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Posts posted by bygraveyardlight

  1. So green! So rose! So delightful, fresh and fun! This is lots of green leafy goodness (reminds me of frog moon!) With a fresh young, pretty dewy rose. Smells like you just stepped out of your shower where the water is wet, still stem-sticky perfect pink rose petals and their pale green leaves. You must like rose! And you must like green! And if you like both, you will be delighted, as I am. Wearing this I feel like a water nymph a la Waterhouse, stepping out of a spring while draped in silks. 

  2. This one was a surprise love for me. Unfortunately the burnt coffee is not as prominent as I would like it to be on me, but I'm very pleased with it as is. It's all apple gummies and yummy sweet butterscotch with a little je ne sais quoi from the coffee beans in the back- there's not much to say about it that the description hasn't already said, but if it sounds good to you, you can't go wrong imo. This one is so much fun!!

  3. This is a different sort of cherry than I'm used to from the lab. I agree with the other reviews saying there's a soapy, ozoney quality to it- it's a soft sort of cherry, not the slap-you-in-the-face-and-then-dissapear cherry that I usually encounter. It sticks around longer, quietly, calmly, with its gentle amber-backed embrace. On my skin, it smells pretty much exactly like that gas station bathroom cherry hand soap- and I love that stuff. I'm surprised by how much I enjoy this one!

  4. A strawberry patch in a bottle!! Wet its dirt-forward backed by a sweet strawberry, a la strawberry moon- the dirt isn't too damp, it's a drier summer dirt imo. After it settles the strawberry is the main focus, backed by the dry dirt and a hint of green. Really really lovely and summery, reminds me a lot of picking strawberries as a child!

  5. Echoing that this one's terribly sexy- a rich, spicy myrrh. Hot, deep, resinous and above all *red* this is a sexy vampire scent to me tbh, would go quite well with heavy velvet attire, a long fur coat, to be worn in dim lighting for sure- I'm in love!! Wouldn't be surprised if there's a hit of cinnamon, maybe cloves or allspice? In here it's not only hot but deliciously *spiced*

  6. Initially the lavender is most prominent, and as it settles the currant gives it a gentle fruity edge and the lilac bevomes stronger than the lavender- overall it's a lovely soft purple scent. You must like lavender but it isn't sharp or overpowering at all here. Very comforting to me.

  7. This one is soooo good. It smells like those tiny cinnamon donuts they have at apple orchards!! Brings back so many memories for me. The weed is smoky but not stanky or overpowering- it compliments the spiced sugary donut-ness of it all. Has good throw and staying power on me, once settled none of the notes overpowers the other. Its the donut first, then the weed and im happy about that. Can't get over how delicious this one is tbh, I wanna bathe in this.

  8. This has been getting a lot of wear from me in the last couple months. There's something so delightful about the elderflower seltzer! It's delicate, effervescent and so inviting- makes me think of a fairy garden celebration in the spring. Very much toes the line of maybe-i-can-consume-this and actually-no-thats-a-flower type of scents, you know? The cherry is definitely more present in the beginning but there's a definite cherryish undertone underneath the drydown even hours later. And the elderflower seltzer part sticks around for a long time! I still smell it on myself 8 or so hours later. All in all it's a real stunner, gorgeous, bright and soft at the same time, a bit coy and flirty almost. It smells like how I think a nymph would smell like!

  9. Warm, earthy (but not really dirty?) and mysterious. It doesn't smell like fabric but it smells like someone attractive's jacket- it's all in a haze of smoke (and sex I daresay). I don't really know what some of these notes smell like individually, and this is quite well blended. Cozy and dark although there's a touch of brightness to it for sure- it doesn't feel weighed down at all by that sexy nicotine.


    Edit: coming back to say now that it's settled there's something in here that reminds me of Yorick (one of my fave gcs so I'm not mad at alll)

  10. Bright, tart, juicy and fruity! Guava dominant for sure- if you've ever had those delicious little guava candies that are sold at every Asian grocery store, this is pretty damn close to the taste of those. The strawberry is supporting and there's something a little strange going on- it's got an acidic bite to it. I agree with the comparison to heksenbijeenkomst, there's definitely something in this that reminds me of that blend. This is really yummy and fun!

  11. Starts as a blast of juniper (yum!) And settles down to a cozy melange that is clove and peppercorn dominant. Surprisingly sexy and alluring actually. This smells like a potpourri in the bathroom of one of those fancy craft brewery type restaurants, where they try and lure in lumberjack customers with the outdoorsy but elevated vibe- the waitstaff would be wearing plaid for sure. It also smells like your artsy but mysterious aunt who goes for hikes sometimes but doesn't rub it in your face.

