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Everything posted by Coldfire

  1. Coldfire


    Decant: wow….dark and earth is right. Almost vetiver smelling Wet on Me: wow…still earthy and dark and vetiver scented. Really nose up turning. Drying Down: OMG get this off. No no no no no. I like an earthy smell but this is me just amping vetiver something fierce. Dry: okay this sooo did not work for me. Not at all. Like vetiver over maple syrup. Not for the Coldie
  2. Coldfire

    The Piper at the Gates of Dawn

    Decant: a nice dark blend. Some pine whiffs and patchouli whiffs Wet on Me: wow this is pretty. Kinda spicy floral not as much pine now Drying Down: More pine now, with faint breaths of patchouli and the soft amber. Dry: pine blended with patchouli and touches of the musk now..which might have kept the amber from turning to baby powder on me.
  3. Coldfire

    The Convocation

    Decant: masculine vibe alright. Clean and light Wet on me: wow…this almost has the same scent vibe as Devin…a guy’s cologne from a long a go boyfriend Drying Down: WOW it smells more and more like Devin. It’s clean and light and not quite citrusy but not floral either. But hot DAYUMN am I loving this! Dry: wow…less like a direct memory of Devin..but traces..much like my memories of the boy who wore it. Thanks for a lovely trip down memory lane.
  4. Coldfire

    The Macabray

    Decant: Clean citrus leaf? Aquatic with hints of mint? Wet on me: more clean aquatic with mint hints Drying Down: I’m catching a mandarin Orange vibe with mint.. and it’s working well together. Dry: wow…this is almost, ALMOST like the scent in the air that I smell before it snows. Clean, Crisp, almost minty but in this case that lovely vibe of citrus I get to round it all out.
  5. Coldfire

    Nowhere in Particular

    Decant: clean…like a full moon on a winter’s night Wet on Me: Still clean…still that moonlight scent. Full moon in a warm place in the winter. Must be the orchid Drying Down: this fades very quickly. More orchid and less clean moon Dry: this faded into a light orchid floral scent. Almost a fruity floral
  6. Coldfire

    The Gaoler's Daughter

    Decant: peach, neroli, some honey Wet on Me: the neroli and gardenia are blending and I can pick out a bit of the peach. The honey adds a whisper of sweetness Drying Down: okay the flowers are receding a bit to mellow with the cream and honey. Dry: just the powdery amber and the honey. It’s nice…but not something I would need to bottle hoard.
  7. Coldfire

    Jacob's Ladder

    Decant: heavy and heavenly Wet on Me: amber and Benzoin now Drying Down: Now getting the rock rose over the amber and benzoin. Dry: Baby Powder. Sometimes with Amber I just turn them to baby powder. Oh well.
  8. Coldfire

    Frau Holle

    Decant: herby with a touch of floral Wet on Me: woah baby..Pine now! Pine with Herbs! Drying Down: Pine! Oh how I love thee! Pine is Winter love! And herbs filling in the gaps. Dry: Piney Love. Piney love with Herbs! But wait there’s more! Lil wee floral whisps dancing among the piney love with herbs. I may need a bottle of this as well!
  9. Coldfire

    There's a Certain Slant of Light

    Decant: ozone and white is what is coming to me Wet on Me: now it’s ozone and the frankincense with slight hints of the white sandalwood Drying Down: fades down fairly quickly. Same scents as when wet but less of them now. Dry: Never got any of the smoke whisps, but the ozone is gone now and I get the frankincense and white sandalwaood…but very quietly. This is a quiet scent that sends out tendrils and makes one want to seek more of it out.
  10. Coldfire

    Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills

    Decant: Blackberries! Ooooo! Wet on Me: black berries over musk and sandalwood. Drying Down: something very clean about this. Could be the balsam, or the sandalwood, but I get a winter air feel to this…with the berries wafting thru it. Dry: Almost a masculine vibe I get from this. The berries and fire and sandalwood and skin musk all blend so nicely. Wow I really like this. I may need to get a bottle of this one!
  11. Coldfire


    Decant: wood and green with faint traces of floral Wet on Me: herbs over cypress Drying Down: Still green. Still green herbs over a cypress base. Dry: Less green-y and more Cypress now with faint traces of thyme. Which is not a bad thing since I love woody scents. I like this. Glad I got a decant of it.
  12. Coldfire

    The Head of Holofernes

    Decant: Sweet but not sugar sweet Wet on Me: Ooooo the wine! And the pomegranate. So far sooo lovely! Drying Down: Less wine now, more of the tonka bean and a powdery trace. Dry: ooooo the wine is back! No leather tho…and I like leather scents. But this is awesome and made of win! Might needs the bottle of this!
  13. Coldfire

    Nuclear Winter

    Imp: Citrus leaf with a hint of mint lurking in the background Wet on Me: More minty freshness over ozone and less citrus leaf now. Drying Down: This is almost the scent I smell in the air before it begins to smow. Dry: faint traces of the citrus leaves are swirling and dancing with the ozone-y mint. This is light and refreshing..and I want to wear this in the middle of summer. FTW!
  14. Coldfire


