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Everything posted by LavenderCoffee

  1. LavenderCoffee

    Snakes Basking in the First Sunbeams of Spring

    I missed the Serpent Spring scents when they were first released, and have since fallen head over heels for Snake Eyes Gleaming, so when I got a chance to try this one I went for it. Wow! Snakes Basking is an exquisite orange blossom honey scent with the lightest touch of cinnamon ...over a Snake Oil backdrop. A rich, sweet, dark golden scent.
  2. LavenderCoffee

    This Wan White Humming Hive

    This is lovely, it provides a nice light buzz of scent. When I wear it on exposed skin, it seems to fade quickly, but under my clothes it hangs out longer. The white patchouli leaf is not as bold as other patch I've worn, I get more of the ambergris, but in the mix with the beeswax and incense it's almost sparkly and magical.
  3. LavenderCoffee

    Dead Leaves and Lavender Buds

    My expectation here was that the lavender would be a sharper herbal variety and I wasn't sure how that would play with Dead Leaves, but I wanted to try it. On my skin the lavender is surprisingly sweet! Certainly not a floofy Lilith lavender, and not piles of sugar or anything, but perhaps the age of the bottle and the contrast with the dead leaves has played up the gentle sweetness of the lavender itself. Or more likely taken the punch out of the straight up herbal scent. Either way this is amazingly lovely and I'm so pleased to have this in my collection now. Lovely Lavender Leaves for Fall.
  4. LavenderCoffee

    All While Dreaming, Shakes Her Head

    A decidedly un-sweet scent, but so lovely! On my skin this is a full bodied red rose with an under-currant (ha) of dark fruit. What takes my breath away is the wood effect that remains after the oil has dried - it really puts me in mind of a bouquet of roses on a coffin! Would not mind having more than a decant of this.
  5. LavenderCoffee

    Peach Glazed Donut with Mango Chunks

    I've been resting and rolling this one, hoping to give it a fair shake, since I am also not getting the donut. I read Kailey's review and sniffed my bottle and said "what mango? where?!" But alas, this is still not playing well with my skin chemistry. It's yeasty and vaguely peachy and slightly off putting, like the donut was undercooked. Someone somewhere has the magic touch for this and will get all the donut glory.
  6. LavenderCoffee

    Butternut Squash, Patchouli, and Green Fig

    There is something nose tickling happening here, and it was much more pronounced when I first received it, but I've been resting and rolling this lil pupper because I believe in her. Is it possible the rooty tooty patchouli had a tiff with the impertinent twiggy green fig, and squash is staying out of the drama? Or is our butternut heroine a prepared squash? It does seem like there's a touch of spice along the lines of cardamom here, but I wonder if it's not actually a bit of bitter green fig leaf.
  7. LavenderCoffee

    Please Scream Inside Your Pumpkin Patch

    Please Scream Inside Your Haunted House is my faaaavorite but screaming in the pumpkin patch is also pretty great. This pumpkin reads a bit buttery to me when freshly applied, which I like, and then there are the lightly cinnamon-y funnel cakes in the hay. I would turn down the volume on the cinnamon (already fairly low) and turn up the volume on the pumpkin, if I could, but it's a tremendously sniffable scent.
  8. LavenderCoffee


    I got a selection of imps from Haute Macabre since they started offering them recently, and I didn't expect to enjoy Citrine as much as I do! It is quite citrus forward at first but the ambrette and myrrh and bay are so gorgeous alongside it! And warm, like sunshine. I'm strongly considering a full size bottle
  9. LavenderCoffee

    Peach Milk

    Oh this is a nice one. I loved the Milk, Burnt Honey, and Ambrette Seed ménage à trois and had high hopes for Snake Milk, but SM went weird on my skin. This does not go weird, and it's got a nice amount of throw to it. In the bottle it's more of a syrupy peach, like the best canned peaches in the world, but on my skin it's much more baked peaches. Peach pie filling, but with extra caramelized richness. After an hour or so of wear, there's just a pinch of peach perched on top of the scorched milk note, and it's so lovely.
  10. LavenderCoffee

