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Everything posted by ladyjc

  1. ladyjc

    An Altar to Cold, Rigid, Dreadful Death

    Cedar is one of my all-time favorite scents. Unfortunately, I don't think black cedar smells the same as the cedar in something like Intrigue (love Intrigue). This is dry and a tiny bit harsh to me. I honestly thought I'd love it, especially since I tend to love frankincense as well. It's going kind of bitter on me too. Darn.
  2. ladyjc


    Starts off very much pure, dry cocoa. When drying, the amber starts to come out and compete with the chocolate. On me, the amber is going perfumey for some reason Smells now like perfumey chocolate. Sad!
  3. ladyjc

    Tricksy Bath Oil

    I just rubbed some of this into my arms and WOW...is it nice! In the bottle and a little bit on my skin it smells what's reading to me as spicy/patchouli. If you have ever smelled Mythos Mixtures Belit Ili, that's what the spice part reminds me of (especially while it's still in the bottle). On my skin I'm not really getting much honey. This is very patchouli and I'm a patch lover. This would be fantastic layered with anything containing patchouli (Depraved, Goblin, Banshee Beat, etc)...or with anything that needs a patchouli kick
  4. ladyjc


    Similar to the previous poster, I get nothing but soapiness and musk. This is the kind of musk that I amp to high heaven and that smells very perfumey. It's the same reason I couldn't wear Gypsy Moth. the other notes....the smoke and incense and cool stuff? Never even showed up!
  5. ladyjc

    Pomegranate IV

    I like this one! What's weird is that something in it is registering as cedar to me. Could be the anise, could be the thyme... I don't have much experience with either. In the imp and on wet: very much a cedary pomegranate (which is yum to me) dry/about 5 mins. in: more pomegranate tartness comes out, the cedar fades into the background It's bright, happy and I really like it. Must seek out a partial!
  6. ladyjc


    All the depth, beauty and darkness of All Hallows Eve. Truly, the scent of autumn itself -- damp woods, fir needle, and black patchouli with the gentlest touches of warm pumpkin, clove, nutmeg, allspice, sweet red apple and mullein. Samhain 2010 I think I finally found a Samhain that I can wear! Or maybe my chemistry has changed? I've tried '06 and '09 and they were both pipe tobacco from bottle to late drydown. This incarnation of Samhain though...I'm actually getting some spices mixed with other things. I keep hoping for patchouli to rear it's (beautiful) head. I'm gonna let this sit for a week or so and see what happens. So far, so good!
  7. ladyjc

    Blue Pumpkin Floss

    This was a pretty big gamble for me since pumpkin and I don't normally get along. I was hoping for more "floss" and "blackberry". It started out with a big slap of pumpkin. After settling a while on my skin I do get more of the blackberry coming through. It's kind of making my stomach hurt for some reason. Sorry BPF, we just aren't meant to be
  8. ladyjc


    This smells just like Lucky Charms cereal to me! Especially when I put my nose right up against my arm. It's very pink, sugary with a tiny hint of fruit. I really like it!
  9. ladyjc


    I love this! In the bottle it smells like pure, simple Nag Champa single note (which I dig). On the skin though, it smells like a really, really nice mix of Scherezade and Brown Jenkins. Two of my favorite BPALs in the whole of Bpal-dom. So.....win! I'm really enjoying this and I'm going to cherish Paramatman. Thank you Beth for another stellar scent...and a possible signature scent for me! ETA: 4 days later and I'm loving this even more. I think this may be a new #1 for me. I don't get much orange blossom at all, it's mostly nag champa with a smidge of sandalwood. I'm hoping with age the sandalwood comes out a bit more...but either way, I love it. I see many bottles in my future!
  10. I really like the smell of Amor, Crown of Success, White Light (of course), Joy, Bastet's Laughter, and Perpetuum Bonum.
  11. ladyjc

    Diable en Boîte

    This is a weird one for me. I got something that smelled like a high end perfume that seemed very familiar to me (at first). Then after it was on a while it went overwhelmingly lemony/citrusy. I thought for sure I'd get some red musk out of this...maybe some wood. All I get is a furniture polish type vibe. Not bad...I actual like the scent of pledge...just not what I was hoping for! I wonder if this is a batch variation and I'm almost tempted to buy another bottle just to see! Otherwise, I'm going to let it age and see what happens.
  12. ladyjc

    So you're devastated about Antique Lace...

    I totally agree, i find the vanilla in this one quite similar to Antique Lace, but with leather and a smidgeon of smoke added. Vanilla + Leather + Smoke...sounds fabulous! I thought Liz had some floral to it though, no? I'm askeered of the flowers!!
  13. ladyjc

    But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light

    This one hits me right in the stomach. In a GOOD way!! I knew as soon as it touched my skin Friday night that I was in serious love, serious. :love!: It smells really sweet at first...and pretty strong. It dries down to soft, sweet, spicy and a bit incensey. I can't name particular notes with this one because they're all so nicely blended I can't tell one from the other. I adore this...and I think it just jumped into my top 5 bpal of all time...possibly the #1 position. It is so ME it's unreal. Now, how many bottles do I need of my holy grail scent???
  14. ladyjc


    Oh my gosh! I just realized, while perusing this thread, that I had failed to review the oil of Semiramis! I can't believe it. I knew I had posted a review of the bath oil...guess the perfume oil slipped my mind. Anyway, I'm wearing this queen today and boy does she blow my mind. I love love love the combo of pomegranate and red musk. I love the way the sweetness of the fruit supports the sexiness of the red musk and vice-versa. This blend is just *too*freakin*gorgeous* I love it and I can't say much more about it other than that. I just love it and would marry it if I could oh, and also: throw and longevity are superb!
  15. ladyjc

    fizzy, sorta carbonated, sparkling blends?

