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BPAL Madness!

October Bonfire

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Bonfire smoke and I am getting something I read as Hickory or Mesquite?  This must be the Applewood but my brain can't connect it to apple in anyway. 


Glad I ordered a bottle as it is perfect for the change in weather. Crisp air and cold days and nights beg for spritzes of this to emulate the warming fires we know and love.

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i get a smokiness and sweetness. the sweetness doesn't necessarily read as apple, but it's nice. i agree that it has a hickory sort of thing going on like the reviewer above. it's a little sweeter than i thought it'd be, but not too sweet. definitely atmospheric and perfect for the fall season.

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Sweet & smokey with some leaves in the background. Since I'm in an area that gets a lot of wildfire smoke in the summer time, I was a bit skeptical that I would want to use something smokey but since it's not at all acrid or bitter, I quite enjoy it in cool weather. 

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