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Everything posted by mooncityminx

  1. mooncityminx

    Pisces 2008

    Wow. This smells expensive. It's sweet in a subtle way, but it's like skin only better. There is an undercurrent of spicy. I detect a faint mintiness, like peppermint but barely there. It almost smells like cola. Mostly I am getting musky skin, but in a classy way. It's very hard to describe. It may be my new GC quest to find something that smells like this. Mmmmm!
  2. mooncityminx

    Green Phoenix

    In the bottle: green with medicine candy? Like a medicine cabinet. Wet: cough drops floating in soapy water. Soap soap soap! Dry: Unfortunately, the flowers in this are the kind that go soapy on me. I was so sure from the description that this would be like 51 that I ordered a bottle unsniffed. The lime note gets stronger, and it is lovely. My skin chemistry just will not let the soap go away. Ugh, now it's just a big bar of soap.
  3. mooncityminx

    Love's Philosophy

    In the bottle: buttercream Wet: Ugh! Wintergreen! Everyone who read my review of Chokmah knows that I have some very nasty associations with wintergreen. So much so that it usually makes me nauseous. Luckily, I was out and about the first time I applied this and let it dry before washing it off. I spent about twenty minutes feeling sorry for myself and wondering what to trade it for. *sniff* Yep, right now it is still chalky wintergreen. Bleh. But hold on because in the next stage it is about to do something wonderful. *is waiting, goes to get orange juice, comes back, takes vitamin, checks email, reads conspiracy news, sniffs wrist, is disgusted, reads article* Dry: It takes quite a while for this one to get to the magic stage, but now that it is here, it's wonderful. Vanilla! and something delicate and sweet like a powdered sugar donut. It has almost no throw at all, but it does last a really long time. For me, the intial wintergreen stage is a little much, and afterwards the fragrance of the vanilla isn't very strong. I'll be keeping my bottle, but most likely I'll be layering with it.
  4. mooncityminx

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    I've read people compare Black Opal to pretty much everything else. You guys are making me want to track down an imp and try it again.
  5. mooncityminx

    Cake, cookies, donuts, baked goods, even Cinnabon

    I think as for the "yeasty" one it might be beneficial to search for something like beer as a note, or some other variation of yeast. I have an LE rec for cinnamon rolls though. Enraged Groundhog Musk is just like cinnamon rolls to me, not on my skin, but in a scent locket. The Milk Moons might be of interest as well.
  6. mooncityminx

    Sudha Segara

    In the imp: Uhhhh citrus? Wet: Ugghh! I don't know what that is but it smells like bathroom airfreshner to me. ! Drydown: Seriously, I don't know if this one is just old or tainted or what, but it strongly reminds me of public bathroom. In a bad way. This is so weird! I know what ginger smells like and I'm not getting it at all. I have to go wash this off now. Emergency bubble bath! Stat!
  7. mooncityminx

    Ode on Melancholy

    In the imp: Lavendar and fruits? Wet: Very sharp lavendar, some fruit, and musk. This is very clean in a men's soap kind of way. It's really hard to explain this one. Drydown: Musky lavendar. Gosh, I like lavendar, but I'm not sure I like it enough to make this one work for me. It's still very sharp. I think this one is too clean for me. Oh well.
  8. mooncityminx

    Vampire Tears

    In the imp: My first impression is Sweetarts. Wet: Lemonheads? Sweet but potent lemon, now with some flowers peaking through, very pretty! Drydown: Many times I have skin chemistry issues with various citrus oils, but this one is fabulous. Very clean and refreshing. I am going to want to have plenty of this on hand during the summer. Hmm, I wonder if it repels mosquitos? I am still geting powerful but sweet lemon with some background floral. The floral is way in the background though. This is so pretty! This isn't a fragrance I would have associated with vampires, but I love it.
  9. I have used bpal for nausea soothing aromatherapy. I've been using Lick It Again, but I really think Oof would be nice for that purpose. It's mint is much stronger. In fact I've been meaning to buy a bottle for many months now.
  10. mooncityminx

