hypermobility that has been causing me an increasing amount of pain.  I'd just gotten up the nerve to try to get it properly diagnosed this spring (a physical therapist I was seeing last fall for something else confirmed there was an issue, but she's not technically allowed to make the diagnosis), and then... you know, 2020 happened.  Right now, I feel like my fingers are going to dislocate whenever I type or click   It's better this week than last, so I'll be catching up bit by bit depending on how much i use the computer during the day     9/25/20   I happen to live near this amazing place.  Do you have any interest is anything that I could pick up there?  The have hand made pottery, cookie molds, cookbooks with historical recipes all sorts of good stuff.  https://www.gcv.org/shop/ any of the kitchen stuff or games, particularly marbles or dice, would be fun.   9/23/20   https://www.poesieperfume.com/loose-leaf-tea  <---- would you be interested in receiving tea and / or scents from Poesie? the tea looks lovely, but i don't know tea well enough to pick one   I have been remiss--witchee (or anyone needing a minion), I am notorious for homemade caramels, shortbreads both savory and sweet, and catnip/catnip laced toys.  I've also started playing with homemade marshmallows and fruit candies.  Any interest?  sure!   9/22/20   Would you like any of Snag Tights’ Halloween offerings and if so, what size?  Huh, I had a pair of very similar spider web tights as a teenager.  Mine glowed in the dark, though.  Blast from the past.  Nothing really strikes me, though   Do you prefer getting one or two really nice/more expensive things or several smaller/less expensive little things? Or do you have no preferance? no preference   Witchee, do you like tea? If so, what kind?  I do.  I drink rooibos, english breakfast, spiced teas, and mint.     Witchee, do you want anything?  Shirts, mugs, postcards from Anarchist Seattle, Portland, or New York.... https://www.redbubble.com/people/litlnemo/shop?artistUserName=litlnemo  no thanks   Would you be interested in a gently-used tarot deck (or other oracle)? If so, toss out some styles you gravitate towards, cause I have SO MANY DECKS and I'd love to send one or more along! no tarot or other divination tools, please.
Are you interested in receiving a burned CD of music? If so, name of genres, artists, styles that you are into or would like more of to explore. Yes, any kind at all!   Do you have an Amazon wishlist?  If you do and you're ok with getting stuff from it, please share the link!  no   Pumpkin/pumpkin spice – yay or nay?  Yay in food/drinks but nay in other products (soaps, perfumes, etc.) or vice versa?  What are your thoughts? yay, but i hate that in many foods they over-sweeten it.  Love the flavor/scent, don't want the sugar bomb   Candy corn – love it or loathe it?  Or just don’t care much one way or another? historically, i've thought it was great but only in small doses.  haven't had it in ages   9/21/20   I'm a knitter.  I have some knitted washcloths done, and can knit up more.  Would you like some?  Also, if answered soon enough, I can maybe get a scarf done.  Would you like one?  What colors would you like?  Thin or thick?  With or without fringe?  Are you allergic to any fibers - wool, cashmere, angora, alpaca?   Sure to washclothes - yellow or blue.  Scarf won't get much use in this weather/   Witchee, darling, there's a *slight* chance I might be going on a trip next week and *might*, in the course of this trip, have access to Disneyworld goodies from Epcot and Magic Kingdom - any stuff you might desire? it's been so long, i'm not sure what they have anymore   9/20/20   How do you guys store your decants so they are not a confused mess?  If you've got a system, please share it.  i don't love my system, but i have small imp cases by scent family/mood/season all in a small box.   9/19/20   Lilith are up! Is there anything from the release that you want? Decant or full bottles?  i did see some interesting ones, but i'll have to look back again more closely.  Lord, these questions make me feel old - I got in to bpal in time for crawfish dreams.   How would you feel about recipes?  YES!!!   Would anyone be interested in anything from Bucees?! It’s a magical giant beaver gas station/shop! It has spices, fudge,  Knick knacks, all things Texas, candy, beef jerky, roasted nuts, and of course beavers! Most things like the fudge and nuts are made in house.  oh Bucees - nothing for me since their greatest asset, clean bathrooms, isn't shippable.   9/18/20   Witchee, assuming you like home made/home canned condiment goodies, what is your spice level preference?  we can handle any level of spice from none to pure fire, but I like my spicy stuff to have a flavor not hidden by the spice
  Would you be interested in anything from Cellar Door Bath Supply Co.?  i don't use bar soaps or candles, so no   9/17/20   Is there something from your fandom that popped up in another country you'd be particularly interested in?  What, and what store?  I'm not sure I understand this question...   Would you be interested in some boozy chocolates (or anything else) from https://www.chocolatemoonshine.com/ ? those look fun, sure!       9/16/20   Would you, my dear Witchee, like anything from April Gloom? https://www.etsy.com/shop/AprilGloom  (this is our @spookygrrrly - switch witch code coming soon to a spreadsheet near you.) cute!  but i don't do skulls   How about from https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com ?  (This shop belongs to @twilighteyes - we can maybe crochet some of the unicorns that are sold out...) nothing i need, though i like the yip yip aliens and the fabric for the project bags is great   Would you enjoy anything from my friend Brian's Etsy shop? https://www.etsy.com/shop/BrianSerwayArt? a little too creepy for me, but beautiful
Are you a sock person?  If so what are your favourite kinds to wear?  Do you have a sockdreams wishlist?  i don't wear socks often because it's so hot here, and i prefer wearing sandals. I got some great longer o chevrons this winter though that i love.  i like toe socks and over the knee/thigh high socks that are opaque (i don't shave and have dark hair) but not too heavy.   If you're not near one, is there anything from Trader Joe's you'd like? fancy chocolate, sheet masks, those single serve olive packs they have, and the crispy okra in the chip aisle   How do you feel about local items from my city, like spicy (think chili) things or local coffee? The coffee is not spicy lol. YES   do you have good feelings about Funko Pop? too knick knacky for me   Candles! Anything from these places catch your fancy? https://cantripcandles.com/collections (restocks Friday 9/18 at 9:00 PST) https://miruscandles.com/collections https://briarwickcandles.com/collections   just when i say i don't want candles, you break out the geeky ones.  No, i'm holding strong.   9/15/20   I have a friend who does pet caricatures. He's done ones for all of my pets. Is this something you would be interested of for your pet(s)? sure!   Do you decorate seasonally/for holidays?  Is there anything in particular you would like to that end?  i try but suck at it.  i love twinkle lights, especially solar ones for outside, and i've been looking for a summer wreath off and on for a while.  
  Would you like anything from House of Gloi, especially from their Autumn Update? (https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/fall-1) i would be up for trying the pumpkin butter - cider haus, pumpkin eater, pumpkin queen, or red roan - or pumpkin peach body powder   I know the tea question has been asked, but what, specifically, about Adagio teas? up for it but don't order from them regularly so don't know the collection   What about anything tempting from Dandelion Chocolate? (https://store.dandelionchocolate.com/pages/home) anything chocolate is welcome   9/14/20   Anything you'd like from Future Primitive: https://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk i'd try to bath salts - not white witch or corwainers, but any of the other scents sound lovely
Do you have an Etsy wishlist? yes - i tend to use it as a way to track stores or concepts i like rather than exact items, but it's reasonably up to date   I wanted to share this link to a soapmaker I love and ask if y'all see anything you would like from them! https://www.herbneden.com/  the body oil and bath soaks look interesting. I'd also try the body washes and face wash.   Nui Cobalt Designs perfumes...(just got her latest email): How about the scents being discontinued? The Critters? https://nuicobaltdesigns.com/collections/critters-2020?page=1 or other ones? no thanks   9/13/20   Do you have a favorite art style/movement/artist? not really, though i'm fond of several spanish painters and like art nouveau   Who is your fashion icon(s)?  don't really have one, but i've always been impressed with Janelle Monae's style   What is your favorite mythological creature? hmm, not sure.  I like intelligent wolves and I read the pern books at an impressionable age, so i wouldn't mind a fire lizard
