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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Fiam

  1. Hello! I have Coffee Beans & Caramel for you!  PM me! 

  2. Lately I have wondered about my "rank'.  I am trying not to be insulted, but that has been my rank for like 8 years. No fun.

    1. neptuneanblues


      It has to do with how many posts you have. it looks like you are really close to 200, it's possible it may change then? Not sure where the numbers that correspond with ranks are listed these days. I was able to change my "rank" to something of my choice at some point, but I'm not sure whether that's still a possibility... mods may know! 

    2. Fiam


      Thank you ! Great advice! I will post more! 

    3. Fiam


       Now I've been ranked "a little too imp-ulsive" again. That was my ranking like....9 years ago. 

  3. Hello,  If available, I would like to purchase. 

    1. Brunch Witches

    2. Badgered by Dragons

    3. Zombie Apocalypse 2009

    4. White Chocolate Strawberry White Pepper truffle

    5. Spiked Punch

    6. Rangoon Riptide

    7. Cake Smash 

  4. I have the Weenie 2011 Apples, all save one. (No Black Apple)  What do you think is a good price for them? There are 4. My Glittering of the Stars is BNNU. The others are lightly, cleanly tested. 

      These are gorgeous.  I overspent this holiday and stressing the bills. :sad:

  5. I have the lovely Yipe!   PM me here if you'd like me to wrap it up for you! What were you thinking is a good price?

  6. If you have still have the following....


    1. Blood Popsicle  (bottle)

    2. Improv Zombie Scene (partial bottle)

    3. Obligatory Peach (bottle)



    1. Heart shaped beanie on a metro

    2. Fortuna Liberum

    3. Fortuna Huiusce Deim

    4. Happy , Boundless & ...

    5. Khysee

    6. Laura Howard

    7. The Waltz

    8. zoe & the goat

    9. roof goblins

    10. Puegot Punch

    11. Lawn Gnome

    12. Lilith Poundcake


    also would be interested in all the Violette Market.


    Crossing fingers.


  7. both Bpal Boxes are full!

  8. Must get more Pie!

  9. Sugar...Honey...Honey

  10. Can't get enough smellies

  11. lovin' my bpal madness

  12. Joining today, October 31, Halloween 2012. I want to be part of the madness, I find it strangely calming. Have gotten a hold of several imps and a few 5 mls and now I'm hooked. I have island syndrome as I can not speak to anyone who knows about them already. So...I timidly join the enlighted masses.