    Hony Mone

    In the bottle: Chocolate! Reminds me of the way 7/7/7's Thirteen smells before putting it on. Wet: Almost all chocolate still. Nice but kind of overwhelming. Drydown: Now the fruits and florals start to appear. I really do smell chocolate covered fruits and honeysuckle. I was worried about the jasmine, as most tend to smell funky at one stage or another, but this one does not. Sweet sweet chocolate covered fruits is mostly what I get but the honeysuckle and honeys come out and make this more complex. Oh oh oh, now the chocolate is almost gone and this is honeysuckle and honey! Hooray! It's very interesting. I prefer the drydown stage with the florals and honey. Honeysuckle is my favorite single note so I'm biased. Most of the time I can't detect it in other blends, but in this one it comes out nicely. I can see this one really becoming a treasure of my collection. Thanks to hkhm for trading it to me
  11. To me, Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree smells very similar. It's a salon, so that's $25 per bottle and it may be tricky finding a decant, but it's a very close match.
  12. mooncityminx

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    I'm still in raptures over Marshmallow Poof over here. Yes, I still have quite a bit left, but I love it too much to watch my supply dwindle without a plan. Most likely there is nothing in the GC at the moment that really smells similar, but can anyone make any distant comparisons? To me Marshmallow Poof is a little bit of a pink-berry scent with a sweet dry powdery-ness. Do you know what I mean by pink berry? Are there any other pink berry scents?
  13. mooncityminx


    First of all I have to say that La Flamme is wonderful for the smell alone. Immediately I was reminded of a cross between Vixen and Hellion. Mmmm! It's a very incensey and confident perfume. In my experience the throw was perfect. I only used a smidgen. A few hours after it dried it took on a sweet dry dusty scent like the way Perpetuum Bonum smells underneath the cherries. La Flamme is sultry! After a few hours, let's say four I could hardly smell it at all. This did not seem to mar the effectiveness however. I dabbed LF on myself with intent, but didn't do any kind of ritual other than the regular getting dressed, fixing hair routine. It was a holiday but our only plans for the day were getting some groceries and running some errands. I'm setting the stage to make it clear that this was not a big night out or anything like that. I noticed the oil taking effect right away while I was getting ready. I didn't notice any effect while we were out, but when we came home the effect seemed to be still going strong. That's as detailed as I'm willing to be about the matter. I will be buying a bottle sometime soon.
  14. mooncityminx

    Rose Red

    Rose Redd 2007 version: Wet it smells well, wet. I detect the wet stones note from Shanghi Tunnels and I suspect it is some sort of mint even though it doesn't smell particularly minty, because it reminds me of the mint plants in my grandma's garden. Tea Rose is the dominant note. It's very beautiful to combine the wet stones smell and the tea rose note. I can imagine I'm in a rainy rose garden with mossy rocks lining the path. Rose Redd never goes soapy or artifical on me in any way. I usually have a very hard time with all rose I've tried other than tea rose. This is such a sophisticated and unique fragrance. It's easily my favorite rose perfume I've ever smelled. I could easily believe that I were smelling a real rose. I even get a tactile sensation like velvety dark red petals on my fingertips. I'm going to need to stock up on this! I rarely wear florals but I could see myself really becoming a Rose Redd girl!
  15. mooncityminx

    Snow White

    I smelled some Snow White from 04 at a meet-n-sniff and it was wondeful so I was sure that I would love her new incarnation. In the imp Snow White 07 is clean and coconutty. I had some very high hopes. On the skin Snow White is all coconut on me. There is a little bit of a Barbie smell. This must be what others are describing as plasticy. Gosh, that coconut really overpowers everything else. Hours later it smells just very clean and well blended. Final verdict: I actually like Dana O'Shee a whole lot more. SW isn't bad at all, it's just not what I was expecting. Perhaps layered with other fragrances like rose or something, this could be much nicer. Personally I think I will stock up on DOS instead.
  16. mooncityminx

    The Scales of Deprivation

    Wet this stuff is sweet and astringent and resinous. That's why I've had this imp for a long time and am just now trying it, because resins usually do the old-lady-powder thing on my skin, but let me tell you, this one is different. At first this is a man's medicine cabinet. But after about twenty minutes give or take it becomes the most wonderful sandalwood golden comforting halo. This must be what resins are like for people who don't have wonky skin chemistry. It disturbs me a little that this is so beautiful and anything but bleak, and yet it's named after the horseman who is popularly considered a symbol of famine and scarcity. How can a symbol of inequality and opression smell so damn righteous and saintly? Maybe that's the paradox of holy war? It smells kind of romantic in a way. On a more trivial note after blending with my skin chemistry this reminds me of Lush's Floating Island. Weird. I need a bottle or two of this for sure.
  17. mooncityminx

