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Sugar Plum and Vanilla Bean Atmosphere Spray

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An almost ridiculously adorable scent.

I'm a little hesitant to write this review because I want to buy about elebenty more bottles and have a hoard of them for life! All mine! None for you! (Just kidding, I'll leave you a FEW bottles...teehee!)

Sugar Plum and Vanilla Bean Atmosphere Spray is absolutely AMAZING. It's sweet, with an almost candy like quality, but not cloyingly sweet at all.

It's got that creamy vanilla backing the candy-like sugar plum, so it has a soothing quality as well. I just spritzed my entire house before bedtime and it is sheer HEAVEN. I'm going to have visions of sugar plums dancing in my head tonight :D

It is very slightly reminiscent to my nose of something. I'd say it is allllmost in the Candy Phoenix realm, but more purple if that makes sense? More plummy and vanillic than Candy Phoenix. This is just SO freaking good. It will be the perfect scent for my daughters room. I haven't spritzed it in there yet, but my girls are going to flip for it.

Thank you for such a splendid holiday atmosphere spray, Puddin'! My home is going to smell so lovely and sweet all season long! Please bring this back every year? <3

ETA: I just spritzed this again and realized what that plummy note reminds me of. This is totally closer to Bordello than Candy Phoenix. I don't have any other scents with the sugar plum note, so that's the closest thing I can compare it to. I ADORE Bordello, so no wonder I'm madly in love with this! Edited by Sammy

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It smells like Clara's bedroom! It's very evocative of the season, and it is the smell that matches the theme of our family room Christmas tree.


Sugar plums dusted with sweet, creamy vanilla sugar. It is ridiculously adorable and I love everything about it!



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Oh my groodness, I love this SO. HARD.


I am already a huge fan of the Lab's Sugar Plum note, and this is just...wonderful. It's sweet and twee and yes, adorable. I want to dress this scent up in fluffy pink bows, that's how cute it is.


And now, the TMI Review: I do this thing that I've been secretly referring to as the "Cat Poop Test", which, as you may have guessed, involves sprayed a scent near a freshly pooped litter box. (I use sprays to manage those odors pretty regularly, actually) and so I took tis opportunity to test out Sugar Plum and Vanilla Bean. And behold! Like magic, the poop smell has VANISHED! Huzzah!


So, not only delicious and cute and cuddly, but a serious defense against certain varieties of chemical warfare :D

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I spritzed this on my pillow last night and fell asleep with visions of sugarplums dancing in my head (and slept great too!) This is the sugar plum note from my beloved Sugar Plum Fairy, mixed with the loveliest vanilla note. It's a sweet, cuddly, long-lasting, and very much a ridiculously adorable scent.


Please make this in bath oil and perfume next year!!!

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Just like the others have said...this is sweet, plummy goodness. I love it. My kids love it. I need a lot more of it!!!


Also, I need it in: hair gloss, bath oil, and perfume. Please and thank you!!!! <3 <3 <3

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Origin: Straight from the Lab


Initial Thoughts: At first I wasn't considering this one. The atmo sprays seem to be the final frontier with me in trying to keep my house from filling with BPTP bottles and I had only bought three big bottles before and kept two. And then the reviews and chatter started. When I rethought buying all the candles at once, this jumped into the cart.


In the Bottle: Tooth-achingly sweet pink candy! I cant decide whether it's strawberry or cherry or a combination, but it's lighter and much more cute than what I would expect from plum. This smells like the bedroom of the frilliest and most girly-girl of four-year-olds. Any vanilla is buried under the piles of flounces.


In the Air: That's a bit more like it. The vanilla is more detectable, allowing the sweetness to mature a bit, and the fruit is now more like what I consider plum and not quite so strong and sugar-drenched.


Verdict: I'm not 100% sold on it, partly because I expect my husband will not like it very much and that will limit my opportunities for using it. But I think I'll also be trying the VioletChaos method of litter-box odor control and see whether that works for me as well.

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Just got my eagerly awaited Sugar Plum and Vanilla Bean, and sprayed around my bedroom. It smells like I crawled into a bottle of Sugar Plum Fairy, and that makes me super happy. It's sweet, but it's not all sugar, and I suspect that people wandering through (aka husband and children) will just notice that is smells NICE in there, not that it smells like a Fairy Princess or anything.

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This smells like candy vanilla and sugary plums. If you like sweet, candy-like scents give this a whirl. For me, it's definitely mainly that sugary vanilla, with just a touch of plum. Too sweet for us, but definitely makes you think of Sugar Plum Fairy!

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I think it comes as no surprise that this smells like Sugar Plum Fairy with added vanilla. And actually, it smells quite a bit like Bordello, too (good call, Sammy!). My whole family loves it. However... it seems to fade really fast in the air. :( My husband said it was a shame that it wasn't a candle or wax tart instead, so it would stick around longer, and I agree. As a linen spray, it does last longer, so I think I'll be using it primarily for that purpose.

