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Posts posted by VioletChaos

  1. 15 hours ago, twilighteyes said:


    and being able to send whenever is kind of nice too.  


    I'd be up for helping ringleader.  

    I've definitely missed Switch Witch and would LOVE for a proper, drawn-out round this fall after all the chaos of summer has started to draw to a close.

    I *might* be interested in a Spring Cleaning- I have TWO boxes of stuff left over from the Witchy round robin I ran last year and would like some of that to go to new homes if possible....

  2. The second I opened the bottle, I thought to myself, "Wait, this is VERY familiar, in the best possible way..." 🧐
    It only took about ten seconds for me to determine that I was reminded *heavily* of Mme Moriarty, the original release, specifically! I think something about the combination of cherrywood and the red amber caused a gorgeous approximation of that yummy plum note from the Mme somehow. This remained true through application and into the first part of drydown.  
    30 minutes later, it's lost a touch of that initial impression, but frankly not that much. I got this expecting more of a Smut vibe with that red musk note, but in combination with the other notes here, it's somehow a slightly lighter version of Mme Moriarty instead (yes, both contain red musk, but the supporting cast changes how she reacts, apparently, and I think here that the cotton candy is acting as a proxy for the vanilla bean in Mme.'s formula).

    In any case, I'm extremely happy that a fairy was able to snag me a bottle of Heartshow, and I shall treasure it for as long as she lasts! ❤️ 

  3. In The Bottle: That ginger pannetone is a force to be reckoned with, and it leaves no room for anything else!

    Wet On Skin: This is a bit like Crumpet Rebellion and Eat Me and Blackberry Jam and Scones in terms of tea and baked goods and accouterments that go with them....

    ...But then, on drydown, the saffron and rhubarb throw a bizarre wrench into the mix, making this scent a cousin of the afore-mentioned whilst also going somehow off the rails. I can't quite get a handle on it, and I'm okay with that. If you're a fan of those other baked-good scents, definitely put this on your list, as it'll be right in your wheelhouse. Medium throw with a sweetness that's less sugary than one might expect but still suuuuuper foodie, this is a scent for going to brunch, or doing some weekend baking or wearing when you want a good scone but can't (or don't) have access to any. :yum:

  4. In the bottle and wet on skin, this scent dives fully into intense gourmand territory, with the sandalwood and gardenia only really coming out to play after full drydown. I am reminded during certain states of the Weenie Single Note, Clown White, and I suspect there's a note or two in common between these scents, which would be on-brand since, you know, clown. Whereas that scent leaned from vague sweetness into the appealing chemistry of stage fog or pancake makeup, this leans more into the general vibe of an old-fashioned Italian clown situation and the difference is that this is a scent that is enjoyable beyond just the novelty aspect. A light, vaguely dusty scent with low throw, this is a scent for cuddling up with a book on a Sunday afternoon or a walk through a park on a balmy spring day. It's really nice and unassuming, and sometimes gentleness is what we need most. ❤️ 

  5. In The Bottle: The gilded lavender, followed closely behind by the night blooming flowers.

    Wet On Skin: Lavender is still out in front, with undefinable flora in the background. The lavender at this point weaves in and out, sometimes dominant, then moments later, going into the background, then popping forth again.


    Dry Down: The mood shifts and at last, the blue musk emerges. This is not the dark, inky blue musk of Night, and to be truthful, at first I was disappointed, because Night is my favorite blue musk scent EVER and I wanted another like it. HOWEVER, having said that, this scent has proven to be just lovely. The night-blooming flowers have sifted and I get a spicy phlox somewhere in the mix overlaying that blue musk fougère. The lavender has basically flown the coop, and the orris never even entered the picture. But what remains is a heady spiced musk of medium throw, maximum sexiness and zero gender preference. Not at all what I was anticipating, but I'm SO glad I made the purchase just the same! :luv2:

  6. This has been a "white whale" scent for me that I've waited *literally* years to try, so when an almost-full 10mL cobalt bottle was being offered (!!!) I HAD to jump at the chance.

    I'm so glad I did. 

    I get that "mineral" / "hairspray" (specifically pink-can Aquanet, the ole goth standby) when first applied, but that settled out within a minute of touching my skin. Now that it's full settled and warmed into drydown, what it mostly reminds me of, is a magical Egyptian musk I was gifted nearly 2 decades ago. But it's not JUST an Egyptian musk. I do also get the "coolness" that I concur is a coconut note, similar to what I encountered years ago when I was new to BPAL and first tried Obatala. The coconut, then as now, is NOT the sunscreen or food variety, but a nice, dry husk. Very understated and supporting. Same is true for the vanilla, definitely more of a vanilla bean than anything foodie or gourmand in any way.

