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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice

    Woman Dragging Her Aroused Lover Across a Bridge

    I get none of these notes. Just generic woman's perfume with wood. Off it goes to a better home.
  2. Dark Alice

    The Wolves Howled, The Ravens Screamed

    Solid pine forest with a hint of chilly wind and the scent of earth and fur. Very evocative and oddly comforting.
  3. Dark Alice

    The Old Robber-Woman

    ZZ's review is correct. This is like Torture queen and Quincy Morris had a love child and this is the result. Very cologney with leather. Pass.
  4. Dark Alice

    2004: Paper Phoenix

    This by far is the most foul scent I have ever had the displeasure of smelling. It smells of stale, cold lemon tea with sugar. The antique lace note is nauseating. I am so sad b/c I thought this would be wonderful!
  5. Dark Alice

    Frostbitten Jersey Devil

    The Jersey Devil is normally all patchouli with sour berries on me. Something about this frostbitten note makes it soft, chilly with a hint of pine and berry. DAMN IT...I need a bottle!
  6. Dark Alice

    Honey Snowballs

    Musky honey in a mild mint/snow note. Meh. The honey goes to teenage boy funk on me as usual with mintiness. Basically, minty teenage boy sweaty drawers. Not a fan.
  7. Dark Alice

    The Magi: Gaspar of India

    Red bandaids and incense. Such a damn shame b/c all of these notes should have worked on me.
  8. Dark Alice

    Blackcurrant Sufganiyot

    True to form: Black currant, fried dough, g powdered sugar from wet to dry. I want to eat this so much. I am going to have to let this decant go..and go get the real thing.
  9. Dark Alice

    Frostbitten Snake Oil

    Slightly chilled snake oil. This is how I wanted snake oil to smell on me. And the regular stuff turns to play dough on my skin. This does not. So glad I have a bottle!
  10. Dark Alice

    Frostbitten Blood Amber

    The chilliness of Snow White with cool amber with a tinge of blood. I LOVE IT!!!
  11. Dark Alice

    Canis Major

    Star Light. This smells like crystalline starlight with fur. It is beautiful. I don't know if i Need a bottle or not....dang it.
  12. Dark Alice

    The Naturally Possible and Impossible

    Generic woody man cologne. No leather. Just bland woody cologne. *sigh*
  13. Dark Alice

    Five Golden Rings

    Light amber. No lemon, just light amber. It smells like a imagine a fresh golden ring would smell. Eh. I was hoping for something more, but I am glad this doesn't work on me.
  14. Dark Alice

    Odic Force

    Wet: This smells like 51 on crack! bright, green viscous glorious green things. (things) that's the color I get from this. Afterwards...it is soothing, cooling eucalyptus. So pleasant and calming. I need this right now. I see a bottle or two in my future.
  15. Dark Alice


    This is Lucille's cousin without the fluttering of wings as described above. I need a bottle of this. It is that gorgeous and light and Victorian. Sweet hints of red wine which my skin freaking eats, with plum velvet, and glorious oudh. LOVE!
  16. Dark Alice

    2009: Wool Phoenix

    This is sweet Georgia peaches swirling in Bourbon sitting on a mahogany table with lit cigar. It's just lovely. But my decant is all I will need.
  17. Dark Alice

    2003: Cotton Phoenix

    Wet: This smells like pure vanilla extract with a hint of cotton musk. Dry: Snake oil and cotton musk. It's lovely. But not for me.
  18. Dark Alice

    The Air and the Ether

    Light airy amber and ambergis with a dash of lavender. It really is a nice, light scent.
  19. Dark Alice

    Snowball Fight

    Sweet, snowy mint with a splash of vanilla. Dry: More mint but then it becomes fake mint like Orbit's gum and vanilla. The Vanilla note is fantastic..the mint...not so much.
  20. Dark Alice

    Yule 2017

    Dear Santa: My wishlist is in Dire need of an update so here goes: Bpal-I would love to try in any form: Frostbitten: Snake oil or Dorian, All of the Magi scents, 61 Lambs Street roomspray, Slade Atmos, Apple Ice Wine atmos, Black amber and Frankincense atmos, Frankincense and myrrh atmos, and Frozen Cranberries atmos, sugar plum atmos, a wild and naughty perfume, A hailstrom of needles, Hearth 2017, Lajos, Air and Ether, the Fox Sisters, writing on the slate, Cannis major and Cassiopea. Soap: Paintbox soapworks scrub: Winter Stories, Bar Winter Stories, Scrub: White snow, bright snow. Will update more shortly
  21. Dark Alice

    Water Phoenix

    Compassion, eloquence, introspection: Chinese musk and rain, with salty oceanic notes, frankincense, juniper berry, lily of the valley, lavender, cinquefoil, and sweet pea. Water phoenix, of all the elemental blends is the most beautiful. It smells like the color of blue and green water....with just a hint of fruitiness. I think it's the juniper berry. The rain smells divine, but the lavendar keeps this from morphing too much into a soapy smell. I love it....and I am so glad that I have a bottle.
  22. Dark Alice

    Indonesian Clove

    I smell like fancy, non-burning cinnamon clove. In short, I smell like potpourri. What makes this worse is that I spilled half a bottle. So now I have a half a bottle to get rid of and I smell like potpourri.
  23. Dark Alice

    Dead Leaves, Pineapple, Patchouli, and Vetiver

    For some reason..the weirdest notes work on me.This blend is no exception. The pineapple is crisp and mildly sweet and balances out the damn vetiver and the leaves smell like dead leaves...not cologne. This is beautiful. I need a bottle. Damn it.
  24. This is warm tuscan leather with Too much cologne note in the dead leaves with a sweeter mimosa blossom. So not a fan of this. It's just too much man for me. Good thing my soon to be brother in law stopped by, tried it, and is in love. Off to a new home as I figure this one would be a hard sell/swap.
  25. Dark Alice

    Lakeside Atmosphere Spray

    This is absolutely fabulous! Clean water, with hints of coolness with a bit of green. I used my little 4ml spritzer up today. I need to upgrade to a full bottle.