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BPAL Madness!

It Jittered Out of the Woods

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Omg this is sweet and dry grassy out of the bottle, like vanilla hay? It’s not at all what I expected! Immediately excited to put it on.


Wow, very sweet. That myrrh is cranked up to 11. There’s a slight ozoneish backdrop. Is there dead leaves in this perhaps? I get an ever so slight cologne but I think I’ve only ever smelled DL once. I do think I smell the corn. 

Wearable for sure, not as atmospheric as one would think. Very sweet, slight cologny ozone. I’m not sure how I feel about this yet!


Gonna let it sit and retest after a spell.

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I completely am with @Bassmastadroog in the fact that this smells oddly clean and ozonic.

There is something in here that reminds me of this almond and shea soap I used to use years ago. My Mother even smelled it and agreed with me. 

It's lovely, but definitely not what I was expecting. I could easily wear this all year round, it's inoffensive and actually a little comforting. 

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Wet: gourd smell, somewhere in-between raw and cooked. Butter, something vaguely citrus over the mixed spice of dead leaves and oak, and a bitter drop of myrrh.


It ended up as buttery gourd innards mixed with spicy oak, leaves and myrrh. The myrrh slowly amped.

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This scent is way sweeter than what I imagined too. Sweet grassy and fresh opening. I can smell the ozone too. The gourds are damp, these gourds definitely have been unearthed however, there is no smell of dirt. These gourds are sitting in a beautifully spiced woods which must be the oak and myrrh. I was worried about the dead leaves as I do not like the DL note but I do not smell it here. I was also curious about the corn husk but I couldn't really detect any corn but maybe that's what is helping make this scent so sweet.


I am pretty shocked at how much I like this scent considering I don't normally like fresh or ozonic scents. I think I'm enjoying it because it's mixed with the myrrh and oak leaves which is really nice. Over time the ozone fades slightly into the background and the sweet spicy gourd scent becomes more dominant. It is oddly comforting in a good way.

Edited by she's a carnival

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 it is indeed buttery pumpkin guts splattered over a dark/ozone/slinky wood background. I don't know what I expected. It reminds me of Jack, except the peach/spice glow has gone out. Still a bit spicy from the oak leaves though.

Pumpkin massacre aftermath would be a good alternate name.

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I got a last minute bottle of this before Halloweens left the site, but I don't think that this smells anything like it's supposed to.  It's soapy, cloying sweet, and has a strong, powdery, tart floral thing going on.  Creamy, pink, tart floral soap, heavily scented, leaning feminine and generic soap bar scented.  It doesn't change at all over hours of wear and it has massive throw and staying power (why is it always the blends I hate that stick to my skin forever and have to be scrubbed away).

If I try very hard, I can maybe smell a dried hay note way in the background and some sour woodsmoke every once in a while.  Myrrh is one of my favorite smells and there is no myrrh here, and nothing about it reminds me of Jack or pumpkins / gourds.  Sickly floral soap, leans pink, tart, and powdery.  I'm very confused by how it smells versus how it was described.

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