is there anything you want from Lush? no   Do you need any astrological work done, since thats one of my professions? Any particular areas you could utilize a consultation? no thank you   How do you feel about the homemade fudge I sell in my etsy shop?  https://www.etsy.com/shop/HollysRainbow -particular preferences, flavors (consider I take special flavor requests all the time!)? fine with fudge, but it tends to be a bit too sweet for my preferences   How do you feel about keto or sugar-free, low carb baked goods or treats?? i don't mind those things if it's made from real food (in other words, no artificial sweeteners, no weird carb substitutes, etc)    9/12/20   Does anyone like the prints or items from www.ElissaMarieCreative.com ? I have a few of her prints and the notebooks and they are quality!  what a lovely art style, very cute   What about www.drawingsbynicole.com? Anything specific? not for me   Does anything from www.vapidlacquer.com stick out to you? nail sauce, body bar, and body cream could be interesting   I do pour painting/acrylic fluid art (with varying degrees of success, haha). Would you like a custom piece in colors of your choice (takes 3-4 weeks with curing, longer if you want it sealed, so it would arrive post-round if custom) or a piece already finished in my collection? I have mostly 12 x 12 and 10 x 10s  right now. Pics available upon request! sounds cool   After enjoying looking at the links several others have put in the questions, I decided to add some of my own favorite independent artists who I enjoy supporting - so, what do you think of the goodies from these people? And specific items you love? Enjoy! 1) https://www.catcoven.com/  2) https://www.mineralgypsy.com  the stud earrings are cute, though i never wear that style. 3) https://www.redbubble.com/people/thelatestkate/shop  4) https://www.marikapaz.com/shop/ 5) https://www.faunwood.com 6) https://www.shannatrumbly.com/ 7) https://fiddlersgreenzine.com 8 ) https://www.hedgespokenpress.com   One of the things I do is make nifty things from sweaters that I cut up & upcycle into things like super warm mittens, arm warmers, striped arm warmers, cowls, teapot cozies, & French press cozies.  I don't have a slipper I love yet, but I'm working on it.   So, which of these things might you like?  Give me some thoughts on colors you like & if for a teapot or press, I need to know a size. arm warmers and cowls are good.  also open to slippers if they're open back.  speaking of arms stuff, i'm on the hunt for compression gloves or other hand pain aids   I enjoy historical reproductions and am a fan of LBCC Historical Apothecary. Is there something in her store you might be interested in?  this looks like a great deal of fun, but i'm hopeless with makeup and therefore unsure where to start.   9/11/20   Is there anything you'd like from the UK?  i like local stuff   Do you have a particular fandom you'd like stuff from? not in particular.  for fandoms in general, i like star trek, firefly, avatar the last airbender, a million webcomics, and a ton of book series   How do you feel about tea?  Preferences?  Would you want anything from David's Tea (https://www.davidstea.com/us_en/home/), Steepologie (https://www.steepologie.com/), Bird & Blend (https://birdandblendtea.com/us_en/), or do you have a favorite tea maker to suggest?  What about tea tools or cups?  i answered this elsewhere, i think.  no tea cups, but we're always looking for iced tea pitchers and caraffes.  I could use a second cold brew coffee sock, which is coffee not tea, but i was reminded   How do you feel about fragrant things for the home like incense, candles, atmosphere spray?  i have too many   Do you share your home with any loved ones (human, feline, canine, etc.) who might enjoy a tiny treat too?  sure!  they all end up snagging things from my packages anyways   9/9/20   would anybody like a small cross stitch thing, like a patch or pin? or cross stitching notions like handmade needle minders?  Sure! I like the tiny cross-stitched jewelry and hair clips that I've seen around (I think I have some saved on etsy), so I'm down for tiny cross stitch.  I have recently started doing embroidery and cross stitch, so supplies and notions are welcome. I am also on the lookout for crochet needles/hooks on the random craft items front.   9/8/20   Art and artists - anyone dig any of this?  https://www.studiodesade.com/  (They also do masks, see here.)  - gotta be honest that I'm sort of overwhelmed by the website.  The more stylized fandom stuff is pretty cool and some of the more abstract originals are cool too.  I could look more closely if you'd like, but my gut reaction is that nothing sings to me.   If you knit/crochet/weave, would you like custom dyed yarn?  And if so do you have preference on weight, fiber, colors? I don't do any of those things well, but I'm trying to learn.  I'd love something pretty but not precious, if that makes sense.   what is one fun/frivolous thing for $20 or less that you’d enjoy? feel like I've answered this in a few places.  I'd add chocolate bars and self-care bath/beauty items like bath bombs or face masks.  Let's see, other random stuff... My son wants to try painting his nails, so kid's peel off or water nail polish could be fun.  His favorite color is orange.  Also, this isn't exactly fun or frivolous, but we have been trying to get clorox or lysol wipes for 6 months now and no store that we shop at right now has them.   If I sent you to a dollar store with $20, what would you walk out with?  Oh man, dollar store shopping is an art.  I love a good dollar store (where things are actually a dollar, not the type that have multiple prices), but it takes careful navigating for 1.) finding reasonably sustainable/ethical products and 2.) finding stuff that's actually cheaper per unit.  Last time we were at a dollar store we bought pasta and cookies.  I've seen super cute, made from recycled materials wrapping paper there.  I usually check the kids aisle for hidden treasures (it's not uncommon to find brand name playdough, for example).  We've found nice picture clip frames, though I can't put art on the wall in my current place so that's not something we're looking for currently.  Rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and other first aid stuff sometimes catches my eye.  I will also occasionally buy kitchen items (aluminum foil, the occasional storage container) if they're good quality and something I need at the time.     9/5/20   what are your feelings on home made/ home canned jams & pickles or syrups?  I even make things with berries I grow in my garden.  I make both brandied & bourbon cherries. Syrups good for cocktails, in lemonade or tea, flavors include Lavender, Lavender + Lemon, & Lavender + Vanilla. Interested?  Yes, especially the cherries.  I love homemade and local, it's probably my favorite part of this swap, but, given the immune system issues in my household, I do want to say please don't send home canned items unless you're *sure* of your safety and sanitation procedures.   Is there something that you're especially hoping to receive for this round?  For example, a brand you've heard of that you're especially wanting to try, or a certain "thing" that you really want but just cant bring yourself to buy for yourself?? Hmm, I may have to come back to this one.  [eta] Honestly, I like the surprise of not knowing what I'm going to get.  If you want some ideas for things that I want right now but haven't bought myself - #1 is nice pajamas.  I really want some comfy pjs pants or lounge clothes, but every time I look the ones that aren't fast fashion are *so* expensive.  I know there have to be decently priced ones somewhere, but I'm too tired to look.     Would you rather receive supplies/tools for your own craft/hobby or receive something you can't make yourself? Oooh, hard one.  Usually something I can't make, but I'd say it's a toss up right now - quarantine boredom has me hoarding craft supplies.   Is there anything you'd like from Penzeys (https://www.penzeys.com/)?  Oh man, we've been trying to declutter our spice cabinet, so I really, really shouldn't look at that site.  If they have cream of tartar, I've been looking for some, and we use enough garlic powder these days that I probably wouldn't be in trouble with my family members if I ended up with more.     9/3/20   Would you like anything from here? https://www.etsy.com/shop/TaterRoundsBeauty  Nothing catches my eye and several things trip my superstition rules, so no thank you!   9/2/20   Would you like a face mask from one of my favorite artists? https://akumuink.com/collections/facemasks - that plague seeker mask is ADORABLE.  I would love a mask like that (I'm probably as size small).   one of our fellow BPAL friends makes custom masks, Hakutaku Custom Masks on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HakutakuMasks/ ). Would anyone be interested in one of her masks?  - wow, these are lovely.  The Foxy, In the Garden, Indigo Cotton Chambray, and Frida patterns are all up my alley.  My dad would get a kick out of that sake pattern.   9/1/20   are you familiar with https://www.a-natural-alternative.com/ ?  Take a peak & let me know if you might like to try something - nothing catches my eye.     8/30/20   Is there anything you want from Japan? Current kit kat flavors are... Salty Lemon, Salty Lychee, Sweet Potato, Chestnut and possibly still some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream or Strawberry Ice Cream from summer. Other than that, anime goods, cute stationery, other Japanese snacks, lay it on me!  Nothing in particular, but I love trying new things!  A random thing that comes to mind - we're big seaweed fans.     What are your favorite self-care items or activities? I'm especially curious about things that you hesitate to do/get because they feel like frivolous luxuries.  Add me to the massage camp.  That's one of the top things on my list for doing if this quarantine ever ends.  Otherwise, I'm an introvert in a packed house full of extroverts, so my biggest self care act is usually to go somewhere where I can sit quietly without others, which, right now, mostly means my yard. I cracked and bought myself a cheap lounge chair this summer, but what I really want is a hammock and a big floppy sun hat.  I've also been contemplating trying to get back into taking bubble baths (feels a bit selfish with the whole 1 bathroom thing, but I guess I can do it late at night). I do enjoy sheet masks, but always feel a bit weird about the wastefulness (both price and trash wise).  I've also gone back and forth a bunch on getting a reed diffuser.  On the one hand, totally pointless.  On the other, it would be nice to have scents I like and am not allergic to wafting across the house.   8/29/20   Does anything from Paintbox Soapworks catch your eye (http://paintboxsoapworks.com/)? Clean Slate face scrub is a personal staple.  Also, I recently tried and enjoyed her lotion, so I'd be up for trying more.   Does anything from the Trading Post's etsy page catch your eye (https://www.etsy.com/shop/bptradingpost)?  Oddly, no.  Everything available right now seems to either have notes or names that won't work for me.  