    The old searches don't always work out, but every now and then- BLISS! :wub:

  7. :thud:I. Am. In. Love.

    I haven't been this obsessed with a scent, from any house, in literally years.

    The first thing you need to know about Random Brothel, is that it's a very slow burn. What I mean by that, is that from the time it's applied until it achieves its full bloom after drydown, takes quite a long time. In the bottle, and during this transition period, mostly it smells like violets with a bit of acrid wood in the background. There's something that's quite Late-Autumn-Goth about it, and it's not at all unpleasant. 

    However, at around the 20-40 minute mark, the scent shifts entirely, revealing THE, most hands-down gorgeous musk imaginable- rich and slightly sweet with incredible depth, the black amber adding to the layers, but only in a far away background kind of way. 

    And the traces linger. Oh, how magnificently they linger. I've been sometimes putting some one shortly before bed, waking in a light intoxicating cloud, then reapplying for the day. 

    I already have one backup bottle but am seriously considering two more because I cannot imaging living without this scent in my life, ever. :thud:I

  8. Yup, this is indeed the same milk note as Snake Milk (and possibly Kwame Cotton? But maybe that's just me...). This scent lives up to its name, a great blend of that fabulous cartelized milk note and then fresh juicy peach. It lasted hours on me, mostly in tact. Now it's a good 10 hours later and a fait trace remains, wisps of both elements clinging softly to my skin. I blind-bought two bottles, as I had high hopes, and I'm really glad I did. 🍑❤️ 🥛

  9. In The Bottle: A sugary edge of a lemon rind followed closely by a light fruit salad.

    Wet On Skin: The sugary peel continues to be out front. Of the four Peach scents I got, this is the least peach-fronted. I don't mind though- it was the lemon and blackberry that caught my eye with this scent, so I'm pleased so far with how it's shaping up!

    Dry Down: This scent has stayed more or less the same from bottle through full dry down, which is unusual for me. The peach and blackberry are light and fresh- nothing goes plastic or turns into a fake or candy-ish version of itself. The lemon peel sprinkled with sugar remains the star of the show, but not overt the way lemon sometimes can be (Spirit Board: YES, Happy Baby In A Long Dress and Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat all come to mind). 

    In All: Extremely low throw- by all means, do a skin test first but don't be surprised if you need to slather this one. But it's totally okay, as this scent is perfect for daytime wear. A nice transitional scent, the fruit speaks of the last tendrils of summer, but the citrus rind makes it lovely to usher in the beginnings of fall. Lovely!

  10. Oh. My. Goddess.

    started out by doing a timid test and about 30 minutes in went for a full slather because it just wasn't enough. Wet, I concur it's quite bold and rather cologne-y, though not in an unpleasant dude-bro-wearing-Axe kinda way. 

    It quickly settles out of that phase upon dry-down and becomes this gorgeous beast that, in all my vast years of BPAL collecting, is frankly unlike any other scent I've ever experienced. It's deep and spicy without being especially resinous. Based on the notes I was expecting resins and a shot of heady patchouli but it's not any of those things. This is essentially one of those scents that makes one realize just how much of a genius Beth is when it comes to the sheer artistry of perfumery. The blend on this is exceptional, and I find it hard to pick out individual notes as it all just comes together in one fine piece of music.
    It truly lives up to its name, as this is some serious witchcraft in a bottle.

    I am grateful to hav had the fore site to purchase two bottles as I will want this on hand for the rest of my days. ❤️ 

  11. I. Love. This. Scent.

    I am of a certain age that I have childhood memories -fond childhood memories- of a certain fast-food restaurant having a special breakfast menu which included the most delicate cheese danish the world has ever known. It was light yet rich, sweet but not sugary. It was a perfect breakfast bakery confection.

    That is what Syrnyk smells like: a delicately light, baked good with some creamy sweet cheese nestled inside. I am part Ukranian, and that sweet cheese note is SO particular as well- I loved having it especially in blintzes when I was small.

    In short, this scent is a nostalgia-pack of delicious memory wrapped and placed into a small amber bottle.

    I suspect this will become very popular, indeed. ❤️ 

  12. I knew this would need to be an insta-purchase and my hunch has paid off. I know some of y'all haven't had a chance yet to get some OG Snake Oil because of the on-going component nightmare, but this should soothe your ache until that can be corrected. I think the above-mentioned sweetened condensed milk analogy is on the money, for sure. 
    I am one of those that doesn't actually like fresh SO- I am the old curmudgeonly crone that prefers the Snek to be aged, like, ten years. But even I can appreciate this straight from the mailbox, and yes, I WILL be buying a backup to age properly as well!