    Pomegranate Peach Martini

    I like this a lot better than I expected to. The words vodka and martini do not go together in my mind, and pomegranate vodka grosses me out. This oil does not remind me of crummy vodka drinks, thankfully. Pom and peach fruitiness really opens up with skin contact, and there is an alcohol component but it's not overwhelmingly boozy. Smells like a proper cocktail with real ingredients, the pomegranate is nice and tart. Dry I get a big round pomegranate, sweetened by peach.
  11. LavenderCoffee

    Ridiculously Sexy Peach

    I'm picturing the Pumpkinville label with a peach for a head instead of a pumpkin. In the bottle and freshly applied, there's heady peach, sweet musk, and a bit of spice. A trace of spice lingers through the drydown, but once this has dried all the way, it's mostly sweet musk.
  12. LavenderCoffee

    Coffee Bean, Cacao, and Khus

    So good! Starts with a great big blast of cacao and coffee, not dissimilar to Margaret Magdalena Muffinhead, but obviously this one doesn't have any amber or sugar and spice. Khus provides a grassy, earthy balance on the drydown and blends in really well with the other notes. Lands in a lovely lightly smoky non foodie coffee/cacao place, and I am gonna wear the heck out of it.
  13. LavenderCoffee


    I was also hesitant to bottle both Oberon/Titania/Puck and Ceres, but the label art is very informative. If you wish to smell ethereal/of the other realms, you go with the Fairies, if you wish to smell of the cloud nine goodness of the bounty of this world, you go with Ceres. A rich harvest of the earthly things we love: cream, corn, wheat, and sugar. Much more floral in the fairy blend, much more foodie with our rosy cheeked agricultural goddess.
  14. LavenderCoffee

    Supposed to be a Pretzel

    Oh bless, thank you, I was doubting my nose! I'm getting a cotton/linen thing happening as well, along with a lovely warm salty sea breeze. It actually smells warm, and my brain wants to insert a sunblock smell where there is none, because I smell like I've been in the sun by the water (but not in the water). Wear your Summer linens for a sunny day on the coast and bring some bread in a picnic basket, but keep the basket firmly closed, and there it is. "Down by the sea! Wouldn't that be smashing?"
  15. LavenderCoffee

    Chocolate Doobsickle

    A whiff?! For me, this goes on with a glorious cloud of doob smoke. Maybe a skin chemistry thing, but even though it stays close to the skin, for the first 30 minutes or so it's nice and potent. I only get to the fudgcicle after drydown, and it's just a trace of something subtly sweet and chilly with the doob in the background. I did not get to try the Cold Moon 2020 lunacy blend I think we're referencing here, so I'm not sure how that one wears, but this is a fun mashup!
  16. LavenderCoffee

    Blacker than the Raven Wings of Midnight

    Yesss you magnificent gnarly aged patchouli! Yes! I'm imagining all the other notes dancing in a circle around the patch, which is where the scent begins when wet. The black tea leaf fougere is stunning, though, opening up and holding its own against the other notes. A pleasant swirl of vanilla and incense smoke. There is also something a bit herbal and almost greenish. Like flashes of color reflected off a raven's wing. The most delicious inky stinky. Maybe not a truly inky black scent but goth AF. Gothier than the raven wings of midnight.
  17. LavenderCoffee


    This one went on very spicy and herbal for me in a great big WHOOSH of sinus clearing goodness. Once that dissipated I found flowers and frankincense. But I'm convinced there's some ginger in this, it tingles my skin a bit.
  18. LavenderCoffee

    Peach, Coconut Cream, Marshmallow, and Nougat

    In the bottle and freshly applied, this is all yummy almond nougat. Then we wait for that bossy almond to calm down and let literally anyone else be sniffed ...annnd there! Peachy coconut cream. I'm not picking out marshmallow but it's probably all cozied up with the nougat. A comforting peachy nougat confection.
  19. LavenderCoffee

