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Posts posted by feyofthefellwood

  1. This is a lovely rose scent that has blossomed (har har) the more it has rested. The red rose is the star, encircled by olibanum (frankincense) and dry red sandalwood. The pink pepper and clove add some light spice, and the honey amber sweetens the rose and makes it jammy. The rose + clove combination remind me a little of Sentence First, Verdict afterward, but this is sweeter and lacks SFVA's metallic tinge. This smells like an enchanted rose garden in a fairy tale. I'm glad I was able to snag this one.

  2. On me, this opened with a sort of sweet wildflower smell before drying into oak lightly touched with sage, grass, pine, and stone. I really like the stone note when it emerges more . . . it almost reminds me of an eraser, but I like it? Everything stays really light, with minimal throw. Sadly this doesn't last long on my skin, but I really enjoy the misty mountain forest smell while it does.

  3. I'm a total sucker for gourmand rose scents, so I shouldn't be surprised that I like this one so much. It starts off with a sugared, softly spiced and edible-smelling gingerbread. The rose incense is wispy at this point, but gets stronger on the dry down. It smells pink and sheer and romantic. This reminds me a lot of my possibly-favorite rose scent (it's hard to choose ok), Cacao & Sugared Roses, except with gingerbread instead of chocolate. It's also in the vein of Sugar Cookie Peacock Queen, but the rose is lighter and more playful here rather than heady and deep. I definitely want to upgrade this one to a bottle.

  4. The sultry, spiced red musk of Scherezade blends surprisingly well with the sweet, creamy florals of Alice. I am not getting much patchouli, but I'm sure it's there in the background, adding to the incensy vibe. If a creamy, honeyed red musk with roses sounds good to you, definitely check this out. 

  5. This smells like a dark carnival; the sugary Midway notes blend beautifully with the musk and incense. This is kind of what I had hoped Midnight on the Midway would smell like; this is much sweeter and more bold. It's also a complex scent; sometimes I get a whiff of candied apple, or opium, or red musk, all shifting and melding together. 

  6. When I first got this, the lavender and cardamom combo was a bit astringent to me, but after aging a month, the vanilla has come out and softened all the edges. So lovely and comforting! I'm glad I gave this time to rest instead of writing it off. It's like the scent equivalent of a soft blanket. There's also a similarity to You Are Not Alone (but maybe that's just the wonderful Lilith lavender).

  7. I haven't compared them side by side yet, but this reminds me a lot of Flickering Lantern (of which I only have a paltry decant, so I'm glad this fills a similar niche!). Softly smoky beeswax with light purple florals and some lovely, wispy incense smoke. The agarwood is not indolic, and the champaca is not sharp (it's more like the champaca in the Ti Leaf & Champaca Petals duet, soft and golden). I almost passed on this one but had enough shipping refund money to add this, and I'm glad I did. One of my faves so far from my order! It's very sheer and ghostly, which is fitting for the theme. 

  8. The mallow and cream combination reminds me a lot of the Poinsettia Gown, except this trades rose and jasmine for chewy red patchouli. Wet, this is a big cream/vanilla/mallow floof, very rich, buttery, then the patch emerges as it dries down and becomes more akin to other sweet patch scents like Banshee Beat/Revenant Rhythm and Silky Bat. This is definitely the most gourmand of the three. I really like it, but I love heady vanilla cream notes, so it doesn't surprise me. 

  9. The floaty, non-gourmand vanilla and cognac in this reminds me a lot of Flickering Lights, Fluttering Curtains, which is one of my favorites. It's backed by some dry, woody notes and a hint of smokiness, though in a smoked vanilla or tobacco leaf way rather than a woodsmoke or incense way. Really lovely, with a simple elegance; I definitely recommend that fans of Flickering Lights and Zorya P check it out if they want more scents in that vein.

  10. I like this one, but don't love it. It mostly smells like a really pretty, fancy artisanal root beer to me. It reminds me a bit of Tombstone, except without the woody notes. I would also have liked stronger honey, coconut, and/or licorice as well. I'll have to see if aging changes it up at all.

  11. Wow, I really like this one! The pumpkin spice seems sweeter and more gentle than in most PS blends (more similar to that in Jack maybe? Although I don't have that one nearby for comparison at the moment). I haven't tried the old Pumpkin Spice Absinthe, so I can't compare to say if this one is different. There's a kind of baked-goods vibe that makes me think there's a hint of pumpkin note in here, not just spice. The sweet pumpkin-and-spice opening dries down to reveal the Lab's lovely absinthe note, the sour lemon tempered by sugary PS and light anise. I wasn't planning on a bottle of this, but after trying my decant, a bottle is definitely in my future!

  12. Fresh out of the mail, I was a bit confused by this scent; I mostly smelled a sort of red musk, burnt spice with an indolic background. Resting has done this wonders, however! There's something sweet underlying the red musk, like black vanilla maybe; the red musk is recognizable but different to my nose than most other red musk blends, where the red musk takes over and that's all I can smell. Here, the red musk is very deep rather than high pitched, and balanced with glowing spice and a hint of creamy pumpkin, and I definitely think the indole is jasmine now that I can smell it better. It's the kind of jasmine I like---a little stanky but also sweet, a bit ethereal---reminding me of the tender jasmine in Defututa and La Prostitution et la Folie.


    I've never tried the OG Storyville, but am really glad I took a chance on this. I don't have anything else quite like it, and can only imagine that it will age like a dream.

  13. This is probably redundant to say about a Snake Oil blend, but this is really gorgeous. It's coffee Snake Oil with a sultry hint of pumpkin spice. A sugared vanilla incense PSL. It all blends together beautifully into the perfect autumn witch scent, cozy yet alluring.

  14. This is so good! It reminds me of a spookier Lady Una, with a similar honey and vanilla thing going on in the background, but it's much more tart from the plum and berry notes. I am not detecting the opium very strongly, but I'm sure it adds to the venomous vibe of the scent and will likely deepen with age. 

  15. This is so beautiful; if you enjoyed Rose Quartz Bedroom or other rose/marshmallow scents with a twist, I definitely recommend this. I smell the lavender, rose, and bergamot the most at first, with the bergamot lending that almost-citrusy tea quality. The marshmallow and vanilla bean really shine in the dry down, though, elegantly sweet and soft, with the sandalwood/amber keeping the vanilla marshmallow from veering gourmand. This will be wonderful for everyday wear.

  16. This has started to blossom now that it has rested a bit. It starts out with an almost lemony, somewhat perfumey tone. As it dries, it mellows and the sandalwood comes out, warm and dry. The combined scents remind me of a steaming cup of oolong tea, lightly sweetened (in other words, it smells really good to me!). This is a really pleasant, focused scent. It's also nice to have a better idea of what the Lab's sweet amber note smells like.

  17. I am weirdly obsessed with this. It's lighter than I expected and well blended; I detect the black pomegranate (so good!) and champaca and hints of the rest, but the scent overall is kind of mysterious. It reminds me of older BPAL floral blends I've tried like Beatrice; it's kind of delicate and ghostly. The black musk is definitely there but so dark that my nose only detects it on a deep sniff. It's like one of those low frequencies in the universe beyond human hearing.


    My only downside is that it goes a bit soapy after a while (maybe that's the lily?) and I don't detect much patch to balance the floral with more earthy notes. However, I have faith that this will deepen and get richer with rest and age (since my bottle is brand new). I am excited to see how it smells after a few weeks or months. 
