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Recollection Bath Oil

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Marshmallow root, cream vanilla, Roman chamomile, and cocoa butter.

Oh, my. Recollection is so lovely. One of the TP's gentler-smelling bath oils, and I mean that in the best way possible. It's a bit un-quantifiable. Not like, say, Peacock Queen, where you "smell like roses," or Pumpkin Pie Ice cream where you smell, well, exactly like pumpkin pie ice cream. No. Recollection is more of a soft skin scent, where the compliment is simply "Oh. Oh, you smell good" and you can purr a bit with the knowledge that you most certainly do.


I used Recollection in the bath, applied to my wet skin. In the bottle and during initial application, the fuzzy marshmallow root was front and center, a fraternal twin to the Lab scent Stekkjarstaur. Love. As the oil warms on the skin, it takes on the creaminess of Boo, luckily without the salty under-tang I sometimes got from Boo itself. Then in the bath, a soft tea scent hangs close to the skin. Now that I am dry and warm, I notice the cocoa butter most, though the hints of all the other notes linger, too.


I'm really in love. Recollection is delightful as a standalone scent, but it would easily work under perfume oils or hair gloss scents without overwhelming anything. Basically, it's the way I wish I smelled naturally, all the time.

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This is super light and fluffy. The marshmallow to me is a melted sticky marshmallow. I almost get a slight caramel sweetness but not quite. The vanilla is creamy and delicious. I'm not getting the tea but the cocoa butter is obviously there. This is beautiful and I can't wait until I get my Stekkjarstaur in so I can pair them :)

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This is lovely. Warm buttery marshmallow. It reminds me of when you melt marshmallow and butter together to make rice krispie treats. Not really getting any camomile. This will pair beautifully with Stekk, and also with marshmallow cookie pie.


Creamy, foodie and sweet without being cloying. Love it!


I should note that I used it as moisturizer rather than in the bath.

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Recollections is a lovely, fluffy, comfort scent. It is primarily cocoa butter on my skin with a definitely vanilla marshmallow bedding. I do not get chamomile at all. This is straight up buttery cocoa butter and soft sweet marshmallow cream. It's very sweet but very gentle. Not overbearing at all! Falls pretty comfortably into a gourmand category. Heavier and creamier than Stekk. I want to cuddle up with this scent and sleep with it.

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I use my bath oils as after-shower moisturizers. Recollection is a lovely scent, and very wearable as a scent in any setting. The marshmallow is not overly sweet, it is warmed by the cocoa butter, and the vanilla is mixed into the mèlange, making this a comforting foodie scent. This is a great companion for Stekk, although the cocoa butter makes this a bit heavier in feel than Stekk's light fluffiness.

Edited by Poenari

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Wearing this as a moisturizer.


I'm getting mostly cocoa butter and marshmallow - it is a bit sweeter than I expected. There's almost a honey/caramel/butter quality to this which fades after initial application. It's really pleasant and comforting but may be a bit too sweet for my personal taste (I don't really do foody/sweet scents).

Edited by brineydeep

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Recollection is sweet foodie vanilla with marshmallows. I get slight caramel/butter notes to this. Definitely the most foodie of the Lupercalia 2016 bath oils I've tried.

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I love the way that this smells. It's a buttery, warm, marshmallowy vanilla that reminds me of making rice krispies treats (and now that I'm reading over the other reviews, I see the rice krispies thing has already been mentioned ^_^). Simple, buttery marshmallow goodness. Foodie heaven. I think this is my favorite bath oil ever.

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I had to buy this as soon as I saw the notes. First, because I'm a vanilla slut and love every note but also because it's very similar to Formula 72 massage oil from a few years back.


I tested a bit on dry skin before bed side by side and they are definitely closely related. I don't get straight up sticky marshmallow from this the way I do from Stekk but it's definitely lending some sugar. The vanilla cream is TO DIE FOR and I'm falling hard and fast for this particular vanilla note. The cocoa butter just melts into my skin, wrapping up everything into the perfect soft, sweet scent. No one note is shouty or discordant, this is coziness in a bottle. I doubt I can bring myself to actually pour this in the bath!

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Got a sample of Recollection from a lovely forumite and 1000% concur this is a beautifully soft, creamy vanilla. It's not highly fragranced, and I further dilute it by mixing it into unscented lotion then slathering it all over (definitely not wasting this in a bath lol). That way it stays skin close and my skin doesn't eat the scent in 10 minutes like it does everything else.

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