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Lavender-infused vanilla cream with crystalline flowers and a hint of red velvet cake.


Normally I let scents rest for at least a day after arrival, but I was too excited to test this one! I'll update this if it ends up being really different after it has had time to settle.

In the bottle: The crystalline flowers are the star of the show, shooting through the lavender-infused vanilla cream (more vanilla than lavender) and red velvet cake, the latter of which I can smell most prominently after I've inhaled deeply. Some of the flowers I think I am smelling are honeysuckle and orange blossom. I'm reminded of Muse of Fire, if it were accompanied by foodie elements.

Wet: I'm getting a blast of bright, somewhat effervescent florals (they read as yellow and orange) tamed by the lavender-infused vanilla cream. The ice cream note gains strength as the scent sits on my skin, further taming the bright floral notes, and the lavender aspect of the vanilla cream starts to really gain its footing, so that the scent is beginning to read more as purple, although the yellow and orange flowers are still very present.

Dry: The red velvet cake note has emerged, and I can smell both the cake and the frosting really well. It's the scent of red velvet cupcakes drifting through a garden full of bright flowers, where a tea party is being held, and the lavender-infused vanilla cream is beginning to melt. I think there may be some orchid in this, and maybe some freesia, but I could be wrong. Although the bright flowers haven't gone away, I'm definitely getting the darker colors of the rainbow now.

Verdict: This one is certainly evocative of its name! As a fan of sugary florals, I am thrilled to have it! But it's not one that I feel the need to hoard (as the lavender and vanilla are not the main players on me).

This is more floral than gourmand, so if you're mostly hoping for vanilla cream and red velvet cake, this one is probably not for you. The florals play a very big role in this one.


Retest on 4/26/18, three months later:

I'm getting strong strawberry from this now, but it's more like strawberry candy or jam than actual strawberry. The crystalline florals are next in prominence, followed by the lavender-infused vanilla cream. I'm also getting more of the red velvet cake than I did initially. I thought the lavender-infused vanilla cream or red velvet cake might become more prominent with age, and while I get a bit more of the red velvet cake than before, it's mostly about strawberry candy and crystalline, Muse of Fire-like florals on me.

Edited by dementia_divine

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I don’t get any florals at all in my bottle! In the bottle and on my skin it reminds me of a mix of Resin Cast Meat Skull and Strawberry Sufganiyot. I get the vanilla cream and something reminding me of red jelly or jam. The red velvet cake note reminds me of the Sufganiyot donut note. If you love foody/donut scents, you will love this. I adore this so much and I am so happy to have it!

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Strawberry vanilla cake with a whiff of lavender and flowers. This is a fruity, sweet cakey confection. It reminds me to lavender macarons - in the sense that its a foodie with a strong floral component. Sugary sweet flowers is the drydown. Good throw and wear length.

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On my skin oh short dry down this is definitely crystalized flowers with lavender (not crystaly) and some of the cream. I think somewhee deep down is the cake, it is not amping on me currently. This is evenly matched floral and foody, not really wholly one of the other.

An interesting blend, interested to get to the late dry down as often scents take a while to really settle on my skin.

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Wet: Cake and flowers! Not getting any lavender.

Dry: If someone smeared a bunch of white flowers with frosting, it would smell like this!
I think if you’re a fan of florals but not foody scents, you would still like this. (Goes the other way as well.)

Edited by donkehpoo

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This smells like cake and flowers.  I never got any lavender, just sweetness and florals.  It reminds me of of a friend showing up with a cupcake and flowers for your birthday - not too much sweetness, not too many flowers - everything in the right proportions.


For my taste, it’s a little foodie, but I knew that going in and wanted to try it anyway.  

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This was gifted to me by a friend and I never reviewed it.


That friend was wanting to test Circus Bear (Damn everything but the circus! A scent for Tom and for Lilith, the Empress and the Hierophant at the carnival: rose, gardenia, styrax, and frankincense splattered with cotton candy and the white glop in the middle of Oreos.) against Hierophant and the Empress (Red and white roses, everblooming gardenia, violet leaf, Oman frankincense, styrax, honey myrtle, mallow flower.)  and reading her review for Circus Bear made me want to retest Rainbow Swirl. 


I do not get lavender from this in any capacity, but, the red velvet cake note combined with ice cream on me reminds me so much of the oreo in Circus Bear. The crystalline flowers are beautiful and crystalline is a perfect description as they seemed etched it to the red velvet cakes frosting. This combination is flourmand and delightful.


Over time however it becomes more of a strawberry flourmand and that is what keeps this scent being a favorite and delegates it to the “Interesting scents I revisit” category. 

Edited by Missanneshirleyofgg

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Something like a strawberry and pineapple Starburst candy, slightly sour. Dries down to all sour pineapple with a slightly fizzy, clean edge to it. Makes me think of pineapple flavored bubly water. Nothing that smells like lavender, vanilla or cake to me at all.

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