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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Comments posted by littletingoddess

  1. Thanks, valentina.


    She's 8, 9 in July. The metabolic disorder she has, Maple Syrup Urine Disease, is really rare, one in 225.000 births. Basically, she can't metabolize protein, and if too much of a certain amino acid builds up in her body, her brain swells, and it can be fatal. So she has to follow a low protein diet (she can have about 8 gm of protein a day) and has a medical formula she has to drink. You would have no idea of any of this by just looking at her. She's just as active as any other kid. But, she does have learning disabilities and speech impairment from brain damage she incurred in the first week of life.


    Her life was saved by newborn screening. Every baby, at 24 hours old, gets a prick in the heel, and that blood is tested for various disease, like PKU, etc. When she was born, on 21 states were even screening for MSUD. Thank God and every other diety out there that we live in Michigan, a state that was! By the time she was a week old, and was diagnosed, she was comatose and had lost the suck/swallow reflex.


    I think I was so nervous because I really am a momma bear when it comes to my little "cub". I'm such a passive person, but when it comes to her, I could probably take on just about anyone. LOL It's hard to trust people you don't know with your child's life. But, I have much more confidence in the new clinic now.

  2. There must be something in the air making people drive like idiots.... yesterday, I was on my way to work, driving down a residential street, when the truck in front of me, instead of making a complete turn down a side street, decided to swerve around and make a u turn, and came literally inches from taking out my front end. And he looks at me like it's my fault I'm "suddenly" there! Grrrr..... All I could think of was that one of our vans is in the shop right now getting fixed from being backed into by the not so smart girl down the street, we really didn't need another damaged one.


    I'm glad you didn'r end up getting hit!

  3. Oh, I love love love Dr. Who! Some of my fondest memories are when my dad and I would watch Dr. Who on PBS together every evening... 7:30 pm. I adored the Tom Baker episodes!! My mom never understood. LOL We get CBC, a Canadian channel, on our cable, and they showed the episodes that are being shown now on Sci Fi last year. I think my husband was nearly orgasmic when he was channel surfing and happened to turn it on right at the start of the episode and heard that theme music!


    I B) Christopher Ecclestone. My husband... doesn't get it. But there's just something sexy about him... I'd jump in the tardis and take off with him for sure!


    But, I have to be a downer... don't get too attached.. after this season, they already replace him. B)

  4. Actually, I think we both about flipped out, since we'd both been thinking we were the pathetic one with the crush and the other one was being kind of flirty and funny just for the jollies of it. We both have the ability to act terribly insouicant and sophisticated -- obviously we share defense mechanisms! So when he came clean and was so damn honest about it, I nearly peed my pants. And then when I said I felt the same way, he nearly hyperventilated.


    So now we're so freaked out we have no idea what to do! :hug:


    But if your crush put you on his "friends" list, he's obviously wanting to document that connection. Veeerrrry interesting! :)


    That's got to be a great feeling, even though it's a little freaky right now! How did he end up coming clean?


    It took Brad over a week from when I sent the friend request for him to add me, but he eventually did, so I'm hoping that it is a good sign. I go back to work tomorrow after a week off.. it'll be nice to see him again.

  5. Sweetie, never say never. I've had a crush on someone for 5 years (in varying degrees of throb-dom) and he recently let me know that he's felt exactly the same way for about 10 years. Huh? There were 5 years that I didn't get it? And sometimes just know the feeling was reciprocal is pretty damn awesome.


    But I'd guess that your crush finds you awesome. :hug:


    Thanks valentina. :) When you found out your crush has liked you so long, did you just want to scream "why didn't you tell me???" LOL


    Life would be much easier if my crush wasn't so damn cute AND nice! He's actually the reason, sorta, I decided to try BPAL in the first place. With perfumes with names like Lust and Follow Me Boy, I knew I had to give them a try! LOL