Yay! Switch Witch 2020!

My BPAL wishlist is linked in my signature, so if you have gotten here, you have probably been there as well.... Here's my Amazon wishlist: http://amzn.com/w/6D1ZI60Y3H6P Here's Modcloth (I know Modcloth's stuff is often expensive and sells out quickly, but I thought it might be helpful to give you an idea of what I like... no promises on updating this particular wishlist regularly during the round though) As promised, here are some under-$20 things I like on etsy: cat mask, professional overthinker pin, mini eagle earrings, ace of cups pin, blue and silver earrings, tiny lapis earrings, small black earrings, 80s earrings 1, 80s earrings 2, triangle ball earrings, neutral good pin, honey bee sheer socks, crackling birch soap, casserole cookbook.     Much more to come!    Paintbox:  Blackbird Glycerin soap G.O.A.T. Hot Process soap GTFO Glycerin soap Hex on the Beach Glycerin soap Hold Fast Glycerin soap Madinka Hot Process soap Night Walker Glycerin soap Nekisse Hot Process soap Princess Pony Sparklebutt Glycerin soap Rice Pudding Hot Process soap The Man in the Moon Glycerin soap The Queen is Dead Hot Process soap Whiskers Hot Process soap Bookkeeper's Butter (either type)    Trading Post etsy:  Rags to Royalty bath oil The Pearl Seeker bath oil Erotic Images of Spring Evenings bath oil   Self-care: I need lip balm... the kind that's a stick/tube, not the kind in a pot. And not tinted. I like Haus of Gloi's and Moonalisa's, for example. And a past Witch got me some from a brand called "Crazy Rumors" that I also like. I just seem to have lost my extra lip balm in my recent move. I also really like the single-use sheet masks that became popular a few years back... I think I only have one or two at home so I would love more. I can definitely update this in my blog if I think of more things.  I could also use some new nail polish. I think this is in my questionnaire, but I like all types in terms of color and I also like glitter/holographic/flakie/etc. I just don't like the magnetic/sand/crackle stuff. I have a bunch of nail polish but some of it is starting to go off so I'm throwing away the stuff that can't even be saved by polish thinner, and that will make me sad because I like having a comprehensive library of colors and types to choose from.    One of our fellow BPAL friends makes custom masks, Hakutaku Custom Masks on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HakutakuMasks/ ). Would anyone be interested in one of her masks?  If choosing a new silk-lined mask, I'd get the fox fabric  (fabric #14), I guess a second choice would be #8 (looks sort of like cherry blossoms and water).    Lavender or Lavender+Vanilla syrup sounds pretty nice, and I know I mentioned in my original questionnaire that I'm cool with home-made treats in general. Jams, jellies, and pickles all sound nice, but the only pickled things that I like are cucumbers, and I only like sour or dill ones, not sweet or hot ones.    Looking at that "Tater Rounds Beauty" etsy shop, I'm interested in the following:  Black Phillip Candle Holy Water Bubble Bath Lavender Hand Sanitizer   Is there anything you'd like from Penzeys (https://www.penzeys.com/)?  I can basically always use these three things, and if other specific needs come up I can add them in my blog when I get around to updating that (at least by the time we have matches): Medium chili powder (1/2 cup jar may be best): https://www.penzeys.com/online-catalog/medium-hot-chili-powder/c-24/p-61/pd-s Seasoned salt (again, 1/2 cup jar may be best... I'd also try the smoky version): https://www.penzeys.com/online-catalog/penzeys-seasoned-salt/c-24/p-636/pd-s Vanilla (2oz. is fine, the Mexican Vanilla I will link to is the cheapest, but I certainly wouldn't say "no" to their two more expensive varieties): https://www.penzeys.com/online-catalog/vanilla-mexican/c-24/p-3086/pd-s   Would you rather receive supplies/tools for your own craft/hobby or receive something you can't make yourself? The dichotomy of choosing between supplies for crafts/hobbies (which for me would be cooking/baking, basically), and things that I "can't make" myself is not one that I'm enjoying... I mean, usually Switch Witch involves receiving more than one gift (not being greedy, it's just not usually a one and done swap even if one or ones Witch tries to proceed frugally), and about the only commonly gifted thing in this swap that I CAN'T make is knitted or crocheted stuff (okay, I forgot about jewelry-making, which sometimes comes up... whether I want jewelry that someone makes really depends on whether it's my style so those things will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis), which I usually say I don't want since I live in a hot climate so just don't need more scarves, hats, etc. and am not really interested in home-produced washcloths and the like... which means I'm probably overthinking things and it's okay if that question is not for me.   Is there something that you're especially hoping to receive for this round?  For example, a brand you've heard of that you're especially wanting to try, or a certain "thing" that you really want but just cant bring yourself to buy for yourself?? I don't really know of a specific thing I really want to receive in this swap. I mean, I think I already mentioned lip balm but If my Witch isn't really into lip balm tubes or doesn't think they can access good ones I don't want to force things, it wouldn't be that hard to get for myself.   Are you familiar with https://www.a-natural-alternative.com/ ?  Take a peek & let me know if you might like to try something. I'd try any of the lip balms other than Chocolate Cherry, I think. Hand & Body Wash could be nice, Orange Cinnamon is a particularly intriguing-sounding scent, but the others sound nice too. Or the following soaps: Black Amber & Lavender, Tomato Leaf, Mint Julep, or Orange Cinnamon.    Is there anything you want from Japan? Current kit kat flavors are... Salty Lemon, Salty Lychee, Sweet Potato, Chestnut and possibly still some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream or Strawberry Ice Cream from summer. Other than that, anime goods, cute stationery, other Japanese snacks, lay it on me! As for the kitkats, they all sound interesting, especially the Chestnut and Salty Lychee ones. Other snacks I'd be interested in include Meltykiss chocolate, I haven't bought any in forever. I definitely use "letter set" type stationery so I'd love some of that.      Cross stitch patch or pin sounds somewhat intriguing, actually.      Dollar store with $20 is an interesting one. Usually I would say nail polish or glittery Halloween stickers, maybe some fun-colored mechanical pencils to give out to students. But these days I have COVID-related food anxieties so honestly at a dollar store I would be grabbing various types of canned tomatoes, spam (yes I eat it, especially the low sodium version, no, I'm not ashamed), cans of coconut water, stuff like that. You probably don't want to send me (literally) heavy stuff like that though. Maybe some dried pasta if I'm thinking of food anxiety related stuff that doesn't weigh too much.    UK: I will take a Crunchie chocolate bar as usual.    