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Everything posted by euterpe414

  1. euterpe414

    Scorpio 2007

    Add me to the chorus of those who were reminded of Minotaur and Schwarzer Mond when they tested this. I find Scorpio to be a touch sweeter than the previous two blends, perhaps due to the wormwood in the blend. Anyway, it's nothing short of fabulous if you are a resin lover, and lasts for an incredibly long time with a fair amount of throw. I love the addition of the basil, it adds a unique herbal kick to the blend that sets it apart from all the other dark resinous beauties. Plus, it's interesting that two blends with basil in them (Troll and this one) smell incredibly, completely different, yet both delicious
  2. euterpe414


    Man, the lab is killing me with all these amazing new GC scents!! Plunder is another stunner; it's an amazing blend of spices and black tea, and to my nose it smells just like chai, but the kind that is homemade and only slightly sweetened (just how I like it!) Cinnamon bark (the kind that is similar to that in Priala) is the most prominent of all the spices, but it does not overpower everything else for me- I can detect the other notes quite well. It lasts for a fair amount of time, but I will definitely need to reapply it throughout the day. That's fine with me, since I can always get more. I think this would layer really well with other scents, too. I'll have to do some experimenting... A fantastic GC scent, and another that I am getting a bottle of ASAP. If you like Bengal and Priala you have to give this one a try!
  3. euterpe414


    Strange. Instead of leaves and sap, I am getting the smell of dry, scorched grasses along with a touch a sweetness. I can definitely see why people say they smell cologne, and at first it smells like cologne on me, but that stage fades within five minutes and is replaced by the grassy smell. October is really strong, has a lot of throw, and lasts a long time. Given the image of dried grass, it reminds me a lot more of late August and early September than October Regardless, I really enjoy the scent, and find to be very comforting like an old worn sweater, perfect for lounging around and going on long walks.
  4. euterpe414

    The Twisted Oak Tree

    Surprisingly, on me this is mostly ivy with a bit of moss in the background. It's very cool, clean, and light as far as foresty scents go. I can smell a touch of the wood in the background which makes it a tiny bit smoky, but it never dominates. I really enjoy this one since I don't have too many scents with ivy in it (and ivy is such a gorgeous note!). Definitely a keeper, although I wish it lasts just a bit longer on my skin- perhaps this is one that's more suited for the locket.
  5. euterpe414


    Out of all the new GC's that have been released lately, this one caught my eye the most. I love all of the notes in it, and was extremely excited to try it. On my it's a mixture of all the notes sort of swirling around- I can detect the vetiver, the clove smoke, then the basil, then the cumin, but they never stay put. I love being able to smell all of these different things each time I sniff my wrist. It's very well blended, and has a smoky, foresty feel overall, with a hint of spice. I do agree with sarada that people who like Jersey Devil will like this- I also detected an immediate similarity. Also, people afraid of vetiver should not be in this blend, because it isn't overly prominent or dominating. This is a fantastic blend, and I am so glad I bought a bottle of it!
  6. euterpe414

    Kubla Khan

    I totally should have gone with my gut instinct to buy a bottle of this unsniffed, b/c it is gorgeous! In the vial it is rather overwhelmingly strong incense with a hint of floral, but once it hits my skin it turns into this exotic, light and sweet incense that I just can't get enough of. Seriously, this is one of those nose-attached-to-wrist scents... I can't really detect specific notes in here, it's just sweet and exotic. The closes type of incense blend that this compares to is Midnight on the Midway, but it really isn't anything like it in smell, just in feel, I suppose. This is SO wonderful, and I am definitely getting a bottle in my next lab order. :D
  7. euterpe414

    Pumpkin IV (2007)

    I really really, enjoy this one. It might just be my favorite of the bunch. I get a very earthy pumpkin, one that is still in the patch. The sage and sweetgrass mix so well with the pumpkin and keep it from being buttery (so if you hate the buttery side fo pumpkin, try this one!) and foody. As it dries, the sage comes out more and gives it a little bit of a smoky quality. This is fantastic and I am even considering getting a backup bottle, as I think I would definitely wear this one all year round. Wonderful!
  8. euterpe414

