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Posts posted by feyofthefellwood

  1. I was excited to get this as a frimp! It's not really my "type" of scent (I'm that kind of introvert who usually prefers more subtle scents to notice-me ones), but it's still beautiful. Red musk might not be "me" but I'm definitely learning to appreciate all of the lab's musks. This one is sensual and daring, and smells exactly like what I'd imagine a Scherezade perfume to smell like: red musk with just a touch of spice. If my sister doesn't fall in love with it and snatch it up, maybe I will use it for creative writing inspiration someday.

  2. 2019 version. This wasn't quite what I expected, but it's growing on me. I thought it would be much sweeter than it is, but the watery snow note makes it light, delicate, and ethereal. It really does smell like cold snow once it warms and dries, with just a touch of coconut and flowers. My only issue with it so far is that if I sniff too close to my skin I smell something like mineral water (which I have a negative association with after drinking a huge swig as a kid, thinking it was soda), but when my nose is farther away, I enjoy the cold creaminess. Once it has been on for a while it takes on the pina colada scent others have mentioned, which is nice.


    ETA: This has quickly become a favorite. It makes me feel like a snow fairy. I went hiking the other day and the scent of the snow and ponderosa pine bark meshed so well with the whiffs of Snow White I was getting from my hair.

  3. This, uh . . . smells like sea salt on me. :D I'm assuming that's the ambergris and/or sea moss? I get a faint whiff of vanilla once it's dry, but I'm not sure where the lilies are. It's not un-pretty, but I'm hoping everything will blend a bit more as it ages (my imp is brand new).

    ETA: On my second try, this turned out quite nice! The vanilla came out more and balanced the saltiness. I think the note that was confusing my nose was actually the elemi (citrus-y), but yeah, very pretty scent overall.

  4. When I first tried this on, I was disappointed because I could barely smell anything. However, I have since figured out that (1) my skin eats scents after I shower and (2) Morocco's scent gets better the more it warms up on your skin. This is gorgeous and will surely join the ranks of my favorites. I have also discovered that I love red sandalwood and it helps ground the sweetness in Morocco. I definitely feel like I smell vanilla bean and cardamom or cinnamon . . . This smells kind of like baking leftover pie crust in the oven with cinnamon sugar on top. Very warming and cozy. 

  5. 52 minutes ago, artisjok said:

    I don’t know if I’m allowed to recommend another company on this thread... here I go....... Solstice Scents’ During the Rain is an amazing petrichor scent! 

    I’m sure the lab has made something with a petrichor note...

    Ooh, I will definitely look into it, thank you! :)

  6. Petrichor (rather than ozone, mind you) is my favorite smell in the whole world, so now that I've tried a few scents, I figured I'd weigh in. I don't think it's possible to create a scent that smells exactly like that after-rain smell, but these come somewhat close for me. (They are also my top three favorite scents so far, ha!).

    Death Cap: this smells like damp, loamy earth and dead leaves.

    Anne Bonny: this one also crosses over into the "nice scents to wear when it rains" category. It smells like just rained-on cedar wood, but also has a warming quality that makes it feel cozy on a rainy day.

    Elf: this is very ymmv, but to me, the dry-down on this smells like a forest where it has just rained and there are still raindrops on the leaves and flowers. I adore it.

  7. I had high hopes for this one, but it doesn't seem to work well on me. Either I amp something in this or it's a stronger scent than some, because when I put it on it totally eclipsed the scent I was testing on my other wrist. I have been fighting a headache all day and something about it sent me into migraine territory . . . that being said though, it has a lovely citrus and floral smell. I might try it again once it has aged a little; maybe that will mellow it out.


    Edit after aging a few months: no headachey-ness! (Though I used just a tiny bit, a little goes a long way). This is a really gorgeous aquatic floral and I can see how other people are reading honeysuckle from it. It's perfect for a sunny spring day. I'm glad I didn't give up on it before aging.

  8. This is so pretty and unique; I'm not quite sure what to make of it yet, except that I know I like it. I tend to be wary of jasmine, but it's gentle here, balanced by the other notes. I adore the strawberry in the pink musk (at least I think that's what's giving me strawberry) and will definitely be on the lookout for LE blends with this note. As far as I can tell, Vasilissa is the only GC scent with pink musk! Overall, this is pleasantly soothing, feminine, and mysterious.

  9. I'm extremely fond of this one! I love apricot scents and the orange blossoms add some zest and warmth to it. Low-ish throw (as far as I can tell, anyway), but great staying power on my skin---I put some on Saturday night and could still smell it Monday morning.