To partially answer one of  @wendyb1063's questions, I still have incense left over from Switch Witch 2 years ago because I had a Witch who absolutely spoiled me with it! But... I will never say no to incense from my favorite incense company, Devonshire. They are a multigenerational and highly acclaimed company, they used to make incense for the Vatican, etc. Their main websites are down right now, but I messaged them and their etsy is active... https://www.etsy.com/shop/devonshireorganics . Anyhow, I'm always up for an incense sampler from them, I'm sure I've been buying them for at least 20 years at this point.    I feel like my original questionnaire or answers to other in-thread questions have already covered things like family members/other living beings in my household, candles, atmos, tea, etc., but I will check to make sure. My cat likes some cat toys and catnip but not others, and my husband likes most consumable items (I mean like food and drinks, the word "edible" means something else now and "potable" isn't used often except on "Jeopardy!"). If you get me coffee, he (the husband, not the cat) will drink more of it than I will, he drinks 2-3x more coffee than I do. Not sure if this is in my questionnaire so, we like medium roast coffee best, whole bean or ground is fine, and the only flavored coffee we really like is coconut coffee. *EDIT* Okay, I dug up a little thing I wrote years ago about candle scents: "If we're talking candle scents, I like most of them, just not ones that are super-fruity or super-seaside-y or very "holiday spice." Hope that helps!"   Does anyone like the prints or items from www.ElissaMarieCreative.com ? I have a few of her prints and the notebooks and they are quality! I haven't tried this type of face covering and am curious because many people use them at my workplace, so maybe this? https://www.elissamariecreative.com/product-page/face-cover-midnight-garden   What about www.drawingsbynicole.com? Anything specific? This is cute (the one I'm actually linking to, not the one that says "Weird Mother" on it, since I'm not a mother): https://drawingsbynicole.com/collections/bags/products/strawberry-and-daisy-tote-bag-with-rainbow-nylon-strap   Does anything from www.vapidlacquer.com stick out to you?  Like I said in my original questionnaire, I need nail polish because I have a bunch of it that's about to give up the ghost. Looking at the nail polish, these seem nice: Nonsense and Cryogenic Refrigerant. Most of their other stuff either isn't my thing or is sold out. They have like 2 bar soaps in stock right now, of which Night Sky sounds nice. If others come back in stock and my witch wants to get me a different soap scent from this company because there's one they think I'd like, that'd be fine.   *Dear Witch, wanted to let you know that I finally found my lip balm! I only have 3 unused tubes of it, so you can still get me some, but I know I went on and on about it earlier in the answers, so wanted to let you know it's not the most crucial thing ever now. I have absolutely no bubble bars now though, so if you're looking for those fabled "under-$20" things for me, again, that'd be another great place to start!*   I enjoy historical reproductions and am a fan of LBCC Historical Apothecary. Is there something in her store you might be interested in? Maybe the Red Rose Vinegar, Four Thieves Vinegar or 1930's Vintage Dry Shampoo.    Artists I like:  Victor Vasarely Auguste Herbin  Jules Olitski Toyen (there are lots of artists with similar names, so here's her wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyen) Odilon Redon Agnes Pelton Hilma af Klint   One of the things I do is make nifty things from sweaters that I cut up & upcycle into things like super warm mittens, arm warmers, striped arm warmers, cowls, teapot cozies, & French press cozies.  So, which of these things might you like?  Give me some thoughts on colors you like & if for a teapot or press, I need to know a size. I'm actually finding this really intriguing, but mostly just in the arm-warmer category, striped or otherwise. Predictably, and also addressed in my original questionnaire, I am into many different color schemes. Main color families would be something like, generic fall, which would be like, brick/mustard/tan/chocolate, or, I dunno, gloomy bodies of water, which would be like, navy, light grey, dark grey (charcoal), black. But I like other colors too which would be in less defined families in my mind, like deep jewel toned purple/mauve/burgundy with or without some charcoal, or maybe substituting duller or brighter olive green for the "brick" in the fall colors. And it's not like I don't like turquoise or light blue either. Finally, I used to really have a thing for lighter grey paired with either sunny yellow or chartreuse (or to a lesser extent, darker grey/charcoal paired with teal). Hopefully that would be enough for some ideas!   Is there anything you want from Lush? Bewitched bubble bar Lord of Misrule bath bomb Very Very Frightening Shower Gel Golden Pear Bubbleroon Rose Jam Bubbleroon Bubble Bubble Toil & Trouble bubble bar Gold FInger bubble bar Unicorn Horn bubble bar Figs in Honey bubble bar Rose Clay salt cube Intergalactic bath bomb Groovy Kind of Love bath bomb Marshmallow World bath bomb Melusine bath bomb Blue Gardenia salt cube FIgs & Leaves bar soap Goddess bar soap D'Fluff shaving soap (didn't know this was leaving  ) Dirty shaving cream Happy Hippy shower gel  Ginger shower gel  No Drought dry shampoo    Okay, it's 9/14 and I'm sure I must have a Witch, so it's time to try to address the questions I've skipped so far, even if it's in a somewhat haphazard fashion    I do NOT have an etsy wishlist that is public, but I recently added some relatively-inexpensive etsy faves near the beginning of this entry.    Future Primitive: soaps: cracked coconut, elijah's comfort, festival, indian sandalwood, luxury jamaican mocha, smoke & mirrors, sparklebox, the orangery, the warrior bath salts: cordwainer, rook & raven, sparklebox, sylph whipped soap: lavender ice cream   Cat Coven:  I own and enjoy some items from these folks already, but most of their items appear to be sold out now. Maybe a gift certificate?   Mineral G___y (there's a slur in the shop's name, unfortunately): Many of their interesting items are sold out as well. I like the "sphere stands" other than the pentagram and hamsa ones. I also like the smokey quartz palmstones, rainbow flourite carved lotus, and smokey quartz 50 mm spheres.     thelatestkate on redbubble: the "[slow?] progress is still progress" acrylic block   marika paz shop: magical red panda sticker   faunwood: the sold-out "snailipede" pin is cute.   shannatrumbly:  no thanks   fiddler's green zine: "wandering wizards welcome" sticker   hedgespoken press (not sure if I spelled that right, can't read my own writing): no thanks   Okay, now we are at the tea section. Sorry to yell and also to repeat myself, but past Witches have disregarded this, unfortunately, so... DO NOT BUY ME LOOSE TEA. I WILL NOT USE IT. I AM SORRY.   With that out of the way... David's Tea, sachets... Most interested in: cream of earl grey, buddha's blend. also interested in: organic saigon chai, valerian nights, s'mores chai, japanese sencha, silk dragon jasmine, breakfast blend, cinnamon rooibos chai, bee the change. Steepology, bagged... Most interested in:  citrus lavender sage. Also interested in: moroccan mint, mintylicious, mao feng, lapsang souchong, breakfast earl grey, katana chai, pinhead gunpowder Bird & Blend, bags...  