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George Pauli - Evening Reading
Soft leather and aged paper, linen sheets, lamp oil, lavender sachets, a splash of rosewater, and a faint tendril of fading hearthsmoke.

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Evening Reading smells like a romance novel and is one of the prettiest bpals I've ever worn.  The rosewater and lavender in the opening are creamy, soft, and delicately sweet with a strong scent of freshly snapped, chilled, green flower stems.  The rosewater isn't perfumey or sharp, so if you were worried about the rosewater like I was, it's more green, smooth, and refreshing than sharply rosy.  It hints at soft, clean skin.  The hearthsmoke isn't smoky at all, but I think that and the lamp oil are giving me an impression of pen ink.  It's the scent of coming to bed and slipping into cool, clean sheets with your windows open to a cool breeze, a vase of fresh flowers from your love on your bedside table, and falling asleep writing in your journal to dream about your person and snuggling into them wearing their favorite leather jacket.  It has an element of coolness and a clean impression to it without being minty or soapy in any way.  I find it really fascinating and evocative.

The monthly paintings have been really impressive to me and this is one of my favorites of the favorites.  Evening Reading and The Blue Door are both such a mood and make me want to travel, dream, and write.

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Wet, I get a lot of leather, hearth smoke, and something with a menthol bite, the lamp oil maybe? As it dries, the minty note disappears and I'm left with soft brown leather and the last coals of a smoldering fire. The lavender sachets and rose water are very faint on me and I don't think I get much linen until after quite a while. I do like the small wisp of floral notes amidst the heavy leather and smoke notes. It draws a nice contrast and keeps this from being too heavy.

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I feel like this scent is really atmospheric. It reminds me of going to vintage bookstores and opening up old leather bound books. The leather smells very realistic and is probably the strongest note on me, followed by the aged paper and lamp oil. To me this is a pretty realistic smell of vintage books and leather chairs. The lavender and rose water are completely drowned out by the other notes here on me. For people who enjoy leather or bookish scents, this might be one to try.

Edited by becca_s

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This is mostly about a very bold leather note on me, accompanied by a cucumber-like paper note, and some incense-y hearthsmoke. I don't love this leather, paper, or smoke. The lavender is missing in action on me, and I only get a hint of rosewater after it has been dry for a few hours. At least I didn't get a bunch of linen with the leather, paper, and smoke notes, though. I'm not sure what is representing the lamp oil here, but the leather, cucumber-esque paper, and incense-y smoke were so strong on me that it was hard to detect any other notes.


I'd say I wish I had gotten the lavender, but I don't think that would have made me enjoy this one.

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Lovely! Feels like softer blend of Dee and Adam, more sweeping romance novel than over-the-top Gothic romantic. Love it!

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