    The Death of Autumn

    This scent is very, very dark and autumnal. It definitely reminds me more a falling leaves and fading greenery more than October. All of the notes seem to blend together very well, and the only one I definitely detect is the amber, as it holds the other notes together. I find The Death of Autumn to be very true to its description, and perfect for fall and also winter- it evokes chilling air, crumbling leaves, and fading sunlight. It's also definitely a unisex blend, and would probably smell wonderful on a man. This one's yet another great Halloween creation that I am happy to own.
  9. Snake Oil is my favorite BPAL blend, and also love the Snake Pits scents, but I find them all to be very different from Snake Oil. I think the SO adds a certain richness to all of them that really makes them all quite amazing, but really, like the others said, you should choose based on what other notes you like. I have a hard time picking a favorite b/c I love them all, but my Snake Scale (lol) would be something like this... 1. Asp Viper/ Western Diamondback - both completely different yet incredibly addictive! If you like Bow and Crown or Quincey Morris, you have to have WD 2. Banded Sea Snake 3. Temple Viper 4. Death Adder 5. Boomslang 6. Habu 7.King Cobra 8. Green Tree Viper 9. Saw Scaled Viper 10. Australian Copperhead 11. Cottonmouth 12. Coral Snake - last b/c it lasts the least amount of time on skin but is still yummy.
  10. euterpe414

    The Phoenix

    This is one of the few aquatic scents that I love and plan on wearing (the others being Jolly Roger, Isle of the Dead and Caliban). It is mostly sea spray on my skin with a bit of lime at first- very light and refreshing. It really smells like being out in the open sea. As it dries a hint of dragon's blood comes out, giving the blend some depth. I barely detect the Snake Oil, perhaps it is hiding beneath the dragon's blood- sometimes I think I can smell it but I never quite find it... I think this is the blend that smells most like the ocean out of all the ones I have tried, and I am very glad to have gotten a few bottles. Lovely!!
  11. euterpe414

    Bonfire Night

    Oh man, and to think that at first glance I thought this one might not work on me!! Bonfire Night is an incredible smoky blend. It blends pretty equally the smoky, charred scent found in Brimstone or Agnes Nutter with a thick syrupy, molasses like sweetness. The mixture of the two isn't overwhelming, but a pleasant sweet smell that is very reminiscent of fall and winter- chimney smoke and the pelasant odor of baked goods. It almost has a bit of caramel corn feel to it, if I catch it at certain times . This is the perfect blend to wear when going on a walk outside when it's crip and cold and a bit windy, as it's really warm and fuzzy. I absolutely adore it and will treasure my bottle.
  12. euterpe414

    Pumpkin I (2007)

    This one is really unique as far as pumpkin blends go. At first it starts out smelling of tea and fruit with a hint of pumpkin. As time goes on the pumpkin comes to the forefront a little more. It smells like pumpkin tea, if such a thing were to exist . It never ends up getting too sweet on me; it just stays pleasant and almost effervescent. I actually think that this one can last beyond the holiday season and into spring, as well (although I'll wear pumpkin anytime since I love it!) . A very enjoyable and unique pumpkin blend that I will look forward to wearing.
  13. euterpe414

    Pumpkin II (2007)

    This is mainly pumpkin and champa on my skin. In fact, when I tested this at first without looking at the notes, I could not tell what the other notes in it besides these two were. It's a bit like headshop + pumpkin pie, which is certainly not a bad thing in my book as I enjoy the smell of both. As it dries the smell mellows out a bit and I can smell a touch of tobacco in the background. This one's lovely, warm and a bit sensual; it lasts quite a while as well, fading to a faint spicy pumpkin in the end. Delicious!
  14. euterpe414

    Herbes de Provence?

    I think the closest one is by far and away Calliope. I use Herbes de Provence a lot and Calliope really reminded me of them b/c of the lavendar and herb combination.
  15. euterpe414

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Definitely try Cairo, but you also might want to try The Philosopher in Meditation, as well. ( Smoldering woodfire embers, Galen’s Kyphi, and Abramelin incense. ) It's a very rich, sweet, yet dark incense on my skin, which sounds just like what you're after!
  16. euterpe414

    The Forbidding Foyer

    Ok, so far, this has got to be the most dead-on of the Haunted House scents as far as the descriptions go! At first this smells verry strongly of an old musty, decaying and rotting building- stones, a bit of mold, and a the like. Then as its been on for a while it tones down a little and a bit fo the cognac comes through. There is still that 'old building' smell but its less pungent and a bit more wearable- I smell mainly mahogany, stone , a bit of herbs and a touch of cognac. I am really enjoying this once it's dry. It smells a lot like my neighborhood (the building across the street from me is from the 1500's so there's definitely a bit of an old and musty air around my apartment) at night after it has just rained, which is utterly fantastic! I'm definitely getting a bottle, it's one of the most unique BPAL scents I have tried so far...perhaps the most haunting scent I have smelled.
  17. euterpe414

