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Status Updates posted by cyanidenoir

  1. I'm tired of waking up with achy hips.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sqwook


      Not sure if this is useful to you, but this happens to me whenever I sleep on the futon-as-a-couch. I think it's because my hips can't go "down" where they normally do, because the futon frame is inflexible wood.

    3. MotherKat


      I hate achy hips. :(

    4. cyanidenoir


      sqwook, mine started when I got into my third trimester of pregnancy and then giving birth naturally caused the pain to multiply 10-fold. Plus, like you, we don't exactly have the best sleeping situation.

  2. Damn it..if your status is Available on MSN, then don't flippin' message me back and say you're NOT available. JERK. My man is better than you anyway.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cyanidenoir


      HA! I like that :D

    3. MotherKat


      I don't always remember to change my status, but I'm not gonna be a jerk about it!

    4. cyanidenoir


      Good. Because jerks suck :P

  3. I gotta feelin' that tonights gonna be a good, good night

    1. Fright


      I love this song. It brings back good memories, from when I first met my husband. Thank you. <3

    2. cyanidenoir


      No prob, hon ;) It's my "shit ain't so bad" song.

  4. wondering where this horrible rash on my face came from.

    1. cyanidenoir


      Let me rephrase: how did I get poison ivy on my face when I never go outside x_x

  5. is amazed by some people's selective reading and hearing.

    1. Fright


      :D I am always amazed by this.
  6. PMSing and about to tell my husband where to go

  7. mysteriously nauseous

  8. There is nothing that tea can't fix. Seriously.

  9. Fiercely proud to be American, yet I feel patriotic towards Korea. Contradiction?

  10. Probably shouldn't have had that second piece of cake

  11. Congratulations, Liz (Invidiana)!! You did a wonderful job.

  12. Gah. You're not worth my anger.

  13. I'll feel better once I eat something x_x

  14. Isn't playing with a full deck of cards. But that's ok.

  15. I need 50 bottles of Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Caramel...

  16. Wishes people would let her make up her own mind

  17. Wow, 1 year old and you can already type. I'm so impressed :P

  18. Hey, Kathey! Thanks so much for the samples ^_^

  19. I've been so flippin' busy lately. GAH!

    How are you?

  20. By the way, I was watching Daria yesterday and thought of you ;)

  21. Liz! Love you loads *hugs*

  22. Thank you for adding me! It's nice to meet you ^_^ *is seriously looking for something witty to say but her mind is failing her*

  23. I haven't seen you in a while! How are you?
