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Posts posted by sudenmorsian

  1. I was wondering what this reminded me of until I read a comment above that compared FMAFMWP to O. Yes, the vanilla, honey and amber really are just like O but now with added patchouli. I never thought O would need anything more but now when the patchouli is here I actually like this better. Feed Me and Fill Me With Pleasure is like cool and confident aunt of O, who's seen the world and knows her worth. 


    Lovely, earthy and sensual, indeed.

  2. Japanese incense is strong with this one indeed. It's the dominating note on my skin and for the first 10 minutes I can barely get anything else. Like said above this scent takes awhile to settle and after those first 10 minutes the florals appears. Neroli is the strongest but I can surely get the jasmine and rose, too. Labdanum is lurking here giving this a resiny base. I hoped for stronger vanilla, I can only detect it accidentally when waving my arm near to face. After two hours the resins are stronger and florals a bit toned down but still noticeable, I think I like this phase the best. 


    I think Voyeur is nice but just not for me. I would enjoy it on someone else.

  3. Thank you @ShadowEtienne for recommending this to me. I wouldn't have noticed this gorgeous blend without your help. This is the cardamom and jasmine blend I was searching for.


    Wet and right after applying this is a splash of cardamom to my face and as a cardamom junkie I'm already hooked. Coconut milk tones cardamom down quickly but it's still here beautiful and calm. After a while I'm a bit worried if this is going all soap on me but luckily it's only a brief moment and everything is going well again. I like jasmine in most blends and this is not an exception. Jasmine is fresh and light in here and kinda in the background yet noticeable. I have no clue if it's the liquidambar that is bringing the resins here but it's lovely. 


    This is warm, a little sweet, dry and spicy white floral on me and surely a keeper. There's definitely some Morocco vibes in this but The Hound and the White Milk Doe is more gentle. 

  4. I like fruit-dominant perfumes and Peach Vulva is not an exception. Wet this is mostly peach and florals, strong with orange blossom. Peach isn't juicy and sweet (yet) and I can't find any of that sugared cream.


    But hold on, this just needed time to dry. And here is the sugared cream that makes the peaches more juicy and delicious! Peach Vulva is both fruity and floral, beautiful and balanced. Definitely great for spring and summer.


    Somehow I keep on thinking Kitsune-Tsuki when I sniff Peach Vulva, even they don't share any notes. They have kinda similar feeling I guess. This is so good, so lovely. And the throw is amazing.

  5. On 2/10/2024 at 9:01 PM, sudenmorsian said:

    My all time favorite BPAL is The Night Priestess (night-blooming jasmine, clove bud, cardamom, moonlit vanilla orchid, and moonflower) and it's been discontinued long time ago, and I've never found a substitute. To me The Night Priestess is dark blue, still white, cold starry night's scent and I get mostly jasmine, cardamom, florals I can't identify and only tiniest hint of clove bud (I tend to amp clove like heck but in this it is behaving). Is there anything I could try? Its review thread doesn't really help as most of mentioned there is also dc'd. 


    I have New Orleans coming to me but I have never before sniffed it (that's mentioned in the thread). Luna Azul (2017) had some kind of similar feel (they share jasmin) but still wasn't close enough. 

    Replying to myself that New Orleans was nothing alike The Night Priestess so I'm still searching for substitutes. Alkemia's Ultime Seduction Vanille (Tahitian vanilla orchids, jasmine flowers, and crystalline sugar cane, enhanced by a blend of delicate white and vanilla musks) is very very close, closer than anything other I've tried.

  6. This is divine. I mean. DIVINE. Kid you not. It's soft and rich and sweet and golden, everything is beautifully blended. I was bit worried about the teak because it doesn't always play nicely with my skin chemistry, but it's luckily pretty light and in the background here. This is creamy vanilla with most beautiful lotus blossom. 


    I put Glowing Vulva to one wrist and The Antikythera Mechanism to another and they surely are same family, the latter being stronger and more masculine. Bold, beautiful pair. Somehow I keep on thinking Snake Oil when I sniff Glowing Vulva, but maybe it's just me. 