(I think this would be dynamite as a hair gloss, too!)

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I really can't add much to the above reviews except to agree that this is indeed Sugar Plum Fairy w/ extra vanilla goodness, that it smells divine, that little girls of any age from four to eighty will adore this, and that it needs to return next Yule in all the things. :) Bottle-worthy!

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Very much Sugar Plum Fairy plus extra vanilla goodness. This is maybe just a touch too sweet for me to spray on my sheets and blankets (my main use of atmos). Sprayed in the air, it lasts quite a long time and is quite a happy scent.

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Everyone above me has described this perfectly, so I don't have much to add. It definitely smells like it sounds- exactly like I imagine the Sugar Plum Fairy to smell. Sweet, sweet sugary vanilla with plum. This would be the best scent ever for a little girl's bedroom, or for a scent to "protect you while you sleep" for small children. I sprayed it on my pillowcase, and it was off to sweet dreams for me. Overall, I prefer the darker room sprays, but this is just too good to miss.

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Sugar Plum and Vanilla Bean atmo spray is definitely Sugar Plum Fairy, with an emphasis on sugar. ;) It smells a bit like pink plum taffy/cotton candy to me, which is so fun to have in the rotation. It's a great spray for the lead-up to Valentine's Day/optimistic countdown to warmer temperatures.

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I'm starting to think I don't like sugar plum. That's the only explanation I have for not going weak in the knees for this atmo. The vanilla is nice, but something about the sugar plum note just doesn't sit well with my nose. Very disappointed. I'm sure someone else will love it though. It's light and sweet and dainty and very true to Sugar Plum Fairy ... which I also didn't like. Go figure.

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Blasphemy. Many of you may say this after I write this post. My first bpal love was Sugar Plum Fairy...As time went on and skin chemistry changed (and of course, my nose) I found myself a little nauseated by the smell. But I pushed through, saying I loved it once maybe I just needed a refresher.


This is in the same vein, but for me it was powdery plum and vanilla. I love plum, I love vanilla. I fucking HATE powder. I ended up having to wash our sheets. I just couldn't get past that powdery plum vibe. I let it sit for about 2 hours when enough was enough.

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The boy loved the pumpkin smores atmo. He is a foodie scent lover all the way and just tolerates my usually parchouli and incensey perfumes and atmos. So when the pumpkin smores bottle started running low I knew I needed to find something else he would enjoy our apartment smelling like.


I went with the sugar plum and vanilla after ready reviews. It's probably not something I would've picked for myself alone but I am glad I did.


It's very light and sweet. Honestly right of the bat it reminded me of Smarties candies. Which is perfect because the boy loves smarties! It's childlike and comforting. Unfortunately it doesn't last very long so I have been spritzing it on my scarves to be able to huff it throughout the day ;)

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Sugar plum is soooooooooo present :wub3:

I LOVE this spray, I carry it with me in my bag.

It is such a cute scent, I do not want to live without it anymore.

I miss my Black Pomegrantae and Blackcurrant that I completely finished, but this was a good trade :biggrin:

The Vanilla Bean comes out after a about an hour and the combination is just lovely!

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The sugar plum note in this reminds me of Bordello, but the addition of the vanilla bean makes this scent a lot sweeter than Bordello. This one is very strong, and very sweet.

I passed my decant onto a friend as it was too sweet for me, but I bought a bottle of this one for my sister for her birthday because she loves the Trading Post's atmosphere sprays. I'm sure she will enjoy making her room smell like really sweet, fruity candy. :)


*edit* My 14-year old sister's review: "It smells bomb." :P

Edited by dementia_divine

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This one to me is like a Yule Sufganiyiot  scent. Its a rich jammy fruit and the vanilla leans to a biscuit. It so yummy and rich and I am excited to try this in the fall. It is a tiny bit sour , which I think makes the fruit smell more genuine where as sweeter fruit blends can tend toward candy. Glad to have this! 

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Plum Shortcake and Vanilla Scratch-n-Sniff sticker. This is giving me a lot of Strawberry Shortcake doll vibes with the plasticky fruit, just in a plummy variety. I can't decide if I like that or not! It is sweet, which is not by default a bad thing, but it is not a natural fruit kind of sweet. If I think of it in plastic 90s toys terms, I'm not into it, but then @Missanneshirleyofgg mentioned plum sufganiyot and I was instantly more into it. Because I can pick up the similarity to Neptunbrunnen, a plummy jam pastry Lilith Travelogue, and I love that one. 


Sugar Plum and Vanilla Bean Atmo is not a shy scent, whatsoever. She sashays into the room and is here in all glory. I'm going to keep trying her out and see how she evolves, I am so into plum, I may end up loving her!

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