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Portrait of Princess Marthe Bibesco

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This is 100% pure butterscotch. I literally cannot detect a single other note. Super disappointed. 

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Giving me 100% Bit o Honey candy.


I never get rose.  Toffee and Honey dust front & center. Drydown, spicy powdery sweet comes in some... I think that's the musk...., but it's still a candy girl.


I was hoping for more ooomf from the silk/musk notes.  Will try again in a few weeks after it settles.


If you liked the Honey taffy offerings in the past you should like this one.  Definitely candy foodie varietal.







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I love this! It’s definitely toffee forward and I do smell the white rose as it dries. White rose is much more subtle than most other rose notes and I can see why Beth chose it to be included in this. It actually smells a little bit like a relative of Millennial Pink to me. Gourmand lovers will be happy :)

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On my skin I get rich toffee and bourbon vanilla layered over white rose petals. My experience is a bit different to other reviewers because I can smell the rose and I get alot of bourbon vanilla as well. The toffee is also definitely present here. The honey dust is just a light dusting. I would describe this as being a decadent, gourmand with a white rose background. 

Edited by becca_s

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In the bottle, this smells like burnt sugar toffee, just like my darling Red Lantern. Just slap you in the face with sugar.


On the skin, the toffee is overwhelming, but quickly fades until I can only really smell it in the throw. Nose to skin, I can't smell it at all, just a warm, soft, skin scent with a hint of honey and a breath of rose. This is (eventually) MUCH gentler and more delicate than I would have expected even ten minutes ago.


I kinda like it.

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Echoing that this is toffee-forward, enshrouded in a cloud of honey dust. The honey dust is a little more on the musky side, but that could be the auburn musk. It's not as sweet as you would expect, if that makes sense. To me, it smells like how I wish a fuzzy bumblebee dusted with pollen would smell. The musk is also pretty present for me and it's a cuddly and brown musk. I think I get the white rose petals as a green note rather than a floral note. To me, it smells like the velvet waft of dewy air on a rose petal. It's almost vegetal, but it doesn't quite get there. I don't really get any of the silk.


Generally, this reminds me of Famous Kabuki Actors in Imagined Scenes of Lovemaking. I was getting a very strong lettuce note that did not play well with the honey dust from that perfume, and this perfume does veer in that direction. It doesn't quite get there, so I'm still not quite sure how I feel about this one. If you're into the idea of a toffee perfume, though, this is probably going to be a big hit.

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STRONG toffee in the decant.

On my skin, there was a brief light musky vanilla rose scent I quite liked. Then my skin ate it all up. POOF!

That rarely happens, but it's always amazing to me when it does. No notes in common with Bon Vivant, my other fastest-disappearing test drive. 

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This is so awesome. The first disappointed review convinced me I needed a bottle, and I'm thrilled to have one. This doesn't smell like butterscotch. This smells like Ghost Milk with a hint of toffee and vanilla sparkles. I love it. It would be cool to smell the rose, but I don't. Maybe it will develop later. Wearing this brings an immediate, long lasting smile to my face and brightens my day. Also, the scent lasts forever on me- lingering into 12 hour longevity. 

Edited by HerbGirl

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Beautiful, gourmand rose.  The toffee, vanilla, and honey are really unique and I can smell them in equal measure, melding into this creamy, sweet, deep, golden scent.  It really smells like toffee (and not brown sugar, which is what I get when most house's say they have a toffee scent), the honey is the most pleasant, candied honey I have ever smelled, and the vanilla is so creamy and luxurious.  The rose smells like rich, dried, red roses petals and a hint of dewy, fresh rose.  I've been getting sick of vanilla rose scents lately, but the toffee and honey make this really special.  A little dab on my arms or in my hair also lasts all day with really strong throw.  It changes over hours of wear to have more and more of the gourmand portion taking over while the rose becomes more subtle (but never disappears entirely).  The monthly painting series is full of so many loves for me.  I wish that The Salon would come back and they could be GC instead of limited editions because I wish more people were able to try them.

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I tried this twice.

The first time, this was mostly toffee and the dark, toffee-like honey that reminds me of Lush's Honey I Washed the Kids and Harlow's Lace, backed by some rose. The toffee note in this is on point and I could even envision the sugar crystals and the hardened toffee. The toffee smells so realistic and does not remind me of butterscotch, which I dislike.


The second time I tried this, a week later, it was more rose-heavy on me! The rose is fresh on me and not a jammy variety.  It was mostly rose in the throw (and it had good throw!), backed by that toffee and honey combo that did morph into the realistic toffee scent again, but accompanied by a lot more rose. So it was way more flormand than foodie this time around.


I don't think I need more of this than the decant, but if smelling like toffee and rose sounds good to you, this will be right up your alley.

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This is very pretty, in an old-fashioned sort of way! It's like...being in an elegant parlor, eating some type of classic sticky toffee candy, surrounded by white roses. I want to say there's something nostalgic about it, again, not in a bad way - a kind of stately baroque feel, as you sit upon that parlor sofa with good posture and breathe in the scent of roses and nibble your dark-honey-toffee bonbons. It reminds me a little of Parlement of Foules - I think it's that white rose - but PoF is more softly resinous, and this Portrait's more gourmand, with the dark sweetness.


I would say it's *more* toffee-honey than rose, on me, but the rose is definitely there; I do get it wandering in. Good throw!

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