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Everything posted by forspecial_plate

  1. forspecial_plate

    Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self Similarity v4

    The number is partially rubbed off the bottle, but I think it came that way. It looks like CXX_ _ or something. Lab etsy purchase I forgot I had. This starts out with a blast of pumpkin I think, it totally reminds me of a pumpkin patch scent. The pumpkin retreats pretty fast though and what comes out is soooo familiar but I can't quite identify it. Is it tobacco? Soft spices? Light wood? Patchouli? I just can't tell, but it's very much a Halloweenie type of scent and I'm crazy about it. There is not much Snake Oil coming out (it definitely has "Snake Oil Series" on the label). The closest comparison I can think of is Hellhound On My Trail but that's not quite it. I must not have liked this when I first got it, I think I put it away for aging and forgot about it. Edit: I wore this today and my other Snake Oil Chaos Theory on the other side, and I realized this one has woodsmoke in it, a light touch but it stands out in comparison with the other one. Snake Oil, pumpkin, and a little woodsmoke.
  2. forspecial_plate

    The Dream is Big Enough for Everyone

    Thanks to a lovely, generous member here I obtained a bottle of this - thank you, you know who you are! ❤️ I love this! It's warm, sweet and cozy, and a little on the lighter side (just right for me). I mostly smell a vague vanilla and it's a little nutty (I know there are no nut notes), and I think the patchouli comes through too. For a while, the honey comes close to causing a problem but it's only there if I sniff up close. But in the air around me, it's no problem at all, and eventually fades back almost totally. I think the sugared patchouli really likes me and is blending with the vanilla cream, because that's mostly what I'm getting here. Maybe the amber oud is coming through, I am reminded somewhat of Brood X. Based on the description this wasn't on my radar at all (just based on the notes, I mean), so this is a really happy surprise. : )
  3. forspecial_plate

    Snake Oil Help! Layering it, Snake Pit scents, blends with Snake Oil

    I did find a couple of topics! Under Recommendations
  4. forspecial_plate

    Snake Oil Help! Layering it, Snake Pit scents, blends with Snake Oil

    Oh I bet there's a topic under Recommendations about the Snake Pit - but I'm no good at searching (I was great at it on the old forum) and I couldn't find it! I think there should be one, if there isn't already. But - my favorite is Temple Viper, followed closely by King Cobra, Cottonmouth, and with Death Adder and Western Diamondback in a tie for 4th place. I also really like Boomslang but currently don't have any, so I haven't worn it in a long time. : )
  5. forspecial_plate

    Dead Leaves and Blueberry Chypre Hair Gloss

    This smells good. It smells just like you would think given the notes. The blueberry is strong for the first few minutes, then the dl and chypre come out. I think chypre is kind of cologne-like. My partner doesn't like bpal's dl notes so I can't wear this around him. It's a little on the strong side for a hair gloss (compared to the other ones I wear). I think I'll wear this in the fall when the cooler weather starts. Cozy.
  6. forspecial_plate

    The Elephant is Slow to Mate

    I should have known better - this has the exact note or combination of notes that went south in Voluminous Red Blanket. It starts out somewhat nice, reddish lit incense (in that general category IMO) and I understand why people like it. After about a half hour something here sinks its hooks in my skin, turns bitter and a little sour, and hangs around indefinitely, drowning out anything nice that I might have smelled at first. I'm guessing red labdanum and/or rose petals (maybe the combination of both). It actually seems to get stronger instead of fading so I guess I'm amping something. I really thought I liked labdanum, maybe red labdanum isn't for me. Anyway - washing with soap and water didn't help and applying a different scent didn't really drown it out, I guess I'm in for the day with this one.
  7. forspecial_plate

    Erotic Sake Bowl

    On me this goes on candy orange raspberry, like sweet tarts candy. However right away the musk starts to come out. After a short while this has deepened a lot and I'm reminded of a chic suntan-oil scent, the kind I used to wear in the eighties without any spf (do they even make that any more?). I used to love how that smelled and I love this for bringing that scent memory up. I'll have lots of fun wearing this.
  8. forspecial_plate

