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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Rspades

  1. Rspades

    Invisible Man Milk

    This doesn’t smell bad per se, but it does smell exactly like industrial bathroom cleaner. I’m not saying this smells like a dirty bathroom, it smells like a very clean bathroom. However, for me, the connotation makes it completely unwearable.
  2. Rspades


    On the surface this is smoky oatmeal. A little deeper it’s a 1-1 match to the smell of burnt cotton on a vape pen. Iykyk. Not for me but someone will dig this!
  3. Rspades

    The Corn Spirit

    Mmmm this smells like hay and corn cakes to me! Similar vibes of “with my scythe”. Sleeper hit of the 2023 weenies! gourmand leaning but would appeal to those who prefer more natural scents as well. I’m definitely getting a bit of floral as well, maybe the chamomile??
  4. Rspades

    Batty Snake Oil

    Ugh headache city. Leather why do you hate me so? No snake oil to be found.
  5. Rspades

    Pleasant Embrace

    All I’m getting is almond? It’s nice tho, not too in your face
  6. Rspades

    Jillions of Peaches

    This is a fresh/ripe peach and juice as opposed to a baked peach or a peach pie . Syrupy and juicy, extremely realistic. wasn’t sure how I felt about it at first, but it’s growing on me as a fall scent (would be even better in summer). Makes me feel like a farm girl lol
  7. Rspades


    Bright, fruity, effervescent! Definitely a strong pear note and a heavy floral. There’s something sharp in this I just don’t get along with tho. This would be a good hot weather scent, but for me it’s headache inducing! Pass
  8. Rspades

    Champagne & Maraschino Cherries

    Sigh, this one was a disappointment. Definitely cherry, but I am not getting the lovely lab champagne note at all. This is incredibly sad for me because that is my favorite people note along with cherry so i thought this scent would be my holy grail! But it’s more of a cherry soda than cherry champagne. The cherry, however, is very nice. I am not a black cherry fan at least I don’t like BPAL black cherry very much. But this is like the perfect maraschino cherry. Keeping even tho the absence of champagne is sorely missed !
  9. Rspades

    Voodoo Lily

    Yummy spicy floral!! A little bubblegum too? Quite nice! Nothing much to say, it’s lovely!
  10. Rspades

    The Queen of Hearts

    This is initially fruity but has a weird undertone. Kind of smells like bathroom cleaner, which I think is from the floral! The cherry is a muted dusty cherry Not for me!
  11. Rspades

    Lady Lilith

    Mmmm fruity and herbal and vanilla ! This scent is super well blended, I really can’t pick out a lot of individual notes in this. I’m honestly getting mostly like an herbal Dorian. Of course it’s not as good as Dorian it’s not lavender and vanilla but it is definitely like a sweet herb and it’s well blended. When I first tried this one I was kind of so-so about it, but right now, I’m really digging it. There’s a juicy juicy fruit note that is absolutely fantástic. Keeper!!
  12. Rspades

    Dragon's Milk

    My first impression was “sweet resin dust”. And I thought to myself that maybe got a bad year , this isn’t as great as I was expecting given the price, rarity and hype. It smells primarily like red currant and sweet dust. It’s nice but it may be a tad overhyped Honestly though, it’s still very nice. It’s hard to hate anything that the BPAL puts out because they’re just that well-blended, it’s clearly a good quality perfume. BPAL to me is kind of like the Indie version of Kilian so even though this isn’t my favorite, it’s still immensely lovely and nice to wear, and I think I will definitely hold onto it. Very sweet resin it’s kind of intoxicating honestly, I like it more and more! Lasted like 4 1/2 hours I just got a cobalt partial and am excited to compare the two
  13. Rspades

    Blackcurrant Sufganiyot

    I have never smelled real-life blackcurrant so I assume this is true to name! It’s wayyy too tart for my tastes though, and solidly at the last on the suf ranking.
  14. Rspades

    Libidinous Encounter During the Rice Harvest

    My first thought was to that this one is kinda overwhelmingly perfumey. Not too much rice milk, mostly floral and greenery. The drive down on this is a lot nicer . That’s where I’m getting more of like the rice milk and it’s not as like strongly floral or astringent. Not my favorite, thought it would be a hit for me based on notes alone! This ones just ok
  15. Rspades

    2003: Cotton Phoenix

    I gotta say, I’m obsessed with the anniversary scents I think they are among my favorites. There is such a lovely vanilla happening in this perfume, along with such a delicious creamy marshmallow, and a hint of snake oil in the back. This is snake milk’s daintier and shyer cousin. Honestly this is a just such a great wearable scent, a “crowd pleaser”. Rating: 9/10 (you will pry this from my cold dead fingers) I am still getting whiffs of delicious marshmallow for like 5 hours
  16. Rspades

