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BPAL Madness!


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About ivyandpeony

  • Rank
    Ghostface Thread Killah
  • Birthday August 26


  • Location
    Atlanta, Georgia
  • Country
    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
    Trouser-Snake Charmer
  • Favorite Scents
    Favorite BPAL blends, no particular order (newer stuff tends to get stuck at the beginning thougWh): Ava, Clockwork Couture F, Molly, the Reaper of Justice, Sweets to the Sweet, White Rose, The Girl, Dreadful Lies, Metal Phoenix, Glühwein, Day of the Skulls, Katrina Van Tassel, The Emathides, Boomslang, Mead Moon, Pisces 2007, La Primavera, L'Estate, Clemence, Hellion, The Maltese Cross of Sanctus Germanus, Aeronwen, The Torture Queen, Judith & Holofernes, Hanami, Svadhinaopatika, Pinched With Four Aces, Bakeneko, Cheshire Moon, A Great Cry In Egypt, Monsterbait: BiggerCritters, The Oval Portrait, The Ecstasy of Passion, Chrysanthemum Moon, Jacob's Ladder, Dolce Stil Nuovo, The Mouse's Long Sad Tale, Storyville, Lyonesse, Devil's Night, Pumpkin King, Spirits of the Dead, The Haunted Palace, Snake Charmer, Silk Road, Ace of Hearts, Bengal, Honey Moon, Kali, 13 (the original's my fave), White Rabbit, Sin, Jezebel, Snow White, Sudha Segara, Hetairae, The Lion, Dana O'Shee, Alice, Chimera, Formula 54, Le Serpent Qui Danse, Dia de los Muertos 04, Rose Red, Euphrosyne, Versailles, Three Witches, Ingenue, Whippoorwill, Kumiho, Queen Mab This list NEVER seems to get shorter, by the way!) Favorite notes: Amber, tea, ginger, honey, vanilla, clove, fig (the darker kind works better than the green kind), cinnamon, cardamom, ambergris, carnation, lilac, peony, magnolia, gardenia, chocolate (especially white chocolate), sandalwood, benzoin, patchouli, white and light musks, pepper, tangerine, pink grapefruit, lime, narcissus, orchid, linden blossom, freesia, tuberose, daffodil, sweet pea, lilies of all types, dandelion, sweetgrass, ivy, pear, cognac Notes that depend on their varietal, their strength &/or their companions in the blend: Rose (white is my favorite), jasmine, frankincense, myrrh, lotus, coconut, plum, lemon, blackberry, currants, wine, smoke, tobacco and tobacco flower, tonka, darker musks (the darker, the riskier), pumpkin, most tropical fruits, acai berry, hibiscus, oakmoss and other mosses, opium, ylang-ylang, violet, verbena, teak, rosewood, juniper, pine, poppies, wisteria Notes that work rarely, mostly never, especially if they dominate a blend: aquatics, civet, cedar, cherry, caramel, peach, almond, anise, dragon's blood, apricot, "butter" notes, ozone, metallic notes, leather, earth/soil, raspberry, strawberry, geranium, mints, vetiver, mimosa, sarsparilla, leather, apple blossom & apple peel (although plain ole apple often works just fine!), sage, melon, nag champa, rum Notes I don't think I've figured out, even after all this time! Myrtle, amaranth, hazel, elemi, yarrow, hyssop

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  • Interests
    Smelling pretty and hoarding pretty-smelling things. Bull Terriers and Bull Terrier Rescue. Reading. Bathing. Reading while bathing. Playing piano. Shoes, buying shoes, thinking about shoes. Tomatoes and black-capped chickadees.
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  1. ivyandpeony

    Weed & Whiskey

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  2. ivyandpeony

    Rosewater & Myrrh

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  3. ivyandpeony

    Peppermint & Pine

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  4. ivyandpeony

    Narcissus & Snowflakes

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  5. ivyandpeony

    Fir Needle & Smoke

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  6. ivyandpeony

    Cranberries & Popcorn

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  7. ivyandpeony

    Cinnamon & Clove

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  8. ivyandpeony

    Candlewax & Chocolate

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  9. ivyandpeony

    Amber & Cardamom

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  10. ivyandpeony

    A Do’s & Don’ts Refresher

    The official guidelines link has glitched out on us, but you will find a general guide here if you happen to have questions while we are repairing. Please feel free to contact mods/admins with questions & remember that if you receive a note from us, it’s a gentle reminder, not a personal attack. No one else sees it & we are still glad you’re here. Thank you, guys!
  11. ivyandpeony

    Imp and Bottle Cap Issues (breakage, leakage)

    I haven't had a leaky bottle or imp cap issue in a long time, but I completely sympathize! I would encourage all of you to be sure to let the Lab know via e-mail. They don't have enough staff to constantly monitor threads like this one, but if you let them know when you received the order with the leaky imp (and I promise, it doesn't matter if it was an imp you bought or a frimp) they may be able to check their stock and prevent more faulty caps from getting out there. They are completely dependent upon the QC at the bottle supplier - imagine the expense if they were to have to test every container they buy before filling it - and it is helpful to them to know when something like this happens.
  12. ivyandpeony

    International Shipping Info+Questions

    I just read on one of the Facebook groups that there's a glitch on the Lab site that's screwing up shipping for imps. Apparently bottle-only orders aren't affected but as soon as you add an imp or imps to your order, it triggers the glitch.
  13. ivyandpeony

    Who do I email with questions? BPAL/BPTP contact info

    I would try sending an e-mail directly to answers@blackphoenixalchemylab thru your e-mail instead of using the website form. I've heard a couple people say they got answers much more quickly that way - could be a glitch with the website. Good luck!
  14. My rec isn't a GC, but it might be easier to find because the Salon was around for so long - Garden Path With Chickens (Damp grass, ivy leaves, morning glory, daisy, rose geranium, heliotrope, white gardenia, climbing roses, peppery nasturtium, phlox, begonia, verbena and sun-warmed herbs). Don't let those floral notes that are listed chase you away, this one is a sunny bright green scent.
  15. ivyandpeony

    Sell me on patchouli?

    I love Visions III too and agree with your description, Leira. So many BPAL fans adore Goblin, but it's always seemed like the patchouli was on the raw, hippy-dippier side of the scale. But Gingerbread Goblin is so different to me! The patchouli seems so much softer and fuzzier. And for anyone trying to find a smoother, more mellow patchouli, my advice is always: age it, age it, age it. Patchouli seems to get softer as it ages. The woodiness that seems so raw to me in fresh patchouli becomes more of a spiciness.