    Chrome Peaches

    This one is a bit confusing up front! Wet, it strikes me as a slightly floral cleaning solution. Is this the buzzy floral aldehyde of stainless steel dildo? Peach is off in the background somewhere. Once it settles on the skin, I am getting more of a metallic vibe. Peachy polished chrome. Do androids dream of metallic peaches? I have a mental image of a cross between James's Giant Peach and the giant mechanical spider of Wild Wild West and I am both deeply sorry and enormously pleased to share that here. Probably the least peachy of this years peaches to my nose, but delightfully unusual.
  20. LavenderCoffee

    Peach Absinthe

    Yep, this is a beauty. In the bottle I smell lemony minty booze. Freshly applied, I get a light, clean, minty peach. Lemon and booze have left the scene. At first the mint and peach obscure the anise, but as the oil warms and dries the anise really shines through. I was sad at first when I couldn't detect the anise at all, but it is definitely present and perfectly paired with the peach. Stunning!
  21. LavenderCoffee

    Green Tree Viper

    I was hesitant to try this one because I could not get my head around how on earth mint would work with Snake Oil. But this is why I am not a perfumer! So I took the leap to trust the artist and I'm happy I did. Vanilla mint is a lovely combo. I'm a big fan of Alisz, but this blend has fangs instead of rosy cotton candy. I'm getting a minty bergamot bite gently softened by vanilla, with a slinky slithery snake oil backdrop. The bright green notes fade as the oil dries and Green Tree Viper becomes positively comfy.
  22. LavenderCoffee

    Dead Leaves, Marshmallow, and Pistachio Cream

    Dead leaves! Dead leaves. Sometimes they work for me and sometimes they don't. What else is there to say. This is a mellow variation (a mallow variation!). It's warm and soft and nutty, with a touch of sweetness and a dash of leaves. Really lovely scent.
  23. LavenderCoffee

    Peach-Kissed Daddy by Effy

    Hnnng ...this is so sexy I'm breaking all the rules for it! Fresh out of the mail and it's my choice for SotD. I know when we say we'll come back and update these first impression reviews that we don't always follow through, but my TODOs in case I do follow through: retest after some rest and also give it a proper comparison to the OG DADDY (OGD). I liked what I sniffed when I tested OGD briefly before, but I didn't have any strong feelings one way or another, and I have not yet given that one a proper wear and review. Amped-up peaches is a good place to start. A roll in the hay with a sexy demon peach? As mentioned on 15 Minutes of Fume, it's more of a fully realized fragrance than some of the other peaches this year. The bay rum is really vibing with the peach. Not getting much discernable incense, but this peach-kissed variant is so very sexy, like ridiculously so (with apologies to Ridiculously Sexy Peach). I don't think anyone would come up to you and tell you that you smell like peaches or fruit especially, but I will find out later when I see people. Very pleased with this one.
  24. LavenderCoffee

    Great Vampire Bat

    The orchid in this is stunning when freshly applied, and the incense comes out with wear. The lush orchid scent doesn't last terribly long but it's so so good. Does go a bit powdery for me.
  25. LavenderCoffee

    Lemon Peel, Jasmine Tea, and Honeycomb

    This is so very pretty. A gorgeous jasmine tea scent. I was hoping for a stronger presence from the honeycomb because I am a shameless sugar hog, but it is just the right amount: perfectly balanced and blended with the exact proportions of lemon peel and honeycomb to accentuate the jasmine tea rather than overwhelm it. I am trying to tell myself this isn't really my style of perfume, but I have such a soft spot for the duet and ménage à trois scents and I can't stop sniffing this... anyway I recommend it if you're a tea person. This is definitely a fitting Spring/Summer choice, but it's so calming and smooth you could wear it anytime you need a cuppa in scent form.