    Snake's Tongue

    Initial impression was “mmm a little masculiney snake oil moment”. Someone above described the tobacco as “chewy” and I can definitely see that! It’s not my fave snake oil blend but it’s a good and unique entry into the collection. There is a nice vanilla in background keeping it from too dank. However, I realized that it smells good up close but from a distance gives vomit vibes (has happened with a few BPALs unfortunately) Destash methinks
  17. Rspades

    Lilith Poundcake

    My initial impression is of bright candy cherry (almost jolly ranchers). however it it is kind of one-note cherry, I’m not getting any Dorian. It’s nice tho! As it dries there is a little herby moment happening but is still 95% all cherry! to me, this scent is “just okay”. Worth keeping but not what I was hoping when I read the description
  18. Rspades

    Strawberry Buttercream Sufganiyot

    • initial delicious blast of strawberry • Sweet and jammy , but no buttercream (good bc me and lab buttercream have a difficult relationship) • Can maybe smell a little pastry in this one which I didn’t get from any other suf scent • Lasted about 3 hours • Will be interesting to see how this ages
  19. Rspades

    Unsubtle Euphemism

    I had to test this one twice to gather my thoughts on it! test one: •oooo bread and yummy almond cream • Little anise makes interesting! • I love this one but it definitely won’t be for everyone! initial rating: 7/10 test two: Yummy bread with some kind of seed! Love the almond cream, really shines when scent is still wet. Cardamom is nice too (I’m normally not a cardamom person at all) You can almost taste this! final rating: 9/10 and an apology for ever doubting it
  20. Rspades

    Spinning on Graves

    This is definitely a grass plus Dorian. It is very very heavy on the grass though. But the Dorian does have a nice grounding affect on the grass so it’s not just a purely green scent. There’s also some herbs to it (honestly gets a little weedy). A little too grassy for me, not enough Dorian. I will say that I do preferred the advanced drydown stage, because the grass is gone and it’s sort of just like a nice green Dorian moment. And I will also say that, like the other Dorian variants that I tried, this one is a laster. I’m about 3 1/2 hours into application, and I can still very strongly smell the Dorian’s I think this will be someone’s favorite, it’s just not mine.
  21. Rspades

    Raspberry Apricot Sufganiyot

    This is a delicious jammy raspberry with a hint of apricot in the background! My 3rd favorite after pomegranate suf and fig/cranberry suf. Unfortunately I never really get the fried dough or donut aspect to these Sufganiyot scents. However, I can see the appeal because they do smell like like very delicious and accurate fruity jam. But I don’t know I was kind of in it for like the fried dough note as well lol. All is well, not to say that these are bad by any means. I still like to collect them and maybe the older ones like raspberry and blueberry are better in that aspect. I made a post on the parlor FB ground and people are saying they don’t really get the fried dough during any of the suf scents either. Also, as with the other suf scents, it really is only good for the first hour. After it looses the punchy fruit quality and smells like a sweet sticky mess
  22. Rspades

    Single Note: Stage Blood

    An initial blast of gloriously punchy cherry! BPAL’s black cherry often goes wonky on my so I love when they use other cherry notes instead. This one is so damn delicious and fun! Almost a fizzy quality, this kind of reminds me of a school dance (chocolates and fruit punch lol). I definitely smell a little chocolate (I normally hate chocolate notes but this is just a little swipe of melty Milk chocolate goodness in the background!) totally see where the comparisons to cherry cordial happen. Further dry down is cherry candy (like jolly ranchers, a clear hard candy) and a tendril of dragons blood cherry fans, this is a must have!
  23. Rspades

    Golden Priapus

    Cobalt bottle (aged 10ml) • oil itself is dark and tacky • smells like my grandmothers unfinished basement •The rosewood and the pine are the most prominent, I’m not getting any vanilla or juniper upon first sniff • Vanilla does come out a little in the dry down • Recommend for fans of wood scents only Aged imp: on the other hand, this old imp from a separate source is a whole other story. Glorious vanilla and wood that sits wear it belongs (in the background!). I will hoard my imp and probably not take a chance on an older bottle
  24. Rspades


    Mmm this is the Jasmine that I like. The fresh kind that’s also in the poinsettia gown. Not getting any plum. Such a lovely fresh scent with a present but not overwhelming floral. Smells like you stuck your arm into a beautiful garden in springtime. Definitely need to full size!
  25. Rspades

    Absinthe Robette

    I don’t get any lemon or fennel. Smells light and grassy, almost like a fake grass scent. Definitely late summer vibes. Was expecting more tbh!