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Blog Comments posted by valentina

  1. I'm so sorry you're feeling so sad. But I also think it's fine to cry and just be with your sadness. I had a really tough time the first Memorial Day after my dad's death. I went to his grave and it was just so sad.


    I had a similar experience of wanting to put something in my dad's casket and then I didn't do it. My mother thought putting little things in the coffin was very "pagan" behavior and disapproved, but I wanted to clip a little tuft of hair off of each of his two Golden Retrievers, so he could be buried with a little dog hair on his clothing. I didn't do it, but I used the monetary memorials that my personal friends gave to me to make a donation to Golden Retriever Rescue in his memory.


    I think having your Father's Day car tucked in behind a photo of your dad is a lovely way to remember him.

  2. The title of this entry reminds me of a Bob Schneider :P song. ;) I won't even get started talking about sex while I have Bob on my mind, that would truly be TMI! ;)


    Mojitos? I love mojitos. They are such a great summer drink, although I'm deeply fond of mixing margaritas with sangria, also. I associate all of that with the 4th of July, and damn, that is coming up sooner than it think!


    ETA: I just found out that Bob Schneider has a new CD coming out in August. WOOT.

  3. There's a phenomena that only happens in a few places on the planet where the lightningbugs will blink in sync.


    I saw something like that happen here once. I'd been to listen to a speaker on one of the university campuses here in town, and this particular campus has a lot of arboretum plantings, so it's very bug and animal-friendly. It was about this time of year, the sky was barely light in the west, and I was walking back to my car. I came to a green space where there were seemingly hundreds of fireflies floating up into the air, and they were all glowing but not blinking. I stood there in shock and really wondered if someone had laced what I'd been drinking earlier with a little acid. I've never seen it happen again, it must have been a really synchronous group of fireflies.


    The critters are so common around here, there's a local group called The Lightning Bugs.

  4. Diva! I clicked on your name rather than your blog title, so I ended up on your profile page. You and I share the same birthdate, although I am much, much, much older. However, Martha Stewart shares our birthdate and she's even older than me, so I shall take consolation in that.


    So you had a nice blaze of Leo anger yesterday! I think Leos have a certain birthright to externalize some fire every now and then. So you externalized on the forum. No biggie. Besides, you are a Leo and getting ready for your wedding, so that doubles your right to blow your cork. And you didn't blow your cork, anyway... you just got vehemently opinionated and like I said, you are a Leo!




    Your fellow Lioness (Leo sun, Leo rising, Gemini moon = Just Plain Bipolar) ;)

  5. A toilet in a tub would put a cramp in the showering, wouldn't it! ;) I love the new colors and I love the Asian Tiger tile! Woot!


    Taking a break is a good thing... darkity's eyes could use a rest and Mister Snark can have only so many sassy manicures in a month, you know!


    And I loved seeing that imp holding its ground in the treasure chest! It seems only appropriate that your treasures should be holding court in the treasure chest.

  6. Eeek! A headless phallus? Maybe a phallus whose head is cloaked? ;)


    See that statue on the top of the building? It's called "The Sower" and it depicts a guy out throwing seeds. (See? Phallic innuendo abounds!) A few years ago, The Sower was refinished and some people got to go all the way to the top to see The Sower. A guy in my office got the royal tour, and he said he checked it out and The Sower does not have a package. Apparently Dick Cheney was not the model.

  7. Ear mites can do a number on kitty's balance, and even on their personality. It's really weird having things crawling around inside your skull.


    I suspect the kitty's listing will go away once the mites are treated.


    The poor thing, the inside of one ear is nearly black if you look down into it. I'm hoping you're correct and that's all that is the matter. The other thing we'll do when she's at the vet's is to have them scan for a microchip. It would be great if we'd found someone's pet who ran away and we could get her back home. But I'm not holding my breath on that; I think minilux's initial assessment is probably the case, and she was abandoned. She's feeling pretty happy right now, so we'll see how we can help her even more!

  8. Thank you dawndie, the darkity patented "vulcan grip" is something I remember from watching mommy cats carry around the babies when I was a little kid. It's been so long since I had a cat, that I've forgotten! The poor kitty has simply taken up residence on the porch and is utterly content at this time, but she's visiting the vet on Monday.

  9. Tonight it's rather like a little lion guarding the house. Puddy is orange and she's just sprawled out, lounging on the porch. She doesn't have much reason to leave, I'm giving her food and water and there's shelter and a nice breeze on the porch. I am beginning to think the poor thing isn't very well... she just lists around when she stands up to walk. Then she regains her balance and she's OK. It could be no big deal and it could be something more serious. I'm going to take her to an all-feline veterinary and see what they can do for her.

  10. After this onslaught of peenies and snacked-out fellows, I think you need to do a side trip to England and Ireland just to see some of the Shelia-Na-Gig carvings! However, Shelia-Na-Gig is usually depicted as an old hairless hag who's not in her childbearing years, but at least she's showin' her parts.

  11. Naughty monkey sandals aren't on sookster's wishlist be she ALREADY HAS 'EM!


    Welcome to the BPAL blog island. :lol: We do like to ramble on!


    ETA: Naughty monkey sandals is not the name of an extremely rare BPAL LE scent, they are sookster's actual sandals!

  12. Oh, ouch. That hurts. I know the Mister's health is more important, and he'll probably get something else without any trouble, and the house will remain yours. But... to even consider the possibility of giving up something that you've worked so very hard to make beautiful and to make your very own, just makes me ache. I'm in a situation where I've had to consider a similar possiblity, and it's just sad. It's like a bit of your soul goes into what you're doing.


    But all will work out, I am sure. Mister will get a different job, find a saner place to spend his workdays, and life at the Chez Snark will be even better than it is now.