    In All: If you enjoy any of the creamy SO variants, like Cream Soda or Scream Inside Your Snake Oil, you will 100% want to bathe in this. ❤️ 

  13. In The Bottle: SWEET MARZIPAN, BATMAN! :D  For those familiar with Mystical Aphorisms, the almond in this scent, at least at this stage, is very reminiscent of that, so if you're a fan (and I AM), then it looks like good news lies ahead. 🤞

    Wet On Skin: Oh wow. This was entirely unexpected. But before full dry-down even happens, the scent morphs dramatically, and the afore-mentioned marzipan-almond has pretty much left the next altogether. But try not to fret, because what's left is the cream petals and almond blossoms, and that is actually stunningly beautiful all on their own.

    Dry Down, the scent has stayed true. I'm totally baffled as to why the almonds disappeared so completely, especially since it was SUCH a powerful note initially, but that's okay.

    In All: VERY low throw- this will require a bit of slathering, even if your skin isn't thirsty. Delicate, spring-like, close-to-the-skin. This is a good choice for those normally averse to florals OR foodie scents, and those that have wanted a skin scent that isn't musk-based. It defies true categorization. I would expect this is going to be something a great many people will want to hoard, in the vein of The Girl. 😘 

  14. In The Bottle: Cardamom is definitely front and center, but softened around the edges by the dots and cream.

    Wet On Skin: The vanilla comes into the mix, but just slightly, adding a bit of depth to the light sweet-and-spice that was the initial impression. 

    Upon Drydown, I'm starting to get touches of honey. The cardamom has mellowed considerable,  making this less of a HAI CARDAMON scent and more of a light spice scent.

    In All: low and medium throw, so feel feel to load up if your skin eats oils. This is a nice, light daytime scent. Delicate, mildly gourmand without being overtly foodie. If you like delicately sweet scents, this will definitely be one for your collection.

  15. In  The Bottle: The vanilla marshmallow is front and center, but that banana is coming up as a close second. I happen to love the Lab's banana note(s) generally, so the inclusion here was a big reason why I grabbed a bottle- so far, so good!


    Wet On Skin: The sugar cane enters the fray, and it pulls the banana into taffy territory (see what I did there?). Fortunately, unlike some candy notes, these two elements together are at present NOT going plastic on me. I am keeping my fingers crossed!

    Dry Down: THERE'S  the frankincense. I was starting to wonder if it would show up at all. Sometimes frank can become way too sharp and aggressive on me. That's not happening here, and I suspect that white  frankincense is somehow a more gentle version. That's the good news. The sadder news is that the banana appears to have vanished entirely upon full drydown. 😭 

    In All: Low throw on this- slather to your heart's content. If you were a fan of scents like the long-gone Pink Plastic Flamingo, you will be delighted with this lightly sweet confection. I really was in this for the banana, so I'll let it age a time and re-test, but if the fruit doesn't come back for me, alas, I shall have to send 'er off to the swap pile...:cry2:


  16. In The Bottle: Soft, powdery rose. The scent reminds me a little of the unreleased proto of Victorian Rose Milk, actually.

    Wet On Skin: It's still that soft, powdery rose. I think the powder might be coming from the orris, as that tends to have a kind of powdery quality to it as well.

    Dry Down: As it settles into the skin, I'm getting  hints of some of the other  notes, notably sandalwood, always a nice companion to rose. Any bits of the other notes are really just whispers- this scent remains largely a rose scent, through and through. It resonates for  sure  as a faithful interpretation to the heart-affiliated quartz for which it is named.

    In All: Medium to heavy throw- definitely apply with a light touch, a little goes a long way! If you're a fan of natural rose scents (more like  the flower,  less like a perfume interpretation)  then you  will absolutely want to add this to your collection! 🌹

  17. In The Bottle: This scent is reminding me of something sweet without being sugary, soft without being powdery. It seems so so familiar, but I cannot for the life of me place it. It's driving me a little bonkers, if I'm being totally honest- that's how familiar it is. 🤔🤨

    Wet On Skin: As it warms on my skin, the pumpkin is separating itself out and becoming more distinct- not buttery like some pumpkin notes, and not pumpkin spice, either: this is just fresh, big round orange pumpkin, with a sweet, amber-ish, dusky base that I can only assume is the sandalwood starting to bring up the rear.

