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A Breathless Chuckle

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Marshmallow cream, sweet fudge, vanilla shortbread, and confectioners sugar.

First, what an awesome label. Removing the bubble wrap, I could already smell this one. Faint soapy sweetness, like Boo.

In the bottle: Cookie!!

Wet: White chocolate brownies??!

Dry: It's slightly plasticky on me now, as expected from being straight out of the mail and me being straight out of the shower. It still reminds me of Boo but more buttery, butterscotchy than Boo. I was really hoping the fudge wouldn't be an overpowering chocolate note so I'm glad it isn't, though I wouldn't mind it coming out more.

I need to try this again, but since I'm impatient I dabbed some on my sweater for a test that wouldn't mix in with the body wash on my skin. It's similar to the sweeter facets of Mouse Circus. It is mostly marshmallow, but with more yummy, cakey things underneath. :squee: An easy to wear sweet scent that could layer with many things (like Stekkjarstaur)! I hope I can bring out more yumminess on my skin, because this is already a favorite.

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This is a really floofly magic cookie bar on my skin, veering towards white chocolate fudge and marshmallows. Definitely foody, but a yummy foody. I like it. May need a few more bottles... medium throw.

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Being a foody lover, um... yeah....easy choice!


In the bottle - sweet mashmallow fudge sugar goodness...surprisingly not overly sweet.


On skin - OOh, at first, this seems like Bah! and The Gorobble got together and had a baby!! But then...it seems I have smelled this before, but can't place it! It is a foody lover's dream!


Drydown - Oh this is good!!! I get the marshmallow and cookie....... WAIT!!!! THAT'S IT!!! It reminds me of Marshmallow Cookie Pie that came out!! This smells like that! So if you loved that, get this!

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In the decant: YUM! Creamy, sweet, fluffy marshmallow and vanilla cream.


I haven't done a side by side comparison yet, but just based on my memory, on my skin this is very similar to last year's Marshmallow Cookie Pie (which I already have a bottle of). I think the main difference is that MCP was heavier on the chocolate, while this has more of the marshmallow. Overall, they're similar enough that I don't think I need bottles of both, but this is VERY yummy. If you regret missing out on MCP, get this!

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Totally foodie. This sort of smells like a smores cookie to me - a ton of marshmallow, chocolate, and something cookie like. Throw in some vanilla. I would have loved this as either an atmosphere or a bath oil. Scrumptious. Great throw and wear length.

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Wearing this is like rolling around in sugar cookies and buttery, gooey, marshmallow-y rice krispies treats. I don't get much of a chocolate smell from it, which I'm okay with. It does have a cool vanilla cream to it that is similar to Boo, especially in the drydown, but I like this more than Boo, because it has none of the clean linen and more of a cookies and marshmallow scent. Yummy.

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A Breathless Chuckle is like a pile of treats. Well, it starts out as a pile of treats, and then it dries down to a MALLOMAR. :wub2: I have happy childhood memories of eating mallomars, so there's no way I'm parting with this bottle. Another fun Yule gourmand!

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My first thought at sniffing the bottle was, "Gluttony, is it you?" Granted, I hadn't sniffed Gluttony in years, but this has a passing similarly on first sniff.


It is not a Gluttony dupe but this is a delicious foodie creation. I can see the Boo minus the linen note comparison (to be fair, I get no cream either) and the Rice Krispy treats association.


Initially, wet, this was very buttery with caramel and vanilla mainly.


Drying it was pretty consistent, little morphing, mostly marshmallows and caramel. I didn't pick up any fudge or chocolate, maybe there's a batch variant? No chocolate sludge in the oil itself. Maybe I didn't roll the bottle thoroughly, however, I will retest after a more vigorous mixing and report back with an edit if I get chocolate on the next test.


This was more gooey marshmallows than cookies or pound cake to my nose. I accidentally ordered 2 of these but I'm a-okay with that because this is in my foodie top 5. Actually, I need to do another Yuletide Post order, so maybe there will be a third bottle heading to my greedy, gluttonous little hands.


BTW, I didn't love Marshmallow Cookie Pie, sacrilege, I know, it had an off, scorched smell, but this is perfect!

Edited by sprout

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This smells amazing. Unfortunately it goes plastic on me. I'll have to try it with a locket. The cookie, chocolate, marshmallow is so comforting and decadent.

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This was a blind bottle purchase on the first evening of the Post Yule release.
I'm ALWAYS tempted by anything with marshmallow, so I took a risk with this one, but foodie scents can be iffy.
Butterscotch caramel toffee brittle in the bottle, this is more gourmand than I can wear.

After wearing it for a bit, the butterscotch ROARS and i'm wishing for some marshmallow stat to overtake the butter, which I tend to seriously amp on my own. I had my husband take a whiff 30 minutes in, and all he could say was butterscotch, butterscotch, bluttersplof.

An hour in, i'm finally getting some sugary, marshmallow creaminess. It's just too long of a ride to get to the good part for me. Keeping this for now because it does smell delicious, and my gourmands are seriously lacking, but I don't think I'll be reaching for it too often.

Edited by Jenjin

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Really heavy / rich foodie scents can turn my stomach, so this was a gamble for me, but I was won over by all of your swoonings about marshmallow, and how this was marshmallow cookie pie minus the chocolate(!).


Freshly applied, I was really worried. It starts off very decadent, with a heavy dose of butter and something that smells suspiciously like chocolate to me (chocolate fudge perhaps?? oh no...). BUT THEN, it dries down into the most beautiful, powdery (as in powdered sugar, not baby powder) vanilla marshmallow ever. It's more sweet, simple, and straightforward than Stekk, and I love it! It's even worth enduring that initial wet phase of buttery fudge overload.

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In the bottle: I can smell all of the notes! The buttery, vanilla shortbread cookie, the marshmallow cream, the fudge, and then the confectioner's sugar. It's very rich.


Wet: Marshmallow cream and powdered sugar. Although the scent smelled like it could be really overpowering in the bottle, it's not like that on my skin. The marshmallow cream note is incredible. I'm still getting a fair amount of powdered sugar, and the warm vanilla shortbread note is beginning to emerge. The fudge note is currently hiding in the background.


Dry: A dusting of powdered sugar, a smattering of marshmallow cream, and lots of vanilla shortbread cookies. The fudge note is still confined to a background role.


After several hours of wear, it's marshmallow-cream-vanilla-powdered-sugar GLORIOUSNESS. There's no cookie to be found.


Verdict: This one is full of win! I'm so happy that I grabbed a bottle.

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Wet: I was hoping for marshmallow. But instead I get what ever Beaver Moon turned to on my skin - graham cracker crust single note. Why??? There's also a faint undertone of mildew on me. Stellar.




Dry: Graham cracker crust scattered with bits of waxy chocolate, melted plastic, and mildew. Mmm. This is an utter skin fail on me.

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Not sure if skin chemistry changed or if aging perfected this fragrance, but my god, is this glorious five years later. It did not work for my nostrils for years, in or out of the bottle, until I almost swapped it away today. I'm glad I opened it and my sniffer told me to test it. On skin it's like a fun-size candybar. Wet, it reads like oil-slicked chocolate that sat out for too long in the heat. Dry, it smells like the wrapper of a candybar. Delicious.

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