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Everything posted by tinyvulture

  1. tinyvulture

    Single Note: Pile Of Fallen Leaves

    A mix of soft yellow leaves and dry, crinkled brown ones, all in a crackly pile just waiting to be jumped in! Some leaves on the bottom of the pile are wet, so there's a dark foreboding aquatic-mildew aspect. There's a sharpness, too, like cold fall air. It's a little cologne-like, similar to October, or Falling Leaves Moon. I'm excited to layer this with other scents!
  2. tinyvulture

    Single Note: Bonfire

    Holy smoky BBQ! The cold forest note in the background is a nice contrast with the heat of acrid, thick, murky smoke and charred logs. Totally smells like when you walk outdoors on a cold night and you can smell all your neighbors' fireplaces. I'm not sure I'll wear this on its own because I'll smell like BBQ potato chips, but I think it will be fun to experiment with layering with other scents. It should go well with something sweet and vanilla.
  3. tinyvulture

    Lilith's Feel Better Flowers

    To me, this smells like a tiny health food store. They all smell alike, don't they? A cozy jumble of herbs. There's powdery lavender, sweet honey, and an unidentified herbal note...thistles maybe? I'm not getting any ginger or peppermint. It's really pretty and calming. I like how the honey adds a gloss of sweetness over all the various herbs.
  4. tinyvulture

    Candles Moon

    Smooth, creamy beeswax (think Ichabod Crane) with the bright, fruity pop of blackberries. No milk or wind notes that I can tell. I wouldn't have guessed snow, either, but after peeking at the scent description, yes, there's a faint slushy note. But mainly wax and berries. I always enjoy berry blends so this is nice.
  5. tinyvulture

    Geisha in a State of Rumpled Annoyance

    I love that there are so many BPAL lavender blends, yet they're all quite different. This one's a combination of lavender and floral plum blossom, with a slight sting from the rice wine. No ginger, though. After a few minutes, the floral note is quite strong and doesn't really agree with me. I'll try it at bedtime, but may end up swapping due to the floral.
  6. tinyvulture


    Dirty, hippie patchouli! If #OCCUPYWALLSTREET was too strong for you, well, this is just slightly less strong. It's definitely as strong as Urd, another bold in-your-face patch blend that I adore. Dark, woodsy, earthy. After a few minutes, just a hint of warm, syrupy honey creeps in. I haven't tried Banshee Beat for comparison, nor have I tried Tricksy bath oil. I'll just say, I love this madly. Such good stuff.
  7. tinyvulture


    Solid French lavender note hits me first. Herbal, stringent. And...that's it. No Earl Grey/bergamot to be found. This is pretty much SN Lavender for me. That's not a bad thing, come bedtime. This will make a fine addition to my collection of lavender-based sleepytime aids.
  8. tinyvulture


    I've "hoped" (hehhh) for a decant of Hope for years, since I love Faith and sugared florals in general. She's so beautiful. A perfect fresh tea rose, sweet and vibrant. Now I hope she comes back when the Carnival returns, cause I definitely need a bottle.
  9. tinyvulture

    Witch Dance

    I knew I'd fall hard for this one! Bonfire smoke, incense, and autumn leaves are all favorite notes of mine. The red musk, as usual, tries to amp like crazy, but the incense and leaves are standing their ground. Think Samhain + red musk, or Samhain + Snake Oil. There's something "cold" about it, like the nighttime air, that twines together with the warm, pulsing red musk. It's really gorgeous.
  10. tinyvulture

    Weeping Faces of Wearied Loves

    At first sniff - VETIVER! Vetiver underscored by sweet resins - frankincense and myrrh. I have no idea if I'm smelling "grape flower." The wine's not showing up, either. A sweet, resinous blend for vetiver lovers, not a standout for me.
  11. tinyvulture

    The Flowers Cleave Apart

    I get jasmine, raspberries, and tart wine. No honey or sandalwood. The jasmine is taking a backseat to the raspberries. There aren't a lot of raspberry scents out there, so I appreciate that this blend is really a showcase for the sweet, cheery raspberry note.
  12. tinyvulture

    Love Lay Upon Her Eyes

    Soft, powdery rose and sweet, almost vanilla-like amber. Uncomplicated, graceful, peaceful, and lovely. There's a sweetness and warmth to this blend. I find it calming. It stays very close to the skin. I'm sure it's because I was just wearing Pink Snowballs, but this feels like a quieter, softer version of Pink Snowballs.
  13. tinyvulture

    Capax Infiniti

    Amazing lavender with buttery vanilla. It really does smell like vanilla ice cream, not just vanilla exract. I feel like that's an important distinction. I haven't tried the lavender cheesecake Beaver Moon, but I can't imagine anything much better than this. The lavender note is gentle, not medicinal as it can sometimes be (I like it either way!) After a few minutes it's sweet, baby powdery lavender. I'm not getting any Dorian at all. As a fan of Stinky, I'd call this Stinky + lavender. This will be perfect at bedtime.
  14. tinyvulture