    Imp: Dark, heavy, but with traces of winter in the depths Wet on Me: I smell the floral but something dark and off. Not wuite right. Almost the dark note of vetiver Drying Down: The off note is slowly fading. Thought I detected faint ghosts of citrus but I am not sure Dry: now left with just the wild musk. The florals have faded and so has that off note. Once you get to dry on this it is quite nice.
  15. Coldfire

    The Winter of Our Discontent

    Decant: mostly getting a floral scent but not a heavy one Wet on Me: getting the rosewood now with the smoke and musk Drying Down: still getting that woody vibe mixed with the smoke and musk. Dry: just a deep but not overly heavy woody, smokey musky scent. Almost masculine.
  16. Coldfire

    Snow White

    Imp: oh the LOVE! Flowers in the snow. White flowers Wet on Me: more fresh white flowers with a trace of sweet but not cloying sweet. Drying Down: I smell the winter aire…I smell the flowers hidden in the snowy breeze Dry: a lil sweet, a lil sharp, a lil clean, a lil winter wonderland. My daughter fell in love with this at a MnS and now I see why. She might have some competition for this decant.
  17. Coldfire

    Doc Constantine's Medicine Show

    WOW Just wow! I got some today in my SW package and I allowed the tiniest of spritzs since I want to hoard this FOREVER! OMG this is divine. My nose is following the scent as it wafts thru my scriptorium. This is man...all man..sexy smart man. This is dangerous to the Coldie, because if she managed to get this scent on HER man...I'd be permanently stuck to him. I am drawn to male scents. But this is beyond drawn..this is like obsession. Must have. OH PLEEEEEAZE! RElease this for sale SOOON! Like Shrunken Heads...I MUST HOARD THIS!
  18. Coldfire


    Imp: oooo old and ancient! I love old and ancient! Wet on Me: This is an old library. I smell the cedar and sandalwood… and the galangal. Drying Down: Cedarwood. This is an old chest you found hidden away and opened. The scent of the woods and incense andmagick. Dry: sweet incense, this is old and dusty but not rank. Dried down to something I’m going to love. I may even find myself wearing these to esbat rituals.
  19. Coldfire

    Archangel Winter

    Crystalline, glassy ice whipped by a snowstorm. Piercing ozone, winter darkness. Imp: aquatic ozone Wet on Me: Clean crisp aquatic ozone. Drying Down: still aquatic…still get a cold white feeling from it, but now metal? Cold silver? Dry: snowy silent water flowers. Sitting on a sterling silver platter in an ice hotel. WOW!
  20. Coldfire

    Blood Amber

    Slivers of warm, pulsating blood forever crystallized in golden amber resin. Imp: mmmmm yum. Amber and blood. Dark and slightly sharp Wet on Me: The dragon’s blood I get from this is slight, the amber is not too powdery so it’s a nice dark balance on my skin. Drying Down: soft…but warm and oooooo I’m wearing a sweater and this feels like a sweater wearing scent to me. Dry: WOW! Lurve. This dried down sooo well on me. I may have to get a bottle of this.
  21. Coldfire


    Imp: Myrrh and Honeysuckle Wet on Me: cinnamon sticky buns Drying Down: cinnamon…but not spicy, sweetened. Perhaps by the honeysuckle. The myrrh does wonderful things to it as well Dry: mostly cinnamon and myrrh now. Not bad. Prolly won’t buy a bottle tho. But not bad.
  22. Coldfire


    Imp: Juniper and Lotus in the first blast with the mint following Wet on me: Mint now. Mint over that antiseptic Juniper. The lotus is not as strong now. Drying Down: less juniper but the mint still hangs in there but an aquatic type of watery mint Dry: the mint has disappeared but left the lovely gentle lotus in it’s place. This is quite nice.
  23. Coldfire


    Imp: lemon and jasmine Wet on Me: Lemon verbena first, then the Neroli with the green tea and jasmine patiently waiting for their turn Drying down: still strong neroli and lemon verbena. The green tea makes a nice base for it, but I’m not smelling as much of the Jasmine now. Dry: The lemon in this reminds me a bit of Namaste. Not strong and overpowering as the neroli makes sure it stays pretty. Really loving this. This might be
  24. Coldfire

    The Raven

    Imp: mostly the violet, and I do get a dark vibe from it Wet on Me: On the skin it gets darker and the iris shows up over the musk. Drying Down: the floral disappears now….and it’s the sandalwood and musk now. Not bad it is still giving me a dark vibe Dry: mostly the musk now. Not bad. Glad I got to try this one.
  25. Coldfire


    Imp: dark floral round out by something to keep it from being too sweet Wet On Me: spicy floral. The orchid is wonderful and the myrrh gives a darkness to it Drying Down: ancient but not in a bad way. Dry: This mellows on me. Soft sharpened floral but not getting any of the cypress. Imps are good, probably won’t get a bottle