Most interested in: earl grey creme, assam house blend. Also interested in: dozy girl, cold weather warrior, liquor-licious liquorice, peppy mint, nearly nirvana Tea company I like: Capital Teas/Anchor Beverages (https://capitalteas.com/). Sachets...Most interested in royal wedding tea. Also interested in: earl grey, french lavender earl grey, young hyson, and nile chamomile.    As for the herb'neden question, here are some things from their site that looked nice:  sore muscles bath soak; and the following soaps: vanilla mint coffee, coconut & kaolin clay, everything, rosemary lavender, chamomile & calendula, rosewater kefir & lavender, cedarwood & sea clay   Haus of Gloi (only looking at in-stock items):  soap: Enchanted Forest or Lavender Vanilla linen spray: Cozy Sweater or Moon Dog   Adagio Teas: (again, bags, no loose tea):  most interested in: Oolong Goddess also interested in: jasmine pearls, earl grey, foxtrot, wuyi oolong   Dandelion Chocolate:  bars: Hacienda Azul, Wampu, Zorzal Estate, Costa Esmeraldas, Anamala, Japan version of Wampu chips: Maya Mountain treats: Black Sesame Toffee Brittle, hot chocolate mix, sea salt caramels   Though they are all very nice, the items in the April Gloom, twinklentwilight, and BrianSerwayArt etsy shops are not my thing.    As for socks, I know I mentioned in my original questionnaire that I have way too many socks considering how often I actually wear socks. I do have one pair of socks I'm interested in, that are linked in the etsy section of my blog. Otherwise I have all of the socks that I need, probably for my whole life.    If you're not near one, is there anything from Trader Joe's you'd like? Funny you should mention this, because I haven't been been there since prior to the pandemic-panic, but I'm going this weekend!  I mean, I wouldn't say "no" to whatever they have there that you thought I'd like, but I'm running into the same thing as the "dollar store" question where some of the things I'd be interested in aren't great to ship. But here are some things I enjoy from there that are at least fairly nonperishable... Reduced fat coconut milk Dark chocolate covered blueberries Chocolate covered Joe-Joe's, especially if this thing is back I've purchased some really nice short pasta there before My husband really enjoys whatever their Fig Newton analog is, and their spicy ginger cookies Giant Peruvian Inca Corn!  Organic Elote Corn Chip Dippers!  Red Honey Processed El Salvador Coffee    How do you feel about local items from my city, like spicy (think chili) things or local coffee?  I don't know what city this is? I already mentioned always needing chili powder, and my/our coffee preferences, though.    They're not my jam, but do you have good feelings about Funko Pop? I'm asking because I realize many people like them. I guess they are okay, but they also are not really "my jam."   Candles! Anything from these places catch your fancy? https://cantripcandles.com/collections they're all sold out!  https://miruscandles.com/collections max, hopper, newt, wand shop, jon, and manon sound interesting.  https://briarwickcandles.com/collections cassian, just chill, chaol, lethe house, jareth, angel, ghost stories   Is there something from your fandom that popped up in another country you'd be particularly interested in?  What, and what store? I... would have to have a fandom for this to make sense? The closest thing I can think of is that if Lush UK or Japan or whatever had items you think I'd like, of course I'd want them.    Would you be interested in some boozy chocolates (or anything else) from https://www.chocolatemoonshine.com/ ? maple walnut fudge, original classics truffle bars, cafe au lait truffle bars, or fruit & nut truffle bars   Witchee, assuming you like home made/home canned condiment goodies, what is your spice level preference?   addressed in original questionnaire   I went ahead and took a look at Cellar Door's candles. I'm interested in the following: Birchwood & Spiced Rum, Dapper Dan, Lavender Pumpkin, Manistee Sands, Morning Dew, Once Bitten (a favorite soap scent), Sanderson Spice, Sex Machine, Tobacco+Oakmoss, and Tupelo Honey.    Recipes: This is another somewhat complex one. I have some cookbooks on my Amazon wishlist, that would probably be the best place to start. At least one past Witch sent me some sort of cookbook in an electronic file format (maybe a pdf, can't remember), but that turned out to be a not-so-great format for me... I think I thought to make one recipe from it and that's all, and I've changed computers since then so I don't know if I even still have access to it. Sorry, former Witch, if you're reading this!   Life is a mess sometimes! Anyhow, other than cookbooks on my wishlist, I'd be fine with my Witch sharing a favorite recipe or two that they think I'd like in any format (from computer printout to handwritten recipe card to just a link in an email, etc.). Hope that helps!    Buc-ees: I have all the access I need to this store, there's one around a mile away from me, one in the town where my mom lives, at least one in between my town and the one where my mom lives, etc. I do enjoy many of their things (though I think the Beaver Nuggets are just okay), but most of them are fresh foods so it'd be more convenient for me to get them myself. Back when I lived in a small town (less than 10K population), Buc-ees was where I got my kombucha (and I also got some nice earrings and such there, their stuff is definitely not limited to the beaver-centric)! Maybe the link might help for people who aren't familiar? https://buc-ees.com/   Snag tights: all I have of theirs so far are chub rub shorts, which I like decently. I actually don't have a pair of black fishnets somehow, so I'd take some of the "fishies" I guess (actually the "broken dreams" fishnets are also interesting)... size stunning? Maybe the black mock garter or the witch tights (I had some striped ones like this in 7th/8th grade that I loved!) in F?    Wouldn't mind trying some of @skyelyric's shortbread (sweet or savory) now that she's mentioned it.    Ooh! As an addendum to the Trading Post etsy question above, I just saw that Shipwreck bath oil is there now. I love that stuff so thought I'd mention it just in case....   https://www.gcv.org/shop/ : straight-sided mug honey & goat milk soap   https://www.kbshimmer.com/all-the-fall-things/ : Fully Booked and Washed Up look nice.     Twilighteyes' treats: Brown Sugar Plum Butter: sure!  Pflaumenmus (also Plum Butter): sure!  Cardamom Plum Jam: Oh yes please!  Star Anise Plum Jam: Oh yes please!  Ginger Peach Butter: not so much for me, but my husband (aka CatBear) would love this!  Vanilla Peach Jam: not so much for me, but my husband (aka CatBear) would love this!  Sweet Green Tomato Relish: no thanks Dill Green Tomato Relish: sure!  Huckleberry Jam: sure!  Apple Butter: not so much for me, but my husband (aka CatBear) would love this!  Catnip (well, it grew and we dried it...): we can try this... my cat was NOT into the Colorado catnip from @Greenwoodtree, sadly, but he might like this.... Candied Jalapenos (delicious with cream cheese on burgers or crackers): nah, plenty of these around in occupied Aztlan where I live  Lavender Vanilla Bean liqueur: maybe a little Rose Petal liqueur: sure! 




