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So this is fresh out of the mail two hours ago, but I couldn’t resist.  I’ll be curious to see what rest and aging does.


In the bottle it’s not a strong scent.  It’s definitely chocolate but not super sweet and deeper than a milk chocolate, but not bitter like a good dark chocolate.


Wet it blooms immediately and the butter comes out but the chocolate gets much stronger too.  It’s definitely fresh homemade chocolate buttercream frosting.  Much sweeter now than in the bottle.


Dry so far is about the same.  I definitely prefer this to say Bliss.  It’s just a bit less simple and deeper but still super sweet which is what I want in my gourmands.


EDIT:  This lasted right into bedtime, but after a few hours it was just a very subtlety sweet skin scent.  I feel like this will be a go to warmer weather scent for me.  Most of my faves are what other people might find cloying and too sweet so not what I generally want to wear when it’s hot out. This will be a nice alternative to my lemon and coconut summer and spring scents.

Edited by JakkieTreehorn

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Typical lab chocolate note (which I personally love), rich and Bliss like. VERY buttercream. If you are looking for a fattening buttercream scent, look no further. Probably as gourmand as it gets. Great throw. Careful! People might bite you.

Edited by wolf_truffles

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A little bit of cocoa powder, a fuckton of buttercream. That is what I'm getting from this. The cocoa powder is most noticeable when this is first applied, and then it quickly becomes mostly about the buttercream, which is bright and has a slight tang to it. It doesn't smell particularly chocolate-y on me throughout the day, as the chocolate quickly retreated to the background on me and then isn't even detectable after a few hours.


If you're looking for buttercream, you will be happy with this one. If you're looking for chocolate, it's not as in-your-face chocolate as some of the Lab's other (regularly available!) chocolate scents like Bliss, Chad, or The Other Hot Chocolate. I bet this would be great for layering, though.

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This was a yummy chocolate frosting on me that faded fast and disappeared on me quickly. So sad 😭 

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This is a very light and smooth chocolate frosting. I like it more than I thought I would, and it's not cloyingly sweet thankfully, but the throw fades quickly. I'll keep my decant!

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Freshly applied, this smells exactly like chocolate buttercream frosting. Agree with wolf_truffles, it's making me want to take a bite of myself. Creamy, sugary, vanilla-chocolately, crying out for a cupcake and sprinkles to go with it.

Definitely not a chocolate ganache.

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Freshly applied it's a whole lot of buttercream and a smidge of chocolate. Once dry, shea butter that will not be convinced to go away. A lot of the Lab's chocolate notes go shea butter on me unfortunately. C'est la vie.

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Rich chocolate buttercream frosting, Sweet but not cloying. Not overly buttery. Maybe it’s made with half butter and half shortening, lol.  And plenty of cocoa powder for sure! 

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