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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by phantasmmysteria

  1. Inception will quite literally take your breath away. It's a nearly perfect movie.

  2. Anyone still waiting for an @urbandecay Naked palette, Ulta still has them in stock online! :D

  3. Nooooooo! I tarried too long and now Joyful Moon is no longer on the site. ;,,(,

  4. I was in the middle of a #BPAL order when my shopping cart emptied itself. D:

  5. I've had a really shitty day so far, but you know what? Haters can go fuck themselves. :)

  6. With this being the nth summer I can remember where wildfires raged in Cali, I can't help but wonder why Cali doesn't have controlled burns.

    1. MotherKat


      I can't answer that without being unkind..

    2. Ahania


      PM, that would make too much sense. There you go being reasonable again.

    3. phantasmmysteria


      LOL, you're right! It's such a bad habit of mine.

  7. I'm having too much fun with the sexy comic book characters! Today's who-would-you-do: Wolverine or Gambit?

    1. MotherKat


      omg Gambit! Most definitely Gambit.

    2. Hawke


      That's such a hard one. Can I say both and alternate days?

    3. furygrrl


      I like Hawke's answer. ;)

      If I *had* to pick, it'd be Wolvie, all the way - RAWR!

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  8. Today's poll, Marvel style! Who would you do: Psylocke or Phoenix/Jean Grey?

  9. Today's poll, Marvel style! Who would you do: Psylocke or Phoenix/Jean Grey?

  10. Interesting Poll: Who would you do, Batman or Superman?

    1. Dark Alice

      Dark Alice

      Batman all the way baby!

    2. MotherKat
    3. krazyanjel


      Batman's sexy... but Superman has crazy power. Something tells me he may be a wise choice on the do-ometer. I'm going with Superman on this one.

  11. Dear @sockdreams: plz carry more filmy, pretty ankle socks for wearing with sandals!

  12. It's so hot out, even God's balls are sweaty.

  13. Hommemade waffles with fresh fruit for breakfast. Enough said.

  14. I was supposed to go to the Flying Saucer to wish a coworker off to a new job, but the Sleeping Sickness has overtaken me. Sorry MJ!

  15. I was feeling rather blah about my outfit, so I punched it up with some BRIIGHT lipstick (Thanks, #OCC lip tar in Indashio).

  16. My weekend is off to a great start with a gin and #tramadol cocktail. #thingsiprobablyshouldntdo

  17. I LOVE knowing there will be a package waiting for me when I get home! And who knows, maybe I'll also get mail. ;)

  18. The shinny new #BPAL forum kicks so much ass.

  19. Yaay -- I was able to place my order for my Vampy group order/decant circle today, though Del called to let me know he'd have to get with Beth after SDCC. But still, yaay!

  20. You, my dear, are hilarious.

  21. Marlena,

    I received your package in the mail yesterday! What a happy Halloween treat, thank you so very much! The frimps and extra goodies were very generous, and much appreciated.

    Thanks again for everything, and I hope we can swap again!


  22. Hi lady! Letting you know 1.) your inbox is full,

    B.) I got your package, thank you!, and

    III.) Yours should be there very shortly! Thanks! :D