13 Nights of Halloween

Wishlists Amazon (universal wishlist -- includes items from other sites) Etsy   Just for Reference BPAL Bottle Collection (includes bottles on the way at the bottom of the post) BPAL Imps/Decants I Have Kept Non-BPAL Bottles I Own  Non-BPAL Decants I Have Kept   Compiled Swap Questions: If you said you would be happy with homemade things, what types of homemade things would you like best? Non-perishable foods or spreads, any type of perfume storage, artwork, wearables like arm warmers, useful things like pot holders and washcloths...    Do you garden or keep houseplants, and--if so-- would you be interested in seeds or gardening supplies? Every plant I have ever had has quickly met its demise...    What is your favorite Halloween character or creature? I adore bats, cats, and ghosts. I love The Nightmare Before Christmas, but I'm not sure about a favorite character. Perhaps Zero? My favorite monster/creature would probably be Frankenstein's monster.    ETA: After reading llamadolly's post, I can't believe I forgot about ravens. Love corvids!   Would you be interested in a spooky fabric mask?  What should be on it?  Tie, earloop, or what? I would! I would be happy with one that doesn't say anything on it and just has something like a bat, cat, raven, or ghost on it. A pattern with one of those things would be pretty neat. Earloop would probably be better than a tie, but I am not picky about that. The problem is that I can't wear masks shaped like this because the bridge of my nose is small making it so that the mask won't stay on my face. (I found this out when my boyfriend bought me a Ravenclaw one. We tried tying it in different ways, and it kept falling off my nose.  )   What are you interested in from the BPAL Update?  How about the NAVA update? I'm going to place a BPAL order today because I need the Plague Doctor shirt. I already ordered from the NAVA update when it went live!   How do you feel about stuff being shipped directly to you instead of to me and then to you, so it wouldn't be wrapped but you could still wait to open it?  Bad idea or good idea? I would be fine with this.   New question: Any interest in any candles or other products from Sihaya and Co? The only one I didn't buy from the autumn collection was Celtic Twilight, and that was only because I still have some Autumnvale Cafe from last year and wondered how similar it would be to Samhain Dusk. I'd also be interested in Ginger Fox as a candle (I used to have it in wax melts) and wouldn't say no to a Conversations with the Moon soap!   Do you drink booze? If so, would you be interested in a kit to infuse your favorite varieties? (I've tried these and love them: https://www.etsy.com/shop/InBooze) I drink wine on occasion, but I don't really make cocktails. I'd be up for trying it, though!
There is a place near me that has some of the BEST coffee beans I've personally ever had- would you be interested in receiving a pound or half pound of beans? If so, do you prefer flavored (which ones?), full caffeinated - decaf - half and half?, whole bean or ground? Light or dark roast?  Sadly, I can't drink coffee.  I like the taste, but my body can't handle it.
Also, how about a mug to go with it? If so, what's your mug style- oversized 90's coffeehouse? Tiny espresso demitasse? Ye Standard Coffee Cup? Name it! I like mugs but don't have a preference for size!   The PBSW Weenie Collection just went live (minus lotions and candles which are delayed). Is there anything you're interested in? Any scents you'd like as lotions or candles when they come in? I already ordered this morning because I hadn't placed a summer order and wanted to grab a Pick-a-Duck candle and Fuzzy Scrumpit before the summer stuff sold out. While I ordered some for myself, one can never have too much Putney Road, and I almost ordered a Cathedral of Pumpkins soap, but restrained myself since I still have a mini scrub of it from last year. I've been waiting a month for The Man in the Moon wax melts to come back in stock, but alas. I enjoy their glycerin soaps and emulsifying sugar scrubs the most. Their lotions are too light for me, and I only use shower products.   Urgent question! Would socks make you happy? If so: what size? And what about over the knee socks? Socks always make me happy! My foot size is 5.5 US, but I'll pretty much wear any sock, even if the part for the heel is going up my leg.  Knee highs are my favorite, but over-the-knee and thigh-highs are also nice. I will also wear ankle socks and crew socks. All socks are great!   Do you like animals?   Yes, I love animals!   Any favorites?  Cats, foxes, owls, rabbits, small birds, ravens, bats, squirrels, chipmunks, least weasel... I could go on and on!   And would you like to receive a photo print of a photo I took myself? Any preference on size? Are you okay with just the print, so you can frame it yourself?   
A smaller print would be appreciated, and I'd be happy to frame it myself.   And what about photo printed postcards?  Postcards are wonderful!   One of my favorite stores sells perfumed hand-made hair rinse which I love myself. Would you be interested? I'd be interested as long as the scent isn't so strong that it would overpower any hair gloss I applied afterward.   What are your book tastes? Do you have a goodreads? Hmm... give me your top three favorite books! I mostly enjoy fiction/sci-fi. My favorite authors include Lewis Carroll, A. A. Milne, and Douglas Adams. Some of my favorite books are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series (I also love the Dirk Gently series), Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, and Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus. I have a Goodreads account, but I haven't updated it in a while. I'll provide the link if I can figure out what my password is (I haven't accessed it since I got a new laptop this year).
Would you like any tea accessories, say like a tea infuser? 
I am all set on tea accessories.
Interested in Blackthorn Hoodoo Tea?  Which blends? I currently have Go the **** to Sleep in my pantry. Mercury and Werewolves of London are two of my favorite teas from this company. I've never tried Samhain and would be interested in trying that. Holy Spirit Tea also sounds like it could be nice. I don't like rooibos or mate and dislike chocolate, hibiscus, licorice/anise/fennel, and berry-flavored teas.   Do you like incense?  If so, loose, cone, stick...? I don't dislike incense and have a little Pusheen incense holder dish, but incense always gets passed over for candles and wax melts.   This year we've made apple butter, unsweetened apple sauce, canned sweet cherries, candied jalapenos... which, if any, of these would you welcome?
I would be down for everything except for the candied jalapenos! The apple butter and cherries sound particularly delicious.   Would you be interested in any sort of large bag/purse/tote? If so any themes or colors? A large bag or tote would be great. I don't really use purses, though. My current bag is a Totoro one! I like black, grey, and purple and like goth-y or fandom-related stuff.   I may have gone a little overboard on the nostalgia train and picked up a multitude of bottles from the cute 90s Gothic perfume company, Vampyre. I have three that can potentially be yours: Nocturnas (Sudanese Frankincense is Added to Exquisite Blackberry Essence in this Decadent Enveloping Blend) , Petra Musk ( Aged Red Musk, with it’s Woods, Spices and Musk Notes is Intensified with African Kush Oil,Imparting an Exotic Scent and Reddish Hue to this Elixir) and Blood & Roses (Three Types of the Darkest Rose Essence Dry Down into Rich Musk Bottom Notes in this Mysterious, Unexpectedly Romantic Scent). Alas, none of these sound like they'd be up my alley, note-wise.
  Do you cook (or aspire to cook)?  Is there any cooking-related gift that would bring you joy?  Spices, ingredients, cookbook, gadgets, implements... I do cook and bake, although lately, I've mostly been using my InstantPot mini and toaster oven when I cook/bake, because it's so hot here. I could use some new potholders, a new spatula (one you flip things with, not one you mix things/scrape bowls with), an icing knife, and a dough/bench scraper to cut dough more evenly. For cookbooks, I mostly use recipes I find online from Minimalist Baker, Half Baked Harvest, Dessert for Two, and Sally's Baking Addiction, but I'd be interested in this little e-book of pumpkin recipes or one of Christina Lane's small batch dessert cookbooks (I already own Dinner for Two). I have been using the Indian Instant Pot Cookbook: Traditional Indian Dishes Made Easy and Fast by Urvashi Pitre a lot lately, with Aloo Gobi being my go-to recipe.   Is there a BPAL GC bottle (or imps) you have been meaning to buy but haven't?  Especially in light of the Tournament of Underdogs?  What about TAL? The Tournament of the Underdogs makes me think I should pick up a bottle of How Doth the Little Crocodile to start aging. I used up my imps of Kumiho to scent laundry (it's a good scent to use on wool dryer balls), and I think I should probably just grab a bottle of that for that purpose even though I wouldn't wear it as a perfume when I have Baobhan Sith. GC bottles I have half a bottle or less of and have been meaning to add to orders gradually include Alice, Golden Priapus, Poisoned Apple, and Snake Oil (although I rarely wear the latter because I have so many snek variants). And Tombstone is a GC I love to have back-ups of to age like people do with Snake Oil. For TAL, decants would be best, but I'd love to try Bastet's Laughter and Healing.   Are you interested in BPAL storage?  Imps or bottles?  Or small boxes or containers for other items?   I am always interested in BPAL storage! I have so many bottles that are sitting out that need proper storage. I usually like faux book boxes, but wooden boxes are also nice. I recently ordered two coffin shelves from Sourpuss Clothing to hold some of my bottles, and I'm waiting for those to arrive.   Stuffies? Y/N If yes, preferences?  I'm going to echo Nemi25's response on this one. I have a lot of them and probably should say no. But if you see a smaller one that you'd think I'd like, I'd be happy to give it a home!   Hand sanitizer minis? Other things from Bath and Body Works type places? I am indies only and don't really care for BBW products, as they sometimes smell too chemically for me, but my boyfriend would be happy to have some in the car.   I received an extra (un-used, totally sealed) gorgeous pot of Bésame's Brightening Vanilla Rose Face Powder - is this something you'd be pleased to receive? https://besamecosmetics.com/blogs/blog/97500486-new-vanilla-rose-brightening-powder?_pos=6&amp;_sid=37efb2159&amp;_ss=r No, thank you.
Also, I will be in Washington DC in a few days - anything you might like from there? (It doesn't have to be specific to being the Nation's Capital- DC has lots of great and interesting stuff going on!) I've never been to DC. I can't think of anything in specific, but I always appreciate postcards.   Dearest Pumpkin, I harvested my own delicious Kentucky BlueMint back a few months and made a tincture with it, and it is now ready to pour! It can be used in drinks (like mojitos) and as a nice mint flavoring, but I use it medicinally, for tummy upset, digestion issues and other stuff. Would you like a bottle of your own? That sounds great!   Do you have a preference for treat order? Smallest to largest, peaks and zeniths, ramping up to a grande finale, etc? Or would you like to randomly pull whichever mystery package calls to your intuition on a given day? Would you like clues, so you can guess what's in each thing before you open it? No preference! I think that the numbering of packages and little clues can be fun, though!




