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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by celestia

  1. They converted old studies? Math 4?! K, more electives to choose from now, but all in wrong semester half. Still st… https://t.co/kLVeqXlqPS

  2. Waiting starts! Pls lemme get into my game design and network society culture electives so I don't have to do neuro II like erryone else ;A;

  3. No, it's because it became rare and elusive...not because your chemistry or preferences changed. Lmao

  4. ALL THE ANTIQUE LACE! If only it was Elf v4... More than half a decade of searching and waiting. Maybe one day it'll happen

  5. We're all sooooo hooked XD

  6. Every scent I've coveted and picked up should become a GC because no matter how much of a best kept secret, how unpopular, or how forgotten it was, it magically becomes FOTM and a million other people suddenly want it too.

  7. Hnngggg ... replacing the case on touch down... but otherwise. Stream incoming 2017. gg https://t.co/SGxC8xS9Mh

  8. To all of you who keep asking me why I ban Camille instead of other "any one other OP champ atm". Because nope. https://t.co/6BkuGHkyxS

  9. Detouring down to Plat to get these tokens for my mastery emotes. Too hard picking them up in Dia with a baby in lap https://t.co/iViuZkZovT

  10. We haven't eaten in 26 hours.... but the event ends in 5 hours ._. ... must..persevere...need..money...*crawls to trader*.

  11. Best reaction to Brexit so far. https://t.co/Xs1a8slVk9

  12. Congrats SC2 , you can now use "<3"

  13. Just let me procure my last scent ..it's only been 6 years of waiting DX

  14. Have found something so perfect for me that not only satiates, but gives reason to all my gamer and research obsessions. Dem feels are reals

  15. Trying really hard to contain my excite, but I think I flail too hard x3

  16. It'll be interesting to see what accessibility does to the esports scene now that SC2 has gone f2p today.

  17. On the subject of monetisation in games: What happens when your microtransaction process was not thought out enough… https://t.co/lommEJgJaA

  18. Soon, hopefully soon... I will get to live the dream ^~^

  19. This new essence system... is [expletive] expensive. I can't afford to redeem my level 7 masteries. I guess one acc… https://t.co/XBuQScnyJp

  20. Gender differences in gaming behaviours like playstyle and performance? My kind of topic. Evidentally theirs too X3 https://t.co/xWY0uHr53z

  21. Gender differences in gaming behaviours like playstyle, skill, and performance? My kind of topic. Evidentally their… https://t.co/7FMB67ruxO