  12. Pretty patch forward!! I've been real into patchouli lately so I'm not mad about it at all. Mandarin hangs around for an hour or so after putting it on, which is surprising and nice. The tobacco, anise etc is not easy for me to pick it out- it's more of a backdrop for the patchouli. I'm curious to see if the tobacco will come put more with age! I agree that it's not very unique compared to other patch blends, but who knows what will happen with time. If you're someone who has lots of other patchouli scents already, then this might not be your bag- I'm happy to have my bottle nonetheless and here's to hoping the tobacco and anise will say hello in the future!

  13. Starts off sharply herbal- hello mugwort! I really like this stage, for the record. As it settles into the skin the other notes, namely the frankincense and ash come out and it becomes darker and more complex. It smells hot, the word 'smoldering' comes to mind. It's still a bit herbal but the mugwort and frankincense is now next to a deep pit of ash and coals. It smells like the ruins of Pompeii. Not a scent fro the weak of heart! I'm really in love with this.

  14. So I don't like snow white. I don't hate it, but it's not my thing. But I couldn't resist the siren call of Spiced amber, so here we are. And good lord I'm in love with the amber!! Somehow, it works with snow white and balances it veryy nicely so I don't hate it. I can chill with Ms. White in this blend. At first on my skin it's mostly snow white and I thought I would hate it but the spices n amber come through before long and snow white takes a back seat.

    All in all it's a yummy spicy sexy amber with some cool vanillic floralish sweetness hanging out- really really good, smells like the battle between Aslan and Jadis in Narnia! It's mysterious, a little girlish and coy but more sexy and alluring to me. I was prepared to not like this but I'm considering a backup bottle now :D❤️



  15. Wet this is bright juicy cherry and saltwater- really interesting! The drydown smells remarkably like Lightning to me. Aquatic-y, a touch salty with a whisper of the cherry in the background. Smells nice when dry, but I already have Lightning. I really like the initial stage though, maybe it'll stay like that in a locket?



  16. This smells like one of those fancy bars of chocolate, yknow that cost like $10 but they're sooo good... yummy dark chocolate is the star for sure at first but on the skin the blackcurrant and Apricot are quick to join the party, giving a dark pop of high class feeling fruit. Ms chocolate does not leave the room or go wierd on me, thankfully!! The rosewater doesn't really show up on my other than lending a slight 'maybe this is perfume and not to be eaten' vibe to things, but really I'd like to eat this scent at any stage. It's a choccy scent first and foremost, made dark, fancy and a lil fruity- just how I like it ;)

  17. Really pretty, soft, somewhat powdery floral, it's very slightly sweet. This is a very calm, soothing scent, like a worn blanket at your grandmother's. Like the big baby's room in Spirited away- it brings to mind padded soft surfaces and rooms made of pillows. Definitely pretty, comforting, dreamy. This is a *lovely* sleep scent, and I may get a backup bottle so I can dream with it for a long time ❤️



  18. This is so very green!! A bouquet of crushed leaves and stems, made slightly sweet by the other floral components. It's a little bitter, very fresh and elfin like the person above said!

    The drydown is gently sweet, a little light green and floral- devastatingly pretty. This feels almost too pretty for me handle, smells like one of those people who are always so calm and put together, you know you can go to them for anything, they probably do lots of yoga and wear flowy linen clothes. This is absolutely stunning, I really enjoy every stage of this.

  19. This is very evergreen, dry leaf and tree forward on me (exactly what I was hoping for!) with a slightly animalistic, dirty edge that I'm interpreting as the fur (it's really just a hint though!) The chypre is hard to pick out to me but it makes the whole scent a bit more cold and refined. This smells like you're in the middle of the forest in the dead of winter, surrounded by wolves- maybe they're friendly and will raise you as one of their own! All in all a very good one for evergreen lovers- that would be meeeee!! :D

  20. A surprise love for me!! I was very curious about the griotte so I took a chance on this one and I'm so glad I did. The white musk is a real stunner- it is the thread holding this scent all together. The lime and sour cherry read almost candy-like to my nose, they are both present and accounted for throughout all stages on my skin! This is a beautifully balanced playful high-pitched flowered fruit scent and it makes me so very happy. Makes me think of the first flowers of spring :)


