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Crazy Kuranes' Patented Anti-Zoog Spray

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Atmospheric and linen mist.
Keep those nasty little zoogs at bay with our patented anti-zoog spray!
The crisp mountain air mingles with the scent of Agokelrar Tree sap and phoruugrom blossoms in a blend that is vaguely reminiscent of a mixture of Earth's camellia, pink grapefruit, and verbena.

The grapefruit and verbena definitely stand out in this spray. There is a quality to this that really does make me think of chill mountain air. It's light, citrusy and just sweet enough without being overly so.

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I LOVE THIS STUFF!! The few atmo sprays I’ve tried tend to be a bit heavy for my tastes, but this one is extremely light and fresh. Mainly getting grapefruit with a touch of camellia. A hint of verbena, but the grapefruit is primary, I think. I am so going to order another bottle before the Underworld Cup stuff goes away! They should put this on their permanent offerings!

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I have no idea what camellia smells like, but I definitely get the grapefruit and verbena from this. Primarily the grapefruit, and not the sticky-sweet fake grapefruit scent that kills the soul, a nice tart and fresh grapefruit. There is a sweetness to the spray, which might be the camellia? I hear it's vaguely like honeysuckle, but fainter. There's also a bite to it, which I guess is the "crips mountain air." But mostly fresh grapefruit.


Nice bright smell, a bit light (if you want a heavier smell, just use more, of course), but I could still smell it when I came back to the room two hours later. I don't know if it will last all day, but it's really wonderful.

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I forgot what was in this when I first sprayed it all over my house, and thought, "Yay! Limes!"

It's such a zingy, energizing, happy citrus scent. It's sweet, but not candied smelling, and it's not too tart for me either... more of a juicy citrus to my nose. The husband is sometimes not too impressed with my room scents, but he said this one is "a favorite."


As usual, the spray is really strong and a quick spritz scented our large livingroom area for about six hours.


I might have to get a second bottle of this before it goes away...

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Gorgeously fresh citrus. It borders slightly on generic air freshener, but it's pure scent, without any of that nasty chemical aftertaste. I'm fairly frugal with the spray, but it still lasts a respectable period of time. Love it.

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OK...so at first spray, I get pink grapefruit.


Usually, I love citrus scents, grapefruit is a particular favorite when it makes a bold appearance - Baobhan Sith, I feel in Love with a Floating Brain, etc.


However, this grapefruit I did not like and it did not like me. Oh, it was true pink grapefruit all right, but this is one bitter, acrid, pink grapefruit, destroyer of worlds. Very Lovecraftian. It frightened me. Sometimes Beth is scary good at her job - she can apparently design something that smells both refreshing and evil.


I leave the room. Wait fifteen minutes. Come back. ARRRRGH pink grapefruit! nothing else. I continue my epic battle with the astral grapefruit.


Strangely enough, I bought this because I was told that citrus-scents are good for space clearing and mood-lifting, getting rid of bad vibes, so to speak.

Well, this stuff is strong enough to drive most anything away, very effective. No wonder the Zoogs have fled. It almost drove me away. However, I did not lose faith.


In my experience, the BPTP atmosphere sprays soften and sweeten up considerably with time, becoming more complex as different notes come forward, so I waited.


Fifteen minutes pass. I check again. The grapefruit is still there, still strong, but not as bitter. Oddly enough, it is kind of cheerful now. I feel like the tyrannical grapefruit has pummeled the zoogs to death and is now basking in its victory, radiating pleasure and calm.


I grew up around many old citrus orchards, and this smells a bit like a grapefruit orchard warmed by the sun. This is a sunny summer scent.


I leave for another fifteen minutes. Come back and hello! We have lemon verbena. A very sweet, herby lemon verbena, almost exactly like the kind used in Meyer's natural soaps. Every once in awhile I get a gentle hint of camellia, which is more astringent than floral, like the aroma wafting up from a cup of white tea. The grapefruit is still present but has faded into the background. Perhaps the stars are no longer right and the Elder Grapefruit has gone to sleep.


And hour after spritzing, the Anti-Zoog spray is the scent of night air off the desert, so well blended you can't discern individual notes. It is remarkably similar to 51.


We had a rough start, but in the end, I have to say this scent is a favorite. The drydown is lovely, and not a Zoog in sight.


edited for: my typing sucks. typos fixed.

Edited by crimescenecleanup

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I smelled the camellia first, strongest, and last, but the grapefruit had a definite presence as well. It's kind of a strange combination, with the sweet floral scent of the camellia battling it out with the sour tang of the grapefruit. It's very pleasant, though, especially since I love both of those notes. I didn't particularly notice the verbena, perhaps because its scent is similar enough to the grapefruit to blend in with it. The fragrance didn't last as long in the air as the other BPTP sprays I've tried. But it did last at least as long, or longer, than supermarket air-freshener sprays do, and it smells so much more natural and beautiful.


My rating: 4.5 stars

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Grapefruit, and a hint of verbena and white flowers. It's very light and crisp.


It does remind me to 51.

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