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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Comments posted by darkitysnark

  1. It's adorable! You're such a girly girl with your little pink house, Snarky. ;)


    Snarky is currently (mentally) scouring all vintage clothing and housegoods stores for a-line housecoats, ankle strapped t-back heels, wrist-length gloves, little ceramic canisters that say "FLOUR", "SUGAR", "TEA", etc. etc. etc.


    Where she will have the money for this is still up for debate. But these things will be had! (Also the chrome and mirrored glass bar set.)

  2. On the VPL: I'll have to check with my "test group", but I personally do not feel sexy while sporting one m'self, and when checking out other women, I don't care to see it on them either.


    I sometimes wonder if I would've been a male chauvinist pig if things had gone a different way.


    As for dabbling in dommedom... I'm just slightly more than just curious about the lifestyle too. But when I was given an opportunity to interact, I totally chickened out.

  3. Ack! Franken-stir-fry reminds me of a recent pizza catastrophe over at Chez Snark: regular pizza crust, mashed roasted root veggies (parsnips, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, garlic), a think layer of sour cream, basil pesto, black olives, green olives stuffed with feta cheese, mozzerella, parmesean, and cotija cheese on top.


    It was... weird. Too sweet. Loaded down. The Mister hated it so much he refused to eat more than the 1.5 pieces he had (and yes, it was his idea to put all the regular pizza stuff on top of the roast root veggie base... the sour cream was his idea as a sort of "fat barrier" between the mash and the pesto). Being my mother's daughter, I had to eat all the leftovers. :smile: Some things just should NOT be on pizzas.

  4. How about aspiring lingerie divas? As The Mister only has a mild preference to va-va-VOOM wear over white cotton grannie panties, any frothy/frilly/fun purchase of the underthings variety is done soley for my own benefit -- much like the whole BPAL thing (he swears everything smells like band aids on me. The horror!)


    I am interested in seeing how your choice of BPAL influences clothing choice. My own wardrobe is often limited to "what can I cram into my bag" followed by a fairly random romp through the imp box.


    Since I am at high risk for developing breast cancer (my mother has had it twice) I had my first mammogram yesterday. It wasn't fun, I even got a little emotional, but it feels good to have my "baseline" taken care of.


    As much as I love my girls (and I do, I really do! They're so perky and tiny and "if I don't want to wear a bra today, I don't have to - so long as it doesn't get cold" petite) I wish they had been a wee bit larger to avoid the awkward taffy pull action of getting them between those two plastic plates, though.


    Anyways, I digress. I'll be following your sartorial/scent experiments with interest!
