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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by n3m3sis42

  1. I'm checked into my hotel room and unpacked. This is so weird.

  2. Ok, I get that I technically did work all week, but the fact that it's the weekend now is kinda disorienting. Thumbs up to this retreat thing.

  3. My kid got taller while I was gone! I was only gone for 5ish days. I feel like I was in some kind of alternate reality. That may just be the lack of sleep talking, though.

  4. For anyone who was wondering, I dropped out of my writing contest last week as I was on a business trip and there was no way for me to meet the deadline in between all my classes and whatnot. Thanks to all if you who supported me, whether it was through reading, voting, or just not blocking me for my obnoxious updates about it. :D

  5. Max just accidentally made my iPad play Alice in Chains... and then started dancing to it. Haha.

  6. This is going to be an insane week, isn't it?

  7. I bought a treadmill, you guys! Last week, I found out my employer would reimburse me for a large portion of the cost, so why the heck not?Not sure it will make me look any less big and frumpy, but at least I will be healthier underneath, right? Yay.

  8. On another note, sometimes I find it fascinating how much tantruming can be avoided if you try to deal with the other party on their terms, and how often this can be done without sacrificing your own needs very much. Maybe Congress needs to be locked in a room with a toddler for a while.

  9. On another note, sometimes I find it fascinating how much tantruming can be avoided if you try to deal with the other party on their terms, and how often this can be done without sacrificing your own needs very much. Maybe Congress needs to be locked in a room with a toddler until they reach an agreement and turn the government back on.

  10. While everyone else is complaining about the government, I'm going to talk about something even more important--soup!My son and I are both obsessed with soup. It is finally not a million degrees in Atlanta. Who wants to share some awesome (and hopefully easy) soup recipes with me?

  11. Today is October 7th. Why am I already receiving email advertisements that say "Countdown to Cyber Monday"?#justforthatiamnotbuyinganything

  12. Ok, what is this "[person's name] is my spirit animal" trend? I think I'm turning into a grumpy old woman, but I'm already tired of it. :P#getoffmylawn

  13. Work is insane. My kid pooped on the floor. I think the bleach fumes from cleaning it up are giving me brain damage. This doesn't bode well for tomorrow's work day, does it?

  14. About to see Captain America, yayyyyy.

  15. Texturizing spray: never again.

  16. Max's paper thingy from daycare today said, "Mr. Mannerly! His friends are starting to pick up on his please and thank yous."(I guess he doesn't say "don't tell me what to do!" or "I'll kick your butt!" to his daycare teachers like he did to me the other day. Which, like "please" and "thank you," he probably learned from me.)

  17. Now that I think about it, it's kind of impressive that my son hasn't tried to touch cat vomit before today. Sadly, the streak has been broken. But it's okay, because Max says, "I no eat cat frowup. That is yuck. I eat brown chicken nuggets."

  18. I'm sorry your poor baby is so sick! I hope he feels better soon. <3

  19. Thanks for adding me! :D

  20. Thank you for the birthday wishes! *hugs*