  7. At first I was sure there were clove in it as I tend to amp clove like heck and something, propably wine and cinnamon, reminds it closely. I keep thinking of Blood, Blood Kiss and The Obsidian Widow. But thanks to the strong, heady red musk and myrrh this is much more calm and sharpness of the wine doesn't overpower everything. 


    I like this very much. It's warm and spicy and if red musk is your thing you're going to like this perfume. I think this is very well balanced and rich scent. Beautiful and lovely.

  8. I agree with @doomsday_disco. At first I was hit by the weird, sharp, woody smokiness that I did not expect after reading earlier reviews. It felt like I had completely different perfume than others as I did not find it calm, soothing or tropical. 


    I was thinking the smokiness must be the hinoki but to be honest I have no clue. Woodiness is strong when wet, but after an hour calms down a bit, when I can get the coconut and almond and after a while the jasmine too. I was hoping more cardamom, actually I cannot find it at all.


    This is something completely different that I was expecting, but let's see what happens with time and aging. I received my bottle two days ago so it might still be a little shocked from the journey.


    E: okay it's been almost a week and this has morphed a lot. Now this is much more pleasant and the smokiness has faded a lot but still being there. I'm gonna let it rest for a couple of weeks or more and review again. 

  9. This is my first coffee scent and I'm in love. I have a fresh imp and I guess it's only getting better with age. 


    Wet this is hit-you-in-face strong coffee, freshly brewed. After a while the coffee calms down and the spices show up with the cream. Dry this is warming, cozy and spicy, very lovely and smooth. Actually Kobold Barista is what I hoped Bengal would be. 


    I'm gonna need a full bottle.

  10. Oooooh this is so good! Lightly sweet, a bit floral, soft and very fruity. This is mostly lovely mango with orange blossoms, pink musk is lightly, softly spicy. If I sniff very closely and attentively I get the incense, too, but it's somewhere in the background.


    Beautiful, perfect for spring and summer.

  11. At first this is sweet, canned pears in syrup. Yum. But then something with my skin chemistry happens and the sweetness of the canned pears turns bitter and kinda like overly ripe. I don't really get any honey. 


    I'm getting a headache so I need to wash it off. Skin chemistry disaster. Not for me, sadly.

  12. Vixen is one of my favorites and has been for years. Orange blossom is the dominating note on my skin being soft, light and sweet, but the sinister ginger brings some lovely spiciness. I get a hint of patchouli but it's not like a WALL of patchouli, it's sophisticated and grounding. Vixen is hot, dirty, rich and flirty.



    I think Vixen is very much alike Valuable, Powerful, Deserving (Lilith 2017), which I too adore. They both share orange blossom and it's the dominating note on both for me. But when VPD is a daytime scent and suitable for office, Vixen is a nighttime scent and would wear it in a dark, intimate wine bar - Vixen is more... well, vixen. :D 

  13. Quote

    The ghostly White Women of the Scottish highlands. They seduce unwary travelers by night with their unearthly beauty and mesmerizing dancing. They engage their victims in a wild, hypnotic dance, and once they reach exhaustion, the demonesses exsanguinate their partners with their vampiric kiss. Talk about a quick courtship. Grapefruit, white tea, apple blossom and ginger.


    This is very beautiful and bright scent. To me it's mostly grapefruit, fresh citrus with a hint of ethereal white tea, that I find calming and soothing. Very pleasant indeed. I'm not sure if I get any of the ginger and I might not even know what apple blossoms smell like. To me the grapefruit and white tea are main notes. 


    Sadly, this doesn't last long. After an hour it's faded remarkably but I can still detect it. Time to reapply.

  14. This is mostly cotton blossoms. Still, it really feels like it's different scent each time I inhale. At the times I get something slightly smoky and then also hint of cocoa. But the cotton blossoms is the main note definitely. This is interesting and pretty pleasant, I really enjoy that clean laundry scent here. Not my favorite but still I like it and will happily keep the imp.

  15. Personally I find dark and strong scents, often with incense, as femme fatale perfumes. My favorite femme fatalish perfumes so far are: Sin, Vixen, Perversion, Blood kiss, Sed Non Satiata aaand Obsidian Widow. Maybe Morocco, too, I love how it's spicy, warm and darn dry but still seductive and mysterious. 


