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Posts posted by twilighteyes

  1. I'm not getting leather at all.  I don't love caramel in perfume and luckily that is not very noticeable either, if there at all on me.    


    I wish it would last longer on my skin but maybe I'll scent locket it!

  2. (I have gotten all of my cards!  yay!!!  A while back, I have just been .. really off of my schedule and routine and it's messing with everything I do.  I apologize for not checking in sooner!) 


    I was getting all ready to send October cards and went to check the spreadsheet, but the next birthday is November!!!   Then end of December, beginning of January, and two at the end of January!  We're in the home stretch!  Can't believe it is fall already.

  3. On 3/20/2008 at 5:09 PM, twilighteyes said:

    All I get from this is lavender lavender lavender. Maybe a slightly sweet finish.


    I loved it. This was the first imp that I've used completely. I wore it every night to bed and sprinkled some on my pillows.


    A bottle is in my future!!


    (And I'm sooo happy I just got frimped with another Sonmium today -- Somnus -- since I ran out of Baku!)


    I have gone through maybe two bottles of Baku? 


    Just purchased a new bottle and still lavender.  Maybe a hint of anise.  I stick a reducer cap on and sprinkle on my pillow at night.

  4. On sniffing in bottle I get mostly what I assume is the helichrysum with a hint of ylang on the exhale.  I can not detect the geranium.  I bought it for the ylang and geranium, sad face.  


    Not a lot of throw on me and doesn't stick around.

  5. When I sniff this in the bottle, it's mostly lavender to me.  I was hoping for more patch and ylang ylang.    It is a VERY nice lavender with a hint of ylang.


    Doesn't last on my skin though -- this will be a "apply directly to pillow" or scent locket type for me.

  6. 21 hours ago, mymymai said:

      @twilighteyes  I hope your birthday went swimmingly!


    Thank you!  It was better than my mom's birthday (we had a large fight the day before her birthday, :lol: which was the 3rd.)





    you naughties sent stickers!!!   I love them, thank you!!!   I was going to try to stick the bat on my stainless water bottle but it's just a leeeetle too large for my open space.  I guess I need more water bottles... <_< 


    Still waiting on two cards, will post photos when they arrive!


    Such talent from our group too!  The NMBC and the Bats card are hand made!!




  7. I should have read reviews first!


    I was hoping for more clove and tobacco and resins and smoke, but I'm getting mostly the Amontillado (wine.)  I can barely detect a hint of rose on the exhale.  It's lovely but it isn't what I was expecting or hoping for. 


    Off to the aging box for you, we'll see you again in six months or a year.  

  8. 18 hours ago, Lucchesa said:

    Ugh, I am late!!!  This week is the worst!  Happy happy birthday, @twilighteyes, and I solemnly promise your card will be in the mail tomorrow.


    Naughty!  Now I want postcards from Italy as a punishment for you!  ;)    :rofl:  :whip:


    I got a card from @skyelyric yesterday!   Yay!   


    Thank you @Thuy, they all make me smile!


    I'll have to get a photo when I can remember.  I have literally walked out to the other room and forgot what I was going to do (so did something else) like 10 times.  And every time I sit back down, I'm like - oh yeah, cards.   This brain fog thing and getting older is no bueno.  

  9. 12 hours ago, LavenderCoffee said:


    Oh I keep checking back here, is there an email signup?


    I send out emails to people who sign up to my BPAL SWAP ALERT mailing list on mailchimp.


    I had to go find the URL.  I only have 29 people subscribed, it caps at 500 (lol) so plenty of room.  I ONLY send out email when a new swap is posted in the forum or to alert of an upcoming swap like Switch Witch.





  10. On 8/10/2023 at 5:42 PM, winterblizzard said:

    I know we are already half way through this, but for remaining folks are their card themes you enjoy or that you hate? I know some people but I'd like to be able to do better for the people I don't know. ❤️

    To answer my own question I like bats, geese, peafowl, horses, unicorns, flowers or other nature type stuff. Basically send me a Halloween card and I'll probably love it.


    I'm not huge on jokes about my age/aging, I'm already disabled so.... I'm also not really into pervy joke cards these days.


    Yeah, I'm into the spooky / goth / bats / black philip but I also like cute and flowers and animals and handmade and any equines, ferrets, pibbles, etc.  Purple and Black are my fav palette.  Or rainbow.

  11. August birthday is like a week away, so please send that ASAP!!!  Please post in here when you send!








    @mymymai (sent?)

    @neptuneanblues (you're already on it)



    3 hours ago, neptuneanblues said:

    I received one more card on Friday, from Jenjin. A lovely patch of a moon over a forest was included, thanks! :D


    Today is my birthday, and I did check mail today (it was Saturday's mail since it's Sunday), but there were no cards from this swap or otherwise, just a cell phone bill. So that's 3 cards received from this swap. 


    One is on the way, I will poke remaining.

  12. 1 hour ago, AbbyNormal said:

    I haven’t done a swap since a Ravelry one years ago and would love to join in! Being newer to the forums, could someone explain Switch Witch like I’m 5? I’ve done a bit of searching but so far nothing I’ve found has really spelled it out. 


    There is quite a long FAQ but this should give you the idea.


