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I almost never test the frimps from the Lab, preferring instead to keep them neat and tidy and available for the young person in my house. There are many, and so periodically I browse and send a few off in any bottle sale. For whatever reason, Czernobog goes away a lot, but I received him again in a recent Lab order, and today he called for examination.


In vial: Syrupy and with a sharp herbal or piney edge.


Wet: Syrupy still and ...deep, warming, elusive.


Final: Soft, almost melting, like a dark cola dressed in amber. 


I have no idea how any of the scent description is morphing into what it is on me, but Czernobog is apt for right now and wears well with staid black. Not sure about throw, seems stronger than most of my collection. Lasts for hours. Will be full-sizing this one in next order, and reclaiming all but one of the imps!

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i'm gonna say black, brown, and red musks, because it seems like i smell them in very distinct stages.  opens with black, kind of heavy and soapy.  not my favorite musk, but it never reaches its full potency. black gives way to brown, furry and snuggly.  eventually red musk wins out on my skin, sweet and snake-oily.  i like that stage very much.  the other musks are not invisible, but they're just bolstering the red and it's pretty sexy.


now the other stuff. in the bottle, it's potent af.  sharp evergreen and heavy musk and resin and scorchy vetiver. it's kind of a lot, but i know that my skin tames a lot of those things so let's do this.


there's definitely a lemony type thing going on at first.  not real citrus, something lemon-adjacent.  myrrh, vetiver, and black musk have all thrown me a lemony curveball in the past, so it could be any or all or none of them. WHO KNOWS?  i like it though. along with that evergreen note, it gives some necessary lift to all that heavy stuff.  it threatens to go a little soapy for a bit while the black musk holds sway, but never quite gets there before another musk takes over.


i love the way red musk and vetiver play off one another, the sweetness and the scorch.  that's what came out on top for me, boosted by the darker musks and incensey myrrh, with green and lemony top notes that hold it aloft.  it actually ends up quite sweet.  i like this. maybe a lot.  it smells a little like that first whiff when you open the bpal box.

Edited by MamaMoth

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I put this in my oil diffuser and it made my room smell like spicy farts. 🤢


EDIT: Well, after a while, it settles into a much more bearable scent of black pepper with a woodsy foundation. Still, I can't say I like it.

Edited by MolyH

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I love this one. There are echoes and shared notes with another of my absolute favorites, Streets of Detroit, so maybe that's why I enjoy Czernobog so very much. The mullein and vetiver bring this into a different direction, though. Mysterious, a little disturbing. Dark af.


If you like Smut and vetiver, also try this one. 

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Czernobog is the smell of rot. It’s a headless deer decaying in the forest. You slink behind a large pine tree and poke your head around the other side- just to watch the deer stand up and prance away. This is seriously pine-y upon the opening, and the musks come together just to remind me of rot and decay. It smells of death to me, something sick and twisted. 

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Put on this little imp without checking notes. Loved the woodsy opening and then it was a Snake Oil flanker wrapped in vetiver! Very Black Phoenix "type". Looking` at the notes, I guess it is the mullein responsible for the earthy/woody/green scent. Good back up if (god forbid) we run out of snake oil.

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To begin with it's all strong, dark musk and vetiver. After a minute or so, a lighter musk comes out, and I think it's the combination of that with the mullein that gives it an undertone of something like air freshener, which sticks around longer than the darker notes. I like the initial phase, but I don't like how it changes on my skin.

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