    One that hasn't been mentioned (and isn't "fizzy" to me so much as it "sparkles") is Fae. The first time I smelled it, the word *sparkling* popped into my head. Plus, it's just a very pretty fruit blend.
  16. ladyjc

    Cake Smash

    This is soooo good! In the bottle: straight up cake Wet & dry on skin: cake + quite a bit of Dorian tossed in <3 Not really getting much SO or Doc Constantine at this point. Hopefully aging will bring some of Mom's SO to the forefront. Cause SO + cake would just be nummily delicious much love for Cake Smash!
  17. ladyjc

    Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller

    Coconut and a bit of sugar with pomegranate, pink musk, orange blossom, cypress, honey myrtle, and incense. I love this stuff...srsly. Tried it a will call last month and could not WAIT to place an order. This is sweet, sweet wood on my skin. It actually reminds me quite a bit of Brown Jenkins (with the coconut, incense, sandalwood going on). This is sooo terrific. Hoard time!
  18. ladyjc

    CCNow or PayPal

    Is it kosher to send our pp money to the lab and mark it as a gift? I know gift transactions aren't charged pp fees, which is why I ask. I'd love for the lab to pay less in pp fees. Maybe I should email the lab...
  19. ladyjc

    Cupcake Spatter Pattern Analysis

    this just in! Cupcake Spatter is yummeh! ok, when sniffed in the bottle I get what smells very very much like Beaver'versary...so much so my first thought was "well, guess I'm selling this bad boy" (already have enough of the Beaver). Then, I applied it and it changed! Drying, it started to smell just like the white chocolate note I get from White Chocolate, Coconut & Marshmallow...which is delish, but I don't need more of. Then when it was all the way dry it changed again and I started getting what I *thought* was a spice note of some sort (very subdued), but now that I'm reading the other reviews talking about the dusty note, maybe that's what it is! Whatever it is, it makes this blend just different enough from the others I've mentioned, that I might just have to keep this bottle! I'm gonna let it sit and calm down...maybe age a little and test again. If you like foody ones, this is a must try! eta: I take it back...after continuing to sniff this I not only have to keep it, I have to hoard it. This goes way, way beyond cupcakes people! If you could take the pear out of Perilous Parlor, THIS is the scent you'd be left with....the comforting, dusty scent of my grandmother's house! Don't know what it is, but I adore it.
  20. ladyjc

    Devil's Night

    Devil's Night '09 Uh...yum! I'm loving this. It starts off very sugary smelling (which I adore) with a little bonfire smoke in the background. As it develops the sweetness stays but the musk and smoke come closer to the forefront. This is just....great. Debating on a 2nd bottle now. I get a little of the musky smuttiness just like I get from teh Smut...but to me, this is better. Maybe it's the sweetness, maybe it's the smoke, I don't know...but I really like it. Oh, and I got zero spice/cinnamon from this...weird!
  21. ladyjc


    hrm... When I sniffed the bottle of Boo at willcall Sunday I was taken aback. It smelled just like popcorn! I didn't skin test it at that point because I knew I had a bottle on the way and it was scheduled to arrive Tues. (yesterday). Arrive it did...and of course I had to try Boo first In the bottle: a tiny hint of popcorn but mostly cream (reminds me of the cream of underpants) On skin: ugh, not sure I like this...I can't do Antique Lace thanks to the linen note, and this is reminding me quite a bit of that same scent (vanilla + cotton). I let DH sniff it and he liked it. He said it smelled "soft", but he says that about a lot of my oils, lol. I really, really like the sweet cream in this though and the sugar reminds me a bit of the sugar I get from Velvet Unicorn (almost a musky sugar, hard to put into words). I'm going to let this one sit a bit and see what happens. At least it doesn't give me a headache (like AL did).
  22. ladyjc


    Well, I keep trying to like Samhain...but it just really doesn't work for me. All I get in the bottle, wet on skin, dry on skin- sweet pipe tobacco w/ a little nutmeg or spice thrown in. Now, I can do the tobacco in Velvet Bandito (maybe because that's actually a tobacco note and Samhain doesn't really have tobacco? *shrug*) but not this ...not whatever it is in this that's translating to pipe tobacco. And it stays that way the whole time! No woods, no fir, no apples, nada!
  23. ladyjc

    Trick or Treat

    2009 version: Hrrmmm. When I smelled ToT in the bottle, I wasn't even sure I wanted to try it on my skin. All I could smell was burnt sugar...like really burnt. This made me sad...since BPAL's caramel/burnt sugar note ruins whatever blends it usually touches (like Creepy). I amp caramel apparently. However! I tried it on anyway. Once dry on me this is sweet smoke. I can still get the burnt sugar vibe if I put my nose close to my wrist, but just waving it around ...smoky sweetness. I'm gonna let it settle for a week or two and see what happens. ETA: Wearing this again today and I *LOVE* it! (no, I couldn't wait a week to re-try) It is totally smoky sweetness on me! Kind of like when you burn a marshmallow over a campfire. I need at least one back up of this!! It is Halloween in a bottle!!!
  24. Have you tried Velvet Unicorn? It's a musky candy to me!
  25. ladyjc

    Velvet Dogs Playing Poker

    I must be the first this one didn't really work for. I know, I know...I shouldn't try perfumes fresh out of the mail and review them, but I know without waiting that these dogs just won't work for me. The coffee note is translating to toffee/caramel on me...and I definitely cannot do caramel So sad!