  10. The poetic description for this one definitely drew me to it. It's very strong in the bottle and remains bold on my skin. It isn't really my type of scent---dark, heady, sexy. That being said, it totally succeeds at conveying that sensual vampire vibe, and once I got over the scent-shock of how strong it is (and the honey dries down), it's actually quite pleasant (mmm, I think I like vetiver). I think my sister will like it because she likes bold, "red" scents, though if she doesn't, I will gladly hang onto it.

  11. When I first tried this on, I wasn't crazy about it; it smelled like hand wipes on me or something. But I was so determined to like it (I am obsessed with ethereal scents and faeries/elves/sidhe etc.) that I tried it again tonight. I'm glad I did! Turns out my chemistry was being silly. It does start off a bit high pitched (like an unripe peach), but once it dries down, it's lovely. This and Katharina remind me of an apricot-honey BBW fragrance I adored as a teen (I, er, still have half a bottle hoarded) and I'm very happy to have found scents that remind me of it.

  12. Unfortunately this is very Vick's vapor rub on me as well, especially at the onset. I like the cedar note once it dries down, but I don't think I can actually wear this successfully. I love forest scents, but to me, Yggdrasil ends up more herbal than forest-y.

  13. I did not expect to like this---patchouli and frankincense are iffy on me---but I really do! I adore the smell of cedar and this smells like salty cedar goodness. The frankincense is a bit strong on me at first but it quickly fades to a gentle, warm red cedar. I will definitely be holding on to this one.

  14. I am really new, unfortunately, but I just wanted to chime in and say I am also very interested in the type of scent you describe. I have ordered Sea of Glass because, from my reading of these threads, it seemed to me a balance between the more floral aquatics like Lady of Shalott and the more ozone-y aquatics like Lightning. However, I haven't gotten Sea of Glass yet so I can't weigh in on how it smells. I know people have recommended scents like Leanan Sidhe for "misty" scents, but I don't know if that would be too green for your purposes.


    Sorry to not be of more help! But I love this concept as well.

  15. Sampled my sister's imp of this. I also love the sorcerer class, so I was excited to try it! This was a morpher on me; smelled the frankincense at first, then it faded to this lovely orange and red cacao scent, but then the lavender came out and mixed with something and it ended up smelling kind of like sunscreen on me. Interesting overall, but not something I think I can wear well. It's great on my sister, though.

  16. My sister got this as a frimp with her order and let me try it. I actually really like it! I definitely get the apple-cinnamon-ginger-pumpkin scent that others have described. I'm not getting a lot of fermented mushroom, but maybe it gives it an earthiness. It's almost a holiday-type scent, autumn or winter baking, or even Christmas potpourri? Either way, I dig it. I don't think I'd wear this as an everyday scent, but it has a warm and playful vibe that would be nice for a Christmas party, ren faire, or other festival-type gathering.

  17. Got this as a frimp. Unfortunately, this one really doesn't work on me. I'm not a huge patchouli fan and combined with the jasmine, on my skin at least, it's a very pungent, musty smell that I can taste in my mouth. This probably means I should stick to sweeter, lighter scents.

  18. At first I wasn't sure what to make of this---I think I'd been bracing myself for the vanilla so much that the currants took me off guard. I also tend to amp berry/fruit scents, so the currant starts off a bit strong on me. Over time, though, it does gentle down into a slightly heady, warm currant-vanilla. This scent is also weirdly addictive; I started out not being that keen on it; now I keep coming back for more! The currants actually give it a nice dimension and uniqueness, I think, although the comparisons to Bordello and Snake Oil really make me want to try those too.

  19. I don't get any cherry in this, oddly (especially since I get the currant so strongly in Eat Me). It's sort of warm, brown sugar and vanilla, or sugar cookies, with a touch of pineapple. When it dries it smells almost chocolate-y. This is kind of what I imagined Butterbeer to smell like. This is a sweet scent, but light enough that I feel like I can wear it without being a walking cloud of sweet-ness.

  20. Bard

    On me, Bard starts out with a lot of rum, morphs into a lovely honey-and-wood scent (seriously, I love the wood notes in this), but then turns sort of acrid--maybe it's the brass? My sister tried it and it smells consistently amazing on her, though.

  21. Elf

    Reading Tolkien's works as a kid started my obsession with elves, so as soon as I saw this scent I knew I had to try it. Luckily for me, my skin chemistry likes it, so it lived up to my high expectations! This does smell very pine-y/aspen-y at first (which I actually don't mind except it makes me sneeze if I take too much of a huff), but quickly morphs into this perfect mountain-forest scent. This, to me, smells exactly like the mountains in Colorado where I grew up: aspen, wildflowers, and crisp, cold air. I do amp the berry a bit in the middle stage, but then the honey/amber scents come out and it all settles into this very delicate, subtle woodland sweetness. My 5ml is on its way.
