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Blog Comments posted by smallvoice

  1. That rocks! Hee. I'd have that as my avatar if I could. :blush:


    I'm filing a complaint with a state government agency about the phone troubles we've been having. I'm hopeful we can get it resolved that way- our line is frozen, though- Verizon verified that we can't get service through them until we clear things up with the assholes at Trinsic. /update hijack!

  2. That would be a really nice feature- to be able to call up a list of people who have low ratings, and also if we could call up people who have been reported for swaplifting, who maybe did not get rated for it.


    Duck Mountain was supposed to send me Beaver Moon, which is one of the few things I was willing to trade that bottle for. I've reported her and left negative feedback and I encourage anyone else in the same situation to do the same. I just feel awful, y'know?


    As an aside: SCHOOL IS OUT!!! :P :D Congrats on surviving!

  3. :P Por que?




    Ugh. I hate when that happens. I'm the worst about berating myself too (I still randomly beat myself up for stupid social faux pas from over a decade ago!) but you know what? The suckage will pass. You might suck now, but it's incidental suck. Not inherent.


    Math profs are pretty hard to argue with (I could at least get partial credit from the physics instructors for doing the work, even if the end result was all wrong) but maybe there's something you can do to bring your score up a bit? Extra credit work or, I dunno... hm. Has the class gone over the test? Sometimes the more statistically oriented instructors will at least give back points for questions that everybody got wrong (as this is an indication that the teacher failed rather than the students).


    Eh. Yeah, I know, I'm reaching a bit. But again, incidental suck. This too shall pass.


    Well, there is still the final exam. We'll go over the test on monday, but I just feel... like, how did I blow that so badly? I worked really hard to learn it, and I felt confident except for two things... apparently those last two problems were weighted pretty heavily. Dude. I don't know how wide and long the path that Jack built around the patio is. Where the hell was that problem in the homework? Arrgh. Anyway. The other one I really should have known. My brain just wouldn't work, for whatever reason.


    The final is, of course, comprehensive. However, if all of our online exams are above 90% (which all of mine are), he'll add 5% to the score. Not only that, but the final won't bring our grade down; it'll only factor in if it improves our grades, AND... If it is higher than any of our tests, the score will replace the lower scores. It's a pretty sweet deal. I'm just wondering if I can actually pull a decent score. I do know that come monday and tuesday, I'm going to be spending some quality time in the tutor center.


    I WANT a 3.5 from this class, because I want to know it that well. Does that make sense? I feel so all over the place.

  4. Re: Melrose: I think if I'd watched from the beginning, she would bug the hell out of me for those exact reasons, but I sort of tuned in right before they sent that poor little girl home. (On her graduation night! And then chided her for mentioning it!! Freaks.)


    There is something odd about Ali Larter's proportions or something; I was mentioning it to my husband last night. But I like her as an actress and her character in the show.


    If I could look like one person on the show it'd be Mohinder's ex. She is lovely and she carries herself so gracefully! sigh. Or, possibly, Eden. I'd dress up like a pixie every day. I'm back to body image, because I saw this girl at the fitness center today who was absolutely tiny. She was the size of my pinky. I don't want to be that skinny (though it was okay on her proportions, I thought) but I'm back to moaning about my weight anyway. Hah.


    I think you're right about the other announcer guy. And he IS annoying.


    You know what, though? They didn't save the cheerleader. Or, at least, there's a cheerleader they failed to save, and that makes me feel like they somehow let the world down. Heroes, get it together!


    So, yeah. Just rambling, I guess! I had a rough day. I will be so glad when classes are out next week. Dude. I screwed up my last math exam, so I need to take the final. So I need to review everything we've covered, which is surprisingly quite a lot. Okay, done now!

  5. Is Ali Larter Niki? I know Claire's actress is Hayden something with a P. If so, gasp! I :D Niki. I pretty much :D all of them, really. Except for Peter. Guh. Kill him already. And I'm so-so on Isaac. Like, I can do without him.


    Isn't the narrator Mohinder? I noticed that I hate how Americans pronounce his name, but when people in India say it, it sounds perfect and beautiful. We need more India! :P Anyway! I'm late for school, sort of.


    Oh! No pictures of the 'snark-meet. I wasn't thinking, sorry!

  6. Inky-


    Aww, I'm sorry you missed the sign-ups. It sounded like you needed a break from it anyway, though. I had a really good Thanksgiving and I got to meet Snarky! What's not to love about that? When are you going to get on over to the Pacific NW?




    If I'd known you were a fan of Heroes, I probably would have talked your ear off about it, because it is my new Great Love, even before Rock Star and depending on how future seasons progress, it may usurp Buffy (gasp).


    I went on too much about ANTM, so it's going to be a new entry instead of a reply. Heh.



