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Scents for late summer into autumn

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Salem, for something new and lemony, you might like Ave Maria Gratia Plena (rosewood with Sicilian lemon peel, red Mysore sandalwood, pale musks, sweet mountain sage and a dusting of lily, night-blooming jasmine and orris) or Coral Snake (Snake Oil with blood orange, red apple, lemon peel, plumeria, and gardenia); last year's #5 from the Pumpkin Patch had pumpkin with benzoin, bourbon vanilla, lemon peel, neroli, blood orange, and red ginger, if you can track some of it down.


I put on Snow Glass Apples today and I think it's a great late-days-of-summer scent. So many apple blends are warm and spicy, but SGA's got a coolness about it so it's not too intense for days that are still warm and it reminds me of the cool days that are coming.

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Salem, for something new and lemony, you might like Ave Maria Gratia Plena (rosewood with Sicilian lemon peel, red Mysore sandalwood, pale musks, sweet mountain sage and a dusting of lily, night-blooming jasmine and orris) or Coral Snake (Snake Oil with blood orange, red apple, lemon peel, plumeria, and gardenia); last year's #5 from the Pumpkin Patch had pumpkin with benzoin, bourbon vanilla, lemon peel, neroli, blood orange, and red ginger, if you can track some of it down.


I put on Snow Glass Apples today and I think it's a great late-days-of-summer scent. So many apple blends are warm and spicy, but SGA's got a coolness about it so it's not too intense for days that are still warm and it reminds me of the cool days that are coming.


They all sound amazing actually. My want list is starting to hate me it's getting so big. Is Snow Glass Apples more a clean crisp apple? As I'm really into that at the moment (I can smell that when Lilium Inter Spinas is wet in the bottle and it makes me smile)

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Not really contributing to the current conversation, sorry, but I just wanted to give a shout-out to Manhattan. It's crisp and fresh for the hot hot weather (for us) we get here in SF from late August through October, yet it has that feel of sophistication that I associate with fall fashions. :P I can't wear most of those clothes until November, but at least I can smell classy!

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It seems like Beth really filled this niche well when she came up with this year's Halloween LEs. I'm anxiously awaiting my package(s), both decants and Lab, but I think that Autumn Coolness, A Blade of Grass, The Schoolhouse, and Wiley's Swamp all sound like good candidates for the sunny days and cool nights of September.

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They all sound amazing actually. My want list is starting to hate me it's getting so big. Is Snow Glass Apples more a clean crisp apple? As I'm really into that at the moment (I can smell that when Lilium Inter Spinas is wet in the bottle and it makes me smile)



Snow, Glass, Apples is amazingly fresh and crisp. I was gifted a decant and it is so incredibly light, airy, and yet richly apple-liscious. The mint freshens and brightens it up nicely. More of a hot weather scent to me than autumnal but I love it.

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First of all... Hello! I have dabbled in BPAL for a few years but I have yet to become addicted...


It seems that this time each summer... I am dying to have fall start. Apparently the way I satiate this desire is to buy fall scents. I think fall and spring are the most "aromatic" seasons to me and I like to celebrate these scents with the perfumes I wear.


Anyway, I have always had a hard time finding fall scents that I can pull off. I love the dark and rich smells of fall but I don't think I can pull them off and feel comfortable. My personality is probably better depicted by florals and clean scents... with just a hint of warmth/depth. The muskier scents make me think of confident, deep, sexy women... I might be there one day but I am young and airy still. The best fall scent I have found from BPAL has been "Blade of Grass;" it has that clean scent I like but it turns very warm and slightly rich on my skin.


I ordered Samhein and Harvest Moon last year and I liked the way they smelled... but again, I don't think I could pull them off. They seemed either too musky or sugary for me. They are scents I would put into a room spray or candle but not on my skin.


I wish I could bottle up the smell of crushed leaves and fireplace smoke in cool crisp air. And up the ratio of crisp air to leaves and smoke :) I do NOT like wearing food-like scents. I also can't stand most vanilla perfumes because they remind me of that cheap smelling vanilla air freshener (don't know why I associate these smells, haha) .


anyway, can any of you give me some recommendations of GC scents to try? I might try out a couple of the LE fall scents this year but they are not out yet :)



BPAL Scents I wear:



Lily of the Valley, Calla Lily, stephanotis and a drop of cherry.



Strong black tea and milk with white pepper, ginger, honey and vanilla, spilled over the crisp scent of clean linen.



Starry white lilies lend an eerie brightness to the deep black wooded scents of cypress and oak, layered with a touch of crushed dried leaves and the faintest aquatic note.



A huge bouquet of squished rose petals: Bulgarian rose, Somalian rose, Turkish rose, Damascus rose, red and white rose, tea rose, wine rose, shrub roses, rose, rose, rose…


…and just an itty bitty bit of green grass.





other perfumes I enjoy:

Dolce and Gabbana - Light Blue

any of the "Clean" scents

Philosophy - Amazing Grace and Pure Grace

Origins - spring fever


essential oils I enjoy

orange blossom

Rose.... oh how I love rose... I wish this stuff wasn't so expensive!!



I like herby smells...


Thank you for any help you can provide!

Edited by decenda

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Great details; that makes it really helpful when trying to find scent recommendations!


I wholeheartedly suggest Queen Alice and Shadwell...also, I think Antikythera Mechanism is worth a shot! Check out the notes; let me know your reservations or thoughts :)

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I'll second the Queen Alice rec - she's all cozy & yummy without being too smokey.


