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Status Updates posted by Glambie

  1. Happy birthday, sweetheart! <3 You've been in my thoughts this weekend, and I hope you are able to celebrate this special day with your loved ones. **hugs** We love ya, hon!

  2. Aww! Hey, babe! The past few days have royally sucked...we just hafta get through this move, and hopefully things will slow down. Your comment made me smile!! Will write you soon, sweets! xoxoxo

  3. **waves** Hey, sweetums! Hope you're having a great holiday! :o)

  4. Hope you're having a fun 4th! Enjoy Iron Man! I have the hots for Tony Stark, so I'm jealous. ;o) He just oozes hotness!!

  5. Hey, girly! We've set up the laptop to get wifi from the tablet, so I can hopefully send you a real message later today! Thanks for your sweet note...hugs right back atcha! Oh, and I LOVE your new profile pic, hot mama!! ;o)

  6. Hey, girl!! So happy to see your pm!! <3 <3 <3 We just moved to a new city and don't have internet yet...am trying to get signal from our tablet but it's hit or miss. Will try to send you a message soon!! We've got tons to catch up on! :o)

  7. Aww, sweet thang! I received my AMAZING surprise today, and it lifted my spirits so much! <3 <3 Off to run a quick errand, but I'll write you tonight. You're an absolute treasure, and I adore you! xoxo

  8. Happy birthday, love!! <3 <3 Hope your day is filled with lots of cake, ice cream, and pampering!! xoxo

  9. Perfect timing for the mix cd since we were on the road all weekend! (5 hour drive back home...ugh!) Hubby's now a fan of Superbass; he kept wanting me to replay it! haha Finally back at home but have so much to catch up on. xoxo

  10. xoxo Just got back home after a crazy busy weekend! I hafta run a million errands today, but I've loved getting your updates and will reply soon!! :) Hey guess what? A few of our friends are moving to the West Coast in a few months, so we might be planning a road trip! :D There may be a karaoke night in our futures after all! lol

  11. You are seriously amazing! I've been able to try out several of my amazing imps today, and I'm having a blast (and have found a few new loves)! :) Thank you so much, sweet thang! Your thoughtfulness couldn't have come at a better time. **hugs**

  12. **GLOMP!** I had a LONG message all typed out and ready to go for ya, babe! But it got wiped out by one smite by the internet gods, I'm afraid. Will retype it after I get done with my fun assortment of vaccinations at student health today. :oP xoxo

  13. Happy birthday, sweetheart!!! **hugs** <3 <3 <3 Hope it's a great one!

  14. Thinking of you today. Hang in there with the SS, love. It will work itself out with time. xoxo (Oh, and it's time for FB!!) :oD

  15. ***HUGS*** You're in my thoughts today, sweetie.

  16. Happy birthday, sweetness!! ***HUGS*** Hope your day is amazing!

  17. Happy birthday to one of my favorite GUSPers! Hope you have a fantastic day, sweetheart! :o)

  18. Happy Happy Birthday!!! :oD Hope it's a great one! **HUGS**

  19. Sending very happy birthday wishes your way, love!! **HUGS** <3

  20. lol Yep, I'm on break for another 2 weeks! It's been a crazy summer, and I'm looking forward to getting back into the routine. :) Hope you were able to do something amazing yesterday! xoxo

  21. So how hyped are you for next week?! Wish I could be there to celebrate with ya! **Hugs**

  22. LOL @ belated monster festival!! Yes, a huge festival just for us and our craziness! :oD

  23. xoxo You too, sweetness! *Mwuah!*

  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEETIE!!!!! ***HUGS*** Love ya and am thinking about you today! <3 <3

  25. YAY!! <3 I've missed you! LOL ;)