    Dry Down: huh. There is something vaguely boozy about this scent, though there's nothing in the description to indicate that should be a thing. I feel like after all these years, this thing, which sounds deceptively simple -sandalwood and pumpkin- is in fact surprisingly complex. It's unlike any version of either of those notes I've ever experienced, and it's very, very compelling. There's definitely some sexiness in the mix and history has proven that any scent from the Lab with sexy potential only grows said potential as time goes on.

    In All: Delighted to have a bottle, excited to see how she ages!

  18. In The Bottle: Mostly leaves. There is a kind of "dead leaf" note that the Lab does, and if you are a fan of that note, it's here for you right out of the gate!

    Wet On Skin: More the the leaves, with the wool starting to make an appearance, making the leaves seem more expansive somehow. This is NOT the same as the sweater note or the cashmere note- this is honestly making me think of wool army blankets! By that I mean something that's dense, with felted aspects, that will keep you surprisingly warm...

    Dry Down: Upon dry down, the amber and the black tea finally start to emerge! I was a little worried that I might not see them, but here they are! The amber is really warming the scent up, making it sweeter, the sunlight that warms you on a blustery autumnal day. And at the end, there's the black tea, a light bit brighter, playing nicely with the leaves, adding a tiny afterthought of mildly sweet astringency.

    In All: Low to medium throw, a fine addition for those that are into the Dead Leaf series, like a special bonus leaf! Unfortunately for me, it's not really my cup of tea: I need mine a little warmer with lots more cream (pun intended!)

  19. 1 hour ago, twilighteyes said:


    I think ending on 12th night (1/5) is good.  

    I also prefer ending on January 5th, but I'm biased because my birthday is December 30th :D 

    Separate note:
    There'd been talk of a Yule-time Switch Witch - can anyone 
    confirm or deny if that's happening???

  20. 19 hours ago, neptuneanblues said:

    re: Switch Witch, Coldfire recently posted this in the GUSP area here on the forum: 

    "I know that this is usually the time of year my GUSPers get all excited for Switch Witch.  Sadly there will not be a SW for the Halloween Season this year. Some of the ringleaders are in the path of Ida, some are experiencing health issues. We would not be able to run a proper SW round now. It is our hope that we can run a round post Thanksgiving for the Winter part of the year. If you have questions, please message me."

    That definitely makes sense.
    Also, a Winter Solstice - timed Switch Witch would be wonderful! I've participated in a few of those over the years and they're just as delightful!

  21. I was afraid of the champaca in this since I amp anything with even vague whispers of champa and co. to high heavens, but I finally took the plunge and I'm really glad I did.

    As the last post mentioned, the scent's name translates to "The Wheel of Misfortune". Coupled with the illustration os Mme Moriarty, as well as a list of the notes, I suspected that this is intended as something of a companion piece to Mme Moriarty's scent- and it is a PERFECT companion for her! The oudh is definitely a dominant note here- not a problem for me as I tend to love oudh. Here it's not the dread 'dirty body' variety that tends to freak alot of people out. It's rich and deep and mixes beautifully with all those other rich, deep, dark notes, to create something that reads as incense-y and sensuously sinister. 

    Like many folks round these parts, I use HG both in my hair and also sometimes as a skin scent. In my hair, this is a fine stand-alone, surprisingly subtle and with low throw. But when it's on my skin, it definitely feels like it needs a companion- and Mme Moriarty (or her cousin Snake Charmer) will definitely fit the bill!

    I'm delighted to have made this purchase, and I suspect this will get even better with age!

  22. In the bottle and wet on my skin, the hay comes across as a green, grassy (but not lawn-like) scent, with the honey acting as a grounding base. 

    Once it warms on my skin, the amber comes out, rounding the scent out and giving it some depth. 

    After about an hour, the honey remains strongest and sadly, the hay pretty much vanishes, making this mostly a honey SN with a vague background of something else.

    It's gorgeous, I just wish it lasted longer on me!

  23. On 8/1/2021 at 7:31 PM, Em- said:

    In terms of upcoming swaps, I will probably start up the jewelry box again toward the end of August. I figure people are traveling too much for the next few weeks and my own life is a bit of a roller coaster - two weeks until my eldest leaves for his freshman year of college and none of us are ready. 


    Otherwise, I really hope someone is up for wrangling 13 Nights of Halloween. I'd rather not try to head it this year, but would be happy to backstop anyone who is willing to give it a shot. 

    I can only provide my enthusiastic support of others that are willing and able to do the wrangling, because 13 Nights is one of my personal favorite swaps! :D
