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BPAL Madness!

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This year we'll be donating to Athlete Ally, a wonderful org striving to help improve LGBTQI+ inclusivity in sports and athletics programs for all ages. They provide resources and curricula for students, teachers, coaches, and teams. https://www.athleteally.org/


"Fear not, for even judgments which seem written in stone will succumb to the passage of time,
softened by persistent exposure to the tireless elements, gradually ceding ground to monuments of the new age."


A memorial garland of white sandalwood streaked with lapsang souchong, chilled vanilla, and benzoin.

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Blind bottle Win!

Marble Wreath is predominantly a Tea/Vanilla blend on me, & I am smitten :wub2:.  It's reminiscent of 2004: Paper Phoenix, one of my all-time favorite blends.

The vanilla & benzoin are smooth, blending beautifully with the tea.  The Lapsang Souchong hasn't revealed any smokiness on my skin yet. Maybe that will change with age?  There's also a faint green note, which reminds me a little bit of the olive blossom note in Defututa. The "chilled" note in Marble Wreath's vanilla is subtle, more like the slush in Pink Snowballs than the snow in Snow White (which my skin wrecks.)

After 2 hours, it's very subtle on my skin.  I have to bring my wrist close to my nose to smell it. I'm also wearing it in my scent locket on some felt, which provides more throw & retains the tea note longer.

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