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Everything posted by Belladonnastrap

  1. Belladonnastrap

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I don't think it's a bad thing, but I also don't think one can expect a fragrance company to list all of the oils their blends contain on their public website. It's not fair to the artisans who create the oils. I also don't think it's fair to request an entire list of oils in a particular blend for the same reason: the internet is a shady place and shady people might try to copycat their blends. There is no way you could call Chanel and ask them what exactly is in No. 5, they would never tell you. I think it's totally w/in the spirit of fairness to contact a company and say "I'm allergic to A, B, and C, I'm interested in fragrances D, E, and F. Can I safely wear these oils or do they in any way contain the allergens?" That way, you're just watching out for your health and it doesn't sound like you're fishing for a formula or out to make a dupe. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay yeah I totally agree too. It just seemed to me that people were slamming Marty for wanting to make sure she's not allergic to whatever's in them.
  2. Belladonnastrap

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I don't think Marty isn't being proactive, I mean she said she emailed the Lab and is waiting for a response. Remember, not everyone knows that they happen to have a really shitty server at times. As for wanting to know what's in the stuff....why is this SUCH a bad thing? I have a close friend who is deathly allergic to Camomille (did I spell that right?). Does this mean she can't wear any sort of perfume oil? No. Just means she has to be extra extra careful, I know when the two of us shop together we're constantly looking at the ingrediants list to make sure that there's nothing in there that will have her dead on the floor.
  3. Belladonnastrap

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    What is the diameter of the bottles for the 5ml? Is it the same for 10ml? I noticed in some peoples photographs in the storage thread, blue bottles with a fancy lid, and what looked like tags made of sealing wax. Are these special edition scents, a certain line of scents, or an old-style bottle? I found them to be very pretty. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I believe that the diameter of the bottles for the 5ml & 10ml are the same but I don't have a ruler handy sorry As for the sealed tag bottles...back in...I think maybe July Beth made a special blend called Formula 54. It was available to forum members only and only 54 bottles were made because the components were uber expensive. The price was ...I think $42US and they came in those special bottles with a fancy lid & sealing wax. They were 5mls.
  4. Belladonnastrap

    Black Phoenix

    This smells like a lovely almond soaked flower but it turned my skin into a flaming effgy of pink and burned so I didn't get a chance to try it as much as I did. It smells VERY almondy and musky though, very dark. It's quite strong in the vial but alas not for me.
  5. Belladonnastrap

    Pumpkin King

    Pumpkin King for me is more of an autumn scent then Samhain is. While the note of leaves is still there the mix of butter drenched pumpkin with a sprinkle of cinnamon almost makes the leafy scent non existant. It pops up only waaay after the scent is dried on me, to ground it and make it less foody and more rich. The base is still very very creamy, its a much more subdued version of Harvest Moon, maybe an autumn version of Gluttony. Absolutely delish...if you like the autumn notes of Samhain and love Harvest Moon but wished it wasn't quite so buttery this is the one to hunt down. It takes the best of both and meshes them together into a yummy pumpkin goodness. And I just remembered that sihaya09 said that this smelt like Pumpkin Cheesecake and you know, she's absolutely right.
  6. Belladonnastrap

    Why are LEs limited? Will they come back?

    I LOVE MULTIPLE QUOTING There are no silly questions here! Well no there are but the number is very few especially for new people here The short answer to your question is this: We don't. Beth & the lab sometimes tell us what's coming up (ie the Lunacy blends) and others are guesstimates. We assume there will be an Imbolc/Beltane etc scent because there were scents for all the other holidays starting with Lammas. Just makes more sense but we have been known to be proven wrong! I was curious about this too but with Beth-tachi holed up with the flu I doubt it. It would be badass though! Like I'd want a scent that was a lot like O but instead of smelling like sex I'd want it to BE sex. Although Le Petit Mort did that for me...go go TMI. Besides I've already decided to make most of the boys (and a couple of the girls!) here my own personal valentine and if they don't like YOU CAN PH34R MY m0D SK1IIZ!! I'm not the Lab so I can't speak for them but my understanding is that they're made for a special event, the fact that they smell fantabulous is just an aside I know for some of us happy pagan types we tend to use the lunacy blends (or at least I do) in my rituals for that moon because the properties correspond with whats IN the oils. Same goes for the Sabbat. Sometimes that's not always doable (ie I'm probably not gonna get Cold Moon in time for the moon itself) but in those cases I either 1)Just wear the oil as a perfume or 2)Use it for another ritual, adjusting it to what properties I think go best with it. I believe that when the Lunacy Blends were insitutued the lab didn't expect the customer base to sort of implode like it has. That's my thinking. And holy crap I have time to actually BROWSE the boards. I need a hug, a cookie and some wuv! *wiggles her bum in happiness*
  7. Belladonnastrap


