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About eldritchhobbit

  • Rank
    sexy swapper
  • Birthday 11/26/1971


  • Location
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    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
    Miskatonic University
  • Favorite Scents
    Miskatonic University, Shub-Niggurath, Jack, Vice, El Dia De Reyes, Gingerbread Poppet 2007, Pumpkin Latte Favorite Notes: I love pumpkin, coffee, cinnamon, clove, ginger, nutmeg, mint, dark chocolate, apple, musk, patchouli, and tobacco.

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  • Interests
    My favorite things include science fiction, fantasy, dystopias, Gothic literature, history, vegetarianism, and Boston terriers.


  • Astrological Info
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  1. ALT ALT Octavia E. Butler’s “must read” masterpiece Parable of the Sower (1993) begins its first chapter on July 20, 2024. View the full post.
  2. “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” - Rumi View the full post.
  3. eldritchhobbit

    Happy birthday, Ann Radcliffe!

    dramyhsturgis: Happy birthday to the mother of the Gothic, Ann Radcliffe (9 July, 1764 – 7 February, 1823). “A well-informed mind is the best security against the contagion of folly and vice. The vacant mind is ever on the watch for relief, and ready to plunge into error, to escape from the languor of idleness. Store it with ideas, teach it the pleasure of thinking; and the temptations of the world without, will be counteracted by the gratifications derived from the world within.” ― Ann Radcliffe, The Mysteries of Udolpho (1794) View the full post.
  4. eldritchhobbit

    Book mood. 📚

    ALT Book mood. 📚 These novels were inspired by the 1924 Leopold and Loeb case. View the full post.
  5. Emily Strand and Amy H. Sturgis, “Star Wars: Essays Exploring a Galaxy Far, Far Away” (Vernon Press, 2023) by New Books in Film It was a joy to join my co-editor, Emily Strand, to talk about our anthology Star Wars: Essays Exploring a Galaxy Far, Far Away with the New Books Network! View the full post.
  6. eldritchhobbit

    May the 4th be with you.

    dramyhsturgis: May the 4th be with you. Happy Star Wars Day! View the full post.
  7. ALT Grab your garlic, paprika, and train timetables. It’s Dracula Daily/Re: Dracula time again. View the full post.
  8. I was happy to be able to contribute to the University of Louisville’s year-long examination of Alexis de Tocqueville by discussing A Fortnight in the Wilderness. I’ll also be leading a seminar for Kentucky teachers on this text. View the full post.
  9. It’s wonderful to hear Martine G. Ræstad on this episode of Women At Warp discussing how the Federation’s economy works. Martine contributed the excellent essay “The Future Burning Brightly: The Dual Impact of Energy in Star Trek’s Post-Scarcity Universe” to our new Vernon Press anthology Star Trek: Essays Exploring the Final Frontier. Episode 234: How Does the Federation Economy Work? Star Trek: Essays Exploring the Final Frontier View the full post.
  10. eldritchhobbit

    Now in paperback!

    I’m delighted to share that both of my co-edited academic anthologies with Vernon Press are now available in hardback, ebook, and (new!) paperback format: STAR TREK: ESSAYS EXPLORING THE FINAL FRONTIER and STAR WARS: ESSAYS EXPLORING A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY. More information is here. ALTALT View the full post.
  11. Good mail day! New Palgrave Macmillan publications related to my current research/book project. ALT View the full post.
  12. Thesis Theater: Laurel Stevens, “An Awareness of Debts: Dark Academia and its Source-Texts” Congratulations to Laurel M. Stevens! It’s been a true joy to be Laurel’s M.A. thesis director. View the full post.
  13. eldritchhobbit

    New Dark Academia Presentation

    I am very happy to report that I will be presenting my paper “Missing Students and Their Fictional Afterlives: True Crime, Crime Fiction, and Dark Academia” at the Guilty Pleasures: Examining Crime in Popular Culture conference (May 2-3, 2024) sponsored by the Popular Culture Research Network. This talk is related to my current work-in-progress book project. I’m looking forward to it! View the full post.
  14. eldritchhobbit

    “Looking Back on Genre History”

    My latest “Looking Back on Genre History” segment is now available on the new episode of the StarShipSofa podcast. I discuss the concept of the timeslip. ALT ALTALT View the full post.
  15. eldritchhobbit

    Hugo Eligibility Post

    Nominations are open for the 2024 Hugo Awards. Several works with which I’m involved are eligible, so here is my Hugos 2024 post. Eligible for Best Related Work (both published by Vernon Press in 2023): Star Trek: Essays Exploring the Final Frontier (edited by Amy H. Sturgis and Emily Strand for Vernon Press, 2023) Star Wars: Essays Exploring a Galaxy Far, Far Away (edited by Emily Strand and Amy H. Sturgis for Vernon Press, 2023) Also, StarShipSofa is eligible for Best Fancast! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all who have read and/or listened! ALT ALT View the full post.