    Antimony is in there, and yellowroses, and I've got ideas for 'snarky and Ms. Inkdarkmoon. Things are starting to take shape! Now I need to map out basic scenes- how things unfold.


    But I'm really tired. And I have to get up early tomorrow! But it's all good.


    For lil ole me? Wow! We're going to be able to read this, right???


    Well... it depends. On if I like it at all... and how far along I get into it... and if I edit it. And of course for you! Like I could leave you out! I need to sketch out in my head what kind of character you'll be and why you're in this limbo sort of place. It's sort of a supernatural crossroads... or labyrinthine thingy. It's a thing. Anyway! Do you want to be earthbound or otherwise?


    Hee! This little group is rather, uhm.. colorful! I once read that the Valentina comix by Crepax were dark and hallucinatory, kind of like my life, at times. Valentina was a fashion photographer. All I do is photograph papier mache heads on my front porch.


    More character depth! I love her! I don't think she'll be a fashion photographer; just a regular photographer. Besides; papier mache heads are way more interesting than fashion.

  8. More inspiration!


    I know Valentina isn't your real name, but she's going to be based off of how I perceive you, with some embellishment, and now I know what she looks like, too! I'm pretty excited about November arriving now.


    Antimony is in there, and yellowroses, and I've got ideas for 'snarky and Ms. Inkdarkmoon. Things are starting to take shape! Now I need to map out basic scenes- how things unfold.


    But I'm really tired. And I have to get up early tomorrow! But it's all good.

  9. The package should arrive (sans knitting project) monday or tuesday. There was a small one earlier, but nothing really in between. I got caught up in life issues, but I tried to be communicative. I just haven't been lately.


    I was going to draw you something, but now I'm glad I didn't! :P I would now be embarrassed. But I am so glad that you got praised on your creativity, because now you know you have it in you! And you were so worried about lacking in that area! :rofl:


    Oh, and Snarky, if you're reading this, I loved your post about wearing the striped socks to your departmental dinner- it made me laugh, in a much needed, good sort of way!


    yr- where are yooou? I miss hearing from you.

  10. We're slowly getting back there. We hadn't realized how much of our energy was going towards him- we were basically parenting him, and it was our fault for enabling him, too. We've learned stuff, and we're adjusting to it being just us again and things are about to get fun again... I have missed having time alone with him! It is simply delicious. :nervous:

  11. I'm sure you watched him leave with some relief and some remorse. You and your hubby were very kind to take him in for as long as you did, especially as newlyweds.


    I feel like we got conned, and then I feel guilty for feeling that way. I wonder if he's lying, and I wonder if it matters. I feel glad that he's gone, and then I feel- you guessed it!- guilty. I feel angry that he didn't thank us, and I'd like to chalk that up to just him being who he is, but that even makes me mad. I feel awful for all the lengths my family and friends went to for him because he was my friend and I let him in. I feel angry that my husband and I didn't really get to be newlyweds because we were too busy parenting him. I cried this morning because we usually chat when I head out to school, and I just realized that it's never going to happen again. I feel guilty for feeling sad that he's gone, and I wonder if I did lose a friend, or if I lost a stranger. I just don't know what to do with the whole experience. I don't want this to become an angry part of me. And I don't want it to close me off from people, but I also don't want to feel taken advantage of again. I know everyone around me is acting like it's this big huge relief and celebration is in order and whatnot, and I agree and understand, but I miss my friend. And I shouldn't have to feel guilty for that. I don't have to feel guilty for it. I just do.


    (Wow, this should've been the entry, I guess. Sorry!)

  12. Thanks for the input and advice, guys. :) I really do appreciate it.


    With regards to my husband's cat's health: He has had her on food specifically to reduce the risk of hairballs, and he's had her on worm medication for about a year. Neither one changed her pattern at all. When she vomits (this may be tmi, folks) it sounds like she's getting ready to get rid of a hairball, but it is usually pretty well digested. She does also throw up when she eats too quickly.


    We have her food, water and litter box in our bedroom. She wants to go out and run around; it's obvious she has cabin fever, but she allows herself to be intimidated by my cat. She's been here for 10 months, and there's not even the slightest hint that she is willing to fight for even the smallest amount of ground. It doesn't seem fair to her, and I'm not sure I could deal with having the litter box in our room for years.


    I'm definitely going to be asking the vet when we take her in, and I may also go find a cat forum to discuss the issue upon. Thank you again for your support!

  13. How long has this been going on? My mother has tons and I mean TONS of cats, (like 50, and I am not joking either). Over the years she has had cat-situations like that, where one is timid and the other aggressive...and it usually just straightens itself out over time.


    I would hate to see either one of you have to give away a pet that you love...are you absolutely sure there is no waiting it out?

    (unless one is significantly bigger/meaner/more claws and teeth than the other, then maybe that's not such a great idea...)