    Thunderbird is everything I wanted Storm to be. An absolutely wonderful clean scent with a hint of menace to it, it's the sort of scent that would jolt you out of a state of shock. I don't think it's a gender specific scent, I wore it (well slathered it on, this scent makes me a slather!) and it turned into a lovely spring sort of scent. The hint of ozone pushes a wee bit on the edge of naughty. Brilliant. Try this is Zephyr was a bit too light for you and Storm too lemony
  8. Belladonnastrap


    I'm not getting any of the iris that others have mentioned but I HAVE gotten a bunch of juicy berries and amber that definitely make this a keeper for me. It smells like a more playful version of my dearly departed Carnivale which makes sense. Carnivale had that whole hedionitisc thing going on. It's definitely more lighter then that though. The amber really holds it all together in this sort of golden red haze. Very lovely and a bigger bottle is on tap
  9. Belladonnastrap

    Belle Époque

    A very lovely and sweet lily and sandalwood scent however the sandalwood turns the scent into a bit headshoppy for me. Its a very nice floral but if you're not a fan of lily you may not like it. I get NO vanilla at all as I wear this....it actually reminds me of a stronger more potent version of Queen of Hearts
  10. Belladonnastrap


    Forgoing my normal review format. Perversion is really very much like Hellfire's saucier, more womanly sister...or fellow dominant. There are tobacco and leather notes that pop up in my skin but there's also some coconut that prevents the scent from being too "male" and softens it up. It's a scent to be worn when seducing (or being seduced!) and going out to club. I'm so so so thankful for my bottle as this is most definitely my going out staple. If you like deep, heady and very very sexy scents with just a tinge of maleness do give Perversion a try.
  11. Belladonnastrap

    Midwinter's Eve

    First Sniff: Mmm like a sweet bursting berry. Very very heady and strong. Wet: Ooof. Overpowering Berry, I'm drowning in a field of berries! Very strong and its making me crave some cherries. Drydown: The berry isn't so prominent now but it's still there and has turned a bit powdery and well..rancid. Aftermath: Well I don't like uber berry scents but my skin chemistry is a bit wonky at this time. I'm going to give it another chance but if it doesn't work then up for sale/swap it goes
  12. Belladonnastrap

    Frost Moon

    First Sniff: Icy Blue Moon. I'm assuming that's the traditional lunar flowers speaking. I also (and this is going to sound very very weird) get the smell of Orange Juice. Wet: EEE...it's a flower covered in mint! Oh YUM. Still very very much like Blue Moon but with an added chill, I'm escatic. Drydown: Very chilly now and serene, I'm getting a bunch of juniper now and none of the heavenly minty quality that marked it. Aftermath: Once again Beth scores with another keeper. For those of you who are sad if you missed out on Blue Moon do try to pick this up and it's almost a dead ringer. Just a bit more chilly.
  13. Belladonnastrap

    Snow White

    (this review is for the 2004 version) First Sniff It smells like a more tropical version of Dana O Shee. There has to be coconut somewhere in this because I keep smelling it. It's a very white sort of scent, sniffing it I get this overbearing feeling of just pure whiteness. Wet Coconut and coconut and more coconut. I get a bit of whatever it is thats in Dana o Shee that makes me lovely (milk maybe?) but this is just a lovely sublime scent. Very subtle but it's there....I mean the UPS man commented how good I smelled when I signed for a package. Drydown Milk and honey and SNOW. Oh god. This is so nice. That coconut smell mellows out and all that's left is a lovely milkhoneyfloral. Mmmm. And the staying power is insane, I put it on yesterday around 4ish and when I woke up this morning at 7am I could still smell it. Aftermath So so so so glad I bought a bottle of this. It's everything I hoped for and more, a perfect comparison to her sister Rose Red.
  14. Belladonnastrap


    (this review is for the 2004 version) First Sniff Potpourri? It smells like spiced plums. It makes me think of sleigh rides and ice skating and then coming home to a house full of warmth and laughter. Wet *sniff* is that pine? It's turned into sugared pines drenched in berry on me. I've smelled a yankee candle like this but for the...OH! I remember now! Festival of Lights! This smells just like that on me. Drydown Still very potpourriish. Like a candle. It's not so strong now, it blends in with my chemistry nicely but I still feel the candle vibe. Aftermath I'm still not completely sure if I like Yuletide as a perfume. It makes a lovely room scent and makes me think of a country holiday but the strong potpourri vibe I am getting from it may detract me from using it a lot. We'll see.
  15. Belladonnastrap


    THIS IS A BUTTERY NIPPLE DRINK IN PERFUME FORM!!!!!!! As that is my favourite drink I am in love. Butterscotch and rum and sweetness and headyiness all rolled up into one lovely lovely perfume. I shall be wearing this New Years Eve as I get plastered bringing in 05!
  16. Belladonnastrap

    The Hesperides

    First sniff Mmm apples. Sweet ripen apples just lightly drizzled with some sweetness. A lot like apple cider. Wet A bit sickeningly sweet, there seems to be a bit of caramel that completely overpowers the apple. It's not BAD but that tartness that I initally smelled is missing and I'm sad. Drydown I SMELL LIKE AN APPLE ORCHARD! Oh that inital tartness is back now but it's enhanced by some sweetness. Oh this is beautiful. Beautiful! Aftermath I can see why Hera jealously guarded her apples if they smelled like this! Wonderful wonderful and a 5ml for sure
  17. Belladonnastrap

    Rose Recommendations - which blend is for me?