    Gingerbread Poppet

    This is fresh from the oven gingerbread when wet. Very strong ginger and nutmeg and sweetness. MMmm. After several minutes it morphs to a spicy apple cider fragrance. Usually apples go weird on me, but this apple is very true to apple cider. On my skin the fragrance fades to a distant sweetness after about an hour. I'll experiment with putting it on clothing as well and I expect it to last longer that way. Out of the other foodies this Yule, Gingerbread Poppet is the clear winner. I may need a back up bottle.
  18. mooncityminx

    Bonfire Night

    In the bottle Bonfire Night is smoke and dirt. I like both notes so this was promising. Unfortunately, BN hit my skin it amped agressively with the smoke. This is not sitting around a campfire smoke, this is not bonfires in the distance or the smoke from a wood burning stove, this is more like "OH-NO-MY-HAIR-IS-ON-FIRE!" Those who have read my Agnes Nutter review will note that it didn't work on me either. The smell on my skin is pretty much identical, suggesting that this is a skin chemistry issue. Sadly I don't get any treacle or beer or anything other than burnt. It was a beautiful concept and one day I'd love to smell it on someone with the right skin chemistry.
  19. Christmas Kisses is just cinnamon, right? Good taste btw, I love Christmas Kisses. I think Shub would go well if you want to go spicy. I got Gingerbread Poppet in the mail today, and I only tried it once so far but it is spicy as well. Also, Morocco.
  20. That's so weird to me because I use BIG every day and I've never noticed a smell from it. I thought it was unscented! Weird.
  21. mooncityminx

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Light young scents? GC: 51, Yemaya, Dana O'Shee, O When you say that Pink Moon turned sour on you, was this the new Pink Moon? I didn't know it had milk in it.
  22. mooncityminx

    Pinched With Four Aces

    Pinched reminds me a lot of the original Beaver Moon. It does have a rich creamy nuttiness, and there is the coffee, but then I smell a dry sort of cinnamon like the powdered spice sprinked on top of a latte and after it is completely I dry I could easily mistake it for the Beaver. For me it smells a lot better in the bottle than it does on my skin. This is a personal skin chemistry tragedy that I must learn to live with. Not a lot like Miskatonic U, not as sweet and without the book smells. There might be cardamon in it which may be the 'cinnamon' that I am getting. It is a somewhat similar spice to Enraged Groundhog Musk, but there is a lot less of it.
  23. mooncityminx

    Egg'd Mailbox

    In the vial: floral? and nutmeg. Wet: Mmmm. Nutmeg, nutmeg, nutmeg! Uh, floral? What is that? Why is that in there? Oh no, is it taking over? Drydown: Carnation with some soapiness, nope the foodiness is gone for good. Damn my skin chemistry! If I were expecting carnation this would be nice. I do like carnation a lot, but when expecting egg custard, carnation can be a bit off-putting.
  24. mooncityminx

    Pumpkin Cheesecake

    In the vial: buttery, nutty and cream-cheesy Wet: More nuts and cream-cheese, ooo the pumpkin spice is coming out now. Niiiice! Still very nutty. Drydown: Oh, this goes a little bit dry cinnamon as it fades like Beaver Moon and Pinched. But I like it better than either of those two. I can still smell the pumpkin and that seems to make all of the difference. It's still kind of nutty. It is now reminding me of that nut flavored cream cheese spread that I tried once, but then the cinnamon fades in and out again. This is nice. If it were a GC I would be buying multiple bottles and singing its praises from the rooftops, but since it's so hard to get I think I can be content with my decant vial. It actually reminds me a lot of Jack with extra spice. The pumpkin is different, but the feeling is the same.
  25. mooncityminx

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    CLVIII : I got this at a meet-n-sniff. Some kind person gifted it to me. At first it was all cherry cola. But now that it is drying I am getting a floral that I can't identify and a clean woodsy musk. I think I preffer the wet stage but the drydown is also nice. It's reminding me of something I've smelled before, some perfume from my childhood. I think I'll be enjoying this in a scent locket. Previously reviewed by yeahbutnobut.