    I'd like to find more femme fatalish scents and think some red musk blends would be great to try. 

  16. Can we bring this thread back to life, please? 


    My all time favorite BPAL is The Night Priestess (night-blooming jasmine, clove bud, cardamom, moonlit vanilla orchid, and moonflower) and it's been discontinued long time ago, and I've never found a substitute. To me The Night Priestess is dark blue, still white, cold starry night's scent and I get mostly jasmine, cardamom, florals I can't identify and only tiniest hint of clove bud (I tend to amp clove like heck but in this it is behaving). Is there anything I could try? Its review thread doesn't really help as most of mentioned there is also dc'd. 


    I have New Orleans coming to me but I have never before sniffed it (that's mentioned in the thread). Luna Azul (2017) had some kind of similar feel (they share jasmin) but still wasn't close enough. 

  17. About a month later this one has became one of my favorite perfumes. It's delightful, sweet almond scent with beautiful spices and seductive darkness from frankincense. Great throw and last incredibly long - 20 hours later in the morning I still can smell it on my wrist. 

  18. I don't know if I'm in right thread at all but I couldn't find any other suitable thread. My question is: is there any similarity between Kobold Barista (freshly brewed coffee with ginger, nutmeg, cardamom, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, and cream) and Café Mille et une Nuits (Shisha and thick coffee brewed with cardamom pods, cinnamon, clove, black pepper, and nutmeg), are they a lot alike or nothing at all? 


    They both share spices I love and the description look quite alike, though I guess the shisha is bringing some smoke to Café Mille. I realized that I lack coffee scents and I desperately need one, just can't decide which one.

  19. Somehow it took this many years 'til I got my hands on the famous Snake Oil. And I always thought it would be strongly chai-spice-like - like Bengal - but it seems I was wrong. My bottle of Snake Oil is only about two months old so it's lab-fresh baby.


    Snake Oil is soft, rich and sweet scent but not too sweet. Surprisingly foody but not too much. Vanilla is definitely the dominating note but it's not like pure vanilla - it's dirty, musky, spiced, honey-like loveliness. Maybe the dirtiness is patchouli or sandalwood. Someone above said that SO feels similar to Vixen and I second that. They are not alike but they do feel like one another. And Vixen has been one of my favorites for many years. 


    Like Vixen, SO is seductive, warm and beautiful perfume that I'll happily wear. Great throw and lasts for hours and hours. I might need another bottle that I can store and forget to age. 

  20. Machu Picchu was one of the first BPALs that I fell in love with immediately. I used to wear it often and it's definitely a summer scent. Now after couple of years I reached to it again and it is still as lovely and mysteriously beautiful as back then. It really hasn't changed at all during aging. 


    In the imp the scent is pretty light and almost unrecognizable but when on skin it begins to bloom. Tropical fruits and rainforest with blooming flowers. Delicate, rich, beautiful. Drydown the amber is noticeable but it's still mostly rainforest and tropical fruits. 


    Sadly, Machu Picchu doesn't last long. After about three hours it's mostly vanished. Time to reapply.

  21. I have an imp of unknown age but I'm certain it must be older than several years. The liquid inside is thick, brown and syrup-like, and it's making me hesitant. 


    Wet this is dark and almost burnt-like narcissus and it's making me sick. Black narcissus is the very dominant note and I think I really don't get any of the vanilla or the orange blossom - and I really love both! But I really can't cope with narcissus, not a little bit. 


    Sadly, I have to wash it off. Not for me.

  22. Oh this is lovely. 


    I've never tried BPAL's lavender before as I haven't been very fond of lavender scents. I don't dislike lavender, I just don't love it as it may turn kinda soapy on me. But this is lovely, almost eatable lovely! I get mostly yummy pie crust and coconut with a hint of lavender. This is very pastry-like smell, I'm almost drooling. 


    After couple of hours the perfume is mostly gone. I get a hint of sweet coconut and lavender if I put nose close to wrist. So need to reapply. 