    He got here at the end of December last year. His cat just won't fight for anything. She'll fight back, but as soon as she can, she'll run and hide. So... I don't know. It seems like it's been a fair amount of time to get this straightened out.


    The reason my cat is the one to go is because she's well-adjusted. His cat is temperamental. She wouldn't know how to function without him. And I just can't do that to him anyway. It just sucks.

  14. I'm glad you had such a fantastic time! I love the pictures as well, especially the one of the ruins. And your parents. And... yeah. All of them. :) I am feeling more interested in knitting lately, too, which is sorta good- since it needs to get done! And I am painfully slow. We need pictures of your finished stuff! Okay, talk to you soon.


    (I haven't been the greatest about commenting, either!) :)


    Oh! Glad the job is going so well!

  15. I have never heard the term, but it kind of makes me think of a consipated weener. :) It's not a football term. What the Sam Hill? Son of a buck! (Sorry, I just had to use those terms because they always make me laugh.) I asked a couple of guys in the office and they've never heard it. I may have to Google it, now you have me so curious!


    ETA: From the anti-Webster's, the Urban Dictionary:




    Yeah, I knew that definition, I was just wondering why they didn't bleep him for it. I thought there might be a less graphic definition. :) That's funny.

  16. I wish my switchee would post more too! She doesn't have a blog or an lj or ...anything really. How do people survive without talking about themselves?!?

    I am kidding, sort of. But I really just can't imagine NOT having a blog!


    DPNs are so much fun, once you get the hang of them you will love them...plus I love how clever they make me look! Seriously! I could be dumb as a box of rocks and people will see me fiddling with them and think I am a genius :)


    I know how you feel about ripping back a project, especially one with a deadline. I am making a silk wrap for a friend of mine and that silk is SO SLIPPERY...I have had to rip that f'er back like 5 times already.


    Good luck!


    What're your thoughts on cables? Easier than double points or just different or harder? I just wish I could make something prettier.


    I think I really like knitting and would like to get better. I wasn't sure I'd take to it, and I still haven't finished anything, so it's hard saying, but I think I like it.


    My switchee does post and she has a rather unkept-up blog, but it'd be nice to get more of a feel for her. And everyone on the thread is posting about the "big" gift they're all antsy to send, and I'm all worried, because I don't have a big gift.


    You will have to post pictures of the wrap!

  17. I think I'm going to end up just not getting the crack repaired for a while, which sucks. It should be illegal for those trucks to go rushing around uncovered like that.


    I don't know. Money is just super stressful right now, and I'm getting more and more selfish with it because I feel like I deserve a little extra for carrying everybody (and I say that in a selfish way, because my husband isn't exactly leeching off of me. He definitely contributes in important ways to the household, but this is all new to me...) but the little extra isn't actually there to be used on a whole lot of frivolity. (Is that a word? Frivolousness? Am I making words up now? Heh.)


    I feel awful today re: money, because we got some paperwork from the state disability review board for him, and they've got him scheduled for an exam so they can do a more complete review... and it's scheduled for the end of October. I was feeling so optimistic that we'd get the decision next month (in May we heard it'd be 4-6 months before we'd get it, at the soonest. It's safest to bet that it'll take longer, but...) and now I'm thinking we won't hear anything until January. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it'll be November... Anyway, I'm rambling, and this should be an entry in and of itself. But seriously, thanks for the feedback about the insurance. I think I need to review our policy. I haven't been in the right mindset to do that lately.

  18. If you are still struggling with some of the basics (and that is OK! I struggled for a looo-oong time honey-chile) I might stick with knitting on a single strand of yarn.

    As a matter of fact I have been knitting two years now and I don't think I've ever knit anything with two strands held together. Some of the basic things I started with were the Ribbed for Her Pleasure scarf (learn to knit and purl), and the kerchief in SnB (learn increases and decreases)


    As far as meltdowns...I know a little bit about those two. I have my own, quiet type of meltdown every so often. I had a big one a few years back and it involved a trip in an ambulance, a stomach full of charcoal and a week in the psych ward under observation. One thing I took away from that little vacation? After being in group therapy 5 times a day for a week straight I learned that there are people WAY MORE f*cked up than me!

    So, if nothing else, take heart in that :)


    I actually didn't have trouble with the knitting two strands, but it looked really bad. The two colors got all twisty and it was messy, so no more double-coloured projects for now!


    Do you know where I could find the patterns for the scarf and kerchief you mentioned? I'm so stoked that I can actually read a pattern! I really hate ssk, though.


    I am going to pm you with a link to something I'm knitting right now and you can tell me if it's respectable enough for gifting-- you too, 'Snarky! And Yellowrose! And most anybody else who wants to weigh in.


    Hee! That last line totally cracks me up, because I had a similar awakening in the web community.