    The Lurid Library

    The Lurid Library reminds me very much at first of a traditional, victiorian like men's cologne. There is a slight sharpness, but mostly a regal cologne combined with a slight dustiness. I am reminded very much of Dee, and also of Riding the Goat when I put this one. However, this blend morphs a lot with wear and turns into a softer musky scent- I swear I can detect a hint of something floral, as well. The dustiness all but vanishes within an hour of wear. I do enjoy this scent, it is very evocative of a haunted library, but it sticks so close to my skin and is very very faint. I don't even think slathering would help this one. Perhaps if it ages it might be a bit richer, but I don't know if I want to splurge on a bottle to find out if I'm right or not...
  18. euterpe414

    The Chilling Cellar

    I was definitely not excpecting this one to smell the way it does based on the description. On my skin I get a sweet wine, very similar to the wine in Madrid, with some herbal/stone type notes- I'm guessing this is the clay... The Chilling Cellar has lots of throw, and despite having the word "chilling" in its name I find this to be a very warm and vibrant scent. It is what I wanted the wine scents in the Maelstrom series to smell like (unfortunately those were like cough syrup on me!)- deep, rich wine with a hint of dustiness and earthiness. I really love this one and am definitely ordering a bottle- yay (!) for a new wine scent that works well with my chemistry
  19. For me Malediction is probably the darkest BPAL I own- it's very black and brown- burnt and sinister. I looove it. I also really find the Great He Goat to be a very dark scent as well- with a tiny hint of fruitiness to lure you in...
  20. euterpe414

    The Atrocious Attic

    I have to agree with the previous reviewer that I smell something really really similar to 13 (the orange label Oct 2006, to be specific). I cannot believe that there is tea rose in this b/c it is one of my most dreaded notes (and I am masochistic for getting a decant of this, lol) and I don't smell its sharpness at all. This is very soft, creamy and delicate- definitely evocative of an old wedding gown and other victoriana. I can definitely detect a soft lavendar, lilies, sandalwood and violet, but they are all blended together very very well. This is not my normal fair- it's very delicate and girly, yet I find my nose permanently stuck to the spot where I spplied it on my arm! It's an incredibly calming scent and makes me feel graceful and at ease. I am definitely buying a bottle of this- who would have guessed??
  21. euterpe414

    Scents for late summer into autumn

    This is probbly my favorite time of year, as well So far this autumn I have been loving Singing Moon (me and everyone else, it's soo great!!), Verdandi, Priala, Pinched with Four Aces, Harvest Moon 06, Samhain and Jack. I can't wait til I get the new pumpkin blends, I bet they are going to be absolutely perfect!!
  22. euterpe414

    Les Infortunes de la Vertu

    I am finding that lately I have been very drawn to leather scents- a few months ago I would have thought that would never happen, lol. I blame it on the Dogs Playing Poker series, but anyway... Les Infortunes is a fantastic leather scent. Very classy, a bit perfumy, definitely in the style of His Station and Four Aces (although it doesn't really smell similar note wise, just the feel of it). I get a lot of orange blossom and leather, with not a whole lot of incense. There are some lighter floral notes lurking, but they don't come out too often. When it is dry for a long time I can smell a bit of the oakmoss, too, which really grounds the scent. I am definitely keeping my imp of this and perhaps getting a bottle in the future.
  23. euterpe414


    Delphi is mostly honey, wine, and bay on me from start to finish. The bay really gives it an herbal quality that registers with my brain as 'medicinal'. The wine is also very sweet- similar to the wine note that is in Lady Macbeth, if I remember correctly. I wanted to like this one so much but there is some sort of evil sourness that keeps creeping into the blend- I think it's just the way that bay behaves on my skin. For those of you that like sweet herbal scents, give this a try. I find it very similar in feel to Tum (which also did not work for me, sadly). Off to the swaps...
  24. euterpe414

    Beaver Moon... !

