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BPAL Madness!


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About Poenari

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    1/32 too few
  • Birthday 06/04/1954


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  • BPAL of the Day
    Whichever one fits my mood, but I smell gorgeous!
  • Favorite Scents
    LE: Eve, Our Hearts Condemn Us, Blood Popsicle, Streets of Detroit, Funnel of Love, Witch Dance, Callidora, Sumatran Red Patchouli, Banshee Beat, #ows, Infernal Lover, Snake Charmer, Mme. Moriarty, Clemence, Chrysanthemum Moon, Death of Autumn, Sugar Skull, Fearful Pleasure, Premature Burial, Crypt Queen, Makhanitis, Melainis, Mircalla, Lilith Victoria, and practically any Snake Oil variation. GC: Blood, Snake Oil, Dragon's Heart, Urd, Goblin, Hetaire, Anne Bonney, Eat Me, Lust, Le Lethe. Trading Post: Puddin' takes most of my monies. Bath oil & Hair Gloss in scents that go with all of the above. Atmo sprays: Smoky, incense, dark and sexy. Lucy in Darkness! Too many Trading Post scents to mention. I especially love red musk, black musk, any/all patchouli, clove, and dragon's blood notes.

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  • Interests
    My family, especially my grandson; my kitties, my BPAL, my friends here on the forum and FB! I have been a fan of gothic horror since I was a child, thanks to my dad, who introduced me to Poe at an early age. I love classic horror movies (the old Universal Studios monsters) and Hammer Horror from the 60's and 70's. I love Anne Rice and her vampires and witches. If I had been born in a later generation, I probably would have been a goth kid. As it is, I've aged into a bohemian gothic hippie in my 60's, and don't give a damn. :wink:
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  1. Poenari

    Coconut Tree Single Note

    Oh this is so lovely! It really is true to all the parts of the coconut. Takes me right back to my trip to Hawaii many years ago, where I enjoyed many coconuts fresh off the tree. I need to try layering this with Snake Oil as a preview of my pending order of Snakes In The Coconut Cake, although I expect that to be a much sweeter version of coconut.
  2. Poenari

    Insulation Board Tombstone

    Very evocative and chemical smelling. I can really smell the sealant, as I've been married for 48 years to a man who refinishes furniture and uses many sealants. This smell exactly like it's described. Stays true on the drydown too. More of something I enjoy as an example of Beth's expertise at creating atmospherics and odd scents than something I will actually wear.
  3. Poenari

    Datura Blossom

    Testing my decant and my first take: oh this smells like poison! There's a vague undertone of almost a lye note here, but sweet and sticky. The floral note isn't the kind of white floral that screeches into my sinuses! It's seductive and pulls you in for a closer sniff. I literally sniffed so close that I accidentally touched my nose to my wrist! After drydown, the scent dries down to a purplish floral all right, only a hint of powder here. This is deceptively lovely!
  4. Poenari

    Thirteen (13): September 2024

    I bought a bottle of this to gift to my hair stylist, who got married on this particular Friday the 13th! She has said she's a foodie, so I am hoping that she will love this not just for the commemoration of her wedding date but also for the scent itself. I haven't skin tested it therefore, but I opened to sniff and wow- this is so lovely! I have a few of the Thirteens that correspond to my own personally important Friday the 13ths, but I might need to buy a bottle of this one for myself too! It's like a lightly spiced creamy chocolate coconut pudding! I'm NOT a foodie and I want to wear this one myself!
  5. Poenari

    The Serpent in the Berries

    I tend not to care for strawberry notes on my skin, but had to blind bottle this because I do adore Snake Oil and so many of its variants. I'm glad I did! On my skin this scent is unmistakenly Snake Oil with a sweeter drydown; a syrupy fruitiness at the end that ensures it is not exactly Snake Oil alone. It doesn't go plasticky as strawberry usually does. It is a lovely rendition of a berried Snake Oil, just as it says. This works so much better on me than Kinda Sorta Snake Oil Cream Soda. It's sweet but not milky creamy, as that one is. I didn't want to get a backup bottle of this but I might need to before it's gone!
  6. Poenari

    Black Lipstick

    Oh this is so good! I have definitely bought more than my share of black lipsticks over the years, and I really get the wax opening. The clove is present but not overwhelming. I amp clove, so this is amazing! This is a delightful nostalgic blend. Might upgrade my decant to a bottle before they come down, if I have sufficient funds.
  7. Poenari