13 Nights of Halloweeeeeeeen 2020

Updated 8/25/20   If you said you would be happy with homemade things, what types of homemade things would you like best?
Anything? Honestly, jewelry, yarnwork, foodstuffs - all are amazing. (Sorry, I realize that is supremely not helpful.    Do you garden or keep houseplants, and--if so-- would you be interested in seeds or gardening supplies? No thank you. I try regularly, and always kill things.    What is your favorite Halloween character or creature? Bats, spiders, snakes! I love all the creepy crawlies and Jack and Sally from NMBC, and gargoyles...   Would you be interested in a spooky fabric mask?  What should be on it?  Tie, earloop, or what?  
OMG YES!!!!! Anything along the lines I've already described. Tie or earloop is fine, although I find I marginally prefer loops..    If you'd like something knit, anything you'd especially adore? (Socks (shoe size), mittens, fingerless mitts, cowl, hat, etc)  Socks (sz 8 US Womens) or fingerless mits or a shawl are the things I'd get the most use out of.      What are you interested in from the BPAL Update?  How about the NAVA update? Nothing from NAVA, thanks. I haven't actually had a chance to look at the BPAL update yet, but I will update my wishlist accordingly...probably next week?   How do you feel about stuff being shipped directly to you instead of to me and then to you, so it wouldn't be wrapped but you could still wait to open it?  Bad idea or good idea? That's fine! I've done that before and just noted what night it's for.    Any interest in any candles or other products from Sihaya and Co?  These candles sound amazing: Autumnvale Cafe
Celtic Twilight
The Dreamer Awakens
II - Full Moon
  The plummy lip colors - Twilight Magic, Velvet Bow, and Elixir of Life look fab, as does Harvest Rust. The Enchantress shimmer is cool as well. And I would love to try the paintbox exclusive Ginger Fox in either scrub or soap.   There is a place near me that has some of the BEST coffee beans I've personally ever had- would you be interested in receiving a pound or half pound of beans? If so, do you prefer flavored (which ones?), full caffeinated - decaf - half and half?, whole bean or ground? Light or dark roast? 
OOOOOOOH, Yes please! Definitely fully caffeinated, slightly prefer dark roast whole bean, but flexible on both. For flavors, I'd probably prefer a sampler of smaller sizes, just because I am not even sure what I like anymore. 
Also, how about a mug to go with it? If so, what's your mug style- oversized 90's coffeehouse? Tiny espresso demitasse? Ye Standard Coffee Cup? Name it! Oversized 90s coffee house for sure.    Do you drink booze? If so, would you be interested in a kit to infuse your favorite varieties? (I've tried these and love them: https://www.etsy.com/shop/InBooze) Answering my own question, I do, and I love these - I've tried the Old Fashioned and the Cucumber Citrus. I really WANT to try the Blackberry Gin Smash, Blueberry Citrus - really anything that is for gin, vodka, whiskey, rum, or tequila. So, you know, pretty much all of them. LOL   Do you like animals?  Any favorites?  I do! Bats, owls, spiders, snakes, penguins, cats, corgis...   And would you like to receive a photo print of a photo I took myself? Any preference on size? Are you okay with just the print, so you can frame it yourself?   This would be lovely, but it is much more likely to go up somewhere if it arrives in a cool frame.    And what about photo printed postcards?  Sure!   One of my favorite stores sells perfumed hand-made hair rinse which I love myself. Would you be interested? Sure! One of the first things to go for me in the pandemic was dying my hair, so I no longer need to use a color depositing conditioner.   The PBSW Weenie Collection just went live (minus lotions and candles which are delayed). Is there anything you're interested in? Any scents you'd like as lotions or candles when they come in? I G.O.A.T. in soap or scrub would be fab.    Would socks make you happy? If so: what size? And what about over the knee socks?  Yes! I'm a women's 8 and usually wear anywhere from knee-high to ankle. Not so much over the knee.    What are your book tastes? Do you have a goodreads? Hmm... give me your top three favorite books! Tons of book info, including goodreads is in my sig. My 3 fave books right now are comfort reads - Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, Chalice by Robin McKinley, and...a third one is harder, honestly.
Would you like any tea accessories, say like a tea infuser? 
I am good with tea accessories.
Interested in Blackthorn Hoodoo Tea?  Which blends? I am a complete and total atheist, but I find using products that have specific intent to be..unsettling. So I would probably rather not have these, although a lot of these look good.    Do you like incense?  If so, loose, cone, stick...? Please please please do not send me incense.    This year we've made apple butter, unsweetened apple sauce, canned sweet cherries, candied jalapenos... which, if any, of these would you welcome?
OMG, yes, all of these sound amazing, especially the cherries and jalapenos.    Would you be interested in any sort of large bag/purse/tote? If so any themes or colors? Fun shopping bags are great, but I have a ton and am set for most anything else.    I may have gone a little overboard on the nostalgia train and picked up a multitude of bottles from the cute 90s Gothic perfume company, Vampyre. I have three that can potentially be yours: Nocturnas (Sudanese Frankincense is Added to Exquisite Blackberry Essence in this Decadent Enveloping Blend) , Petra Musk ( Aged Red Musk, with it’s Woods, Spices and Musk Notes is Intensified with African Kush Oil,Imparting an Exotic Scent and Reddish Hue to this Elixir) and Blood & Roses (Three Types of the Darkest Rose Essence Dry Down into Rich Musk Bottom Notes in this Mysterious, Unexpectedly Romantic Scent). Nocturnas and Petra Musk both sound really intriguing.  
  Do you cook (or aspire to cook)?  Is there any cooking-related gift that would bring you joy?  Spices, ingredients, cookbook, gadgets, implements... I think I covered this in my initial questions, but yes! I especially like special spice blends and am always in search of good cooking spoons.   Is there a BPAL GC bottle (or imps) you have been meaning to buy but haven't?  Especially in light of the Tournament of Underdogs?  What about TAL? I actually updated my wishlist today!    Are you interested in BPAL storage?  Imps or bottles?  Or small boxes or containers for other items?   Small containers, especially that I can use for jewelry, would be great. I have a cabinet I use for BPAL.   Stuffies? Y/N If yes, preferences?  Sure! Tentacle Kitty, Pusheen, and Squishables are all frequent purchases over here and always happy for new Kawai-style friends.      Hand sanitizer minis? Other things from Bath and Body Works type places? I just placed a BBW order, but definitely am in the market for decent smelling pocket size hand sanitizer these days.    I received an extra (un-used, totally sealed) gorgeous pot of Bésame's Brightening Vanilla Rose Face Powder - is this something you'd be pleased to receive? https://besamecosmetics.com/blogs/blog/97500486-new-vanilla-rose-brightening-powder?_pos=6&amp;_sid=37efb2159&amp;_ss=r This looks lovely, but I'm concerned that the rose scent would be a bit much for me. 
Also, I will be in Washington DC in a few days - anything you might like from there? (It doesn't have to be specific to being the Nation's Capital- DC has lots of great and interesting stuff going on!) I live in the DC area and actually work for a major tourist attraction when it's open, so I can't really think of anything, although I would actually be tickled by something that looks up my alley that would be a sort of cheesy souvenir that a local would never buy themselves.    Dearest Pumpkin, I harvested my own delicious Kentucky BlueMint back a few months and made a tincture with it, and it is now ready to pour! It can be used in drinks (like mojitos) and as a nice mint flavoring, but I use it medicinally, for tummy upset, digestion issues and other stuff. Would you like a bottle of your own? OMG YES   Do you have a preference for treat order? Smallest to largest, peaks and zeniths, ramping up to a grande finale, etc? Or would you like to randomly pull whichever mystery package calls to your intuition on a given day? Would you like clues, so you can guess what's in each thing before you open it? I have no strong preference. Personally, I usually try to build up to something super cool for Halloween and/or the last night, but I am fine with anything.  