    Midnight on the Midway (2015)

    I really go back and forth on this scent. It's hard to let go of any expectations because I love the old original version so much. I believe this isn't the same but I do think it is comparable. It has a soapy or detergent aspect like some others mentioned, that is hard for me to get past. Then after some time, some of the sugared incense does come out for me, like after about a half hour. It's still not the same as the old one but it is a closer approximation than I thought at first. It's borderline for me. Sorry for editing but it seemed that just when I posted my review the incense decided to come out after all. This honestly reminds me a little bit of Cottonmouth.
  9. forspecial_plate

    Your most evocative Halloween/Autumn scents 🎃

    Resistance, from the Activism section, currently available - "Bourbon vanilla and vintage champaca absolute with sweet patchouli, dried red fruits, leather accord, pumpkin rind, and a splash of bourbon"
  10. forspecial_plate

    Balancing the Sake Cup

    This isn't what I expected but I do really like it. This is not a sweet or "lemony" ginger like you often find with Bpal ginger scents. Either they use different ginger accords or the orange blossom is playing tricks on my nose.. This is a very dry herbal scent and I was reminded of Sweet Ginger and Patchouli hair gloss. In fact this is a great scent to pair with that hg. After some time passes, it becomes softer and the clove definitely comes out. Kind of reminds me of a carnation scent to be honest (I know it's just the clove doing that). I can tell the benzoin is a light incense-y backdrop. Overall, I was expecting warm, sweet and cozy, and after I got over my expectations I find this to be dry, herbal, sophisticated, with very little floral. Not a gourmand scent at all to my nose. I'll really enjoy wearing this.
  11. forspecial_plate

    Iris and Orris scents

    I recommend A Moonlit Winter Landscape if iris + dirt sounds good to you. There is a powdery sweet aspect but it really helps balance the deep earthy quality. I love it.
  12. forspecial_plate

    In Night When Colors All to Black Are Cast

    This is The Myrrh Show on me, mostly myrrh with a little something tart and overall a dark incense feel. Not bad.
  13. forspecial_plate

    Im Tiefen Winter

    Ok, I'll give it a shot. This is really unusual and it's not reminding me of any other Bpal, although I haven't tried everything. I'm not getting traditional aquatic. I have tried many aquatic Bpal scents and this doesn't really smell like those. I think I am smelling mossy stone, and I think there might be some grapefruit in the mix too. I'm not picking up on any icy water. And I don't really smell hearth smoke, but there is a kind of softness that could be some hearth smoke way in the background. It's not a scent I can pick apart easily, it's more like a blended accord that doesn't really morph much over time. I had to get over my expectations with this because it's really not what I expected, but it is definitely growing on me. I may not always be in the mood for this but I think it's a clean scent, and might be really nice on a warm spring day. Edit to add: after a couple hours I think the hearth smoke is slooooowly making itself known, but it's so subtle I didn't really notice it happening. Neat!
  14. forspecial_plate

    Lavender and White Chocolate Madeleines

    I really like this too. There's a really short phase right at the beginning that worried me a little, kind of flat and...dusty or something. But after about 20 or 30 minutes, it smooths out a lot and is just lovely. This part reminds me of TKO but sweeter and more gourmand. This could be such a nice bedtime scent like the reviewer mentioned before me. It's incredibly well balanced.
  15. forspecial_plate

    Jinbari Nyûdô Bobo Dokisu

    This is soft, sweet, rounded, refreshing, basically perfect. It's not sharp in any way. Blueberry musk is what I smell and I love it. Perfect strength level and lasts a long time.
  16. forspecial_plate