    Wow what an update- I certainly was not prepared for all of this...my bank account most definitely wasn't prepared either, lol. Once again, I'm wishing I had a money tree... Beaver Moon Wild cherry with vanilla cream accord, and a hint of strawberry I loved Bloody Mary, so I am thinking I will probably love this, too. Bottle... Swan Maiden White gardenia, white iris, sandalwood, calla lily, French magnolia, muguet, jonquil, and orchid hm... I love gardenia, iris, sandalwood and orchid, but I really don't like magnolia at all. I think for the sake of my finances I'm going to miss taking a gamble on this one for now. If the reviews turn out to downplay the magnolia then I will try and hunt down some of it. Scorpio Dark musk, wormwood, basil, dragon’s blood resin, galangal, and opoponax Mmmmmm. Dark, musky, and resinous. with basil. definitely buying a bottle of this! Ile de la Tortue Damp air trapped in limestone caverns, heady greenery, hothouse orchids, nicotiana blossoms, bois de chandel, elemi, palm wine, garambullo, pega-pega, flame of the forest, and a swirl of Haitian vetiver This sounds promising. I love the idea of caverns and greenery- add vetiver and that makes me even happier. I would love to order a bottle unsniffed since I'm pretty sure I'll love it, but I don't have enough money- for now I'll get an imp. Windward Passage Marine accord, seaweed, and bladderwrack Hmm..I think this might not be one for me. I am not an aquatic lover (although I used to be in high school and when I was a young child- weird) so I think I will put off trying this... Kill-Devil Sugar cane, molasses, oak wood, and honey Grog really didn't work on me but I have a feeling this might. I love oak and honey, so let's hope the other notes don't turn it too sickly sweet! Imp for now... Plunder Tea leaf, cassia, cinnamon bark, clove, allspice, sandalwood, tobacco, peppercorn, and nutmeg I think I may need to buy a bottle of this unsniffed. This sounds like an amazing spicy tea blend...I love spices, so I can't see how this could possibly go wrong on me. Pirate Moon Red musk, ambergris, coconut palm, red sandalwood, balsam, date, warm leather, tobacco, ebony, lingum vitae wood, pandanus grass, an' a touch o' lime This also sounds delicious. There's not a note in this one that I don't like. I am definitey ordering multiple bottles if I can. I am so interested to see how the lime plays into the darker notes... The Phoenix Sea air, gunpowder, lime, salt-crusted wood, a splash of blood, and a dribble of Snake Oil Eeeeee... another Snake Oil blend!!! I ordered two bottle of this right away. I think it will be absolutely phenomenal with the lime, smokiness and touch of salt. Midnight Kiss Red musk, cocoa absolute, Nepalese amber, red sandalwood, aged patchouli, nicotiana, and blood wine Oh my goodness...this one sounds so rich and sensual! I ordered this right away since I didn't want to miss it (like I did with Crypt Queen ). I hope it's somewhat like a richer Tezcatlipoca or Centzon Totochtin. I love those rich and spicy cocoa blends. Vampire Tears Wisteria, white grapefruit, neroli, green tea, jasmine, white ginger, honeysuckle, iris, and tonka I was not so crazy about this one when I read the notes....I am not the biggest jasmine fan as it can go sharp on me, and jasmine plus honeysuckle and iris might equal a floral disaster. I am going to pass on this for now- hopefully it doesn't turn out to be something I would have loved.
  25. euterpe414


    Aeaea is a very soft aquatic on my skin- it reminds me a lot of shampoo, or the smell of pure, clean skin. I can smell the cypress lurking beneath the squatic notes and some lighter, sweet florals notes, too. The cypress seems to get stronger durin the drydown, and the aquatic notes become much more of a background to the woodiness. Once this is dry there is a very strong 'perfume-y' element to this one, so I would be wary of slathering. On me, 'perfume-y' blends when slathered = biiig headache that is hard to get rid of. Even though it turns into a stronger scent, the fresh and clean qualities about it seem to remain. I am not sure that Aeaea is a type of scent that I would wear often, but it is certainly very lovely. I am going to hold on to it because I can see myself wearing it in my scent locket or as a room scent quite often (and you never know, I might start becoming obsessed with cypress sometime soon and wear it a lot, hehe). ETA: Unfortunately when I actually tried to wear this (aka slather it) it gave me a horrible headache- I don't know what it is but I think it's some of the aquatic-ness in the blend. Sadly, Aeaea must be sent to a better home