    My favourite rose scents in order of to 1) Moon Rose (perfect. Not too strong, but not light either) 2) Rose Red (WONDERFUL except it's very very potent and strong) 3) Persephone (the mingling of the pomegrante prevents the rose from overpowering) 4) Old London (beautiful but a bit naughty and dirty. I felt like a whore who should be trolling whitechapel wearing it) 5) Black Rose (made me ill) I haven't tried Silentium Amoris although I have the imp.
  18. Belladonnastrap

    Rose Recommendations - which blend is for me?

    Rose Red is more a pure rose then Old London. I wore it and people kept marveling how I smelled like a deep perfectly just cut rose. So I'd get it based on that if you like roses. Plus it's LE.
  19. Belladonnastrap

    Sugar Skull

    RAWR. Sugar Skull <3 First sniff Brown Sugar drenched in maple syrup with powdered sugar on top. Seriously. No waxing poetic just pure sugar. Wet I smell like candy~ Seriously this smells like deep brown sugar, the scent you get when you are cooking something really sweet and everything is in its raw form. Drydown Not so much sweet now as it is spicy, that would be the skull bit I imagine. Still very sweet but a warm mellow sweetness that invites you to come in, take a rest so it can later ravish you. Aftermath SOOOO glad I have two bottles of this. It's amazing and very sweet...great if you love foody scents like me!
  20. Belladonnastrap

    Gourmand - Foody Scents - General Recommendations

    If you can find it Spooky needs to be added, that's a blooming delicious scent. Like rum laced sugar cookies drizzled in Peppermint and Mocha. I'm so sad it's not back this year All of the others are great but I'd add Lampades (Cranberry & Orange) to that list as well.
  21. Belladonnastrap

    All Saints'

    First sniff A sickening incense floral that sort of reminds me of Harvest Moon's first initial foray. I'm hoping it'll turn yummy on me. Wet ....wow. I'm 9 years old and in the church at my fathers funeral. The priest is leaning down to kiss my cheek and I'm gagging on his scent. This is what All Saints reminds me of. Very altarish I get NONE of the foody stuff others have. It smells a lot like notre dame. Drydown Still church smell, giving me a headache and I'm remembering my fathers funeral. Aftermath Not for me, smell memory is too strong.
  22. Belladonnastrap

    Cucumber-ish scents?

    Sending to Recommendations as its more suited for there!
  23. Belladonnastrap


    Another review for you all First sniff Eee a dark dark dark floral! Not quite as dark as Midnight but up there, I'm guessing the violet prevents things from becoming too heady.There is the barest whiff of incense, its more as an enhancer then anything else I feel. It feels like a purple scent. A dark rich purple, the kind associated with monarchy. Wet *blinks* Whoa. Sweetness and bitterness wrapped into one. Still that Midnight vibe but there's some juice now, resembling a thick plum. A bit overpowering actually but nothing too excessive. It's a scent that sort of is misunderstood yet still a bit bad. Much like Morgause herself according to some. The incense holds it all together. Drydown !!!! Take Queen of Spades, mix it with Midnight and you have Morgause. It's not nearly as flowery now, nor nearly as plummy it's *just right* if you understand what I mean. The fruitiness prevents the florals from overpowering you and the florals prevent you from drowning in juice. It's a quite complex scent now but still VERY VERY heady. A little bit of this goes a long long way. I'll update about staying power later. Aftermath Well it's not what I was expecting thats for sure! It's way more balanced and juicy. If you liked Queen of Spades and found it too plummy try Morgause. If you liked Midnight but found it too floraly try Morgause. As for me I'll try it a bit more! I'm not SLATHERING RAVING over it but it is quite lovely. EDIT: Merged with existing review thread --Shollin
  24. Belladonnastrap


    First sniff Bright, and it smells really expensive. When wet OMG. I've smelled this before but I can't remember where. It's very strong and fruity yet its also woodsy. Mm. Drydown More sweet now but very very heady. A very decisive scent, hence while it is called Justice I suppose. Aftermath Well in the end this was just TOO strong on me and I will not use it for anything but meditation work. However if you like your scents strong and decisive do give this a try
  25. Belladonnastrap


    *whine* Want this to be released NOW First sniff Oranges and cranberries and booze oh my! A lovely bright scent that reminds me of Lush's dearly departed soap: Orange Spice & Everything Nice. When wet Almonds and Oranges and BOOZE. Oh and its not burning huzzah! Is that Amaretto? It's a very warm, decadent scent. Drydown Mmm a veryheady and slightly drydown, thers an element of booze that makes this wicked. The orange is lightly playing along the edges...this is a very heady scent. Aftermath Do you like foody scents? Do you like foody boozy scents? Then Decadence is for you! *silently paws at Beth to release it*