    Lovers in the Tea House

    I'm not picking up any boozy sake or green matcha at all. Instead, a bright, citrusy lemon/grapefruit note dominates. Yokan is a dessert made from bean past, and there's definitely a sweet foodiness. Makes me think of a grapefruit sprinkled with sugar honestly. Not really for me.
  15. tinyvulture

    There is a Garden in Her Face

    Cherry blossoms! One of my favorite florals, so pink and cheerful. I'm not a Bath & Body Works snob, and this does remind me of their cherry blossom stuff which I buy in abundance. Except here, it's mixed with rose. No honey, just creamy pink florals. Pink, pink, pink! Super girly! But alas, it goes soapy, and that makes it feel stuffy and wrong for me. More honey would've helped.
  16. tinyvulture

    When Life Shone Warm in Thine Eye

    Honeyed rose and jasmine. No cardamom. If it was just the floral notes, I'd say it's nothing special, but the golden warmth of honey elevates it. Really reminine and sexy, would wear on a date night. Similar to Jezebel or The Expiration.
  17. tinyvulture

    Nothing But Death

    Sophisticated, complex, a very different sort of perfume. Violet combines beautifully with tobacco and dirty moss. So often I can't wear moss. And violet gets that "old lady" reputation, when really it can be quite lovely and dignified. So I'm glad moss and violet are showcased here in such a wearable way. No "specks of bone" or fruits or rain to be found. Not what I'd have expected. I passed this over as an aquatic blend. Just goes to show...I need to try them all because you never know!
  18. tinyvulture

    Yucca Giant-Skipper

    Was wondering how white patchoul differs from, uh, regular patchouli. Would it be softer? Nope. This is super strong! This could be mistaken for SN White Patchouli. Luckily, I love patchouli in all its forms. This is smooth, slightly waxy, nothing "dirty hippie" about it. If you dislike those dark earthy patchoulis, try this tamer version. The sweet woodsy vanilla shows up after a couple minutes, and now I love it even more. Not sure what pepperwood or copaiba smell like, so they may also be contributing to the woodsiness I'm picking up. No champaca to be found. Reminds me of Tombstone at this point but sweeter, smoother. Perfection!
  19. tinyvulture

    Marshmallow Pumpkin

    At first application, it's a heavenly mix of spiced pumpkin and powdered sugary marshmallows. Love at first sniff! After awhile, the marshmallow does fade out some, and you're left with a very cinnamony pumpkin. Mostly cinnamon, in fact! If you're a fan of Chimera or Pickled Imp, this is for you. Since I own those blends already, I'm not sure I need another cinnamon blend. But, because of that amazing marshmallow, I probably do need this.
  20. tinyvulture

    Nuages Gris

    Hard to describe. Resinous, kind of masculine. But there's also a citrusy fruity-floral...the immortelle perhaps? Not sure where the celery seed comes in, either. No moss that I can tell. Seriously, resin/fruit/floral is best I can do.
  21. tinyvulture


    This is a really "me" scent. Makes me think of curling up with a book after a walk in the chilly rain. A very romantic, poetic, dark green scent. Sage, heather, ivy, rowan, thistle...even the list of notes sounds poetic. I don't pick up any anise, just a tangle of green notes, a breath of nature.
  22. tinyvulture

    Ded Moroz

    Slushy snow, with mint and sage notes, and also redwood and warm amber. It's both warm and chilly at the same time. It is too faint, which is too bad. I'd love it if it were stronger.
  23. tinyvulture

    Orgy with Nine Women

    Super heavy, heady floral. Not sure what champaca magnolia is, like compared to regular magnolia? I have tried other magnolia scents and not cared for them, but I adore this! It's so lush, and the honey blends in perfectly with the florals. There's also a smoky note that I'll attribute to the tobacco. Very warm, as Sheena said.
  24. tinyvulture

    Dead Dreams of Days Forsaken

    Patchouli and almond, such a great pairing! Bold, sharp, a tad bitter, but so addictive. I need to be on the lookout for more syrupy "aged" patchouli blends. I'm always a fan of patchouli, but this is made so unique because of the almond. I love it. I don't notice the cumin at all. Big bottle list. Would make an excellent room spray, too.
  25. tinyvulture

    Red-Spotted Purple

    Yuzu! Grapefruit's more sophisticated and vaguely floral cousin. The thyme pops in, what an interesting pair these two notes make! And just a hint of hinoki wood. Not getting any cedar or carnation. Yuzu = happy! Go, yuzu! Don't need a whole bottle, though.