    The Queen of Hearts

    All these years and I've never reviewed this one! Remedied. I didn't look up the notes first, and assumed that this would be a heavily rose scent. WRONG! Upon application, woah! Lots of cherry, or perhaps almond, as those notes are quite interchangeable on my skin. Unfortunately so, as they typically don't work on me and become a scrubber. Let's look it up before proceeding further. Yep, cherry. Yikes. Urinal cakes to me. đŸ˜­. I will wait it out for a bit before washing it off. Ok, that blast subsided quicker than I expected! Ahh, there's the lilies. I get more Calla lily than the lily of the valley note as a secondary note. I'm not sure what stephanotis smells like. Upon drydown, this has become a very lovely floral, and that rare white floral that doesn't interfere with my sinuses. I'm glad that I waited this out! It's very pretty and quite sweet on my skin, not a scrubber at all. I find this Queen to be quite girly and she has definitely not cut off my head! Very wearable when seeking a fresh sweet floral.
  8. Poenari

    Got the Morbs Hair Gloss

    Oh this is good! It's spicy from the clove, which I love, but also musky and the myrrh keeps the opium tar from any bitterness. This is going to get a lot of wear in cooler weather! I'm just not ready for clove in this heat, as it always reads "fall" to me. Will upgrade my decant to a bottle as soon as I have the funds!
  9. Poenari

    Strawberry Moon 2024: Wild Strawberries and Amber Hair Gloss

    I only got a decant and tested this on my arm first, as strawberry (and cherry) tends to work poorly with my skin chemistry. I hoped the amber would temper that trend. This is so pretty at first, but quickly turned on my skin. It becomes urinal cake in my nose, and I just can't. I didn't scrub it off, as I hoped that was just a phase. Sadly, it was not. I guess they can't all be winners on me.
  10. Poenari

    Fleurs D’Oranger Hair Gloss

    I'm wearing Fleurs D’Oranger HG as a body spray today. I've already tested it in freshly washed hair, but I wanted to give it a full test and am really loving it! I'm rarely attracted to any scents with citrus, and I realize this is orange blossom, so not technically citrus. I can see why I love this- it's a deeper kind of floral, with a hint of muskiness to it. I read that orange blossom pairs well with "oriental" notes, so that makes a lot of sense with my preferences. Many florals, especially white florals, go screeching into my sinuses, but this doesn't. It's the kind of floral I like to wear in the heat of summer. Lovely and I think it's a great addition to the general catalog! Thanks Puddin'!
  11. Poenari


    Something made me dig through my imp stash to try this one today! My one and only imp appears to be very aged, by the looks of my label. It went on and stayed as a sweet musky rose. I don't really get spices, but it's a lovely scent. I might have to order a bottle just to have, because it really is lovely!
  12. Poenari

    Byronic Antihero Beard Oil

    Ohhhh! First of all, I forgot that this was a Halloween perfume first. It's not in my collection, so now that I ordered the beard oil for my husband, I am wishing I had the perfume too! https://www.bpal.org/topic/69983-the-byronic-antihero/ I tested this on my skin first before turning it over to him for his beard. I was pleasantly surprised that the carnation is the first note I smell. I love that spicy almost-clove scent that real carnations used to give off. Store-bought varieties don't have that. I get a bit of yew and a slightly green khus (vetiver) next. The patchouli never comes out to play. This is a very nice scent for a beard oil - masculine, but not overly, and of course the beard oils aren't meant to have a lot of throw. I would wear this as a body moisturizer if my husband doesn't.
  13. Poenari

    Single-Barrel Bourbon, Tobacco, and Clove Beard Oil

    Oh wow this is gorgeous! I tested it on my skin first before I turn it over to my husband. There is a distinct clovey bourbon note, but the patchouli root and tobacco keep it grounded and away from smelling like alcohol. It's very genteel.
  14. Poenari

    Masala Chai Beard Oil

    This is exactly as described- a lovely chai scent. I actually get a lot of tea first, then the spices kick in. I tested it on my skin before having my husband try it on his beard. I would definitely wear this myself as a body oil if he won't use it!
  15. Poenari

    Lich, Please Beard Oil

    I can't put my finger on it, but this really reminds me of some scent in my memory... I can't even recall if it's another BPAL scent! I'm testing this on my skin before I turn it over to my husband for his beard. It's very nice and is mainly a woodsy scent. The moss and wood are blended and not specifically identified, and it's not very smoky either. If I can figure out my scent memory I'll come back and edit this. In the meantime, I like this and hope my husband does too! If not, I will wear it as a moisturizer.