What came to mind instantly for you is Flowering Chrysanthemums from this year's Lupercalias - mums are such a lovely crisp floral. Don't be put off by the vanilla & cinnamon - they're barely there, just a wisp to warm things up a bit.


Other lighter fall scents that come to mind:


The Norn's Farmhouse (a gorgeous dried-stems & herbs scent)

The Hesperides (oak & apple, but not at all foody)

Mag Mell (grass, yes, but with a warm incense...)

The Lion (gorgeous dry amber)


Maybe some of the lighter resinous scents would work - Cathedral comes to mind, as do my favorites Kathmandu & Sri Lanka...


For my money, the best burning-leaves scent Beth's ever done is Death of Autumn, from the 2007 Weenies. I suspect it will be too heavy for what you're looking for, but it might be worth tracking down a bit to try, just in case...

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Perhaps --

Mag Mell - bright and golden

Sundew - golden and richer than Mag Mell (not foody ata all, or overly heavy)

Yggdrasil - Green and herbs like the forest in the sun

Iambe - floral and amber, a bit much for summer but worth trying in fall

Miss Lupescu - for a warm spice that isn't foody

Lady Una - warm honey, berries, and a hint of leaves/greenery

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Thirding Queen Alice: it's like the smell of mulled apple cider cooking on the stove, with all the spices and autumn yumminess. It's sweet without being cloying and quite spice-ridden. I love it for fall.

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October. Dead leaves, smoke, sap, and cool breezes... it's a 2007 LE, but worth tracking down if that's what you're looking for. I think it's still pretty easy to find. One of last year's Halloweenies, Ichabod Crane, might be worth a sniff if you like White Rabbit and lilies.


For GC, I strongly recommend Nemesis. it doesn't get a lot of love, but it's a gorgeous complex scent, rich without being heavy, and the combination of fig with herbal and spicy resin notes is pretty autumnal. Verdandi is a nice crisp herbal apple. Second Yggdrasil as well, or Alecto if you can wear cedar. Penny Dreadful is very "fall" to my nose, like dirty baking spices with a bit of floral.


Have you seen the new LEs? Some of those look good.

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Ooo, I totally agree about Nemesis, and Gomorrah is in this same category of fig-spice-herbs-resiny-fallness.

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thanks for the recommendations! I just ordered imps of




Mag Meil

Lady Una




and I'm pretty excited! It turns out I already had an imp of Queen Alice and I enjoy it, so those rec's were a good call :)


I ordered some of the LE halloweeny/late summer bottles... hoping that if some of them were too "strong" I'd ship them to my mom (who can pull off pure patchouli and not smell like a "dirty hippie")


The Girl

Julia Stone

Pumpkin II

Lambs-Wool ( a bit scared but I love apple cider so much)


Shadowless Like Silence

Summers Last Will and Testament


I just couldn't pass up anything that had the description that Julia Stone did :)

Edited by decenda

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A little bump. :)


Adding my two cents. ;)


Aged Snake Oil.

Aged O.

Lady Una--the honey is so good.

The Phoenix in Autumn--lovely scent, and not heavy like Samhain, as an example.


Any of the apple-based scents.


Hay Moon, Mead Moon, Storm Moon.


The three Summer's End scents from '09:

Under the Harvest Moon (not as lovely as any Harvest Moon on me), The Last Rose of Summer (perfect except for the bad orris), and Shadowless like Silence (a bit powdery, but drying like the end of summer).


Also Lughnasadh sounds perfect and Mabon (I prefer the '04 version to the '10) is perfect.


Atlas, if you like sweetish milky coffee drank in the woods. (I associate drinking coffee with the cooler and cold months.)


Nonae Caprotina, as figs ripen at the end of summer.

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The Dodo! It has that spicy, cassia-red musk combo going for it that warms you up when cooler breezes start to come in, but it also has a hint of a tropical vibe with the lemon and mango to help you maintain the vacation mindset.


Defututa, O, and Anubis are also great this time of year :)

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I am so loving Al Azif right now I am spamming my love for it everywhere, but coincidentally it seems really right for this weather, spicy but a bit creamy, gorgeous,.

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In a season when large portions of the Us and Europe are on fire, Lindworm's grass fire scent is eerily fitting, if likekly in bad taste. Dayumn!

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Here it's already starting to get chilly, so...



Lamb's Wool

aged Snake Oil


and I can't wait for Raven Moon! though I suspect I'll sniff it and think, two years of cellaring for you!

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For those September days when the weather is still warm and sunny and in the upper 80's:

Pumpkin Princess

Lawn Gnome

Allison Gross

Hunter Moon 2007

Chrysanthemum Moon


Lately we've had some rainy weather in the 70's:

Singing Moon 2012


But I can't wait to break out some of my heavier smoky/pumpkin/cider scents!

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I start pulling out Smoky Moon 2012, Grindhouse, Dragon Hide, Dragon Moon 2006, and the Laces (Red Lace, Black Lace, Beautiful Death) when it gets towards the end of summer. Midnight Mass is also wonderful during that time. Golden Apple of the Sun really blossoms in the early fall.

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Little bump for ideas of late summer scents to wear while it's still hot and waiting for Weenie weather (and waiting for decants)

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It's still warmish here, though no longer really hot. While I'm waiting for true Autumn, I've been wearing Dia de Los Muertos, The Red Queen, Molly Grue. I can't wait to break out my Harvest Moons!

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