In 1920, Native Women Sought the Vote. Here’s What They Seek Now.Native women were highly visible in...

In 1920, Native Women Sought the Vote. Here’s What They Seek Now. Native women were highly visible in early 20th-century suffrage activism. White suffragists, fascinated by Native matriarchal power, invited Native women to speak at conferences, join parades, and write for their publications. Native suffragists took advantage of these opportunities to speak about pressing issues in their communities — Native voting, land loss and treaty rights. But their stories have largely been forgotten.
View the full article




Imp Hooch

Super good: I started off with a nearly empty bottle of Harigata II, added an imp of Blood Pearl. Added a small vial of OHWTO of Lost at Sea. And threw in another imp of Alkemia County Fair and Irrésistible.   Bottle 1: (sweet, musky, sexy, currently labeled "Great Underpants for Womb Furie and Sinning) Great Sword of War, L'Enlèvement, Womb Furie 2012, Aelophile, Mag Mell, Sin, Solstice Scents Blueberry Violet Truffle, Arcana Bawd, Arcana Frilly Underpants, Alkemia Bohémiens en Voyage

Bottle 2: (going for orange and tobacco): SN: Sweet Orange, Centzon Totochtin, Blodughadda, Only a Sip, The Antikythera Mechanism, Kali, Dee, Possets Ego, Pumpkin IV

Bottle 3: (wanted to see if I could make Mischief wearable, currently labeled "weird") Mischief, Alkemia Carmen 7, Alkemia Echoed Ecstacy, Possets Chichicastenango, Possets Chivitavecchia, Possets Silver Carnation, Solstice Scents Rose Sugar Cardamom

Bottle 4: (based off the theme, we've lovingly dubbed this "Halloween at Heidi's") Bordello, Yipe, Haus of Gloi Risque, Sin, Perversion, Scary Cat, Alkemia Trick or Treat, Alkemia Black Magic Woman

Bottle 5: (berries, citrus, and light things): Bewitched, Bones of Capys, drop of Horny Panda, Delirium, Dead Leaves + Blackberries, Golden Priapus, The Dodo, Night-Gaunt, Dia de los Muertos 2012, Possets A Poem of Villeneuve St. Georges

Bottle 6: (Red apples and red musk) Daruma Doll, Love Me, Veil, Tushnamatay, Skuld, Ogun, The Ifrit, Bard, Autumn Cider 2011, Arcana Apples Crave Cake, WoobieBath.com Hocus Pocus  




Adventures in layering

Instead of spamming the layering thread, I thought I'd just make a page in my notes...  Envy + Squirting Cucumber: Sometimes you just need some cool greens and a cucumber... or at least I do. Good for hot muggy days when I don't care to be reminded of my sweaty flesh prison. The cucumber prevents any soapy tendencies that Envy's lavender can have on me.    Envy + the Apothecary: Comes out as surprisingly strong lavender and tea leaf, with a faint bed of moss and maybe a ghost of ginger, but the citrus and grass disappear almost entirely. So curious, I thought the mint and green herbs would have jumped out.   Tenochtitlan + the Apothecary: Sharp herbal citrus and ginger with sweet prickly pear flare quickly and then suddenly I can barely smell anything. Maybe a whiff of the potpourri that Tenochtitlan reverts to on its own, but mostly nothing. What?? Apothecary has been pretty versatile for layering on my skin, and normally lasts a decently long time even if the throw is variable. I may need to retest Tenochtitlan to figure out what's up as I haven't worn it since my initial test.    Sjofn + the Apothecary: A cool garden of greens surrounding an apple tree. Lots of tea leaf, ginger, and apple flare at first, then fade to subtle apple peel with a good grass note. Definitely a summer blend I'll wear again.    Sjofn + Ranger: that early stage of fall when leaves are greenish-gold and apples are ripening on the trees. Evergreen and hay notes from Ranger give the impression of apple trees in the midst of a forest instead of an orchard.    Ranger + Coyote: a northern coyote instead of a southwestern one. Excellent, fresh and piney and herbal with a warm amber and musk base.    Robin Goodfellow + Squirting Cucumber: Bright wet green plus golden-brown musky forest equals salad in the woods? I mean, it's not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but not really special either.    Robin Goodfellow + Coyote: Sage musk. Starts off greenish and then softens to brown, but a darker and less fuzzy brown than Coyote on its own. Very snuggly, good for a grey day.    Ranger + the Apothecary: Sharp tea leaf and pine when wet, turns slightly ginger and then begins sweetening as it dries. The patchouli blast I usually get with Ranger alone is tamped down a bit. I get a whiff of green when I turn my head, but overall the medley of herbs and faint trees stays close to the skin on me.    Druid + Zombi: Ahh. Glorious garden soil with dry roses and incense and lots of shade. Heady but grounded, dirty and fresh, growing and decaying... I may live in this combination forever.    Zombi + Crossroads: I was hoping the extra soil would calm down the screechy lilies in Crossroads... alas, no dice.    Iago + the Black Rider: Very Leather when wet, as Iago is much more prominent to start with. Dries to a musky, semisweet leather edged with vetiver and tobacco. Adds another dimension to both scents--softer depth to Iago, and higher spikes to Black Rider. Definitely recommend for leather aficionados.    Czernobog + Cthulhu: Don't ask why, just enjoy the salty vetiver/mullein musk. It's freshly herbal, and then slightly threatening, and then finishes musky. I think this is more how I thought Cthulhu would smell on its own before I tested it.    Blood Kiss + Fighter: Have I gone mad? Yes. The tannin-sour leather from Fighter is still dominant as a base. Blood Kiss' cherry wine disappears and I get what must be a clove/vetiver Fighter with just a tiny tinge of vanilla when I get close... and something else? Is it blood and poppy? My nose has completely lost the plot here; I can't stop smelling myself to try and puzzle out this combo. 
Blood Kiss + Nosferatu: spooky scary cherry wine, at least at first. A spiced wine that’s delicious, definitely poisoned, and may contain actual blood. The vanilla/honey from Blood Kiss ends up dominating the end of the dry down to become gourmand, which I find very odd. Might need to weigh this more heavily with Nosferatu for optimum seductive spook.    Strangler Fig + All Night Long: Christmas figgy cinnamon. They complement each other well, but the result isn't really me.    To test...   Robin Goodfellow + Ranger, Rogue + Coyote, 93 Engine + Dee, Bow and Crown of Conquest + Crossroads, Deadly Nightshade Honey + Czernobog, Deadly Nightshade Honey + Sjofn.