    Michiyuki Koi No Futusao

    I got mostly anise for a long time. Then, after maybe 3 hours or so, the anise was gone and I smelled this very clean and elegant tea with slightly mossy backdrop. Smelled like Chanel Pour Monsieur, the old good version before they reformulated it. Amazing. This phase lasted fully for the rest of the day. ❤️
  17. forspecial_plate

    Eucalyptus, White Mint & Lemon Peel

    This smells exactly like the three notes present and accounted for, in equal parts as far as I can tell. This has a cooling, peaceful vibe and I absolutely love it. A while back I was looking for the perfect "spa"-like scent. Well, I don't think it will get any closer than this. I'm seriously considering seeking out a backup bottle!
  18. forspecial_plate

    Creaking Floorboards

    Smells like clean polished woods. More like fresh oiled new floorboards rather than dusty old splintered floorboards. I can tell there's more going on in the background but none of the other notes stand out to me, it's all just blended together. I'm finding it hard to describe what I'm smelling but something does remind me of another Bpal - but I can't place what it is. This scent is pretty light and I had to apply a lot to get an impression of it. I like it, I think it might be a good cozy scent for bleak gloomy overcast days.
  19. forspecial_plate

    Icy Drafts

    I put this on and decided it smells just like the picture on the label looks. Cool and blueish. The bergamot stands out along with maybe the ti leaf. After a while I'm smelling the absinthe note and it turns just a tiny bit powdery around the edges. It doesn't smell strongly minty to me, and I don't quite pick out eucalyptus. Overall this is refreshing and clean, but not quite bracing (it's more....soft and a little fluffy maybe?). There wasn't anything surprising and if you think you would like it, go for it. Edit: ok, weird - I tried this again just now and it's more eucalyptus-mint-absinthe. More chilly and I think I smell the "frost" part now. Reminds me of a Yule scent.
  20. forspecial_plate

    Rickety Staircase

    I wore this on its own for a good while today. I'm getting quiet amber and woods which is expected. It has a "smoldering", sultry quality. I could be wrong but I am also detecting a really noticeable aldehyde note, the same that's in Lady Hatton. Reminds me of the aldehydes in Chanel No. 5. Overall this smells chic and elegant, but has very low throw on my skin (a good thing, for me). I think it's perfect for a crisp fall evening.
  21. forspecial_plate

    Dead Leaves on Fire

    It smells like Dead Leaves on fire! 😄 Pretty simple and just what I was expecting. It's a familiar dead leaves accord, and a mellow bonfire smoke note. It's a pretty light scent (which I like). Not too strong. Honestly there is something vaguely lemony lurking in the background, if you sniff up close. It's really subtle, I wonder if anyone else will smell this or if it's my imagination. Maybe a small touch of black musk? PS: the hint of lemon has disappeared. I still think there could be a smidge of black musk in this.
  22. forspecial_plate

    Apple Butter Rum

    2019 decant - this is so strong it's unwearable for me. I like Lambswool so I thought this might work but something is just abrasive - one of the spices maybe? I've tried it several times and today I tried dabbing the absolute tiniest amount from the wand, and I am about to go wash it off because it's STROOONG, making me sneeze and giving me a headache. Not for me at all. Edit, tried again today, I don't understand what is happening with this scent. It smells nice for a couple minutes then goes off the rails. Something in it feels almost like bleach fumes going way up in my nose, or some kind of industrial strength disinfectant, not really soapy but almost like a nuclear strength white musk? I don't get it. Never had such a reaction that I can remember, with any of these notes.
  23. forspecial_plate

    Help to choose earthy scent

    You could try Aureus - earthy, woodsy, patchouli + amber
  24. forspecial_plate

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Oh shoot, sorry, I didn't know that! Maybe it will come back.
  25. forspecial_plate

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    I would recommend Othello, it's not an exact match but it's in the ballpark. It's a lot more rose-forward. Egoiste is my favorite non-bpal scent. I also tried Tristran, and Harlequin & Columbine, based on the notes I thought they might smell like Egoiste, but they don't. I haven't encountered anything else that does but I could have missed something. : )