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My warped world of crochet...

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So my brother's girlfriend is pregnant (found out around Thanksgiving!)... so I'll be an aunt for the first time soon! A few weeks ago, they were able to find out that they would be having a girl. :) So, what did my head decide? "Yes, you will learn to crochet and make a baby blanket!" :huh?: Such an ambitious decision for someone like me... Not that I can't do things, but because I planned to teach myself. LOL!! SO, after buying some instructional books and hooks and yarn... then having a temper tantrum ( :P ) about not being able to figure it out, my stepmom kindly taught me what I needed to know to succeed! Well, sort of anyway. Here is the end result (already gifted on Easter, because I am an impatient person):




Sure, it was a little crooked... but, hey, a baby can't tell, right?


Since, I have been on a mission to make 2 LARGE sized blankets: One for myself, and one for my boyfriend (he picked the yarn out and everything. LOL!). I've also bought a few cool sparkly yarns to make a few scarves (nothing like timing! I know they will be SO useful during this week of 80 degree weather, right? hehe). I figure I will do a bunch and use them next year for Christmas gifts. If I don't lose track of where I store them by then :biggrin:


So far, I've completely finished the BF's blankie:




AND, a scarf:




I still will finish my personal blanket (even though I'll have no use for it for a while now), as well as the last scarf that I've already started. I'll post pictures of those when I get them done! :)

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Dang, girl! Way to rock the crochet! I find crocheting so intimidating (even though I can knit) so I'm seriously impressed you already finished all those projects! Wow!

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Dang, girl! Way to rock the crochet! I find crocheting so intimidating (even though I can knit) so I'm seriously impressed you already finished all those projects! Wow!



hehe... I've definitely gone a little crazy! And my friend just found out she is having a boy, so I'll be making another baby blankie... and I finished the other scarf that I was working on! :wub2:

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Very nice! (applauds) I'm bicraftual (both knit and crochet :hug:) and I find crochet less skeery...whether because I leanred it first, or because if you make a mistake it's much easier to rip back to that point & start up again without risking losing the whole dang project. lol!

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Very nice! (applauds) I'm bicraftual (both knit and crochet :hug:) and I find crochet less skeery...whether because I leanred it first, or because if you make a mistake it's much easier to rip back to that point & start up again without risking losing the whole dang project. lol!


omg. I can't tell you how many times I've had to do that (rip it back to the place I messed up). I can't imagine if I couldn't do that! I would CRY!!!! LOL.

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