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Everything posted by crebbsgirl

  1. crebbsgirl


    This blend is totally dominated by both the paperwhite and lily notes. I cannot detect any opium or poppy here at all. I get a heady white floral blend, reminiscent of a hothouse. As it dries I am getting a distinctly soapy vibe here and eventually, this has turned into a faint soapy floral that feels just a little too old for me.
  2. crebbsgirl

    Asp Viper (2006)

    I accidently swapped for this - very long story - and I am reminded of why I dislike almond scents. Or rather, I am reminded that my SKIN hates almond scents. In the bottle there is a complexity here I find intriguing. On the skin, it starts out nicely, the almond and mandarin adding a foody overtone to Snake Oil, while the myrrh adds a bit of depth. As it dries though, I get amaretto flavoured Snake Oil. Not good.
  3. crebbsgirl


    Prague on my skin is a very clean floral. Not soapy. Crisp and light. There seems to be a very faintly aquatic vibe here. I'm also getting a bit of a honey tinge as well. This is incredibly light and feminine, and not something I would normally ever wear.
  4. crebbsgirl

    Black Phoenix

    Predominantly cherry cola, with a rose kick. My skin doesn't like roses, and this is no exception.
  5. crebbsgirl

    Wolf's Heart

    I didn't get cloves from this blend, but I did get Dragon's blood. This was a little fruity floral, and I think I could detect a bit of jasmine here too. Overall, not really what I'm looking for.
  6. crebbsgirl


    Jasmine and I do not get along, and now apparently, apricot and I are having a tiff. This started out nicely vanilla and white ginger. Sweet with a little spice. As it dried, the apricot and jasmine started duking it out for supremacy. Neither won, and this blend became sickly sweet, with a fruity overtone. There was a bit of a rotting vibe on my skin. I had to get rid of it.
  7. crebbsgirl


    This may be the one wine blend I can wear! Other blends tend to go fruity on my skin, but this stays wine-like and wonderful. I think the herbs might help to temper it. This is really quite nice. I can smell a little earthy note in the background. The overall effect is a little cool and sharp, with just a touch of sweetness. Someone above mentioned dirty wine and I must agree wholeheartedly.
  8. crebbsgirl


    Blech. Civet. We are NOT friends. This started out with a red musk tone to it and I think I could smell Dragon's blood in here too. And then, I got that familiar rank pee smell... It's too bad, because I thought this would be love on my skin. Not so much.
  9. crebbsgirl


    Initally when I first put this on, there was a waft of basil that scared the crap outta me. It faded and blended with the other notes fairly quickly though. Troll ended up being a dark scent, mainly vetiver and pine pitch. There was a smokiness here, and I only got faint catches of the clove smoke and scorched cumin. It overall a rather smoky and dry blend. I'd like to smell it on a boy, but I don't think it's for me.
  10. crebbsgirl


    This was a very purple floral. I could detect lilac and maybe violet in this blend. It was an ultra feminine scent, light but with definite presence. As it dried, a creamy dimension came out. Overall, on my skin this was a little soapy for my tastes, and there was a powdery tinge to it. Nice, but not for me.
  11. crebbsgirl

    Moon Rose

    Okay first off, almost every predominantly rose blend I ever tried turned to screaming, ammonia-like smells. This however, is the first rose blend that actually smells like roses on my skin. You know when you go to a florists, and they grab a bouquet of the light pink, barely blooming roses out of the fridge, so that they're cold and fresh with just a light sheen of condensation on the petals? That is exactly what this smells like. It's light and cool and beautiful.
  12. crebbsgirl


    This one ended up being a beautiful dark incensey floral on me. Wet, the cypress, stephanotis and the black narcissus are pretty predominant. As it dries the resins start appearing and the cypress calms down. The opoponax is dark and wonderful. It seems to be getting more floral as it sits on my skin. I find this one to be pretty perfumey for my tastes, but a beautiful scent none-the-less.
  13. crebbsgirl


    This was mostly leather on me, with a hint of red musk. As the dry down progressed, the myrrh came out more as did the amber. This was incredibly attention grabbing, and I must admit I was a little concerned about wearing it out of the house. This was a very hot blend. Normally I like my scents warm and comforting and there was absolutely NOTHING comforting about this. I think the blend was aptly named, as it seemed the scent was designed to test boundaries and cause discomfort. In a good way
  14. crebbsgirl

    Baron Samedi

    Okay I think I must have a wonky nose here. In the bottle, I smell freshly cut grass. Something very green and herbal. Wet, the herbal note is still there, sharp and piercing. As it dries this smooths out. Clove and cinnamon and a bit of booze. There's still something sharp about it though. I'm trying a lab fresh imp, so I may put it aside for aging and see if that makes a difference. I'm not getting ANY almond here, which is good because I can't stand the smell of it.
  15. crebbsgirl


    The essence of the most debauched hunger encapsulated into a perfume. Desire beyond love, anguish beyond sanity. Nutmeg, sassafras, black poppy and myrrh. Upon first application, this was very much sassafras and nutmeg. There was a sugary quality here initally, but it dissipated fairly quickly. The nutmeg and sassafras blended with the myrrh beautifully, and the black poppy remained in the background, darkening the scent a bit. Intriguing and narcotic definitely. The overall effect was slightly creamy and spicy. I like this a lot.
  16. crebbsgirl

    Dragon's Milk

    I was curious about this blend as it seem to be such a favourite. I can certainly see why. The dragon's blood resin doesn't go "cherry" on my skin, but rather, takes on a fruit/floral vibe. It's sweet, but not overly so. The vanilla is a little spicy here. About an hour in, I could swear I was wearing a clove scent. I kept smelling something all evening, and wondering what it was that smelled so good. I brought my wrist passed my nose as I was reaching for something, and I realized it was me! I will certainly be wearing this blend often!
  17. crebbsgirl


    This is the first blend I've tried with the civet note and I think I have the skin chemistry that doesn't agree with it. Initially this is a thick and heady perfume. Very much all about the opium note and the red musk. As the blend dries and settles, there's a musk underneath that's turning a little... rank. I think it's the civet note. Yup, this one is off to swaps.
  18. crebbsgirl


    ... Luxuriant amber, warm Egyptian musk, fierce saffron and soft myrrh, almond, cardamom and golden lotus. Let me preface this review by stating that almond and I rarely get along. On my skin, 99% of the time it turns into a shrieking amaretto note that makes me and almost everyone in the immediate area ill. Having said that, in the bottle, there is a pretty strong almond note and it stays for about 1/2 a second when it hits my skin. But then the scent blossoms into wonderfulness. The almond fades lightly to the background and the saffron and cardamom combination blend seamlessly with the myrrh and musk. The golden lotus comes out about 1/2 hour to an hour in, and sweetens the blend up. On my skin, golden lotus tends to smell like a light honey. This is a very golden and warm blend. Overall it's a beautiful skin scent, lovely and glowing.
  19. Having recently discovered it's almost magical properties, I am going to recommend Perversion. Just try it.
  20. crebbsgirl

    Snow White

    I'm reviewing the 2008 version. This is a beautiful scent indeed. A very cool vanilla, with a hint of coconut and white florals. Creamy and sweet, but not cloying. I'm actually surprised I like it, given my usual hate-on for all things floral. Very light and innocent smelling. Totally unlike anything I usually wear, but I'm enjoying it nonetheless.
  21. crebbsgirl

    Judith and Holofernes

    This one took me completely by surprise! I was expecting something a little darker especially with the inclusion of patchouli. But not so much here. What I ended up with was a skin musk and carnation blend with just a hint of patchouli and sandalwood. The honey note was very faint here, and the magnolia lent a sweet floral that normally would have turned me completely off, but here it works. This is a complex and intriguing blend, mysterious in its unexpectedness.
  22. crebbsgirl


    I have a new love, and her name is Perversion. This is a wonderful leather and tobacco scent on me, and the tonka lends a vanillic richness to this scent. The chardonnay notes are very very faint on me, and you can only identify them if you really dissect the blend. The rum is a fantastic note here, lending a hazy booze note. Wonderful and dirty. I want to roll around in it.
  23. crebbsgirl

    Red Lantern

    I swapped for this before I realized that caramel and I don't really get along. (Bien Loin D'Ici and Agrat I'm looking at YOU!) I'm really glad I didn't let the caramel stop me, because in this blend it actually behaves! I am beginning to think Tobacco is one note my skin loves. Wet, this is really strongly caramel. As it dries, however, the tobacco comes out and tempers the caramel, preventing the thick and sickly aroma that caramel causes on my skin. The amber and coconut come out too around this time, adding a depth to this blend and again, tempering the caramel. This is really nice, and it smells familiar but I can't seem to place it.
  24. crebbsgirl


    I tried the '07 version. Upon first application there seems to be an odd burnt sugar smell. As it dries however, a warm musky boozy scent develops. This is positively lascivious. Aptly named indeed. I'm not getting a fruity note here at all. The booze note smells similar to cognac. (I am not at all sure that's it, but that's what it smells like on my skin). It's really sexy once the burnt sugar phase passes.
  25. crebbsgirl

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    I'm reporting back having tried both Smut and Perversion and re-trying Snake Charmer. Smut turned into some funky burnt sugar scent on me. Not sure what happened there. Snake Charmer was a little too similar to Snake Oil for my tastes. But Perversion. Let's chat about Perversion. This smelled EXACTLY like what I was looking for. Similar vibe to Black Lace, not the same scent, but definitely what I was aiming for. I've been huffing my wrists all day! Thank you so much for your help, I'm in a state of scent bliss!